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ledge forming one company Two Hundred feet; provided that there shall not be over three thousand feet held on any one ledge or lode by any one company and said claim or claims shall include all dips spurs angles & variations of the ledge, and said claimants shall be entitled to one hundred feet of ground on each side of the ledge for the purpose of working said ledge.


ARTICLE III—If any person company or their agents within thirty days from the date of locating their claims commence work on said claims, and sink a shaft or slope to the amount of Depth of fifteen feet by three ft. wide and five feet on any part of their claim or claims, said claim or claims shall be considdered and held under good title for the period of six months from the date of Location, and if any person company or their agents within thirty days from the date of location of their claims commence work on their claims & sink a shaft or slope to the depth of thirty feet by three feet wide and five feet long on any part of their claim or claims, said claim or claims shall be considered and held under good title for the period of one year from the date of location Provided that all claims located between the 15th day of June and the 1st day of October shall not be required to work on their claims until the 1st day of October and all claims thus located shall be under good title until the first of October by monument & location notices.

The working season for this district shall be from the 1st day of October until the 15th day of June of each year when work shall be prosecuted according to these laws to perfect Title.


ARTICLE IV All claims that have been located since July 1st 1870 that have not done the amount of work as described and required by Article III of these laws and shall fail to comply with the provisions of these laws, shall be considered abandoned after thirty days from the date of the working season October 1st 1871, and shall be subject to be located by any other party or parties.


ARTICLE V There shall be a District Recorder elected by the miners in meeting at the mines of this District, to hold office for the term of one year from date of Election and said Recorder shall furnish Books for recording claims to be kept on and within said mining District of "Castle Dome." The Recorders fees shall be for each and every claim of two Hundred feet twenty-five cents and for each certificate fifty cents.


ARTICLE VI No title to any claim here after located or taken up shall be considered valid unless recorded in the books of the District Recorder within sixty days from the date of such location if located during the working season, as described in Article III otherwise within sixty days from October 1st the beginning of the working season.


ARTICLE VII Location shall be made by placing a good and sufficient monument at some point on the claim with a notice stating the number of claims and feet, names of parties date of location and the course of said claims from said monument.


ARTICLE VIII All laws, rules & regulations here-to-fore passed for the purpose of regulating controlling working locating and management of the mines in this District are hereby declared null & void, & of no account whatever.


ARTICLE IX Any person or company having located any claim or claims in accordance with these laws, and having the same duly recorded as provided in these articles, & making oath that such person or persons or company have done the requisite amount of work on such claim or claims in developing the same as required by these laws, then the District Recorder shall give to said person or persons in company a certificate of title to said claim or claims according to the amount of work performed from time to time for each year as provided


ARTICLE X The District Recorder shall pass all books papers & records to his successor in office-William P. Miller having been duly elected at this meeting is hereby declared the District Recorder for the term of one year from date and shall bo in the District either in person or by deputy with Books of Record by the 1st of October 1871

ARTICLE XI-No thing in these articles shall at any time be inconsistant with the laws of the United States.

The foregoing laws were enacted by the miners of Castle Dome Mining District, at the Central Location of said District July 17th 1871



Recorded July 27th A. D., 1871 at 3 o'clock p. m.

JAMES S. SPAUN County Recorder pr A. A. MIX Deputy


Pursuant to notice posted according to law December 30th A. D. 1874, calling a meeting of all parties interested and working as miners in the Castle Yuma County A. T. to be held on the evening of Saturday January 9th A. D. 1875 the following miners met together in the house of Miller & Hopkins in said Dist. viz-W. L. Hopkius, G. W. Cole, J. D. Sibold, W. O. Lyon, W. J. Helms, H. Jones, W Logan, Thomas J. B. Heath, J. D. Rittenhouse and Chas Farrel.

The meeting was called to order at 7.30 oclock p. m. and the following named parties were duly elected officers of the meeting-viz-W. L. Hopkins as President, and J. D. Rittenhouse as Secretary.

After a statement of the object of the meeting by the President, the following resolutions were adopted by the miners present for the future regulation and working of all lode and ledge claims and mining locations of said Castle Dome Mining District in Yuma County Arizona Territory, viz:

1st All laws rules & regulations heretofore passed for the purpose of regulating working, locating, controling aud for management of the mines in the Castle Dome Mining District Yuma County A. T. are from and after this 9th day of January A. D. 1875 hereby declared null & void and to have no weight and worth in future in said District.

24 That the jurisdiction of all laws & regulations adopted by this inceting shall extend over all Lode, Ledge & vein mines and mining property within the following described and bounded district commencing at a point known and being the centre of the "Castle Dome Mine" on the "Buckeye Lode" in the Castle Dome Mining Dist. A. T. and running from said point North five (5) miles, and South (5) five miles, East five (5) miles and West five (5) miles. The District to be ten (10) miles long and ten (10) miles wide, and all mines within said boundaries, shall all be known as being the Castle Dome Mining District Yuma county A. T.

