Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


In order to represent the two ideas, namely, existence (or affirmation) and attribute, which enter into the signification of the verb, three essential elements are employed; first, the stem; second, the suffix or inflexions; and, third, the prefix or augment, e.g.:



The stem is variable.

[blocks in formation]

Thus we have the stem or root of the verb; the stem of the verb may in most verbs be found by cutting off, the personal-ending; thus, Avo, Av.

Besides the stem of the verb, there is the tense stem, thus, Avoa; the first aorist, by dropping the personal-ending a, gives λvo, the tense stem of the first aorist active; of this form, Avo, the & is the augment or prefix, the force of which is to denote past time.

Of the form Avoa, the oa is the inflexion or suffix of the first aorist; and of the oa, the a is the ending of the first person singular. Full particulars will be given in our next lesson.



Of the University of Pavia, and Professor of the Italian and German
Languages at the Kensington Proprietary Grammar School.


Egli è ritornato, he has returned.

Non è ancora uscito, he has not
yet gone.
Portai, I carried.

[blocks in formation]

COLLOQUIAL EXERCISES.-ITALIAN-ENGLISH. E-gli è ri-tor-ná-to dal bô-sco. Vên-go da Lôn-dra, da cá-sa mí-a. E' gia par-tí-to da Ná-po-li. I'-o só-no tra-diDó-ve a-vé-te voi per-dú-to il vô-stro li-bro? In qué-sto to da voi, da tút-ti. Di-scên-de da ú-na schiát-ta nô-bi-le. giar-dí-no. A-vé-te voi ve-dú-to vô-stra zí-a in ú-na car-16zLon-tá-no dai miêige-ni-to-ri. Lún-gi da Fi-rên-ze. Dachi Za? D6v è vô-stra má-dre? El-la è nel sú-o giar-di-no con di-pen-dé-te voi ? Non si di-stin-gue 1’ ú-no dall’ al-tro. Ri- mí-o pa-dre. Col li-bro e cól-la pén-na. La ta-bac-chiê-ra ở tor-ná-re dál-la Ger- má-nia, dall' I-tá-lia, dál-la Rús-sia, da súl-la tá-vo-la, e l' a-nêl-lo è sul lêt-to. Il mi-o pic-co-lo fraTo-ri-no, Non è an-có-ra u-sci-to dál-la cit-tà. Por-ta-i têl-lo è nél-la stán-za e mi-a so-rêl-la è nel cor-í-le. Col quéste carte dal giú-di-ce al no-tá-jo. Scén-de, cá-de dal | mí-o cap-pel-lo e cól-la mi-a om-brél-la. Dóv’ è tú-o pa-dre? tét-to. L'a-cqua scór-re giù món-te. Da per tút-to. Da E'-gli è nel nô-stro giar-dí-no. Ab-biá-mo tro-vá-to un lí-bro un cán-to, da un lá-to. Non vo-lé-va-no u-sci-re di quà. Ein qué-sta chié-sa. Il mi-o pic-co-lo fra-têl-lo è nél-la scuôri-tor-na-ta pôc' án-zi di Prús-sia. E'-gli è di Gla-scô-via, la. Dov'è la mi-a om-brêl-la? E's-sa è nél-la car-rôz-za. Il E u-sci-to di cá-sa, di teá-tro, di cór-te, di pa-láz-zo, di cit- tem-pe-rí-no di mi-o fra-têl-lo è buô-no. La pén-na di mi-a tà, di chiế-sa. So-no stá-to da ma so-rel-la. Og-gi pran-so-rel-la è án-che buô-na. A-về-te voi ve-du-to 1’ om-brel-la ze-rò dal mer-can-te. Dó-po prán-zo an-drò da lui. E ve- di mi-o pá-dre? La scuô-la di mí-o zi-o è gran-dís-si-ma. Hô nú-to sta-mat-ti-na da me. E-gli a-bi-ta, al-lôg-gia, sta da ve-du-to la ta-bac-chiê-ra di vô-stro pa-dre. A-vé-te voi per sú-o pá-dre (or in cá-sa di sú-o pá-dre; or prês-so sú-o pá- dú-to il tem-pe-rí-no di mi-a so-rêl-la? Qué-sto fan-ciúl-lo è dre*). il fi-glio di mi-a zí-a. Hai tu ve-dú-to il pá-dre di qué-sto VOCABULARY. fan-ciúl-lo? Qué-sto fan-ciúl-lo ha per-du-to la ta-bac chiêu ra di sú-o pa-dre. Hô ri-ce-vú-to un man-têl-lo da nô-stro fra-têl-lo. Ab-bia-mo ri-ce-vú-to un ca-vál-lo da vô-stro zí-o. Mí-o pá-dre ha ri-ce-vu-to ú-na lêt-te-ra da nô-stra zí-a Hai tu ri-ce-vú-to qué-sto re-gá-lo da tú-a so-rêl-la? Mi-a má-dre ha com-prá-to qué-sta cúf-fia da vô-stra so-rêl-la. Il tem-perí-no che ab-bia-mo ri-ce-vu-to da nô-stro zi-o è buô-no e bê la. A-mo mi-a so-rêl-la. Qué-sta má-dre á-ma sú-o fi-glio. Pên-so a mi-o fra-têl-lo. Mi-a zi-a pên-sa a sú-o fi-glio ed a sú-a fi-glia. Qué-sto fan-ciúl-lo ha scrit-to ú-na lêt-te-ra a sú-a má-dre. Mi-o zi-o ha ven-dú-to il sú-o bêl ca-vál-lo a mi-o pá-dre. Hô dá-to il mi-o tem-pe-ri-no a mi-a so-rêl-la. Per tutto, da per tutto, every-Il fi-glio di no-stra zí-a è gran-dís-si-mo. Ab-biá-mo scritto A-vé-te voi pre-stá-to la vô-stra om-brêl-la a mí-o fra-tel-lo? ú-na grán-de lêt-te-ra a nô-stro pá-dre. Mi-a zí-a ha ri-cerú-to qué-sta cúf-fia da sú-a fi-glia. A-vé-te voi ven-dú-to la vô-stra ta-bac-chiê-ra a mí-opa-dre? Hồ pre-stá-to a tú-o fra-têl-lo il tem-pe-rí-no che i-o hô ri-ce-vú-to da mi-o zí-o. Ab-biá-mo dá-to un man-têl-lo a qué-sto fan-ciúl-lo. Hai tu pre-stá-to il tú-o lí-bro a qué-sto buôn fan-ciul-lo? A-vé-te voi tro-vá-to qué-sta pén-na nél-la scuô-la? Pên-so a qué-sto E ritornata, she has returned.fi-glio ed a qué-sta fi-glia. Poc' anzi (for pô-co án-zi), a little while or time before; lately, the other day.

