Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

622 The Hegira

632-661 The "Orthodox Caliphs" 661-750 The Ommiad Caliphs

711 Arabs and Berbers invade Spain

716-717 Siege of Constantinople by the Arabs 732 Battle of Tours

750-1058 The Abbassid Caliphs

768-814 Reign of Charlemagne

800 Charlemagne crowned Emperor of the Romans

829 England united under Egbert

843 Treaty of Verdun

862 (?) Northmen under Ruric settle in Russia 870 Treaty of Mersen

871-901 (?) Reign of Alfred the Great

911 Northmen settle in northwestern France (Normandy)

962 Otto the Great crowned Holy Roman Emperor

982 Greenland discovered

987-996 Reign of Hugh Capet

988 Christianity introduced into Russia

1000 (?) Vinland discovered

1016 England conquered by Canute

1054 Final rupture of Greek and Roman churches

1066 Battle of Hastings; Norman conquest of England 1066-1087 William I, the Conqueror, king of England 1073-1085 Pontificate of Gregory VII

1077 Humiliation of Henry IV at Canossa

1090-1153 St. Bernard

1095-1291 The Crusades


1095 Council of Clermont
1099 Capture of Jerusalem
1147-1149 Second Crusade

1189-1192 Third Crusade

1202-1204 Fourth Crusade; sack of Constantinople

1204-1261 Latin Empire of Constantinople

1291 Fall of Acre; end of the crusades

Concordat of Worms

1152-1190 Reign of Frederick I, Barbarossa

1154-1189 Henry II, king of England

1180-1223 Philip II, Augustus, king of France

1181 (?)-1226 St. Francis of Assisi

1198-1216 Pontificate of Innocent III

1206-1227 Mongol conquests under Jenghiz Khan 1215 Magna Carta

1226-1270 Louis IX, the Saint, king of France 1230 Union of León and Castile

1237-1240 Mongol conquest of Russia

1254-1273 The Interregnum

1261 Fall of Latin Empire of Constantinople

1271-1295 Travels of Marco Polo

1272-1307 Edward I, king of England

1273 Rudolf of Hapsburg becomes Holy Roman Emperor 1285-1314 Philip IV, the Fair, king of France

1291 First Swiss Confederation

1295 "Model Parliament" of Edward I

1309-1377 "Babylonian Captivity" of the Papacy 1314 Battle of Bannockburn

1337-1453 Hundred Years' War

1346 Battle of Crécy

1356 Battle of Poitiers

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Transition to Modern Times

1453 Constantinople captured by the Ottoman Turks

1455-1485 War of the Roses

1461-1483 Louis XI, king of France

1462-1505 Ivan III, the Great, tsar of Russia

1476 Caxton's printing press set up in England

1479 Castile and Aragon united under Ferdinand and Isabella

1485-1509 Henry VII, king of England

1488 Cape of Good Hope rounded by Diaz

1492 America discovered by Columbus

1497 North America rediscovered by John Cabot

1498 Vasco da Gama reaches India

1513 Discovery of the Pacific by Balboa

1517-1555 Reformation in Germany

1517 The Ninety-five Theses

1520 Burning of the papal bull
Edict of Worms


1555 Peace of Augsburg

1519-1521 Mexico conquered by Cortés

1519-1522 Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe

1519-1556 Reign of Charles V

1531-1537 Peru conquered by Pizarro 1533-1558 Reformation in England

1534 Jesuit order founded by Loyola 1545-1563 Council of Trent 1556-1598 Reign of Philip II

1558-1603 Elizabeth, queen of England 1568-1609 Revolt of the Netherlands

1571 Battle of Lepanto

1572 Massacre of St. Bartholomew

1579 Union of Utrecht

1588 Defeat of the Spanish Armada

1589-1610 Henry IV, king of France

1598 Edict of Nantes

1600 English East India Company chartered

1607 Colonization of Virginia; Jamestown founded

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The pronunciation of most proper names is indicated either by a simplified
spelling or by their accentuation and division into syllables. The diacritical marks em-
ployed are those found in Webster's New International Dictionary and are the following:

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E-gos-pot'a-mi, battle of, 111.
Eneas (e-ne's), 142, 277.

Abelard (Fr. pron. å-bă-lär'), Peter, 567, Æneid (ê-ne'id), Vergil's, 277.

[blocks in formation]

Eschuylus (es'ki-lus), Greek dramatist, 271.
Esop's Fables, 255.

Aëtius (-e'shi-us), 247, 248.
Etna (ět'na) Mount, 137.
Af-ghan-i-stan', 125.

Africa, Portuguese exploration of, 620, 621.
Africa, North, Phoenician colonists in, 162;
as a Roman province, 217; Vandal king-
dom in, 245, 330; conquered by the Arabs,

Ag-a-mem'non, 74.

Ag'o-ra, the Athenian, 261, 290.
A'gra, 488.

Agrarian law of Tiberius Gracchus, 175, 176.
Agriculture, beginnings of, 8, 22; in ancient
Egypt and Babylonia, 44, 45; early Roman,
143; decline of Roman, 173, 175, 177; Arab
improvements in, 382; medieval, 433, 434.
Ahʼri-man, 54.

[blocks in formation]

Albuquerque (al-bðð-kér′kě), 622, 623.
Alchemy, 574.

Al-ci-bi'a-des, 110.

Alcuin (ǎl'kwin), 310.

Aldine press, the, 595, 596.

