Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

thus, much of diagrams, is requested to make a diagram (I do not insist upon atomic figures) of the decomposition which takes place on the addition of dilute sulphuric acid to the sulphuret of iron. All the elements of this decomposition have been discussed directly or collaterally, so that I have no doubt my students will be able to frame the diagram. Resumption of the Metals. Having commenced these lessons with a sketch of the chemical relations of zinc and manganese, more especially as relates to the reagency of hydrosulphuric acid and hydrosulphate of ammonia, we then branched off collaterally into a discussion concerning the properties of these two gases; which discussion being brought to a conclusion, for the time at least, back we return to the metals once more. Notwithstanding the digression, we have not wandered so far from the study of metals as the reader may have supposed. This light and invisible gas-hydrogen-has many of the properties of a metal; indeed by certain chemists it is considered to be a metal; at any rate, it has the singular property of combining with two metals in a marked degree, and with a third to a less extent. These metals are arsenic, tellurium, and antimony, This circumstance furnishes us with a sufficient link of connexion to lead us at once to arsenic as being the most important metal of the three; but there is another connecting link. Arsenic, as I have mentioned already, is one of the few calcigenous metals (don't pass the term calcigenous without understanding it, I have explained its meaning once)-one of the calcigenous metals which does not yield a black precipitate with hydrosulphuric acid; so let arsenic be our present theme.

The student has heard of arsenic frequently enough; he has perhaps, however, never seen it, for the true arsenic, i.e. the metal arsenic, is rare. What people usually call arsenic is really a white powder, a combination of arsenic with oxygen;

ric acid; replace the cork, and ignite the escaping jet. Hold over the latter firstly, a white plate in such a manner that the jet of hydrogen flame may play against the plate, fig. 38. If all the materials be freed of arsenic, the hydrogen will leave no stain.

Secondly, repeat the experiment, substituting for the plate a piece of glass tube open at either extremity, and about a foot long; the diameter of the tube may be about the fourth or the third of an inch. Again, if arsenic be absent from the materials employed, the burning flame will impress no stain. Remove now the cork, pour into the bottle a small portion of liquor arsenicalis, and repeat the experiments with plate and tube as before. The flame will now be recognised to evolve a dense smoke, which may be white or black according to circumstances. If collected from within the flame thus, fig. 39, the stain is black,

Fig. 39.

in like manner, the substance usually called manganese is being composed of particles of metallic arsenic; if collecte l really an oxide of the true manganese, which is a brittle metal without or above the flame, thus, fig. 40, the deposition s something like steel in aspect. Arsenic is also a resplendent

brittle metal, as will be evident hereafter.

The substance I wish you to take for the purpose of studying the general properties of arsenic, is the white arsenic of the shops. There will be some difficulty in procuring this, however, druggists not being allowed to sell it, except disguised by the mixture of other substances; perhaps, therefore, the easier, and certainly the safer plan, will consist in the purchase of about a drachm of a very weak solution of white arsenic, used in medical practice under the denomination of liquor arsenicalis. The strength of this solution is one grain of white arsenic in fluid ounces; a very weak solution consequently, but strong enough for our purposes.

Fig. 40.

The experiments about to be performed are not theoretically interesting merely; they will comprehend one of the processes, and perhaps the best of all, followed in the process of extracting white, being in this case white arsenic, otherwise called arsenic from bodies which contain it. The objects I shall have arsenious acid or oxide of arsenic.

The conversion of

in view are-firstly, the extraction of arsenic from the liquor metallic arsenic into its oxide is most readily observed arsenicalis; secondly, the examination by tests of the arsenic in the tube experiment, wherein the black crust of t tallic arsenic which extends a certain way up,

thus extracted.

Experiment 1. Take a bottle with tobacco-pipe shank and perforated cork. Pour into the bottle, the usual ingreFig. 38..