3d That from and after January 9th, A. D. 1875 the act of Congress of the U. S. A passed May 10th A. D. 1872 relating to mines & mining; be and is accepted as the law governing the mines of this Castle Dome Mining District Yuma county A. T. and all locations made shall be made under & in conformity to, and all future working of mines in said Castle Dome District to be in accordance to said law of the U. S. of A of May 10th 1872.

4th That the office of District Recorder of Castle Dome Mining District Yuma County A. T. be and is hereby abolished from and after the 9th day of January A. D. 1875.

5th That all records of locations of mines and mining property in the Castle Dome Mining District Yuma County A. T. from and after January ninth A. D. 1875 be made with the County Recorder of Yuma County A. T. within (30) thirty days from date of location. 6th That the resolutions of the meeting be Recorded in the county records at Yuma A. T. and be published in the Arizona Sentinel. W. L. HOPKINS Presdt


Recorded March 2d A. D. 1875 at 5 p. m. at request of Mr. Phillips

JAMES 3. SPANN County Recorder



1st This District shall be known as Weaver District and bounded as follows-to wit, commencing at the mouth or sink of the Hassayamp Creek following up the eastern bank of said creek to the Tanks on the Southern boundary line of Walkers, thence West to the head of the Canyon of the St. Maria, thence southerly to Indian Springs contiuning in said direction crossing Date creck near the Indian Cemetery ten miles from said crossing, thence east to the place of beginning.


2d-The size of claims in this District shall be one hundred & fifty feet on crecks or Gulches and seventy five feet on each side.


3d No person shall hold but one claim in this District except the original discoverers (Ten in number) and the discoverer of new creek or Gulch diggings who are & shall be entitled to one additional claim, all claims worked & Recorded within five days from the time of location shall hold good for sixty days. After the expiration of said sixty days all claims shall be worked on one day in ten.


4th All disputes in refference to mining claims in this District to be settled by arbitration.


5th No citizens of Mexico shall hold or work claims in this District except the boy Lorenzo Para who is one of the original discoverers, and should the miners employ any of the said citizens of Mexico, they will be held responsible for their good bahavior, and should the said employer fail to comply with this article he or they shall forfeit all interest in the mines & leave the District.


6th No person or persons shall purchase or sell any claims in this District for sixty days from the adoption of these laws, nor shall any person take up and hold claims for non-residents of the District.


7th There shall be one Recorder elected whose duty shall be to record mining claims & bills of sale & preserve the laws of the district in a book or books to be kept for that purpose, said Records to be open for examination (free). His term of office shall be three months & until his successor is elected. He shall post or cause to be posted notices in three public places of the District notifying the miners of the expiration of his term, stating the time & place of election, and deliver to his successor all Books Papers and Maps belonging to his office. His fees for Recording shall be one dollar for each claim, and one dollar for each Bill of Sale. No Bills of Sale of claims will be valid unless recorded within forty-eight hours after date


9th Any five miners can call a meeting of the miners of the District by Posting notices in three public places of the District stating the object of the meeting, giving five days notice and signing their names to said notices

JUNE 25TH 1863.



LA PAZ, March 9th, 1863.

Notice is hereby given that a miners meeting will be held in Olive City on the 20th day of March for the purpose of considdering the importance of forming a new District to be composed of what is now known as the "Weaver Range" and other sections that it may be considdered judicious to add thereto. Signed by request of many miners

The meeting called in accordance with the above notice was organized by electing Mr. C. B. Green President and James S. Trimble Secretary.

The object of the meeting was explained by reading the preceding notice which had been duly posted throughout the district.

Mr. J. P. Newcomb moved that a committee be appointed to consider the division of the district and bring in resolutions in regard thereto, which motion was seconded and passed by the meeting. Some objections being raised it was reconsidered and the question left open for discussion. After some debate the sense of the meeting was taken directly upon the division of the district, which resulted in almost a unanimous vote in favor of division—

On motion a committee of five were appointed and elected by the meeting to draft laws for the district and also to define its limits, the following Gentlemen were elected said committee-Jas Reed J. B. Chevalier, W. B. Marshall H. M. Oliver Louie Robertson.

On motion the meeting adjourned for one hour to allow the committee time to prepare their report. Meeting again convened at 2 oclock P. M. The committee upon the limits of the District, and resolutions for the government of the same, handed in the following report.

OLIVE CITY March 20th 1863.

At a meeting of miners and others held at Olive City in pursuance of notice it was Resolved That the undersigned act as a Committee to draft resolutions and to fix the limits of a proposed new mining District, both to be submitted for the action of an adjourned meeting to be held at 2 o'clock of the same day—

The committee respectfully submit the following resolutions.

