Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

ARTICLE V Within thirty days after the location of a claim there shall be a shaft sunk to the depth of ten (10) feet, or work to that amount shall be done in a cut or tunnel on the claim and every succeeding three months work to the amount of twenty five dollars shall be done for each individual claim. After one hundred dollars worth of work has been done on each claim, it shall not be forfeited for two years from the date of location.

ARTICLE VI There shall be a Recorder elected annually whose duty it shall be to keep a faithful record to be signed by the bona fide owner as his legally authorized agent.

ARTICLE VII Every claim shall be recorded within one month after its location the fees of the Recorder to be one dollar ($1 00) for each company.

ARTICLE VIII Vacancy occurring in the office of Recorder an election can be held by giving ten days notice the notice to be signed by ten quartz miuers of this district posted in three public places.

ARTICLE IX Any of the above laws may be repealed or amended at a subsequent meeting by a two-thirds vote.

ARTICLE X For claims already taken up the same can be lengthened and increased in size to conform to these laws when such situation does not conflict with the previous rights of any other person the notice and record shall be changed to comply.

ARTICLE XI All claims already taken up to be worked according to these laws. The above laws being read and unanimously adopted J. K. Hatton was elected Recorder by acclamation.



ART. 1th. A claim, on any Quartz Ledge, in this County may have a lenth of 200 feet along the same and a width of two hundred feet at right angles with the Ledge on each side of the same to include all Quartz to be found within the above mentioned limits. ART. 2nd. Any person discovering a Gold bearing Ledge not previously located shall be entitled to two claims being one for discovery.

ART. 3rd. No person but a Discoverer shall be entitled to hold more than one claim by location in a Company.

ART. 4th. No one but an American Citizen or a Foreigner who has and exhibits his Foreign Mining Tax Receipt shall be allowed to hold a claim by Location on any Quartz Ledge in this County.

ART. 5th. It shall be necessary for Claimants to post on some conspicuous place on the claims located setting forth the number of feet claimed and from what point upon which the real names of the Locators shall appear in full-Said notice shall hold good for ten days at the expiration of which time a copy of said notice shall be placed upon the Records of this County, the notice and Record as above shall hold said claims without further improvements from & after the first day of November untill the first day of May following if Recorded after the first day of November. But upon all claims located between the first day of May and the first day of November following Labor to the amount of Eight dollars per claim shall be expended toward the prospecting or developing the same in each Thirty days after such location.

ART. 6th. To hold Quartz Claims for the first 12 months after location it shall be required of each claimant to expend at least one hundred dollars upon each claim of 200 feet in such improvements as may be required in the development of the same.

ART. 7th. Quartz claims which have been duly located in accordance with the foregoing Rules and Regulations persons are entitled to hold without limit as to number by afterwards conforming to the requirements set forth in these By-laws.

ART. 8th All Quartz claims in this County heretofore located upon which no permanent improvements have been made will be declared forfeited within thirty days after the Publication of these By-laws unless the notice of location is renewed and recorded if not already upon the Records of the County and labor expended upon the same in accordance with the foregoing regulations for holding Quartz claims.

DOWNIEVILLE June 6th 1859

ALFRED HELM Secretary.



At a meeting held at Page's old mill April 7th A. D. 1860, when Saml. A. Jewett was chosen President and J. E. Brown Secretary, when the following resolutions were adopted.

Whereas the miners of Dry creek and vacinity have heretofore been without any established rules or regulations to protect their interests and believing that some established rules defining the rights of each miner are essentially necessary to preserve order and peace in the community and believing also that it is the duty as well as the right of the miners of every mining section to hold their meetings, organize their district and to pass such laws as they may deem best to govern their own local interest: Therefore we the miners of Dry Creek in mass meeting assembled do resolve as follows

1st. That this District shall be bounded as follows-Commencing at a point where the New York Flat Creek emties into Dry Creek and running up the opposite ravine, through Geatty's Flat to its head; thence by the Union House in a direct line to the nearest point of New York Township line; thence following said line south and west to where it strikes the Honcut Creek. Then up said creek to its source, down the opposite ravine to New York Flat and down said flat to Dry creek to the place of beginning.

2nd. That the section of country embraced within the lines as described in the foregoing resolution shall be called the "Brownsville Mining District."

3d. That no mining claim in this district shall exceede the following surface limits

(1) Hill claims shall be limited to one hundred feet (100) in front each, but may extend back to the centre or summit of the hill. (2) A creek claim shall be one hundred feet (100) up and down the creek and in width to foot of the hills on each side.

