Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
[blocks in formation]

Tu ti fó-sti


Tu ti pen-ti-ré-sti


Egli, ella si fu

Noi ci fum-mo

Voi vi fó-ste


Eglino, elleno si fu-ro


Egli, ella si pen-ti-rêb-be
Noi ci pen-ti-rém-mo
Voi vi pen-ti-ré-ste

ti,-e Eglino, elleno si pen-ti-rêb-be-ro. Conditional Past (Tempo condizionale passato.

Future (Tempo futuro).

I shall repent.

Io mi pen-ti-rò

Tu ti pen-ti-rd-i

Egli, ella si pen-ti-rà

Noi ci pen-ti-ré-mo

Eglino, elleno si pen-ti-rán-no

Voi vi pen-ti-ré-te

I might have repented.

Io mi fós si

Tu ti fós-si

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Egli, ella si fós-se

Noi ci fós-si-mo

Voi vi fó-ste

Eglino, elleno si fós

pen-titi, -e




Le voilà, fatigué, de retour au hameau!1
Hélas! à la clarté d'une faible lumière,

On veille, on pleure encore dans la triste chaumière ;
Il arrive à la porte :-Ouvrez-moi, mes enfants,
Ouvrez-moi c'est Brunon, Brunon que je vous rends.
On accourt. O surprise! ô joie! ô doux spectacle!
La fille croit que Dieu fait pour eux un miracle;
I should have repented.
-Ce n'est point Monseigneur, c'est un ange des cieux,5
pen-tí- Qui sous ses traits chéris se présente à nos yeux;
to,-a Pour nous faire plaisir il a pris sa figure;

Io mi sa-rê-i

Tu ti sa-ré-sti

Egli, ella si sa-rêb-be

Noi ci sa-rém-mo

Voi vi sa-ré-ste
Eglino, elleno si sa-réb-


Repent thou.

Pên-ti-ti tu.

Do not thou repent.

Non ti pen-ti-re.* pên-ta-si egli, ella.


si pên-ta egli, ella.† pen-tid-mo-ci nơi. pen-ti-te-vi voi, pên-tan-si eglino, elleno.


si pên-ta-no eglino, elleno.


Aussi je n'ai pas peur.. Oh! non, je vous assure, pen-ti-Bon ange! En ce moment, de leurs larmes noyés, ti,-e Père, mère, enfants, tous sont tombés à ses pieds."

Perfect (Tempo passato). I may have repented.

Present (Tempo presente).

[blocks in formation]

Io mi si-a

Tu ti pên-ta

Tu ti si-a

Egli, ella si pên-ta

Egli, ella si sí-á

Noi ci siá-mo

Noi ci pen-tid-mo

Voi vi pen-tiá-te

Eglino, elleno si pên-ta-no

Voi vi siá-te

pen-tito, -a


Eglino, elleno si si-a-nofti,


I have stated that the imperative and infinitive moods, the past participle and the gerund, require the reciprocal pronouns to be added as suffixes to the verb, and according to this rule it is not allowable to say: mi da, tell (thou) me; mi dá-te, give (ye) me; si ma-ra-vi-gliá-re, to wonder; si ral-le-grán-do, being delighted, etc.; but dimmi, datemi, maravigliarsi, rallegrandosi, etc. However, when the imperative and infinitive moods and the gerund are used negatively, it is better, and much more common (particularly in the imperative mood), to place the reciprocal pronouns before them, and to say: c.g. non ci di-men-ti-ca-te di quel che v'ho dêt-to (from di-men-ti-ca-re, do (thou) not forget it; non ti ma-ra-vi-glia-re, do (thou) dimenticarsi, to forget), do (ye) not forget what I have told you; non te ne not wonder; non se ne ma-ra-ri-gli, let him not wonder at it; non si mara-vi-gli-no, let them not wonder; non si con-ten-tán-do di ciò (from contentarsi, to be satisfied), not being satisfied with this, etc.

The third persons singular and plural of the imperative mood may be likewise considered as exceptions to the rule mentioned in the preceding note, and the reciprocal pronouns are much more frequently placed before them than added to them as suffixes. The beginner, perhaps, will do better in all cases to adhere to the practice of placing the reciprocal pronoun before those persons; for even in all those tenses where it is allowable to add the reciprocal pronouns as suffixes to a verb, instead of placing them before it, clearness and euphony must be consulted, and only a quick car, by a constant reading of the most elegant writers, is able critically to discern ambiguities or unharmonious sounds.


