Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση



Humbly offered to the PARLIAMENT, for the more effectual preventing the further growth of POPERY.

With the Description and Use of the ECCLESIASTICAL THERMOMETER.

Very proper for all Families.

Infani fanus nomen ferat, æquus iniqui,
Ultra quam fatis eft, virtutem fi petat ipfum.


HAving, with great forrow of heart, obferved

the increase of Popery among us, of late years, and how ineffectual the penal laws and statutes of this realm have been, for near forty years last past, towards reclaiming that blind and deluded people from their errors, notwithstanding the good intentions of the legiflators, and the pious and unwearied labours of the many learned divines of the established church, who have preached to them without ceasing, although hitherto without fuccefs :

Having also remarked, in his Grace's speech to both houses of parliament, most kind offers of his Grace's good offices, towards obtaining fuch further laws as shall be thought neceffary towards wards bringing home the faid wandering sheep into the fold of the church; as also, a good difposition in the parliament to join in the laudable work; towards which, every good Proteftant ought to contribute at least his advice: I think it a proper time to lay before the public, a scheme, which was writ some years fince, and laid by, to be ready on a fit occafion.

That whereas the several penal laws and statutes now in being against Papifts, have been found ineffectual, and rather tend to confirm, than reclaim men from their errors; as, calling a man coward, is a ready way to make him fight; it is humbly propofed,

I. That the faid penal laws and statutes against Papifts, except the law of Gavelkind, and that which disqualifies them for places, be repealed, abrogated, annulled, destroyed, and obliterated, to all intents and purposes.

II. That, in the room of the faid penal laws and statutes, all ecclesiastical jurifdiction be taken from out of the hands of the clergy of the established church, and the fame be vefted in the several Popish archbishops, bishops, deans, and archdeacons; nevertheless, so as such jurisdiction be exercised over persons of the Popith religion only.

III. That a Popish priest shall be fettled, by law, in each and every parith in Ireland.

IV. That the faid Popish priest shall, on taking the oath of allegiance to his Majesty, be intitled to a tenth part, or tithe, of all things titheable in Ireland, belonging to the Papists within




their respective parishes; yet so as fuch grant of tithes, to fuch Popish priests, shall not be construed, in law or equity, to hinder the Proteftant clergyman of fuch parish from receiving and collecting his tithes, in like manner as he does at present.

V. That, in cafe of detention or fubtraction of tithes by any Papist, the parish-prieft do have his remedy at law, in any of his Majesty's courts, in the fame manner as now practised by the clergy of the established church; together with all other ecclefiaftical dues. And, for their further discovery, to vex their people at law, it might not be amiss, to oblige the Solicitor-General, or fome other able King's counsel, to give his advice or afsistance to such priests gratis, for which he might receive a falary out of the barrack fund, military contingencies, or concordatum; having observed the exceedings there better paid than of the army, or any other branch of the establishment; and I would have no delay in payment, in a matter of this importance.

VI. That the archbishops and bishops have power to visit the inferior clergy, and to extort proxies, exhibits, and all other perquifites ufual in Popish and Protestant countries.

VII. That the convocation having been found, by long experience, to be hurtful to true religion, be for ever hereafter abolished among Protestants.

VIII. That, in the room thereof, the Popish

archbishops, bishops, priests, deans, archdeacons, and and proctors, have liberty to assemble themselves in convocation, and be impowered to make fuch canons as they shall think proper, for the government of the Papists in Ireland.

IX. And, that the secular arm being necessary to enforce obedience to ecclefiaftical cenfure, the sheriffs, conftables, and other officers, be commanded to execute the decrees and fentences of the faid Popish convocation, with secrecy and difpatch; or, in lieu thereof, they may be at liberty to erect an inquifition, with proper officers of their own.

X. That, as Papists declare themselves converts to the established church, all spiritual power. over them shall cease.

XI. That as foon as any whole parish shall renounce the Popish religion, the priest of fuch patish shall, for his good services, have a pension of 2001. per annum settled on him for life; and that he be, from such time, exempt from preaching and praying, and other duties of his function, in like manner as Proteftant divines, with equal incomes, are at present.

XII. That each bishop, so soon as his diocese shall become Proteftants, be called My Lord, and have a pension of two thousand pounds per annum, during life.

XIII. That when a whole province shall be reclaimed, the archbishop shall be called His Grace, and have a penfion of three thousand pounds per annum, during life, and be admitted a member of his Majesty's most honourable privy council.

The good confequences of this scheme (which will execute itself, without murmurings against the government) are very visible. I shall mention a few of the most obvious.

I. The giving the priest a right to the tithe, would produce law-fuits and wrangles; his Reverence, being intitled to a certain income at all events, would confider himself as a legal incumbent, and behave accordingly, and apply himself more to fleecing than feeding his flock. His neceffary attendance on the courts of justice, would leave his people without a spiritual guide; by which means, Protestant curates, who have no fuits about tithes, would be furnished with proper opportunities for making converts; which is very much wanted.

II. The erecting a spiritual jurifdiction amongst them, would, in all probability, drive as many out of that communion, as a due execution of such jurifdiction hath hitherto drove from amongst ourselves.

III. An inquisition would still be a further improvement, and, most certainly, would expedite the converfion of Papifts.

I know, it may be objected to this scheme, and with fome shew of reason, That, should the Popish princes abroad pursue the fame methods, with regard to their Proteftant subjects, the Proteftant interest in Europe would thereby be confiderably weakened. But, as we have no reason to suspect Popith councils will ever produce so much moderation, I think the objection ought to have but little weight.

A due

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