Bosco, forest, wood.

E' gia partito, he has already Carta, f., paper.


Napoli, Naples.

Io sono tradito, I am betrayed.

Discende, he is descended."

Schiatta, race, family.

Nobile, noble.

Lontano, distant, far.

Miei, my (pl. m.).

Genitore, father, i genitori, pl.,

Lungi, distant, far.
Chi? who?

Dipendete voi, do you depend.

Non si distingue, one does not distinguish.

Uno, one.

Altro, other.

Ritornare, to return.
Germania, Germany.
Torino, Turin.

Giudice, judge.

Notajo, notary.

Seende, he descends.

Cade, he falls.

Tetto, roof,

Scorre giù, flows down.

Monte, mountain.

where, in all places, all over.
Canto, lato, side.
Non volevano uscire, they did

not want to go.

Qua, here, di qua, from here
(also, on this side; through
this place, through here;
in this world or life).

To live or reside with one, may also be translated by a-bi-tá-1e (al-log-gia-re, sta-re), in cá-sa di qual-cu-no (to live or reside in the house of one), or prês-so qual cú-no (near or about one).


He comes from the riding-school and not from the garden. He has received the goods from the merchants of Hamburgh, Has Mr. Baring returned from the fair? The letters which I have received from France speak much of a great theft. Does the brother-in-law import the goods from England or from

Has been already, è già
Three, tre

Month, mé-se, m.
William, Gu-gli-él-mo
Has returned, è ri-tor-ná-to
To-day, ôg-gi
His, sú-o

