Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


No. XX.

(Continued from page 280).

Laws of the Mixture of Gases and Liquids.-Water and several other liquids possess the property of absorbing gases; but under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, the same liquid does not absorb equal quantities of different gases. For instance: at an ordinary temperature and pressure, water absorbs 025 or one-fortieth of its volume of nitrogen, 046 or about one-twenty-second part of its volume of oxygen, a volume equal to its own of carbonic acid, and 430 times its volume of ammonia. Mercury appears incapable of absorbing gases. It has been proved experimentally that the mixture of ases and liquids takes place according to the three follow ing laws:

1st. The weight ot a gas absorbed by a liquid at a given temperature is proportional to the pressure; or, the density of the gas absorbed is in a constant ratio to that of the same gas not absorbed.

2nd. The quantity of a gas absorbed increases as the temperature diminishes; that is, as the elastic force of the gas diminishes.

3rd. The quantity of a gas absorbed by a liquid, is independent of the nature and quantity of other gases which the liquid may hold in solution.

Thus, if in place of a single elastic fluid, the atmosphere above a liquid contains several elastic fluids, it is ascertained that each of these gases, whatever may be their number, is absorbed in the same proportion as if it were single, the pressure which is proper to it being taken into consideration. For example: oxygen forming only about part of the

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the pressure is constant on all the points of each horizontal stratum; neither can it exist unless the density be the same everywhere in the stratum; otherwise, the lighter particles would rise in the fluid mass, like floating bodies, and the more Fig. 90

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air, water in an ordinary state absorbs precisely the same quantity of oxygen as if the atmosphere were entirely composed of this gas, under a pressure equal to part of that of the atmosphere. According to the first law, when the pressure diminishes, the quantity of gas absorbed must decrease. This fact is verified by placing a gaseous solution under the receiver of an air-pump, and forming a vacuum; the gas is observed to act by its expansive force, and to disengage itself from the liquid in bubbles. The same effect is produced by


dense particles would sink in the same. Now, gases and liquids being very liable to expansion under the action of heat, the density diminishes when the temperature increases. Consequently, in order that a fluid mass may remain in equilibrium, it is necessary that the temperature should be the same at all the points of every horizontal stratum of the


Moreover, in order that the equilibrium may be stable, the fluid strata must be arranged in the order of their density. 98

Still this condition does not require that the upper strata shall be more heated than the lower strata; for the latter being more compressed by the superincumbent mass, tend to become more dense; it is sufficient, therefore, if the density increases more by the effect of pressure, in the lower strata, than by that of the diminution of the temperature; and this is generally the case in the atmosphere. The currents which arise in a fluid mass, in consequence of the differences of temperature in the same horizontal stratum, are shown in the draught of chimneys and in the apparatus for warming by means of hot water. These applications will be considered in the sequel.


he never made the experiment, considering it only as an amusing remark. Cavallo, in 1782, had communicated to the Royal Society of London some experiments which he had made, and which consisted in filling soap-bubbles with hydrogen, which spontaneously rose in the atmosphere, the gas with which they were filled being lighter than the air. But the brothers Montgolfier knew nothing of the experiments of Cavallo, nor of the lectures of Dr. Black, when they made their discovery. As they employed heated air only to fill their balloons, the name of Montgolfiers was given to such balloons, in order to distinguish them from those filled with hydrogen, which are the only kind employed in the present day.