-Levez-vous mes amis ; mais quelle erreur étrange!
Je suis votre archevêque, et ne suis point un ange;
J'ai retrouvé Brunon, et pour vous consoler,
Je revenais vers vous; que n'ai-je pu voler d
Reprenez-la, je suis heureux de vous la rendre.

-Quoi! tant de peine! O ciel! vous avez pu la prendre,"
Et vous même! Il reçoit leurs respects, leur amour,

Mais il faut bien aussi que Brunon ait' son tour.

On lui parle :-C'est donc ainsi que tu nous laisses !10
Mais te voilà!-Je donne à penser les caresses!
Brunon paraît sensible11 à l'accueil qu'on lui fait :
Tel au retour d'Ulysse, Argus le reconnaît.
-Il faut, dit Fénelon, que je reparte encore :12
A peine dans Cambrai serai-je avant l'aurore;
Je crains d'inquiéter mes amis, ma maison..
-Oui, dit le villageois, oui vous avez raison ;13
On pleurerait ailleurs, quand vous séchez nos larmes !
Vous êtes tant aimé ! prévenez leurs alarmes ;
Mais comment retourner? car vous êtes bien las !
Monseigneur, permettez.... nous vous offrons nos bras ;
Oui, sans vous fatiguer's vous ferez le voyage.
D'un peuplier voisin on abat le branchage,
Mais le bruit au hameau s'est déjà répandu :15
Monseigneur est ici! chacun est accouru,
Chacun veut le servir. De bois et de ramée
Une civière agreste aussitôt est formée,
Qu'on tapisse partout de fleurs, d'herbage frais,"
Des branches au-dessus s'arrondissent en dais;
Le bon prélat s'y place," et mille cris de joie
Volent au loin; l'écho les double et les renvoie.
Il part; tout le hameau l'environne et le suit;
La clarté des flambeaux brille à travers la nuit ;1
Marche.... Honneurs innocents! et gloire pacifique !
Le cortège bruyant, qu'égaie un chant rustique,
Ainsi, par leur amour Fénelon escorté,
Jusque dans son palais" en triomphe est porté.

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Now Ready, price 9s. 6d. strongly bound.

Composed from the French Dictionaries of the French Academy, Bescherelle,
Landa's, etc.; from the English Dictionaries of Ogilvie, Johnson, Webster,
etc.; and from the Technological and Scientific Dictionaries of both Lan-
guages By Professors DE LOLME and WALLACE, and HENRY BRIDGE-
MAN, Esq.

The following are the distinctive features which render this Work superior
to any of the same class now extant. It has been compiled with unusual
care o the very best authorities. It contains correct renderings of all the
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tare, commerce, law, politics, etc., as well as familiar conversation-which
are in hapensable to a knowledge of language, but yet are rarely, if ever, to
be found properly translated in any Dictionary. The idiomatic usages of
Che two languages-the constructions of verbs, the force of prepositions, and
The chances of meaning caused by different combinations of words-are
More copiously and carefully illustrated than elsewhere within the same
The meanings are also classified and arranged in such a manner as
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(Continued from page 334.)

DISPERSION AND ACHROMATISM. DECOMPOSITION OF WHITE LIGHT-THE SPECTRUM. THE phenomenon of refraction is not so simple as is generally supposed. When white light, or that which arrives from the sun, passes from one medium to another, it not merely deviates in its course; it is decomposed into several species of lights,-a phenomenon which is designated dispersion. To demonstrate that white light is decomposed by refraction, let us admit into a dark room a sunbeam s A, through a very small opening in the shutter, fig. 302. This beam would form at K an image

Fig. 302.


flint glass this difference is 0.0433; in crown glass, 0.0246; the dispersion of the flint being thus nearly double that of the In prisms of the same substance, the dispersion decreases with the refracting angle of the prism; for if this angle were reduced to nothing, the surfaces of incidence and emergence would be parallel, and the light would not be decomposed.

In spectra produced by artificial light, we observe no other colours than those which present themselves in the solar spectrum, but in general some are wanting. Their relative intensity is also much modified. The hue which prevails in Yellow, red, artificial light prevails equally in its spectrum. and green flames give spectra, in which the dominant tint is yellow, red, or green.