Holland From Hamburgh to Paris is a hundred and ninety | Name, nó-me, m.
French miles. Oxford is not far from London. Does he come Defender, di-fen-só-re, m.
from the shop? No, sir, he comes from the counting-house. Native country, pá-tria, f.
Do you come from the play? No, we come from the ball. I expect, i-o a-spêt-to
The furniture of Mr. Hall has been sold by his heirs. Do you Answer, ri-spó-sta, f.
come from the garden? No, I come from the coffee-house. John, Gio-ván-ni
Where do those gentlemen come from? Some return from
the chase, others from walking, and these latter from fishing.
Here is the money which has been sent to me by the father.
This depends on the mother and not on the brother. The
transition from virtue to vice is far shorter than from vice to
virtue. On the goodness of the laws, (on) the integrity of the
magistrates, (on) the obedience of the subjects, (on) the bravery
of the soldiers, (on) the spirit of enterprise of the merchants,
and (on) the hard work of the labourers, depend the
maintenance and the welfare of the states. Fidelity, glory,
and bravery must guide the soldier if he wants to deserve the
name of a defender of the (native) country. I expect an answer
from John; he has been already for three months in London.
William has returned to-day from Paris, and his brother is
expected from Cambridge. I go every day to Mr. Smith, be-
cause I see, hear, and learn many things at his house. Count
Alfieri has been with the prince to-day. Go to James and tell
him to come to us this evening. George lives at the merchant's
house. The servant is gone to the shoemaker and to the
secretary, and, on his return, I shall send him to the physician
and to the aunt.

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France, la Fran-cia

Speak much of, pár-la-no mólto di

A great theft, un gran la-tro-
cí-nio, m.

Does import, fa ve-ni-re
Brother-in-law, co-gná-to, m.
England, 'In-ghil-têr-ra
Or, o

Holland, ' O-lán-da
Paris, Pa-ri-gi

Is a hundred and ninety miles,
ci só-no cên-to no-van-ta mi-
glia, pl.

French, fran-cé-se
Oxford, Os-for-dia

Is not far, non è lon-tá-no
Does he come, viền' é-gli
Shop, bot-té-ga, f.
No, sir, non, Si-gnó-re
Counting-house, scrit-tó-jo, m.
Do you come, ve-ní-le voi
Play (comedy), com-mê-dia, f.
No, we come, nò (pron. nó), ve-

Ball, bál-lo, m.
Furniture, i mô-bi-li, pl. m.
Has been sold, só-no sta-ti ven-

His heir, il sú-o (pl. suô-i) e-rê-
de, m.

[ocr errors]

Money, da-na-ro, m.

Which has been sent to me,

che mi è stá-to spe-di-
This depends, qué-sto di-pén-de
And not, e non

Transition, pas-ság-gio, m.
Virtue, vir-tù, f.
Vice, ví-zio, m.

Is far shorter than (the transi-
tion), è as-sa-i più cor-to che
non è il pas-ság-gio
Goodness, bon-tù, f.
Law, lég-ge, f.
Integrity, pro-bi-tà, f.
Magistrate, ma-gi-strá-to, m.
Obedience, ul bị điện -20, f.
Subject, súd-di-to, m.
Bravery, va-ló-re, m.
Soldier, sol-dá-lo, m.
Spirit of enterprise, spi-ri-to
spe-co-la-ti-vo, m.

Hard work, la-bo-rio-si-tà, f.
Labourer, la-vo-ra-tó-re, m.
Depend, di-pên-do-no
Maintenance, vi-gó-re
Welfare, pro-spe-ri-tà, f.
State, stád-to, m.
Fidelity, fe-del-tà, f.
Glory, glô-ria, f.

Must guide, dê-vo-no gui-dá-re

If he wants to deserve, se vuôl


Mind this important difference: pé-sca, fishing, fishing-place, fishery; and pe-sca, peach; lividity, black and blue spot (from a blow); blow, thump, cuff.

Is expected, viê-ne a spet-tá-to
Cambridge, Cam-brig-ge
I go, i-o vá-do

Every day, ó-gni giór-no
Because, per-che

Him, lui (at this house, i. e.
with him)

I see, hear, and learn many
things, vé-do, sên-to ed im-
pá-ro ó- gni sôr-ta di cô-se

Count, cón-te
Has been, è stá-to
Prince, prin-ci-pe, m.
Go, va

James, Ja-co-po
Tell him, di-gli

To come (i. e. that he may
come), che ven-ga

This evening, sta-sé-ra (for
qué-sta sé-ra)
Us, noi
George, Gior-gio
Lives, á-bi-ta

Servant, ser-vi-tó-re, m.
Is gone, è an-dá-to
Shoemaker, cal-zo-lá-jo, m.
Secretary, se-gre-tá-rio, m.
On his return, al sú-o ri-

I shall send him, lo man-de-rò
Physician, mê-di-co, m.
Aunt, zi-a, f.