(3) A ravine claim shall be two hundred (200) feet up and down the ravine and one hundred feet wide or from hill to hill.

(4) A quartz claim shall be one hundred feet (100) long running with the ledge and embracing in width all the dips, spurs, angles and false or side ledges connecting with the main ledge.

4th. That any person discovering diggins shall be entitled to one claim extra for discovery, but no one shall be entitled to hold more than one claim of a kind by pre-emption on the same ledge, but the right of purchase is fully recognized.

5th. That this meeting elect a Recorder for the district, whose duty it shall be to record all claims presented to him for that purpose, and to keep such record together with a copy of the miners laws of this district at his office, free for inspection or examination. He shall also post at least one copy of the laws at the most public place in the district, and he shall issue and post notices of all the miners public meetings to be held in the district during his term of office—which shall be for twelve months from the day of his election.

6th. That the Recorder shall be entitled to a fee of fifty cents for recording a single claim and for recording company claims of two or more in notice Seventy-five cents.

7th. That a claim when recorded shall hold good for the term of twelve months from the date of record, but any claim not recorded shall be forfeited if not worked within ten days after there is sufficient water for that purpose.

J. E. Brown was elected Recorder for twelve months and the meeting adjourned.

J. E. BROWN Secty


A an annual meeting of the miners of Brownsville Mining District held March 30th 1861 Wm. G. Rice was chosen President, J. E. Brown Secretary, when the old laws of 1860 were re-adopted excepting the 7th Resolution which was revised.

J. E. Brown Chosen Recorder for twelve months and the meeting adjourned.

J. E. BROWN Secty.


WM. G. RICE Pres

7th. That a claim recorded shall hold good for the term of six months from the date of record, but any pre-empted claim not recorded shall be forfeited if not worked within ten days after there is sufficient water for that purpose.

At an annual miners meeting held at Pages old mill April 7th 1862 Wm. G. Rice chosen pres. and J. E. Brown sectly. When art 1st in 3rd Resolution was changed-That a Hill claim should be two hundred (200) instead of 100 ft as heretofore.

J. E. Brown was chosen Recorder for the next twelve months or until another is elected.

J. E. BROWN Secretary.


Meeting adjourned. WILLIAM G. RICE Pres


At a meeting of the Miners of the Bodie Diggings, the following Laws were adopted:

ARTICLE 1st. This District shall be known and designated as the Bodie Mining District, and shall extend in each direction from the Bodie Claim, north, south, east and west, five miles.

ART. 28. Ravine and Gulch Claims shall be four hundred feet in length, and extending fifty feet each side of gulch or ravine from center. Flat Claims shall be two hundred and fifty feet square. Hill Claims shall be two hundred feet front and extending back to the sunimit or center of the hill.

ART. 3d. No person shall be allowed to hold more than one Gulch, one Hill, and one Flat Claim in this District by location; but can hold as many as he purchases in good faith.

ART. 4th. Ravine and Hill Clains shall be designated by a stake and notice at each of said claims. Flat Claims shall be designated by stake and notice at each corner.

ART. 5th. All claims shall be recorded within ten days after location, or be forfeited, unless parties making such locations are at work upon their claims.

ART. 6th. All persons holding claims in this District shall do one day's work every week on said claim, when there is sufficient water to work with a long tom or rocker.

ART. 7th. All persons locating Quartz Claims in this District shall be allowed two hundred and fifty feet of a quartz lead, together with all its dips, spurs, angles and variations, and together with fifty feet on each side of said quartz lode for right of work.

ART. 8th. All Quartz Claims shall be recorded within ten days after location or be forfeited.

ART. 9th. All Quartz Claims shall be designated by a stake and notice giving the name of the lead and company, also the number of feet located and names of parties making such location.

ART. 10th. All Quartz Claims shall be worked to amount of fifty dollars to each share within three months after location, which amount of work shall hold the claim good for the term of one year from the date of location.

ART. 11th. Any person or persons discovering a quartz ledge shall be entitled to one extra claim for discovery.

ART. 12th. All claims in this District shall be laid over and not be forfeited until from the first day of Oct., 1860, until the first day of May, 1861.

ART. 13th. There shall be a Recorder elected who shall hold his office for the term of one year and shall be entitled to fifty cents for each claim recorded.

ART. 14th. The Recorder shall keep in his possession a well bound book with all the laws of this District written therein, which shall be at all times subject to the inspection of the public in his presence.

On motion Jeremiah Tucker was elected Recorder for the term of one year commencing at this date, July 10th, 1860.

