Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

gneiss, forming its sides, and where the peake and Ohio Canal extending water will be from 10 to 30 feet deep, & over this space at an elevation of 37 100 to 200 feet wide. Along this we feet above tide water, and of a width pass, and a towing path is formed by of 70-to 80 feet, with a depth of 7 ft. levelling some, and raising other may supply very numerous manufacparts so as to make the path regular turing establishments with water, on the side of it; at another part of without obstruction to the navigation. the Canal there are vertical walls to The public institutions and buildings sustain the Canal 50 feet high among consist of the GEORGETOWN COLthe rocks. LEGE; a society of Nuns incorpo


To those who have but a limited rated by Congress, under the name of knowledge of the duties of a Civil En-" The Sisters of the Visitation," who gineer, it has been objected that the conduct a very flourishing female plan of cutting so deep through academy. There are 8 houses of Georgetown was wrong. It is how public worship, 2 Roman Catholic, ever, believed, that the plan presents 2 Episcopalian, 1 Presbyterian, 2 many advantages. Ist. It enables the Methodist and 1 African, also 2. Canal to pass through Georgetown banks incorporated by Congress, the with less inconvenience to private pro- Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of perty than any other route, and a great Georgetown, and Union Bank. with deal cheaper. 2d. It furnishes an a joint capital of $9,64,130, easy pass way by bridges over the contains also a considerable number Canal, nearly or quite level with the of dry good and grocery stores, 1 exstreets, thereby not incommoding the tensive brewery with several manubuildings along the streets, nor mak factories, and every mechanical pur ing the ascent of the streets (which suit necessary to a town of its magniare now considerable) any steeper. tude, and immediately above the town 3d. It furnished the earth to make a is an extensive cannon foundry. mole or pier of great width, and ca- The academy under the direction pable of receiving warehouses in the of "The Sisters of Visitation," has centre of it, where boats can discharge been established 33 years, and averat one end of the warehouse, and ages generally from 70 to 80 young ships take in at the other. This fur- ladies as boarders, and from 30 to 40 nishes a plan for transhipment of pro- young ladies as day scholars. With perty with the least possible expense. in the nunnery enclosure, but detach4th. By making this basin at Rock ed from the academy and approached creek, it presents shores where boats from a different street, there are up can lay in safety for one and a half ward of 400 young girls taught gramiles on both its sides. It also finds tuitously, about 200 attending daily. a place in its upper part, where boats At the Lancaster School, there are not in immediate use, can lay without annually taught about 100 boys, and paying much wharfage or expense, 70 girls. There are 3 other acadeand be perfectly safe." mies for young ladies, in which are

MANUFACTURING FACILITIES, taught all the branches of polite and PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS, &c.-The fashionable education, and 3 acadevicinity of the town naturally offers mies for young men, with several peculiar advantages for extensive other respectable schools all conduct manufactories. The river falling ed by competent teachers. near 40 feet in 4 miles. The Chesa

[blocks in formation]

ANNALOSTAN ISLAND.-Opposite on the northern bank of the Potomac, to Georgetown is Mason's Island pro- commands a full view of Georgetown, perly called ANNALOSTAN ISLAND. Washington, the Potomac, and a great It is the seat of GEN. JOHN MASON. part of the District. Its situation is It has a highly cultivated surface of peculiarly healthy. It is under the about 70 acres, the natural soil, direction of the incorporated Catholic light and sandy. A causway on the clergy of Maryland, and is the oldest Virginia side, and a horse boat ferry Catholic seminary in the United from Georgetown, facilitates commu- States: it was first incorporated in nication with this beautiful spot from 1799; and in 1815, it received an exthe shores. The highest ground tension of its privileges from Conabove the level of the river is elevated gress, and was authorized to confer about 50 feet, and upon this eminence degrees. The college library conthe dwelling is situated. The usual tains 12,000 volumes. The academic tides rise about 3 feet. In digging or college year commences on the for water, it is procured at the depth 15th of September, and ends on the of 20 or 30 feet from the surface. Aga- 31st of July; and commencement is tized wood has been discovered in near the last of July. The number of well digging. The house which is students is usually about 140 or 150; approached through a fine avenue of a considerable part of them being day trees, is extensive, with a number of scholars. The number of graduates convenient buildings attached: from it is not great. The number graduated the public buildings in Washington at the commencement of July 25, 1833 are seen to advantage. On the N. was 7.-There are 19 professors and side of the Island an alluvial mea- tutors, of whom 3 are professors of dow is rapidly forming. The S. side theology. is substantially walled, and dotted The course of ordinary studies is with neat white cottages for servants completed in 7 years, at the end of buildings. which, if the student has made suffiWarden justly remarks, that "the cient progress, he may receive the deview from this spot is delightful. It gree of Bachelor of Arts. When a embraces the picturesque banks of the scholar presents himself to be receiv Potomac a portion of the city, and a ed into the College, he is examined noble expanse of water. Numerous by the prefect of studies, and placed vessels ply backwards and forwards in that class, for which his prior acto animate the scene. quirements may have fitted him, he GEORGETOWN COLLEGE. This then passes on in regular succession College which is pleasantly situated (to the final class of Logic and Moral