Fig. 41.

y to


", changes to white arsenic, say at 6, and eventually escapes. Whilst operating with the tube, do not forget to smell the garlic-like odour produced by the metal arsenic when volatilizing. This smell is an important indication of the presence of the metal. I need not direct the learner's attention

dients for generating hydrogen gas, i.e. zine and dilute sulphu. to the curious fact, that the peculiarity of hydrogen gas, which

we have just been investigating, namely, its property of combining with arsenic and carrying this metal away in the form of gas, presents us with an elegant and a powerful agent of analysis. Supposing arsenio to exist in the contents of a stomach, it may be extracted in this way; or supposing a compound to exist of the three metals already examined, ie, zinc, manganese and arsenic, and supposing it desired to remove the arsenic, this might easily be done by adding to the mixture dilute sulphuric acid, and thus driving the arsenic away in the form of arseniretted hydrogen gas. Finally, the zinc and manganese might be separated, as already described at γ. 78. Having thus indicated the general method of obtaining extracting-arsenic from liquor arsenicalis, we will in our next lesson resume the subject, with the special view of obtaining from the fuid in question a sufficient amount of arsenic in the form of arsenious acid to prosecute our experiments upon.



(Continued from page 100.)



1. Υιος σοφος ευφραίνει πατέρα, υἱος δε αφρών λυπη τη μητρι, 2. Πενια ανδρα ταπεινοί, χειρες δε ανδρειων πλουτίζουσιν. 3. Ευλογία Κυρίου επι κεφαλην δικαιου. 4. Μνημη δικαιων μετ' εγκωμίων (sc. εστι), ονομα δε ασεβοῦς σβέννυται. Μισος εγερει νεικός. 6. Ος εκ χειλεων προσφέρει σοφίαν, ῥαβδω τυπτει ανδρα ακαρδιον. 7. Ανηρ διγλωσσος αποκαλύπτει βουλας εν συνεδριῳ, πιστος δε πνου κρυπτει πραγματα. 8. Γυνη ανδρεια στεφανος τῳ ανδρι. 9. Λογον αδικον μισει δικαιος, ασεβής δε αισχυνεται. 10. Σίδηρος σιδηρον οξύνει, ανηρ δε παροξυνει προσωπον έταιρου. 11. Ώσπερ δροσος εν αμήτω, και ωσπερ θετος εν θέρει, ούτως ουκ εστιν άφρονι τιμη. 12. Ακανθαι φυονται εν χειρι μεθυσμού, δουλεια δε εν χειρι των αφρονων. 13. Σοφία και εννοια αγαθη εν πυλαις σοφων (sc. εισιν)· σοφοι ουκ εκκλινουσιν εκ στόματος Κυρίου. 14. Αποθνησκει άφρων εν ἁμαρτίαις. 15. Μη χαίρε επι κακοποιοις, μηδε ζηλου ἁμαρτωλούς. 16. Φοβου τον Θεον, υίε, και βασιλέα. 17. Λόγοις σοφων παραβαλλε σον οὖς, και ακουε εμον λογον. 18. Ελεημοσύνη και αλέθεια φυλακη βασιλει. 19. Κοσμος νεανίαις σοφη, δοξα δε πρεσβυτερων πολιαι. 20. Πας ανηρ φαίνεται ἑαυτῷ δικαιος, κατευθύνει δε καρδιας Κυριος. 21. Ακολαστον οινος, και ὑβριστικον μεθή, πας δε άφρων τοιούτοις συμπλέκεται.

VOCABULARY TO THE PASSAGES FROM THE PROVERBS, 1. ευφραίνω, I rejoice (transitively) ; λυπη, ης, ή, grief. 2. πενία, ας, ή, poverty; ταπεινόω, I lover, degrade; ανδρείος, a, ov, manly, excellent, πλουτίζω, I make rich (from what noun is the verb derived?)

3. ευλογία, ας, ή, a blessing (what are the components of the noun :) ; Κύριος, ου, o, lord, master, the Lord, that is, the Almighty, in the Old Testament; δικαιου for του δικαίου, the article is often omitted in the Greek version of the Hebrew Scriptures : this version is called the Septuagint, sometimes " the Seventy,” because said to have been made by that number of learned Jews at Alexandria in Egypt; the translation was completed in the second century before Christ.

4. μνημη, ης, ή, memory, the memory; εγκωμιον, ου, το, praise, eulogy, our word encomium; ασεβης, οὓς, impious, compare σεβομαι, I worship ; σβεννυμι, I extinguish ; σβέννυται, ἐς extinguished, that is, destroyed.

5. μισος, οὓς, το, hatred, connected with μισεω, I hate; νεικος, οὓς, το, strife; here is exemplified the remark that the Seventy are given to the omission of the article, for in Attic Greek this proposition would be το μισος εγερει το νεικός.