1. The Period is a round dot or mark which is always put at the end of a sentence.

2. In reading, when you come to a period, you must stop as it you had nothing more to read.

3. You must stop only as long as you can count one, two, three, four.

4. You must pronounce the word which is immediately before a period, with the falling inflection of the voice.

5. The falling inflection (or bending) of the voice is commonly marked by the grave accent, thus '.


Charles has bought a new hat.

I have lost my gloves.

Exercise and temperance strengthen the constitution.

A wise son makes a glad father.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.



6. The note or mark of Interrogation is a round dot with a hook above it, which is always put at the end of a question.

7. In reading, when you come to a note of interrogation, you must stop as if you waited for an answer.

8. You must stop only as long as you do at the period.

9. You must in most cases pronounce the word which is placed immediately before a note of interrogation, with the rising inflection of the voice.

10. The rising inflection of the voice is commonly marked by the acute accent thus, '.

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[blocks in formation]

Shall I give you a péach, or an àpple?
Are you going home, or to school?

Last Sabbath, did you go to church, or did you stay at home? Whether is it easier to say, Thy sins are forgiven, or to say, Arise and walk?

Why did the heathen rage, and the people imagine vain things? Is your father wéll, the old man of whom ye spake ?

15. Sometimes the first part of an interrogative sentence must be read with the falling inflection of the voice, and the last part with the rising inflection.


Where have you been to-dày? At home?
Who told you to return? Your father?

What is that on the top of the house? A bird?
What did you pay for that book? Three shillings?

Is not the life more than meat? and the body than raiment ?
What went ye out to sèe? A man clothed in soft raiment ?
What went ye out to sèe? A prophet?

How often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Until seven times?

16. In the following examples some of the sentences are questions requiring the rising, and some the falling inflection of the voice. A few sentences also ending with a period are inserted. No directions are given to the pupil with regard to the manner of reading them, it being desirable that his own understanding, under the guidance of nature alone, should direct him. But it may be observed that questions which can be answered by yes or no, generally require the rising inflection of the voice; and that questions which cannot be answered by yes or no, generally require the falling inflection.


John, where have you been this morning?
Have you seen my father to-day?

What excuse have you for coming late this morning? Did you not know that it is past the school hour?

If you are so inattentive to your lessons, do you think that you shall make much improvement?

Will you go, or stay? Will you ride, or walk?

Will you go to-day, or to-morrow?

Did he resemble his father, or his mother?

Is this book yours, or mine? His, or hers?

Do you hold the watch to-night? We do, sir.

Did you say that he was armed? He was armed.

Did you not speak to him? I did.

Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?
Why are you so silent? Have you nothing so say?

18. In reading, when you come to a note of exclamation, you must stop in the same manner as if it were a note of interrogation. 19. You must stop only as long as you do at a period. 20. You must generally pronounce the word which comes immediately before a note of exclamation with the falling inflection of the voice.

How cold it is to-day!


What a beautiful house that is !
How brightly the sun shines!

How mysterious are the ways of God!

How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle!

How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war pèrished! Would God I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my sòn ! Oh, what a fall was there, my countrymen ! It is a dread and awful thing to die! Oh! deep enchanting prelude to repòse ! The dawn of bliss the twilight of our woes! Lovely art thou, O Peace! and lovely are thy children and lovely are thy footsteps in the green valleys !

21. The student was taught in No. 2, that when he comes to a period, he must stop, as if he had nothing more to read. At the end of a paragraph, whether the period or any other mark be used, a longer pause should be made than at the end of an ordinary sentence. The notes of interrogation and exclamation generally require pauses of the same length with the period.

It may here be remarked, that good readers always make their pauses long; but whatever be the length of the pause, the pupil must be careful that every pause which he makes shall be a total cessation of the voice.


To be read as if marked.

George is a good boy. He gets his lesson well. He is attentive to the instructions of his teacher. He is orderly and quiet at home.