M. Charles, Professor of Natural Philosophy at Paris, who Quaquaversal Pressure of Gases.-The pressures produced by died in 1823, was the first who substituted hydrogen for gases, in consequence of their elastic force, are equally trans-heated air in the construction of balloons. On the 27th of mitted in all directions; this has been proved in the case of August, 1783, a balloon inflated with this gas was launched air by means of the Magdeburg hemispheres. From this it is into the airy element from the Champ-de-Mars at Paris. In evident that what has been formerly stated regarding bodies reference to its appearance, Mercier thus writes: "Never was immersed in liquids, is equally applicable to air and gases, and a lesson in Natural Philosophy given before a more numerous that bodies immersed in elastic fluids lose a part of their weight and attentive audience." On the 21st of November, 1783, equal to the weight of the quantity of air or gas which they Pilatre de Rozier undertook, in company with the Chevalier displace. This loss of weight in air is proved by means of the d'Arlandes, the first ærial voyage in a balloon made to ascend baroscope (from the Greek, a weight-mark), an apparatus which by heated air. The ascent took place from the garden “de la consists of a beam, having at one end a hollow brass sphere Muette," near the wood of Boulogne. The aeronauts kept up, four inches in diameter, and at the other a small leaden under the balloon, a fire of damp straw, in order to preserve weight as a counterpoise, fig. 89. In air, the two bodies, the the expansion of the air in its interior; thus the fire was in sphere and the weight, balance each other; but if we place danger of being communicated at every instant to the balloon. the apparatus under the receiver of an air-pump, and exhaust Ten days after, MM. Charles and Robert ascended from the it of the air, the beam will lean to the side of the sphere, as garden of the Tuilleries at Paris, in a balloon filled with hyshown in the figure, which indicates that in reality the sphere drogen. On the 7th of January, 1785, M. Blanchard, in is heavier than the leaden weight, since they do not experience company with Dr. Jeffries, made the first passage from Dover any pressure from the air, but are only acted on by gravity. to Calais. The two aeronauts reached the coast of France with It therefore follows, that in the air the sphere loses a certain very great difficulty, and only after having thrown their clothes part of its weight. If we wish to prove, by means of the into the sea, in order to lighten the balloon. Since that period, same apparatus, that this loss is nearly equal to the weight of a very considerable number of ascents in balloons have been the air displaced, we measure the volume of the sphere, which performed. The ascent which was made by M. Gay-Lussac is about 33 cubic inches; and as this volume of air weighs in 1804, was the most remarkable for the facts which it added about 11 grains, we attach this weight to the leaden weight at to science, and for the altitude which this celebrated philo. the end of the beam. The equilibrium which previously ex- sopher reached, being 23,019 feet above the level of the sea.. isted between the leaden weight and the sphere, when placed Lastly, Mr. Green has risen to a greater height. At that in the air, is now destroyed; but as soon as the apparatus height, the barometer fell to about 13 inches, and the centiis placed in the exhausted receiver, we find that it is re-grade thermometer, which stood at 31° (that is, 87-8 stored. Fahrenheit) on the ground, was then at-9° (that is, 15.8 Fahrenheit), being 5 degrees below zero or the freezing point. On the occasion of a recent ascent, a much lower temperature was observed at the same height. In these elevated regions of the atmosphere, the dryness was such, on the day of GayLussac's ascent, which was in July, that hygrometric substances, such as paper, parchment, &c., were dried and twisted as if they had been put before a fire. Respiration and the circulation of the blood was accelerated in consequence of the great rarefaction of the air. M. Gay-Lussac found that his pulse beat 120 times in a minute, instead of 66 times, the usual number when on the ground. At this great height, the sky was of a very deep-blue colour, approaching the aspect of night; while an absolute and solemn silence surrounded the æronaut. Having ascended from the court of the "Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers" at Paris, Gay-Lussac descended near Rouen, after an ærial voyage of six hours, having travelled about 90 miles.

The principle which Archimedes discovered, as belonging to liquids, being thus found true for bodies immersed in air, we can now apply to them all that has been formerly said regarding bodies immersed in liquids. Hence, when a body is heavier than the air, it falls in consequence of the excess of its weight above the upward pressure or buoyancy of the fluid. If it be of the same density as the air, its weight and the upward pressure are balanced, and the body floats in the atmosphere. But, if the body be lighter than the air, the buoyancy carries it upwards, and the body rises in the atmosphere until it reaches air of the same density as itself. The force of ascension is then equal to the excess of the buoyancy above the weight of the body. This is the cause of the ascent of smoke, vapours, clouds, and balloons in the atmosphere.



Discovery of Balloons Balloons, as their name denotes, are round or globe-shaped bodies, 'made of a light material impermeable to air, and filled with heated air or hydrogen gas, which rise in the atmosphere in consequence of their relative lightTheir invention is due to two brothers, Stephen and Joseph Montgolfier, paper-makers in the small town of Annonay, in the department of Ardèche, in France, where their first attempt was made on the 5th of June, 1783. Their first balloon was a globe made of linen, and lined with paper, about forty yards in circumference, and weighing about five cwt. Being open below, it was inflated with heated air, by burning under it paper, wool, and wet straw. The academician Lalande wrote thus on the occasion:-" At this news, we all said: Such must be the case; how was it never thought of before?" It had been thought of; but there is a difference between the conception of an idea, and its realisation. Dr. Black, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh, had stated, in his course of lectures in 1767, that a bladder filled with hydrogen would naturally rise in the atmosphere; but