In order to produce a solar spectrum, in which the seven principal colours shall be sufficiently distinct, the opening by diameter, and the angle of refraction in the prism being 60°, which the sunlight enters should be only about an inch in the screen on which the spectrum is received should be distant five or six yards.

The Colours of the Spectrum are simple and unequally refrangible. -If we isolate one of the colours of the spectrum, intercepting the others by means of the screen E, as shown in fig. 303, and

[blocks in formation]

of the sun, round and colourless; but if we interpose a prism of flint glass P, disposed horizontally, the beam on entering and issuing from the prism is refracted towards its base; and instead of an image round and colourless, we receive on a distant screen an image IH, which in the horizontal direction is of the same dimension as the original beam; but if

cause it to pass through a reduced prism B, we observe still a deviation, but the light remains identically the same; that is, the image received on the screen H, is red, if a red beam passes through; and so of blue, and the other colours. This demonstrates that the colours of the spectrum are simple, or not decomposable by the prism.

Fig. 304.

Moreover, colours are unequally refrangible, which means


vertical, it is oblong, and coloured with all the beautiful tints
of the rainbow. This coloured image is called the Solar spectrum.
There are in reality in the spectrum an infinity of time, but
be distinguish seven principal colours, in the following order,
beginning with the most refrangible: violet, indigo, blue, green,
yellow, orange, red. These colours do not all occupy an equal
the lean the spectrum; the violet has the most, and the orange
With transparent prisms of different substances, or with
priems of thick glass filled with various liquids, we obtain
spectra formed of the same colour and in the same order; but
Variangle of refraction being equal, the length of the spectrum
Taries with the substance of which the prism is composed,
Those which reach the greatest extent are called more disper-
ind; and the dispersion is measured by the difference of the prisms. On the first prism A, fig. 304, disposed horizontally, we
indices of refraction in the extreme rays of the spectrum. In admit a pencil of white light 5, which, when it has only traver-

that they possess different indices of refraction. The elongated
form of the spectrum will suffice to exhibit the unequal
refrangibility of simple colours; for it is evident that the
violet colour, which deviates most towards the base of the
prism, fig. 302, is also the most refrangible, and that the red
colour, which deviates least, is the least refrangible. But we
can demonstrate the unequal refrangibility of simple colours
by several experiments. We shall take the two following:
1st. Let us affix to a piece of black pasteboard two narrow
slips of paper, the first red, and the second violet, and then
look at them through a prism. We shall see that both become
deviated, but unequally, the red slip less than the violet,
which proves that red rays are less refrangible.



2nd. We can, again, make Newton's experiment of crossed


[blocks in formation]

14. Que dit-il de l'amour du peuple pour l'archevêque? 15. Comment lui propose-t-il de faire le voyage? 16. La nouvelle de son arrivée se répandit-elle ? 17. Que forma-t-on alors? 18. De quoi couvrit-on la


19. Que fit le bon prélat?

W. MARTIN (New Swindon); PETER ALEXANDER (Glasgow); A. LAIDLAW (North-bank); GEORGE WILD (Dalton-on-Tees); and J. RUSSELL (Chislehurst), have solved most of the first portion of the second Centenary of Algebraical Problems. ISAK has also solved them remarkably well in general, but he is wrong in No. 29, though he has arrived at the given answer, which should have been, as several of the above students have pointed out, JOHN W. JACKSON (Dublin): To divide unity into extreme and mean ratio, let z be the greater part, and y the less. Then by definition we have ci-+y:::: y, and by supposition + y = 1, by solving which equations ±5√y will be found = whence y, and consequently z, may be obtained. The same method may be applicable whatever number be used instead of unity.

"20 bushels of rye and 52 bushels of wheat."

| 20. Que fait tout le hameau ? 21. Comment le cortège était-il éclairé ?

22. Où les paysans portèrentils Fénelon?

NOTES AND REFERENCES.-a. from accourir; L. part ii., p. 76. b. from croire; L. part ii., p. 84.---c. L. S. 41, R. 6d. que n'ai-je pu voler! Oh! that I had had wings! literally, that I could have flown !-e. la here relates to peine.--f. L. S. 72, R. 1.-g. from abattre; L. part ii., p. 76.--h. en dais, as a canopy.-i., j. L. part ii., § 49, R. (2.)