A good scholar is known by his obedience to the rules of the school. He obeys the directions of his teacher. His attendance at the proper time of school is always punctual. He is remarkable for his diligence and attention. He reads no other book than that which he is desired to read by his master. He studies no lessons but those which are appointed for the day. He takes no toys from his pocket to amuse himself or others. He pays no regard to those who attempt to divert his attention from his book.

Do you know who is a good scholar? Can you point out many in this room? How negligent some of our fellow-pupils are! Ah! I am afraid that many will regret that they have not improved

their time !

Why, here comes Charles! Did you think that he would return so soon? I suspect that he has not been pleased with his visit. Have you, Charles? And were your friends glad to see you? When is cousin Jane to be married? Will she make us a visit before she is married? Or will she wait until she has changed her name?

My dear Edward, how happy I am to see you! I heard of your approaching happiness with the highest pleasure. How does Rosé do? And how is our old whimsical friend the Baron? You must be patient and answer all my questions. I have many inquiries to


The first dawn of morning found Waverly on the esplanade in front of the old Gothic gate of the castle. But he paced it long

Who hath believed our report? To whom hath the arm of the before the draw-bridge was lowered. He produced his order to Lord been revealed?


17. The note or mark of Exclamation is a round dot with an upright dash or stroke above it, which is always put at the end of a sentence expressing surprise, astonishment, wonder, or admiration, and other strong feelings.

the sergeant of the guard, and was admitted. The place of his friend's confinement was a gloomy apartment in the central part of

the castle.

Do you expect to be as high in your class as your brother? Did you recite your lessons as well as he did? No. Lazy boy! Careless child! You have been playing these two hours. You have paid no attention to your lessons. You cannot say a word of them. How foolish you have been! What a waste of time and talents you have made!

[blocks in formation]

Il y avait en mil huit cent douze au neuvième régiment de ligne, un petit tambour qui n'avait que dix ans. C'était un enfant de troupe qui s'appelait Frolut de son véritable nom, mais que les soldats avaient surnommé Bilboquet. En effet, il avait un corps si long, si maigre et si fluet, surmonté d'une si grosse tête, qu'il ressemblait assez à l'object dont on lui avait donné le nom; Frolut ou Bilboquet, comme vous voudrez, n'était pas au restes un garçon autrement remarquable. Le tambour-maître lui avait si souvent battu la mesure sur les épaules avec sa grande canne de jonc, que l'harmonie du ra et du fla avait fini par lui entrer dans la tête et dans les mains. Voilà tout. Mais il ne portait pas le bonnet de police suspendu sur l'oreille droite, comme les moindres fifres le faisaient; il ne savait pas marcher en se dandinant, à l'exemple de ses supérieurs, et un jour de paie qu'il avait voulu laisser pendre son sabre par devant, comme les élégants du régiment, il s'était embarrassé les pieds en courant et était tombé sur son nez,10 qu'il s'était horriblement écorché, à la grande joie de ses camarades. On riait beaucoup de lui, qui ne' riait de personne.13 Aussi avait-il dans ses habitudes un fond de sauvagerie et d'éloignement bien rare à son âge,15



1. Quel était le régiment du
petit tambour?

2. Quel âge avait-il?
3. Comment s'appelait-il?
4. Les soldats l'avaient-ils sur-
nommé ?

5. Pourquoi l'avaient-ils sur-
nommé Bilboquet?
6. A quoi ressemblait-il?
7. Quel traitement le tambour-
maître lui faisait-il éprouver?

8. Imitait-il ses camarades dans
la manière de se coiffer ?TM


9. Marchait-il comme ses su-
périeurs P

10. Que lui était-il arrivé un
jour de paie?

11. Quelle avait été la consé-
quence de sa chute ?
12. Se moquait-on de lui?
13. Riait-il des autres?

14. Qu'avait-il dans ses habi

tudes ?

15. Ce caractère est-il commun
aux enfants de l'âge petit

tambour ?