Construction of Balloons.-The globe of balloons is pearshaped, and made of long stripes of silk sewn together and covered with varnish or a solution of caoutchouc, to render the silk impermeable to the air. At the top of a balloon is placed a valve which is kept shut by a spring, and which the aeronaut can open at pleasure by means of a cord. A light wicker car, in which several persons may be seated, is suspended from the balloon by the net-work which surrounds the pear-shaped globe, see figs. 90 and 91. A balloon of ordinary dimensions, which can easily lift three persons, is about fifty feet in height, and thirty-six feet in diameter; and its volume, when completely inflated, is upwards of 24,000 cubic feet. The globe weighs about two cwt., and the appendages about one cwt. Balloons are inflated either with pure hydrogen, or with carburetted hydrogen, such as is used for the purpose of lighting shops and streets. Although the latter gas is more dense than the former, it is now generally employed, because it is cheaper and more easily procured than pure hydrogen. It is

only necessary to place the balloon near a gasometer, and fill it by means of a connecting-pipe.

In fig. 90 is represented the mode of filling a balloon with pure hydrogen. On the right of the figure is shown a series Fig. 91.

of casks, which contain iron filings, water, and sulphuric acid, substances necessary for the preparation of the hydrogen. From each cask, the gas is conveyed to a central cask, open at bottom, and immersed in a butt full of water. The gas, after passing through this water, is conveyed into the balloon by a long canvas pipe, fixed at one end to the central cask, and at the other to the bottom.

In order to facilitate the filling of the balloon, two masts are erected, having at their top pulleys traversed by a rope, which passes through a ring fixed at the top of the valve. By this means, the balloon being at first raised about a yard above the ground, the gas is admitted; then, in proportion as the balloon is filled, it is raised a little higher, and it is allowed to expand more and more, until it frees itself from this apparatus. It is now necessary to oppose the force with which it begins to ascend. For this purpose, a number of men are employed to hold it down by means of cords fixed to the netting. When the balloon is completely filled, it is then necessary to remove the pipe which conveyed the gas, and to attach the car to the net-work. These different preparatory operations require at least two hours. The aeronaut is then seated in the car, and at a given signal, the cords are loosed, and the balloon ascends with a velocity in proportion to its lightness as compared with the air which it displaces.

It is important to observe that a balloon should not be completely inflated; for the atmospheric pressure diminishing in proportion to the height of the ascent, the interior gas expands in consequence of its elastic force, and tends to make the balloon burst. It is sufficient that the force of ascent; that is,

the excess of the weight of the air displaced above the whole weight of the apparatus, be about ten pounds. It is to be observed that this force remains constant so long as the balloon is not completely inflated by the expansion of the interior gas. For, if the atmospheric pressure be reduced to one-half, the gas in the balloon, according to Mariotte's law, is increased to double its volume. Whence it follows, that the volume of air displaced is itself doubled, and its density is reduced to one-half; therefore its weight, and consequently its upward pressure or buoyancy are still the same. But as soon as the balloon is completely inflated, if it continue to rise, the force of ascent diminishes; for the volume of air displaced remaining the same, the density diminishes. Accordingly, the balloon will ere long reach a point where the upward pressure Consequently, the balloon can only take then a horizontal direction, being carried by the currents of air which exist in the atmosphere.


is zero.

The indications of the barometer are the most certain means by which the æronaut knows when he is ascending and when he is descending. In the former case, the column of mercury falls; in the latter, it rises. By the assistance of the same instrument, he is enabled to ascertain the height which he has reached. A long streamer fixed to the car, fig. 91, also indicates, by the position which it takes above or below the car, whether he is ascending or descending. When the aeronaut wishes to descend, he draws the cord which opens the valve placed at the upper part of the balloon; the hydrogen mixes with the exterior air, and the balloon descends. On the contrary, in order to slacken his descent when it is too rapid, or to re-ascend if placed in a perilous situation, the aeronaut empties bags full of sand, a sufficient quantity of which had been placed in the car for this purpose. Thus lightened, the balloon rises again, in order to descend in a more suitable place. The descent is facilitated by suspending an anchor to the car by means of a long cord. When this anchor has taken hold of a proper obstacle on the ground, the car and balloon are lowered by gently drawing the cord.