A. D. ALLEN, Secretary.

E. GREEN, Chairman.

At a meeting of Miners held Aug. 10th, A. D. 1861, at the Taylor Cabin in Bodie Quartz Mining District. On motion of Robt. Nevias, Mr. W. W. Vaughn was called to the chair and Wm. Feast appointed Secretary.

On motion of J. Tucker it was ordered that a committee of three be appointed to examine the old laws and report amendments thereto to this meeting. Col. Crawley, J. Tucker and J. E. Patton were appointed as the committee.

On motion of T. H. Bust the old laws were read by the Secretary.


That the Laws of this District be amended as follows:

The Committee on By-Laws reported as

ARTICLE 18t. Each claim on a quartz lode shall be worked to the amount of ($50) fifty dollars within three months after date of location; said work may be performed either upon his own claim or that of any other person or persons on the same lode.

ART. 2d. Claims located during the year of 1860 upon which the necessary amount of labor has been done that is required by the laws of 1860, shall, in order to secure them from re-location for one year, have an additional amount of labor to the amount of twenty-five dollars put thereon within three months after this date. Provided that those claims upon which the said amount of work has already been [done] shall be exempt from the action of this article.

ART. 3d. Work on claims may be suspended from Nov. 1st, 1861, until June 1st, 1862.

ART. 4th. The Recorder shall be entitled to receivo one dollar for each claim recorded, instead of fifty cents as heretoforo.
ART. 5th. That the Recorder shall be required to visit all new discoveries and note the same.

ART. 6th. All laws or parts of laws heretofore enacted conflicting herewith are hereby repealed.

On motion it was resolved to proceed to ballot for a Recorder for the ensuing year, and on motion Messrs. Tucker and Mead were put in nomination. Result of ballot :


8 votes.
8 votes.


Whereupon it was moved and seconded that we proceed to another ballot, which resulted in the election of J. W. W. VAUGHN, President.


WM. FEAST, Secretary.

At a meeting of the Quartz miners of Bodie District, held at Burnett's Cabin, June 7, A. D. 1862, in Bodio District, County of Mono, State of California, the following resolutions were adopted:

ARTICLE 1st. Resolved, that work may be suspended on quartz claims from the above date uptil the 25th day of August, 1962. ART. 2d. On motion, it was ordered that it be inserted by the Secretary that it is Resolved, that what portion of three months is left on the first of November, 1861, from the date of location or re-location of any quartz claim, shall be suspended until the 15th day of August, 1862, or during any time while [work] is suspended on quartz claims.

ART. 3d. On motion, it was also Resolved, by acclamation, that Samuel S. Tucker should have full control and charge of the Record Books, and shall be authorized to do what recording is required to be done by the miners of this District until his father's term expires. O. G. LEACH, President.

S. S. TUCKER, Secretary.

Agreeable to a call of the miners of Bodie District, a meeting was held on the 9th inst., at Leach and Monroe's cabin, for the purpose of electing a District Recorder for the ensuing year and revising the laws of said District. The meeting was called to order at 1 o'clock p. m., by J. E. Smith. S. H. Chase was appointed to the Chair, and S. S. Tucker, Secretary.

On motion, the polls were opened for the election of Recorder. O. G. Leach and S. S. Tucker were put in nomination. Whole number of votes cast, 33; necessary for a choice, 16. O. G. Leach received 20, and was declared duly elected Recorder of Bodie Mining District for the ensuing year.

S. H. Chase, having business elsewhere, resigned the Chair; whereupon, O. G. Leach was appointed in his place. On motion of J. E. Smith, a committee of three was appointed by the Chair to examine the laws of the District and report such amendments as they might deem necessary for the interests of the miners of said District. J. E Smith, B. J. Haslett and Jesse Spray were appointed as that committee.

The following amendments were proposed and adopted:

Art. 7th amended so that it should read two hundred feet instead of two hundred and fifty feet, which reads as follows:

ART. 7th. All persons locating Quartz claims in this District hereafter shall be allowed two hundred feet each of a quartz lode, together with all its dips, spurs, angles and variations, and together with fifty feet on each side of said quartz lode for the right of work. Art. 10th amended so as to road as follows:

ART. 10th. All quartz claims of two hundred feet and proportions thereof shall be worked to the amount of twenty-five dollars, or five days' work, within three months from the time of location, which amount of work shall hold the claim, good for the term of one year from the date of location.

BODIE, Aug. 9th,


S. S. TUCKER, Secretary.


At a meeting of the miners of Bodie District, held on this the 12th day of November, 1852 (in compliance to a call of the miners), Judge L. O. Stevens was called to the Chair, and O. G. Leach appointed Secretary.