était sur le bord de la Dwina; car l'histoire que je vous rapporte s'est passée dans la fameuse campagne de Russie." Tout-à-coup, on voit arriver au grand galops un aide-decamp du général, qui apportait l'ordre à deux compagnies de voltigeurs de s'emparer de cette batterie. C'était une opération hardie où il y avait à parier que périraient plus des trois quarts de ceux que l'on y envoyait; aussi les voltigeurs, malgré leur intrépidité, se regardèrent-ils entre eux en secouant la tête et en haussant les épaules: on en entendit même quelques-uns et des plus anciens, qui dirent tout bas en grognant et en montrant les canons :

-Est-ce qu'il croit, le géneral, que ces cadets-là1 crachent des pommes cuites? Ou bien est-ce qu'il a envie de nous servir en hachis aux Cosaques, qu'il nous envoie deux cents contre cette redoute ? 12

-Soldats! s'écria l'aide-de-camp, c'est l'ordre de l'Empereur; et il repartit au galop.13

-Il fallait donc le dire tout de suite,14 dit alors un vieux sergent en assujettissant sa baïonnette au bout de son fusil: allons, allons, il ne faut pas faire attendre le Petit Caporal; quand il vous a dit de vous faire tuer il n'aime pas qu'on hésite.1

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NOTES AND REFERENCES.-a. L. part ii. §. 23, R. (5).-6. from recevoir, L. part ii. p. 60.-c. L. S. 92, R. 3.-d. L. S. 56, R. 1.-e. L. S. 44, R. 1.-f. L. S. 11, R. 5.-g. au grand galop, at full speed.-h. il y avait à parier, one might easily think; lit. one might bet.-i. L. S. 23, R. 11.-. the ils is here expletive.-k. Est-ce qu'il croit, does he believe; L. S. 24, R. 3. -. ces cadets-là, those fellows, i. e. the cannons.-m. crachent, send forth.-n. L. S. 20, R. 4.-o. from envoyer; L. part ii. §. 49, R. 2.-p. from falloir; L. p. 92, part ii.-q. from falloir.

NOTES AND REFERENCES.*-a. Il y avait, there was; L. part ii., § 61-2; S. 32, R. 3, 4.-6. L. S. 10, R. 6.-c. enfant der. a name given by the soldiers to the Emperor. troupe, soldier's child.-d. L. p. 94, last sentence of Rés, of Ex. -e. S. 34, R. 1.-f. from vouloir, L. p. 110, part ii.-g. au reste, besides.-h. S. 22, R. 10.-i. from faire, L. p. 92, part ii. j. from savoir, L. p. 104. part ii.-k. from rire, L. p. 104 part ii.—l. §. 5, R. 7.—m. se coiffer, to put on his cap.



UN jour, c'était le vingt-sept juillet1 mila huit cent douze, le général reçoit de l'Empereur l'ordre de s'emparer d'une position qui était de l'autre côté d'un énorme ravin.3 Ce ravin était défendu par une batterie de six pièces de canon, qui enlevait des files entières de soldats, et pour arriver à l'endroit qu'avait désigné l'Empereur, il fallait s'emparer de cette batterie. A ce moment, le régiment de Bilboquet

*The references in these Readings are to Cassell's "Lessons in French," parts i. and ii. In all cases where the part is not specified part i. is understood. L. means "Cassell's Lessons in French"; S., Section; R., Rule.

Il y a du plaisir à rencontrer les yeux de celui à qui on vient de donner.-La Bruyère.

Il vaut mieux lire deux fois un bon ouvrage qu'une fois un mauvais.-J.-B. Say.

Les hommes naissent nus et vivent habilés, comme ils nassent independants et vivent sous des lois. Les habits gênent un peu les mouvements du corps, mais ils le protégent contre les accidents du dehors; les lois gênent les passions, mais elles défendent l'honneur, la vie et les fortunes.-Rivarol.

La loi doit être comme la mort, qui n'épargne personne.Montesquieu.

C'est une plaisante chose à considérer de ce qu'il y a des gens dans le monde qui, ayant renoncé à toutes les lois de Dieu et de la nature, s'en sont fait eux-mêmes auxquelles ils obéissent exactement; comme, par exemple, les voleurs, etc.-Pascal. Beaumarchais.

Sans la liberté de blamer, il n'est point d'éloge flatteur.

Il y aurait une espèce de férocité à rejeter indifféremment toutes sortes de louanges: l'on doit être sensible à celles qui nous viennent des gens de bien, qui louent sincèrement en nous les choses louables.-La Bruyère.

Louer les princes des vertus qu'ils n'ont pas, c'est leur dire impunément des injures.-La Rochefoucauld.

C'est un grand signe de médiocrité, de louer toujours modérément.-Vauvenargues,


Having had frequent inquiries made by our correspondents as to the ages at which they may Matriculate and take Degree in the University of London, we give the following statistical Table on this subject from the documents belonging to th University, under date February 22nd, 1853. Those who wish more exact information than this Table affords, should imme diately apply to the Secretary, Henry Moore, Esq., University of London, Somerset House.