Balloons have not as yet received any important applications. At the battle of Fleurus, in 1794, a balloon, retained by a cord, was employed to discover the movements of the enemy, which were made known to the army by signals made by an observer seated in the car. Several ascents have also been undertaken with the view of making meteorological observations in the higher regions of the atmosphere. But balloons will only become of real utility when the power of directing them has been attained. The trials hitherto made for this purpose have completely failed. At present, we can only rise in the atmosphere until we meet a current of air which will carry us in the direction answerable to the end we have in view.

The Parachute.-The object of the parachute (from the French, a guard from falling) is to enable the aeronaut to leave his balloon, by giving him the means of slackening the velocity of his descent. This apparatus is composed of a large circular sail, fig. 92, of about five or six yards in diameter, which, by the effect of the resistance of the air, expands and forms a huge umbrella which slowly descends to the ground. On its edges are fastened cords, which support a car, in which the aeronaut is seated. In the centre of the parachute, there is an opening for the escape of the air which is compressed by the effect of the descent; without this, the air would produce oscillations on the parachute, which would be communicated to, the car and render the position of the aeronaut perilous. In fig. 91 is shown, on the side of the balloon, a parachute folded and attached to the netting, by means of a cord passing over a pulley and fixed to the car. By loosening this cord, the parachute is placed in the power of the aeronaut. M. J. Garneri was the first who descended in a parachute; but M. Blanchard appears to have been the inventor.

Weight required to raise a Balloon.-In order to calculate the weight required to raise a balloon of given dimensions, when it is supposed to be perfectly spherical, the following formula is employed: v=D, which represents geometrically the volume of a sphere, whose diameter is D, 7 being the ratio of the circumference to the diameter, or 31416 nearly. Thus, if a balloon of thirty-six feet in diameter were completely filled with hydrogen, its volume would be about 24,430 cubic feet. But in general, the balloon, when it begins to ascend, is only about half filled, whence its volume may be assumed at

12,215 cubic feet; and such is the volume of displaced air at the first moment of its ascent. According to calculations formerly shown, this quantity of air weighs about 9914 lbs. or nearly nine cwt., and this is the upward pressure which tends Fig. 92.

to raise the balloon. But in order to calculate the real force of the ascent, we must subtract from this pressure the weight of the hydrogen in the balloon, and of the globe of which it is made, with its appendages. Now, the weight of hydrogen is about part of the weight of air; whence, the weight of the gas in the balloon is about 9911-14-71 lbs., nearly. Adding to this weight that of the globe and its appendages, formerly reckoned at about three cwt., we have upwards of 3 cwt., say four cwt., for the weight to be subtracted from the nine cwt. just mentioned; this leaves a remainder of about five cwt. for the force of the ascent. But we have seen that it is sufficient for the force of ascent to be about 10 lbs.; whence, there is a little less than the weight of five cwt. remaining for the additional weight which a balloon may safely carry into the atmosphere.

LESSONS IN CHEMISTRY.-No. XIX. THE subject of our present lesson shall be the metal silver; not only so interesting for its commercial value, but as regards its striking chemical qualities.


There are not many metals which admit of being traced through a long list of combinations, and again obtained in the metallic form, so easily as silver. Its chemical physiognomy is, in point of fact, exceedingly well marked, as we shall presently see. It is always well to begin the chemical examination of a substance, by choosing the same in a pure condition, unmixed with any accessory that might veil its properties or obscure the result. therefore recommend, as the source for obtaining a silver specimen, a few grains, say eighteen or twenty, of the salt called nitrate of silver. This substance occurs in commerce under two forms: either as sticks something like slate-pencil, only whiter, or as crystals. The latter will be somewhat the purer of the two; but the former, known popularly as "lunar caustic," will answer very


Let the student then take about eighteen or twenty grains of lunar caustic, or rather more of crystallised nitrate of silver, and effect a solution of the substance in about half a pint of distilled water. The solution takes place with great facility, and

may be readily accomplished in a Florence flask,-all the more rapidly under the influence of a gentle heat. The solution will be perfectly colourless and transparent; not the slightest amount of milkiness will be perceptible. I can fancy many a reader poring over his solution at this moment, and imagining the writer of these lessons to have erred. Some, in looking at a milky opalescent solution, will be ready to think that the assurance of "perfect clearness" is altogether untrue. If the water be quite pure, the solution will be absolutely transparent; but inasmuch as nitrate of silver is a most delicate test for certain classes of impurities, it is more than probable that many students may get a turbid solution.