On motion of Mr. Hubbard, the following laws were read and adopted unanimously:

ART. 15th. All quartz claims of two hundred feet and proportions thereof, that shall have fifty dollars' worth of work or useful labor expended upon them, shall give the owner or owners a perpetual title.

ART. 16th. The district Recorder is hereby authorized and empowered to issue certificates to any person or persons, upon application being made and satisfactory evidence shown to him that the required amount of work or labor has been performed on any claim or claims, as stated in art. 15th; and said Recorder shall keep a record of the same, and shall receive a fee of one dollar for each certificate issued.

ART. 17th. Any person or persons who may locate a site for a tunnel in this District shall run said tunnel forty feet within one year from date of location, or it shall be forfeited.

ART. 18th. Any person or persons who may locate and run a tunnel in this District for the purpose of prospecting any quartz lode or leads, having a notice of the same recorded in the Recorder's office of this District, and also in the County Clerk's office, stating for what lode or lodes the tunnel is intended to prospect, are not required to do any work directly upon said lode or leads, but shall put the work in said tunnel as stated in art. 17.

ART. 19th. The District Recorder is hereby authorized to issue certificates of ownership to all persons having claims recorded in this district (who may desire them), and shall receive a fee of fifty cents for each certificate issued.

ART. 20th. All laws or parts of laws heretoforo enacted, which in any way conflict with the above, are hereby repealed.

ART. 21st. Work may be suspended upon all quartz claims now located, or which may be hereafter located, from this date (Nov. 12th, 1862) until the first day of July, 1863.

On motion, the meeting adjourned.

O. G. LEACH, Secretary.

L. O. STEVENS, Chairman.


BODIE DISTRICT, March 4th, 1864.

At a meeting of the miners held this day at the house of J. Elnathan Smith, jr., the following laws were enacted and repealed:

On motion, Mr. J. S. Mooney was elected to the chair and J. W. Biderman, Secretary.

On motion of Mr. Childs the office of Recorder of this District was declared vacant; by motion of H. W. Walker, John Harlow was put in nomination and, there being no, other nomination, was duly elected.

On motion of H. W. Walker the chair appointed a committee of two-J. W. Biderman and H. W. Walker-to examine the By-Laws and report.

On motion of Mr. Childs Articles twenty-second, twenty-third and twenty-fourth were ordered to be read and added to the By-Laws as per Report of Committee.

On motion of H. W. Walker the Articles twenty-second, twenty-third and twenty-fourth were ordered to be placed on Record of the Books of the District.

An.. 22d. All persons holding Placer claims in this District shall do three days' work in every week on each and every claim after the first day of May, 1864.

ART. 23d. All labors performed on ditch, reservoir or flume, for the purpose of bringing in water from Cottonwood Creek for Placer mines, shall be considered as labor actually done on said Placer claims.

ART. 24th. All Articles or parts of Articles conflicting with said Articles twenty-second and twenty-third are this day hereby repealed. On motion, there being no further business before this meeting, it was ordered adjourned.

JAMES S. MOONEY, Chairman.

J. W. BIDERMAN, Secretary.



At a meeting of the miners and claim owners of Bodie district, held persuaut to legal notice, at the house of Messrs. Biderman & Pooler this day, the following proceedings were held:

On motion of John W. Biderman, F. K. Bechtel was called to the chair and O. G. Leach chosen Secretary. Whereupon the object of the meeting being stated by the Chairman, the following Resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Resolved, that all quartz claims that now are, or may hereafter become a matter of record upon which the required amount of labor has not, or may not be done shall not be subject to re-location before the fifteenth day of June, 1865.

Resolved, that these proceedings be spread upon the Record Book of this District.

O. G. LEACH, Secretary.

Witnesses present:

F. K. BECHTEL, Chairman.

J. W. Bidderman, Wm. Pooler, Edwin Donahugh, J. D. Spray, Alexander Paxton and John Harlow.
Recorded October 24th, 1864, by John Harlow, Recorder Bodie District, California.


Agreeable to the following call the Miners of Bodie Mining District met at Wand & Barker's Saloon at 12 o'clock and thirty minutes, Oct. 5th, 1865. J. L. Howard was called to the Chair and O. G. Leach elected Secretary.

On motion of J. L. Mayhugh, a committee of three was appointed by the chair to revise the laws of the District and report such changes as would best suit the interests of the Miners. F. K. Bechtel, J. S. Mooney and J. L. Mayhugh were appointed as that committee.

On motion of F. K. Bechtel the meeting took a recess of ten minutes to give the committee time to report. At the expiration of ten minutes the Chair called the meeting to order, when the committee made the following report, which was accepted and committee discharged.