Aldus Manutius (ăl'dus mȧ-nu'shi-us), 595.
Aleutian (a-lu'shan) Islands, 630.
Alexander the Great, 119-127, 165.
Alexander III, pope, 461; VÍ, 628.
Al-ex-an'dri-a, founded by Alexander the
Great, 123; as a commercial center, 128,
211; as a home of learning, 130, 131; popu-

lation of, 208.

Alexius (a-lek'si-us) I, Roman emperor in
the East, 469, 470.

Alfred the Great, king of England, 404, 406,


Algebra, 385.

Al-ham'bra, the, 386.

A'li, fourth caliph, 379.

Allah (ǎl'a), 369.

Alli-a River, battle of the, 153.

Alphabet, Egyptian, 10; Phoenician 10, 11;
Etruscan, 138, 140; Greek, 139; Runic,
240, 241, 390, 391.

Alps Mountains, 66, 136, 195.

Alsace (al-säs') 303, 314, 685.
Altai (äl-ti') Mountains, 19.
Alva, duke of, 672.
Amazon River, 635.

Am-en-ho'tep IV, Egyptian king, 54.
America, the Northmen in, 399; discovered
by Columbus, 627; naming of, 628; peo-
pling of, in prehistoric times, 630; the In-
dians, 630-633; Spanish explorations and
conquests in, 633-635; the Spanish colonial
empire in, 635-638; English and French
explorations in, 638-639.
A'mon, Egyptian deity, 124.
Am-phic'ty-ony, the Delphic, 91.
Amphitheaters, Roman, 216, 286, 287.
Amsterdam, 640, 671.
A-mu'li-nus, 142.

Amusements, Athenian, 264, 265; Roman,
265-268; in the feudal castle, 428; medieval,
579, 580. See also Festivals.
An-ab'a-sis, Xenophon's, 121, 272.
Anagni (ä-nän'ye), humiliation of Boniface
VIII at, 644.

Ancestor worship, Roman, 145, 253.
Andes Mountains, 632.
An'ge-vin dynasty, the, 500, note.
Angles (an'g'ls). See Anglo-Saxons.
Anglicanism, establishment of, in England,
661, 663; its organization and doctrines, 664.
An'glo-Sax'ons, the, conquer Britain, 246,
319, 320; their kingdoms in Britain, 320;
their culture, 322; converted to Roman
Christianity, 322, 323, 358; language of the,


Animals, domestication of, 6, 7 and note 2,
630; worship of, in Egypt, 58, 54; baiting
of, 266, 267, 580.

Anjou (äN-zhoo'), 500, note 1, 519.
Anne of Bohemia, 650.
An-ta'ki-a. See Antioch.

An-til'les, the Greater, 634.

Antioch (ănti-ök), 128, 129, 209, 211, 214,
230, 471, 540.

Antonine Cæsars, the, 200, 201.

An-to-ni'nus Pi'us, Roman emperor, 200.
An-to'ni-us, Mar'cus. See Antony.
Antony, 187-190.

Antwerp, 552, 640.

Ap'en-nine Mountains, 136, 140, 153.
Aphrodite (ǎf-ro-di'tě), attributes of, 76.
A-pol'lo, 76, attributes of, 76; his oracle at
Delphi, 78, 79.
Apostles, the, 442.
A-pox-y-om'e-nus, the, 81,
Ap'pi-an Way, 157.

Apprentices in guilds, 536, 537.
April Fool's Day, 581.

A-pu'li-a, a district of southern Italy, 166.
Aqueducts, Roman, 157, 284, 285.
Aquinas (u-kwi'nus), St. Thomas, 572, 667.
Aquitaine (ǎk'wi-tän), 512.

Arabia, physical features of, 21, 367.
Arabian Nights, the. See Thousand and
One Nights.

Arabs, the, as foes of the Roman Empire in
the East, 333, 876, 377; migratory and sed-
entary, 367, 369; under Mohammed, 371,
376; their conquests, 375-379; civilization
of, 381-386, 590, 594. See also Moslems.
Aragon (ä-rä-gōn'), 520.

Ar-be'la, battle of, 124.

Ar-ca'di-us, Roman emperor in the East, 243.
Arch, the round, 61, 62, 139, 281, 282, 563,
564, 597; the pointed, 386, 564, 565.
Archbishop, church official, 448.
Arches, Roman triumphal, 199, 236, 286, 295.
Ar-chi-me'des, 131.

Architecture, prehistoric, 18; Egyptian, Bab-
ylonian, and Assyrian, 58; Etruscan, 188,
139; Greek, 278-281; Roman, 282-287; By-
zantine, 336, 337; Arab, 385, 386; medieval,
562-566; Renaissance, 597, 601.
Arctic Ocean, 66, 399.

Ar-e-op'a-gus, hill, 288; Council of the, 288,


Ares (āʼrēz), 226.

Ar'go-lis, a district of southern Greece, 70.
Argos, 82, 97, 109.

Arian heresy, the, nature of, 235, 236; ac-
cepted by the Germanic invaders, 236, 237,
241, 300, 302, 304, 305, 326, 358.
Ar-is-ti'des, 96, 97, 101.
A-ris'ti-on, gravestone of, 95.
Aristocracy. See Nobility.

Ar-is-toph'a-nes, Athenian dramatist, 272.
Aristotle (ăr'is-tot'l), Greek philosopher,
120, 275, 383, 571, 572, 573, 591, 592, 609, 626.
Arithmetic, 60, 385, 566.
A'ri-us, 235, 236.

Ark, sanctuary of Jehovah, 31.
Arles (ärl), 216.

"Armada (är-ma'da), the Invincible," 678,
note 1; 679.

Armenia, 21, 22, 121, 200, 377.
Armor, medieval, 422.

Army, Macedonian, under Philip II, 116;

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