Should this be the case in the present instance, heed it not. The occurrence will serve to mark a fact, without interfering with the current of our experiments. You have only to wait awhile, and the turbidity will settle, leaving a clear solution above, well adapted for our purposes. Having followed out the preceding directions, it is evident that a solution of nitrate of silver in water will have been obtained. We will proceed to investigate its chemical characters presently; meantime, let it be well impressed upon the mind that the solution is colourless: hence it follows that any solution which is not colourless, must contain some other substance besides nitrate of silver. We may generalise still more, and say that all silver solutions are colourless. Strictly true this assertion is not, I am aware; but it is, nevertheless, so nearly true, as to warrant its being considered by the student as a universal fact. Accepting the proposition as absolute, we may then make the further assertion, that, though a metallic coloured solution may contain silver, it must contain some metal in addition to silver.

The appreciation of these broad qualities-these general characteristics, are of the highest importance in chemistry: several metals being recognisable at once, by noticing the colour of their solution. That the reader may at once see the force of this remark, let him dissolve a small silver coin in some pure aquafortis, diluted with about an equal volume of water, for the purpose of moderating the violence of the action which ensues. The experiment is best conducted in a Florence flask, which may be placed in hot sand on a grate hob, in order that the injurious fumes which escape may be carried up the chimney.

When the operation of solution has been effected, remark well the tint of the resulting fluid. The experimenter has employed a silver coin, I have assumed, dissolved it in an acid, i. e. aqueous nitric acid or aquafortis. Having regard to the substances used, therefore, it would seem that a solution of nitrate of silver should result. Nevertheless the solution is no longer colourless but blue, and if the student evaporates it, blue crystals will appear. It follows, therefore, that if there be any truth in what I have stated, the silver coin must have contained something in addition to silver. Now supposing the colouring agent to be metallic, and it must be so-by "construction," as geometers say-in other words, it must be so, because we have only used a metallic coin, then it follows, firstly, that the coin was not of pure silver, but an alloy. Secondly, that the alloying substance was a metal yielding a blue nitric acid solution. Now I am only aware of two metals which are capable of yielding such a blue solution. These metals are copper and nickel; and most people know, I presume, that copper is the metal used for alloying our silver coins. Pure silver would be altogether too soft for the purpose, as the reader will not fail to see when he shall have developed a little of that metal from its liquid combination.

Put away this cupreous silver solution, duly labelled. To expatiate on it here would be so far out of order, that we are discussing the properties of silver, not copper. It will, neverthe less, come under our notice when we treat of the latter metal; indeed even before, for I shall put the student in possession of an easy means by which all the silver may be separated, and the copper left behind.

Returning now to our solution of nitrate of silver, let the student question it thus:


(1) What is its nature?

To arrive at an answer to this question, drop a little of your strong solution, say twenty or thirty drops, into a wine-glass; fill up the wine-glass with distilled water, and test with hydrosulphuric acid solution. We get a well-pronounced black precipitate, on observing which we immediately deduce the following truths. (1) The solution contains as its base, a metal. (2) A calcigenous metal (vide Lesson p. 39). (3) Neither zinc, arsenic,

antimony, cadmium, nor tin, in the state of persalt; because the precipitate would either have been white or yellow. (4) Nor iron, manganese, nickel, cobalt, or uranium, because hydrosulphuric acid without ammonia, does not precipitate them. Consider, then, the nature of these deductions, and see into what a corner we are driving metal, even by the evidence of one single witness.

Let us now try another witness, namely, ferrocyanide of potassium; and once for all let the student remember that hydrosulphuric acid, hydrosulphate of ammonia, and ferrocyanide of potassium, are the three witnesses always first cited in a court of chemical inquiry, supposing the substance ander question to be in the state of liquidity and totally unknown. Whatever evidence is to follow, theirs comes first; all three, if we want them, or two or one as the evidence may require. As regards the case now under consideration, the reader will not fail to see that hydrosulphate of ammonia could only afford positive testimony, given already negatively by hydrosulphuric acid. Now, in many chemical examinations, negative testimony is as valuable as positive. It is so in the present instance. Let us now proceed to use the third test, ferrocyanide of potassium (yellow prussiate of potash), in solution of course. For this purpose, add a few drops of the strong nitric acid solution to a little distilled water, and test with prussiate of potash. We now get a whitish sort of precipitate.