Philosophy. If he remain longer, and Moral Philosophy is studiedand study the higher branches of Mathematics continued. Mathematics and Natural Philoso- During the whole course, great atphy, he may take the degree of Mas- tention is paid to Composition, parter of Arts. ticularly English. There will always RULES, REGULATIONS and COURSE be a class of Book-keeping for the OF INSTRUCTION.-1st. In the lowest convenience of those who wish to school or class of Rudiments, the learn it. The Italian, Spanish and scholars study the English and German languages will be also taught French Grammars, Caligraphy, A- if required. Music, Drawing, Dunrithmetic, &c.—and at the conclusion cing, &c. will form additional charof this year (for each class, unless ges. some student by their particular ap- The College possesses a select Liplication and talents, should merit brary of about 12,000 volumes, the promotion, occupies one year) they use of which is granted to the seare supposed to be able to read and nior students without any additional write English correctly. charge.

2d. During the next year, (third There are two examinations in the class of Humanities,) the scholars year. The minor one in February continue to study the English and or March, and the other immediately French Grammars, and begin to com- before the commencement, which will pose in those languages-Arithmetic always be a day of public exercises, is continued and towards the end of towards the end of July. the year they commence the Latin No student is admitted, who cannot Grammar. read and has not a good moral cha

3d. In the second class of Humani-racter.

ties, they continue English and As the members of the College proFrench composition, (these studies are fess the Catholic Religion, the exercontinued till the end of Rhetoric,) cises of Religious worship are Cathand Arithmetic: they begin Latin ex-olic, but members of other Religious ercises and read some easy Latin au- denominations are received, of whom thors-as Nepos, Cæsar, &c. During it is only required, that they respect this year a course of Geography is fully assist at the public duties of restudied, and Greek is begun. ligion with their companions. Were

4th. In the first class of Humani- not this enforced, no proper order, ties, they read portions of Sallust, Ci- such as should be found in large litecero's minor works, and some of rary institutions, could exist in the Ovid's Elegies, Prosody-and com- College. mence History. They study portions No student will be permitted to of the Greek Scripture, Xenophon, leave the College on visits of any and Lucian's dialogues. Algebra is length oftener than once a year, viz: begun. at the great vacation. If his parents 5th. In Poetry, Cicero's minor live in the District, he will be allowed works, Virgil, Horace, Livy and Ho- to visit them once a month, but not mer, are read. History is continued oftener-and he must then always reand a treatise of Mythology learned. turn to the College before night. Mathematics continued. TERMS.-Every student shall pay 6th. In Rethoric-The scholars on entering the College, ten dollars. study Rhetoric, Cicero's Orations, He shall bring a mattrass, a pillow, Homer, Virgil, Horace, History and two pillow cases, two pair of sheets, Mathematics. four blankets and a counterpane, or 7th. This year a course of Logic pay $6 per annum for the use of bed




and bedding. He must also bring expense, of clothing for six months.
with him one suit of clothes, as a uni- With regard to pocket money, it is
form-which is in winter, a blue cloth desired that all the students should
coat and pantaloons with a black vel-be placed on an equality, and that it
vet waistcoat; in summer, white pan- should not exceed 12 cents per
taloons with a black silk waistcoat week; and whatever is allowed-must
are used.
be deposited in the hands of the di-

He must likewise bring with him rectors of the College. Half-boardtwo suits for daily wear, for which ers are received on the usual terms, no particular color is prescribed; six viz. $5 entrance, and $65 for board shirts, six pair of stockings, six pock- per annum.


et handkerchiefs, three pair of shoes, Day scholars, $5 for fuel and sér-
ǎ hat and a cloak or great coat, also vants, as no charge is made for tuition.
silver spoon. These articles if not CONVENT. The Convent of the
brought by the student will be furnish- Sisters of Visitation, is a plain, sub-
ed by the College and included in the stantial, but gloomy-looking, monas-
first bill.
tic institution, which must recall,