Resolved 1st That the district be known as the Weaver District

Resolved 2d That the District be bounded on the north commencing at a point on the River called the "Half Way House" situated between Olive City and La Paz, thence running Easterly to Las Posas thence running Southerly along the main arrotta to "Castle Dome thence Westerly to the River thence running North by the River to the place of beginning.

Resolved 3d That any one may locate one claim only on each lode or ledge that may be discovered in the district and that in addition the discover of any ledge shall have a discovery claim.

Resolved 4th That each claim both by location and discovery shall be two hundred feet on the ledge, and one hundred feet on each side along the ledge and following the dip of the ledge.

Resolved 5th That in locating any claim or taking one up by discovery, the party so locating or taking up shall place a conspicuous notice ou said claim defining its boundaries & the direction in which it runs.

Resolved 6th Said notice shall hold the claim twenty days, after which time should there have been neither work done upon it, nor record made of it, such claim shall be subject to forfeiture.

Resolved 7th That each claimant do or cause to be done on his claim three days labor in every ninety days.

Resolved 8th That in case such claimant shall have done twelve days labor on his claim within six months from the time of commencement, such labor shall hold said claim for twelve months.

Resolved 9th That there be a Recorder elected for this District who shall be a resident of Olive City whose term of office shall be six months-It shall be his duty to record all claims presented to him for that purpose in a book kept for that special purpose, & that it be his duty should it be required to furnish a certificate of record to each one recording a claim, or transfer of claims or bill of sale

Resolved 10th That for recording such claim the Recorder be paid fifty cents and for recording deed or transfer two dollars and fifty cents-The records shall be open for inspection of any one who may wish to examine them in the presence of the Recorder or his deputyThat the books Stationary etc necessary to the carrying on of his office be furnished by the Recorder at his own cost.

Resolved 11th That the above are not intended to have other than a prospective effect and consequently that they do not in any manner conflict or interfere with any interests held under the laws of the district of La Paz.

Resolved 12th That a certificate of record from the La Paz district for any claims now taken within the boundaries of Weaver district shall be recorded free of charge in Olive City

The meeting then ballotted for Recorder which resulted in the election of James S. Trimble. Fifty seven votes were cast

The meeting then adjourned


Recorded March 20th 1863.

C. B. GREEN President

Re Recorded June 3rd 1863 from a printed copy of the original Record printed in the Morning Call newspaper in San Francisco Dated April 9th 1863

WM A. WOOD Deputy



OLIVE CITY March 19th 1864.

At a meeting held in the Recorders office in Olive City this day in pursuance of notice the following proceedings were had.

Mr. J. B. Chevalier was elected President and Wm Blanchard Secretary of the meeting.

It was moved by Mr. Hanford that the meeting be adjourned until April 2nd 1864 on account of the few miners present. the motion was seconded and carried, and the meeting was then declared adjourned by the president. J. B. CHEVALIER President

Recorded March 29th 1864


WM A. WOOD Recorder

An adjourned meeting was held at the residence of W. A. Wood (Rec) in Olive City at 12 o'clock m. on Saturday April 2nd 1864 when J. W. Hanford was chosen chairman & W. W. Holder Sec. for the purpose of electing a Recorder for the Weaver District and amending the laws-The minutes of adjournment was read and adopted

Resolved 2nd That the words or Mineral be added to art. 9th of code of laws of this district so as to read Olive or Mineral City also strike out the word six and insert the word twelve so as to read whose term of office shall be twelve month

Resolved 3d That we proceed to Elect a Recorder which resulted in the unanimous choice of J. W. Hanford Recorder of Weaver


Resolved That the meeting now adjourn so carried

W. W. HOLDER Secretary


J. W. HANFORD President

A Miners Meeting will be held in Olive City on Monday the 23rd inst at 1 oclock P. M. by the miners interested in the Weaver Mining District also an Election for Dist. Recorder if deemed expedient all interested in the Dist. are requested to attend as business of importance will be brought before the meeting.

Dated Mineral City Jan 11th 1865

W. HANFORD Dist. Recorder

The meeting called in pursuance of the above notice was organized by electing Wm Thompson President and J. W. Hanford Secretary, the above notice was read by the Sec. the meeting then proceeded to adopt the following resolutions

On motion of Mr. Freman and seconded by Mr. Gird

Resolved That we adopt the Mining laws of this Territory subject to the action of Congress as the laws of this district hereby repealing all the laws heretofore made and in force in this District

[blocks in formation]

Preamble, laws, & resolutions adopted & passed by the “Walker” prospecting & mining company for their mutual guidance and protection at a meeting of said company on the Ookilipava River May 10 1863