Number and Average Age of Candidates for Matriculation and the several Degrees, and the Number that have passed each Examination, in each year.

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SIR,-As many of my fellow-students in Chemistry are prevented from prosecuting their experiments for want of a blowpipe, I trust you will give publicity to the following simple plan of making one. A blowpipe fit for all ordinary purposes may be constructed in the following manner.

Procure one of Burns' Cutty Pipes (it being the lightest), fit a cork to the bowl, air-tight; bore a hole through the cork, into which introduce about 1 inches of the shank end of a common clay pipe, and the instrument is completed. It generally happens that the hole in the common pipe shank is too large; if so, apply a little pipe-clay, or plaster of Paris, to the point of it, and puncture it, while damp, with a needle of the proper dimensions. Yours, &c., JOHN PATON. Cardiff, January, 1854.


A is the Bowl; B, the Cork; C, the Pipe-stem; and D, the damped

Several correspondents having expressed an earnest desire that the
Lessons in German should be carried on to the conclusion of the Syntax in
the POPULAR EDUCATOR, we shall take an early opportunity of continuing

the series.

R. R. S. (Glasgow): A very intelligent correspondent, under this signature, wishes to know if there be any club (we should have said class) formed in the great western metropolis of Scotland, for the study of chemistry; as he and four or five gents. of his acquaintance wish to become members of the same; or if there be no such thing in our "Auld Reekie," to form one, to meet once or twice a week, as may be found convenient, with the view of making and studying the experiments detailed in our Lessons in Chemistry. As we are Glasguensians ourselves, we should have been happy to join them, for the amusement of the thing; for we well remember what pleasure we had in hearing the lectures of DR. URE, when he was professor of Chemistry in the Andersonian University (the PARENT of all the Mechanics' Institutions in Great Britain): and this was before we became, in our early days, professor of Mathematics in the same Institution, and lectured to Mechanics on the but our vocation here is great and onerous, and therefore we can only Geometry of the Greeks, as we are now doing to the students of the P. E., recommend our townsmen to avail themselves of every opportunity of selfimprovement; and to remember that union is strength in science, as in everything else; and that the world is in rapid progress, and will wait for nobody. We recommend to our correspondent, as classical French, the works of Pascal, La Rochefoucauld, Massillon, Boileau, Racine, La Bruyère, La Fontaine, Bossuet, Bourdaloue, Malebranche, Fontenelle, Montesquieu, Rousseau, St. Pierre, Chateaubriand, &c. He informs G. S. (Cupar), that there was a treatise on Greek pronunciation published in Edinburgh by Professor Blackie.

We have received letters from a considerable number of correspondents, requesting that their names may be appended to any petition which we may get up addressed to the Senate of the University of London on their behalf, for the purpose of requesting that application may be made to Government for the extension of the Charter of the University, so that all self-educated and self-educating students in the realm may be admitted to the honours and degrees hitherto attainable only by the students of the affiliated colleges and institutions of the said University. A movement is in progress on their behalf, which we shall be happy to submit to them when it is matured: io the meantime, we append the initials of those who have favoured us with their names and their views on the subject; viz., R. S. P. (Westminster); W. F. (Bishopsgate); T. W. G. (Morpeth); W. M. (New Swindon); W. R. M. W. (Peckham); J. S. B. (Leeds); J. M. W. (Portsea); J. M. (Denholm); A. M. B. (Thornton); and others in dubio.

J. C. (Salisbury): Learn mathematics, and try to solve problems; this will improve both your memory and your judgment.-J. R. H. (London): Grammar should not be a mere set of rules with endless exceptions, the only way to overcome many difficulties is to read much and to read the best writers.-A. (Leeds): Very well; dans faire battre means in routing or vanquishing men. For the remaining sections of the French Lessons, see "Cassell's French Lessons, Part II."-H. RUSSELL (Weymouth): Try again; se compliquent means they become complicated.-A TOTAL ABSTAINER (Norwich): We must not take the physician's place; it has rarely happened in our experience that a prescription which answered on one occasion was ever good for anything again; patients are so variable, that what answered at one time will not answer at another. The valuable suggestions he has made about the P. E. will be kept in view,

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