The pension for board, washing, amidst its solitudes, to the recollection
mending and mending materials of the contemplative mind, the touch-
use of books, (philosophical and math- ing story of Abelard and Eloisa
ematical excepted,) pens, ink and The solemnity of the scene is in strict
writing paper, slates and pencils is keeping with the object of the edifice.
$150. Medical aid and medicine, The visiter is admitted into the
unless parents choose to run the risk speaking room, as it is called, which
of a Doctor's bill in case of sickness, is separated from the sanctum sancto-
$3 per annum. All chargest must rum, by substantial wooden bars, re-
be paid half yearly in advance." sembling the grates of a prison. The
For the convenience of parents, Sisters are clad in sable garments,
particularly those at a distance, the with deep black hoods, and white
College will undertake to supply the veils descending to the waist. The
students with clothing. The annual Nuns are from various States of the
expense cannot be specified, as it de- Union, and generally number about
pends upon the age and wearing of 50. The process of initiation is the
the student: all that can be said, is same as the other nunneries, the no-
the strictest economy and simplicity vitiate being two years, the first for
will be observed. If parents wish the white veil, and the second for the
the College to supply their children black, after which, there can be no
with clothes, a deposit is required by retreat.
the College equivalent to the probable'


WASHINGTON Ciry, the seat of from Boston, 595 from Augusta, the General Government of the U. Maine, 546 from Detroit, Michigan, -S. of America, and capital of the Dis-1,068 from Little Rock, Arkansas, trict of Columbia, is situated on the 856 from St. Louis, 1,203 from New left or Maryland side of the Potomac, Orleans, 662 from Savannah, Georgia, near the head of tide water, and by the and 544 from Charleston, S. C. The river and Chesapeake bay, 290 ms. capitol stands in lat.. 38° 52' 45" long. from the Atlantic. It is 38 ms. S. W. from the observatory at GreenW. from Baltimore, 136 from Phila- wich 76° 55' 30", and is located at delphia, 225 from New York, 432 the junction of the rivers Potomac

and Eastern branch, extending nearly ritory, probably the richest, and com 4 ms. up each, and including a tract manding the most extensive internal of territory, exceeded in point of con-resources of any in America, to revenience, salubrity and beauty by commend it as an eligible place for none in America. For although the the permanent seat of the General land in general appears level, yet by Government; and it has grown up gentle and gradual swellings, a varie- with an extraordinary degree of raty of elegant prospects are produced, pidity. But its growth is rather to and sufficient descent formed for con- be attributed to the vast amount ex. veying off the water occasioned by pended in it by the Federal Govern rain. Within the limits of the city ment, and the numerous strangers are a great number of excellent brought thither, than to its commer< springs, water of the best quality cial advantages, great as they are.may readily be had, and the never The city of Baltimore being so near failing streams that run through that it, and having such immense advan territory, are also collected for the use tages in the greater capital enterprise of the city. The waters of Reedy and skill of her merchants, in conti branch and of Tiber creek, inay be guity to the ocean, and greater facili conveyed to the President's house. ty of approach, in her greater age The source of Tiber creek is elevated and established commercial character 236 ft. above the level of its tide wa- and intercourse,and lastly in being ter. The perpendicular height of the a city of a state with a much more ex ground on which the Capitol stands tended territory, all the advantages of is 78 ft. above the level of the tide in which that state naturally desires to Tiber creek, the waters of Tiber pour into her lap-and that identical creek may therefore be conveyed to territory too, being the very source the Capitol, and after watering that from which the materials of compart of the city may be destined to merce would have to be drawn by other useful purposes. The Eastern Washington, the latter can never branch is one of the safest and most hope to rival the former in her com commodious harbors in America, and mercial prosperity,

is sufficiently deep for the largest The city of Washington has also to Ships, for about 4 ms. above its mouth, complete with the town of George while the channel lies close along the town, Alexandria and Fredericksbank adjoining the city, and affords a burg, much of the commerce of which large and convenient harbor. The would flow to her if those towns did Potomac although only navigable for not exist. small craft for a considerable distance The fact, however, that Washing. from its banks, next to the city, (ex. ton is not likely ever to be an over cepting about half a mile above the grown commercial city, is not at all junction of the river,) will, neverthe- to be regretted by the statesman. The less afford a capacious summer har- legislation of the Uniou would not be bor, as an immense number of Ships at all benefitted by the presence of a may ride in the great channel oppo- noisy, disorderly mob-which is al site and below the city. The situa- most sure to exist in a large commere tion of this metropolis, is upon the cial city,

great line of communication, about THE PLAN of this city appears to equi-distant from the northern and contain some important improvements southern extremities of the Union, upon that of the best planned cities in and nearly so from the Atlantic and the world, combining in a remarka Pittsburg; upon the best navigation, ble degree, convenience, regularity, and in the midst of a commercial ter elegance of prospect, and a free circu

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