(Report of committee can be seen on following page.)

Resolutions of committee's report were then read in the regular order. After some discussion the first resolution was adopted by a vote of five to four. Second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh resolutions were read and adopted unanimously.

On motion of J. L. Mayhugh it was resolved that the proceedings of the meeting be spread upon the Record Books of the District, and a copy of the same be forwarded to the Esmeralda Union for publication.

On motion of J. S. Mooney, the meeting adjourned.

OCTOBER 5th, 1865.

Secry Miners Meeting.

[Following is a portion of the preamble and the resolutions referred to in the minutes of the meeting of Oct. 5th, 1865. They were written on letter paper and wafered in the book, instead of being written on the leaves of the book, and one page or leaf is missing, hence the abrupt beginning of the committee's report as it now appears in the book.]

Situated between High Peak on the west, Bunker Hill Mining Claims on the east and bounded on the north by Lady Alice Company's ground, and on the south and southwest by the Ho estake and Stonewall Consolidation, whereupon be it

Resolved, 1st. That said Crescent location with its present boundaries be and they are hereby declared to be in accordance with the laws of this District and is valid and effectual.

Resolved, 2d. That any person or company of persons owning Placer Claims in this District shall be required to perform five days labor for each claim upon any portion of his or their claims and when so performed such claim or claims shall not be subject to re-location for the space of one year from date of location.

Resolved, 3d. That all claims located from and after the passage of these resolutions upon any quartz ledge or lode within this District may be made either by claiming two hundred (200) feet of running or lineal measure upon a ledge, including all dips, angles and spurs; or by locating two hundred feet square upon the surface of the ground with the right to hold all dips, angles and spurs that may be found within the said two hundred feet square, excepting such claims or lodes as may now be claimed and the title thereto has been made good or shall be made good as hereinafter provided.

Resolved, 4th. That all claims hereafter located shall be recorded within five days from and after being located, and when so recorded and five days available labor shall have [been] performed for each claim of two hundred (200) feet square or lineal measure as the case may be, the same shall not be subject to re-location for the space of one year from date of location.

Resolved, 5th. That all laws or parts of laws, resolutions or orders passed heretofore that are repugnent to or inconsistent with these preambles and resolutions are hereby repealed.

Resolved, 6th. That these preambles and resolutions shall take effect and be in full force from and after their adoption by this meeting,
Resolved, 7th. That these proceedings be spread upon the District records, and a copy thereof be published in the Esmeralda Union.
J. L. HOWARD, President of meeting.
O. G. LEACH, Secretary of meeting.


BODIE DISTRICT, March 3d, 1866.

On motion, M. R. Elstner was called to the chair, and F. K. Bechtel was chosen Secretary. The object of the meeting being stated, Messrs. Mooney, Walker and Bechtel were then on motion chosen a committee to draft resolutions amendatory of our mining laws, who, after due time, presented the following preamble and resolutions, [which] were unanimously adopted:

Pursuant to notice, the miners and claim-owners of Bodie Mining District met at the house of E. D. Barker, in the town of Bodie, this the third day of March, A. D. 1866, for the purpose of amending the mining laws of said District; also, for the purpose of electing a Recorder to serve for one year from date hereof; when, on motion, M. R. Elstner was called to the chair, and F. K. Bechtel chosen Secretary. After which, the following preamble and resolutions were introduced, read and adopted:

Whereas, At a miners' meeting held at this place, on the fifth day of October, 1865, certain amendments to the mining laws of this District were enacted, one article of which is deemed detrimental to the prosperity of the District, being calcnlated to retard the development of our mines; and

Whereas, The article referred to is ambiguous in its character and liable to misconstruction; wherefore, be it

Resolved, 1st. That Article 4th of the resolutions passed at a miners' meeting held at this place, on the fifth day of October, 1865, be and the same is hereby repealed.

Resolved, 2d. That all locations for quartz claims made hereafter shall be by lineal measurement, and that all such locations be allowed fifty feet on each side of the ledge for working purposes.

Resolved, 3d. That five days' available work shall be done for each claim of two hundred feet, such work to be performed within ninety days from date of location.

Resolved, 4th. That all locations made under Art. 4th, passed at the meeting of Oct. 5th, 1865, upon which no available labor has been performed, be and the same [is] declared void, and subject to re-location under the provisions of the second resolution herein contained. Resolved, 5th. That all locations of quartz ledges shall be recorded within five days from date of location.

Passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned.

F. K. BECHTEL, Secretary.

M. R. ELSTNER, President.

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