SEC 1st To all whom it may concern, be it known that the "Walker" prospecting & mining company have taken up certain portions of Ookilipava river & Tributarys for mining purposes have formed the said portion into a District to be called Pioneer District extending from the head of said river to a tree below the falls at the foot of the mountains (on which the notice of claimants is put up) taking in all tributarys, gulches, & ravines drained by said portion of river to main summit on both sides

SEC 2d That at a miners meeting duly called & at which a majority shall pronounce pro & con, shall be in this Dist the manner by which all laws be made & adopted, disputes to rights of claims settled, extent thereof, litigation &c, & all other business appertaining to miners & their rights usually settled at said meetings in other mining Dists

SEC 3 That there shall be one President to preside over said meetings & one Secretary, both of whom shall be elected by a majority of votes for the term of one year from the date of election- It shall be the duty of said Presd't to call all meetings & see that business belonging to said meetings be properly brought before it & freely discussed to the satisfaction of all parties concerned- The duty of the Secty shall be to keep a true & proper record (in writing) of the proceedings of each & all of said meetings

SEC 4 There shall be a Recorder for said Dist appointed by the miners for the term of one year, whose duty it shall be to record all claims, sales & transfers of same & other transactions in said Dis't appertaining to said office in other mining districts-He shall keep a true record of same in writing open at all proper hours for public inspection-

Resolutions passed & carried at the above meeting

Resolved, That one hundred yards in length and fifty yards from each side of centre of gulch be considered a claim on this riverResolved, That each original prospector be entitled to one extra claim by right of discovery

Resolved, That each member of the company having drawn by lottery the number of his claims shall have the privilege of exchanging one or both of them for any other unclaimed part of said river same dimensions as original being observed

Resolved, That whereas but little time was taken to properly prospect, no claims be taken for persons outside of original prospectors until they, have definitely settled to which part of said river their claim may be exchanged to

Resolved That the President be entitled to a fee of five dollars for each miners meeting which may be called to settle disputes or other individual business, to be paid by parties calling said meeting before the meeting be called & in case of winning suit to be refunded to Plaintiff & same amount collected from Defendant

Resolved That the names of all original prospectors be embodied in this document

Resolved That Mr T. J. Johnson be President of this Dis't

Resolved That Mr Wheelhouse be Secretary

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That the original claimants whose names appear in this document have nothing to pay for recording their first claimsResolved That the foe for recording claims be fixed at Two dollars & fifty cents per claim

Resolved, That no Mexican shall have the right to buy, take up, or pre empt a claim on this river, or in this Dis't for the term of six mouths, to date from the first date of June 1863 to Dec 1st 1863


S. SHOUP President


Resolutions passed at said meeting

Resolved, That the present boundaries of the Dis't be enlarged & its limits be extended to the Francisco River on the East, on the West to the divide of the river Aziamp & Antelope creek & include the Aqua Frio river & its tributaries

Resolved, That two days more "from date" be allowed Original prospectors for locating their claims

Resolved, That each & all owners of claims mark & number them on trees or stakes at both ends so as to be properly understoodResolved, That claim holders shall have the right to say at which end of their claim or claims they shall commence measuring from when they are called upon to measure—

Resolved, That all claims taken up be recorded within ten days & no person allowed to take up claims for others when out prospectingResolved, That all claims duly recorded be held for one year whether worked or not

Resolved That 200 feet in lodes be considered a claim

Resolved, That Chinamen be excluded from working in any portion of this District

Resolved, That all persons bringing in Mexicans or having them in their employ, record the names of said Mexicans at the office of the Dis't Recorder

Resolved, That persons employing Mexicans in any capacity be held responsible for all depredations upon property proved to havo been committed by them

Resolved, That upon the discharge of each or any such Mexican from employ notice be given the Recorder by the employerResolved, That the fee for Recording each individual name be fixed at four bits


Resolved, That the law already passed with regard to Mexicans remain unchanged

Resolved, That the "Walker party” or Original prospectors have the right to locate their discovery claims in any part of the Dist & have ten days from date to do the same

Resolved, That no person hold more than one pre emption claim on each stream in this District

Resolved, That Asiatics & Senoranians be excluded from working in this Dist—

Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to measure & stake all olaims on this stream, said committee to receive two bits per claim as remuneration—

Resolved, That the above named committee consist of Mr Murray, Col Dobbins, & Jacob Miller.

Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed who shall decide who are & who are not Mexicans subject to the law of exclusion from taking up & holding claims in the Dist

Resolved, That Mr Green, Mr Murray & Wheelhouse compose the above named committee

J. V. WHEELHOUSE Secretary

Resolution passed at above meeting not mentioned above

T. J. JOHNSON President

That Recorders fees be reduced to $150 pr claim for Recording and Companys claims as one & ten days from dato in which to record the same be allowed to miners

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