6. ός, the relative pronoun he who ; χειλος, οὓς, το, a lip; ῥάβδον, ου, το, a stick, staff; ακάρδιος, ον (from a, not, and καρδια, the heart), heartless, senseless.


7. διγλωσσος (from δις, twice, and γλώττα, ης, ή, a tongue), double tongued ; αποκαλυπτω (απο, from, and καλυπτω, I hide I conceal; συνέδριον, ου, το, an assembly, hence our word sanhe drim, the name of the Jewish Parliament; πνοη, ης, ή, α breathing, breath; πιστος here would in classical Greek be ὁ πιστός.

8. στέφανος, ου, ό, a crown, hence our proper name Stephen. 9. αισχύνομαι, I am ashamed, from αισχος, οὓς, hatefulness, shame.

10, σίδηρος, ου, o, iron; οξύνω, I sharpen; in παροξύνει, the preposition παρα strengthens the force of the verb; έταιρος, ov, ò, a companion, friend.

11. αμητος (from αμαω, I bind in bundles), harvest time; ύετος (from δεῖν, Lat. pluere, to rain), rain; θερος, οὓς, το,


12. ακανθα, ης, ή, a thorn; φυω, I produce (Lat. fui, I was), φυομαι, I am produced, I am born, I spring up.; μεθυσμος (from μεθυ, wine, strong drink), drunken; άφρων, ονος (from a and φρην), senseless, fools.

13. έννοια, ας, ή, sense (from ev, in, and νους, the mindt), πυλη, ης, ή, a gate ; εκκλίνω (εκ, from, and κλίνω, I bend), I turn


14. αποθνησκω (απο, from, and θνησκω, I die), I die ; ἁμαρτ τια, ας, ή, sin ; consult ἁμαρτανω, already explained.

15. χαίρω, Ι τejoice; κακοποιος, ου, ὁ (κακος, evil, and ποιεω, I do), an evil-floer ; ζηλοw, I desire, envy; ἁμαρτωλος (ἁμαρτανω), a sinner. 16. φοβέομαι, I fear, reverence.

σος, thy, here the personal pronoun is used for the article, 17. παραβαλλω (παρά, near, βαλλω, I throw), I apply to; ordinary Greek giving το οὓς ; εμος, my.

18. ελεημοσυνη (from ελεος, pity), mercy; hence our word eleemosynary, which, through the old English alnesse, is contracted into alms.

19. πρεσβύτης (our presbyter, whence our priest), an old ma»; πόλιος, α, ον, bald, grey; πολιαι, grey hairs (sc. τριχες, hair).

20. φαινομαι, I appear; ἑαυτῷ, to himself, κατευθύνω, Ι direct, guide.

21. ακόλαστος, ον (α not, and κολάζω, I punish, restrict), un restrainable, riotous, ὑβριστικος, ον, insulting : μέθη, ης, ή, drunkenness: τοιουτος, such; τοιούτοις, such things, συμπλεκω (συν, with, nd πλέκω, I weave), I bind together ; συμπλεκεται, ἐν entangled in, is chained to,


1. Μακάριος (sc. εστιν) ανηρ ὡς ὑπομένει πειρασμον. 2. Εκαστος πειραζεται ύπο της ιδιας επιθυμίας. 3. Η επιθυμία τίκτει ἁμαρτίαν, ή δε άμαρτια αποκύει θανατον. 4. Πασα δόσις αγαθη και παν δώρημα τελειον ανωθεν εστι καταβαινον απο του Πατρός των φωτων. 5. Οργή ανδρος δικαιοσυνην Θεου ου κατεργάζεται. 6. Γίνεσθε ποιηται λόγου, και μη μόνον ακροαται, 7. Θρησκεία καθαρα και αμιαντος παρα τῷ Θεῷ και Πατρι αύτη εστιν, επισκέπτεσθαι ορφανους και χήρας εν τη θλίψει αυτών, ασπιλον ἑαυτον τηρείν απο του κόσμου. 3. Η ανωθεν σοφια πρώτον μεν άγνη εστιν, έπειτα ειρηνική, επιεικής, ευπειθής, μεστη ελεον και καρπών αγαθών, αδιάκριτος, ανυπόκριτος, καρπος δε δικαιοσυνης εν ειρηνη σπείρεται τοις ποιούσιν ειρηνην. 9. Ποθεν πολεμοι και ποθεν μαχαι εν ύμιν ; ουκ εντευθεν, εκ των ήδονων ύμων, των στρατευομένων εν τοις μέλεσιν ύμων. 10. Μοιχοι και μοιχαλίδες, ουκ οίδατε ότε ή φιλία του κόσμου εχθρα του Θεου εστιν. 11. Ὁ Θεὸς ὑπερηφανοις αντιτασσεται, ταπεινοις δε δίδωσι χαριν. 12. Εἰς εστιν ὁ νομοθέτης και κριτης, ὁ δυνάμενος σώσαι και απολέσαι.--The Epistle General of James. VoCABULARY TO THE EXTRACTS FROM THE NEW TESTAMENT,