Omitting to repeat such of the evidence yielded by this test as we happen to know already, what novelty does it communicate? What has it to say of its own specific knowledge? Why it tells us that, in addition to all the metals amongst which ours is not, it furthermore is not



Titanium ;

because either of these, similarly treated, would have yielded a mahogany brown colour. This fact I have not brought before the student hitherto; let it therefore be committed to memory at once, and never forgotten. It follows, then, that our unknown metal is at length hunted into an exceedingly narrow corner. If the student will only refer to a list of metals, and see the names of those of which the present is not, he will arrive at the conclusion that it must be one of a very few. At this point I will assume the operator to appeal to the evidence of another test, either hydrochloric acid (spirit of salt), or else common salt dissolved in water; practically, so far as relates to the present investigation, these tests are the same, and the student may use whichsoever he pleases.

Treated with either of these substances, our solution (assumed to be unknown) will throw down a dense white precipitate; hence we know at once that the metal we are hunting for is either silver or mercury; no other metals being capable of producing a similar effect.

Finally, the addition of a little hartshorn (liquor ammonia) causes the precipitate to dissolve and the whiteness totally to disappear; which characteristic result demonstrates the metal to he silver, nothing but silver.


Its aim oft idle, lovely in its end,

We turn to look, then linger to befriend; The maid of Egypt thus was made to save A nation's future leader from the wave; New things to hear, when erst the Gentiles ran, Truth closed what Curiosity began. How many a noble art, now widely known, Owes its young impulse to this power alone; E'en in its slightest working, we may trace A deed that changed the fortunes of a race: Brace, banned and hun'ed on his native soil, With curious eye surveyed a spider's toil; Six times the little spider strove and failed; Six times the chief before his foes had quailed; "Once more," he cried, "in thine, my doom I read, Once more I dare the fight, if thou succeed; 'Twas done: the insect's fate he made his own: Once more the battle waged, and gained a throne.

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Cependant il entrait encore quelque hésitation dans la compagnie,' et déjà deux fois le capitaine qui commandait avait donné l'ordre au tambour-maître de prendre deux tambours, de se mettre en avant, et de battre la charge.2 Celui-ci restait appuyé sur sa grande canne, hochant la tête et peu disposé à obéir. Pendant ce temps Bilboquet, à cheval sur son tambour et les yeux levés sur son chef, sifflait un air de fifre et battait le pas accéléré avec ses doigts. Enfin l'ordre venait d'être donné une troisième fois au tambour-maître, et il ne paraissait pas disposé à obéir, lorsque tout à coup, Bilboquet se relève, accroche son tambour à son côté, prend ses baguettes, et passant sous le nez du tambour-maître, il le toise avec orgueil, lui rend d'un seul mot toutes les injures qu'il avait sur le cœur, et luit dit :---Viens donc, grand poltron!

Le tambour-maître veut lever sa canne, mais déjà Bilboquet était à la tête des deux compagnies,10 battant la charge comme un enragé. Les soldats, à cet aspect, s'avancent après lui et courent vers la terrible batterie." Elle décharge d'un seul coup ses six pièces de canon, et desi rangs de nos braves voltigeurs s'abattent et ne se relèvent plus.12 La fumée, poussée par le vent, les enveloppe, le fracas du canon les étourdit; mais la fumée passe, le bruit cesse un instant, et ils voient debout, à vingt pas devant eux, l'intrépide Bilboquet battant la charge,13 et ils entendent son tambour, dont le bruit, tout faible qu'il soit,' semble narguer tous ces gros canons qui viennent de tirer. Les voltigeurs courent toujours, et toujours,15 devant eux le tambour et son terrible rlan rlan les appelle;" enfin une second décharge de la batterie éclate et perce d'une grèle de mitraille les débris acharnés des deux belles compagnies. 16 A ce moment, Bilboquet se retourne et voit qu'il reste à peine cinquante hommes des deux cents qui étaient partis, et aussitôt, commne transporté d'une fureur de vengeance, il redouble de fracas :15 on eût dit vingt tambours battant à la fois; jamais le tambour-maître n'avait si hardiment frappé une caisse. Les soldats s'élancent de nouveau et entrent dans la batteric, Bilboquet le premier, criant à tue-tête aux Russes:


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