J. W. H. F. (Spalding): It would b unbecoming in the publisher to adopt his suggestion, however grateful he might feel for the kindness evinced.-W. JARDINE (Glasgow): Persevere, your next attempt will be better.-CUSTALOGA (Okehampton): Cassell's Latin Dictionary, edited by Dr. Beard, will be completed in about a month, price 9s. The first part is now ready, price 5. cloth, or 48. paper covers.-A. EDWARDS (London): Greek was at that period generally understood by the Jews, and much more extensively spoken than Hebrew; whence the reason is obvious why the books of the N. T. were written in Greek: any second-hand bookseller will supply a cheap copy of Rollin: Latin Dictionaries may be had cheap; but the best, and consequently the cheapest, is Cassell's, edited by Dr. Beard; the Biographies will follow in their turn. The others ought not to require an answer for so intelligent a correspondent.-R. H. (Southampton Buildings): Latin and Greek.-S. EMBLETON (Blyth): His case is that of thousands, by means of the POPULAR EDUCATOR.-E. J. BREMNER (Carlisle): More information acceptable.-J. A. (Gateshead): The last and best French Dictionary is Cassell's, edited by Professors De Lolme and Wallace, and H. Bridgeman, Esq., price 9s. 6d.-Dixon (Hull): Write to J. Petheram, Bookseller, High Holborn: the German Pronunciation Lessons are extremely simple, and easily mastered.-A. ROBINSON (Halifax): Learn the rules of perspective by all means.

SIMPSONIUS: Frenchmen generally sound the 8 in Gil Blas.-BETH (York); An axiom is a self-evident proposition, a postulate is a proposition the truth of which is asked to be granted for the sake of argument. The former is derived from the Greek word ȧfiwua, which comes from aktów, to think fit; and the latter from the Latin postulatum, the past participle of postulare, to ask or demand, so that it properly means a thing asked. We cannot with propriety answer the other questions.

R. CAUSEY should consult our Lessons in English, where he will find specimens of parsing suitable for his guidance.

W. COTCHEIFER is correct in his solutions, but not so neat as he might be.

We have been asked for a solution of Problem 39 in the Second Centenary of Algebraical Problems.

By the question, a-b is the quantity of wine after the first drawing off. When the vessel has been filled up with water for the first time, as there are a-b gallons of wine in a galions of the mixture, there will be b (a-b)b parts of a gallon in one gallon of the mixture, and gallons in b gallons of the mixture.


Hence a








is the number of gallons of wine left after the second drawing off. When the vessel has been filled up a second (a - b) 3,b time, there will be, by similar reasoning to the above, gallons of wine in b gallons of the mixture. Therefore the quantity of wine in the (a - b) 2 (a - b)2 b mixture after the third drawing off will be (a - b) 3

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gallons. And by a continuation of the same method, it may be shown that the quantity of wine remaining after n such operations will be (a - b) We have put our solution in a less concise and symmetrical form than might have been adopted, that we might render it the more simple and intelligible.

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JOHN POGSON deserves great credit for his "general demonstration of the six different cases of the 47th Proposition of the first book of Enel ** but he is not correct in speaking of the adjacent angles on the sav

a line as equal to two right angles, and hence inferring that tw lines are in one and the same straight line,

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CASSELL'S FRENCH AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY: Composed from the French Dictionaries of the French Academy, Bescherelle, Landais, etc.; from the English Dictionaries of Ogilvie, Johnson, Webster, etc.; and from the Technological and Scientific Dictionaries of both Lan guages. By Professors DE LOLME and WALLACE, and HENRY BRIDGE. MAN, Esq.

The following are the distinctive features which render this Work superior to any of the same class now extant. It has been compiled with unusual care from the very best authorities. It contains correct renderings of all the most modern words and phrases-including those of science, art, manufac ture, commerce, law, politics, etc., as well as familiar conversation-which are indispensable to a knowledge of language, but yet are rarely, if ever, to be found properly translated in any Dictionary. The Idiomatic usages of the two languages-the constructions of verbs, the force of prepositions, and the changes of meaning caused by different combinations of words-aru more copiously and carefully illustrated than elsewhere within the es limits. The meanings are also el 1 and arranged in such a manei to prevent the possibility of " In price as it is compreber arrangement. The French. neat cloth; the Englishstrongly bound.

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