1. Μακάριος, α, ον, happy, blessed; ὑπομενω (υπο, under, and μενω, I remain), I enduro, πειρασμος, ου, ὁ (πειράζω, I try, tempt) trial.

2. έκαστος, η, ον, each, every ; ίδιος, α, ον, one's oon.


3. ATTOкVEW (αTо, from, and кvw, I conceive, am pregnant), I bear, I bring forth; Oavaros, ov, ò, death.

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4. δοσις, εως, ή, a giving ; δώρημα, ατος, το, a gift ; τέλειος, a, ov, perfect; avolev (ava), from above, the termination Gev denominator. gives the idea of from, compare in Number IX., 700Ev and εντευθεν; καταβαίνω (κατα, down, and βαίνω, I go), I come down, EσTI KAT, literally, is coming down, is constantly coming down-a beautiful description of the constancy of the Heavenly Father's goodness; pwc, pwтoc, Tо, light.

5. opyn, ns, (the root of opsyouai), desire, effort, a strong emotion, anger; dikatoσvvη, ns, i, justice, just designs; KaTEρyaloμai (Kara, down, thoroughly, and epyov, a work), I accomplish.

6. γινομαι (the old form of γιγνομαι, compare γενος, a race, a kind), I become; πoints, ov, o, a doer, a maker, hence our poet, the great maker, that is, inventor; arρоaτηs, ov, i, a


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7. Θρησκεία, ας, ή, service, God's service, religion, καθαρος, α, ov, pure; αμιαντος (μιαίνω, I spot), unspotted; και, even, that is, ούτος, αύτη, τούτο, this, επισκεπτομαι (επι, over, and OKERTOμαι, I survey) I overlook; from the same root is our bishop, that is, an overlooker, a superintendent; oppavoc, ov, ὁ, our word orphan; χήρα, ας, ή, a widow ; θλίψις, εως, ή, affliction; avrov, of them, their; aoñiλoç, ov, unstained (oriλos, a stain), Tηρew, I keep, preserve.

8. άγνος, η, ον, chaste, holy; πρωτον, in the first place, ETTEITA, then, in the second place; ɛionvikog (ɛipηvn, peace), peaceful; ERLEIKNS, mild; evπεions (TEUw, I persuade), easy to be entreated; peoros, n, ov, full; adiaкpirog (a, not, dia, through, Koivw, I distinguish), without partiality; avvoкOITOS (α, not, the vis interposed between the two vowels for the sake of euphony; o, under, and кpivo, hence our word hypocrite), without hypocrisy; oneрw, I sow; TOLS TOLOvov, for those doing, that is, those who do or pursue.

9. ποθεν, whence; εντευθεν, thence; ύμων, of you, your στρατευομαι, Ιuar; των στρατ, which make και ; μέλος, ους, To, a limb, member; vuiv, in you.

10. Μοιχος, ου, o, an adulterer; μοιχαλίς, ίδος, ή, an adulteress ; ουκ οιδατε, know ye not ? εχθρα, ας, ή, hatred,

11. ὑπερηφανος (υπερ, above, high, too much, and φαίνω, Ι show), haughty; avτitaσσopaι (avri, against, and ragow, I set), I array myself in opposition to; ramɛivos, n, ov, low, lowly, humble; dicwot, he gives.

12. νομοθέτης (νομος, a law, and τίθημι, I place), a larger, Evvapai, I am able; i dvvap. who is able; ow?w, I save; σωσαι and απολέσαι are infinitives ажоλλvμ, I destroy; governed by ὁ δυνάμενος,

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