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In pursuance of notice, a miners' meeting was held at the house of Robt. Kernahan, on the fourth day of March, 1857, and James S. Mooney was called to the chair, and Robt. Kernahan was chosen Secretary.


On motion, they then proceeded to elect a Recorder.

T. J. Murphy and Roger Horner were appointed tellers of said meeting.

James S. Mooney then received the majority of all the votes cast, and was duly elected Recorder for the ensuing

On motion, a committee of three, viz: T. J. Murphy, Henry Walker and Robert Kernahan were appointed to examine the laws of the District.

On motion, a recess of one hour was [hereby] given said committee to examine said laws.


Report of committee.

JAMES S. MOONEY, Chairman.

Resolved, 1st. That all locations made hereafter on quartz ledges shall be by lineal measurement, and fifty feet on each side of the ledge for working purposes.

Resolved, 2d. That five days' available work shall be done for each claim of two hundred feet, such work to be performed within ninety days from date of location.

Resolved, 3d. That sixty days' work, exclusive of the aforesaid five, shall have to be performed each and every year from date of location, otherwise said claim shall be subject to re-location.


Resolved, 4th. That any law or laws heretofore enacted, coming in conflict with the laws of this date, are hereby declared null and

BODIE, March 4th, 1867.





At a miners' meeting, held at the house of F. Swenson, in Bodie, ou Wednesday, the 13th day of November, A. D. 1867, pursuant to a call by the Recorder, posted in three public places in said District, for ten days previous thereto, J. S. Mooney was duly elected President, and E. B. Dickenson, Secretary.

The following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Resolved, 1st. That the annual meeting for the election of Recorder for this District be hereafter held on the first Saturday in July and that James S. Mooney, the present Recorder, hold said office until his successor is elected and qualified.

Resolved, 2d. That Articles 15 and 16, passed at a miners' meeting held Nov. 12th, 1862, be and the same are hereby repealed. Resolved, 3d. That Article 3d of the resolutions passed at a miners' meeting held at this place, on the 4th day of March, A. D. 1×67, be and the same is hereby repealed.

Resolved, 4th. That all companies be required from and after this date, to perform available labor to the amount of one hundred dollars upon their claim or claims each and every year. That in case said labor is not performed, then said claim or claims are subject to re-location.

Resolved, 5th. That all resolutions heretofore passed, coming in conflict with the foregoing, are hereby repealed.
Thereupon the meeting adjourned sine die.

BODIE, November 13th, 1867.

E. B. DICKENSON, Secretary.

J. S. MOONEY, President.


BODIE MINING DISTRICT, December 30th, 1876.

Pursuant to notice posted in three public places the Miners of Bodie Mining District met in the saloon of J. C. Smith at 7 p. m., Dec. 30th, 1876.

Meeting was called to order by F. K. Bechtel, Recorder, and on motion of P. J. Kelly, Wm. Irwin, sr., was chosen Chairman and Silas B. Smith Secretary.

A motion was made and carried fixing the fee for recording a Mining Claim at five dollars. When no further business appearing the meeting adjourned sine die.

SILAS B. SMITH, Secretary.


F. K. BECHTEL, Recorder.

A meeting was held Dec. 29, 1879, for election of officers.

WM. IRWIN, SR., Chairman.



The miners of San Andres have amended their mining laws as follows:

On motion, Article 16 was amended so as to read: Any person or company holding shaft or tunnel claims, that have been worked for one season or more, by shafts or shafts sunk to the ledge, and drifted out pay dirt, and have seepage water upon the lead or channel which must be taken out in order to work the claim, and which claims are not considered practicable of operations in consequence of suspended operations upon contiguous claims, may bo held over by renewal of record from the 1st to 3d of July and September; provided, that no such claim shall be held over in such a manner for more than one working season, consecutively.



At a meeting of the miners at Cherokee Flat on the 19th of November 1861, the following Rules and Regulations were adopted for the government of the mining District.

1st. This mining District shall be called the Cherokee Flat District and bounded as follows, to wit, commencing at the mouth of the West Branch of Feather River to Indian Flat, thence westerly along the ridge which divides the waters of Oregon Gulch and those flowing North into Feather River to the head of Saw Mill Ravine, thence down said ravine to the mouth of the Hydraulic Flume Co's tunnel, thence North to the West Branch of Feather River, thence down said river to the place of beginning.

2d. The size of mining claims in this District shall not exceed one hundred feet square each.

3rd. No miner shall be entitled to hold more than one claim by location or pre-emption at the same time.

4th. All claims shall be designated by dial stake or stone being set at each corner, except when several claims are held by the same individual or company in a body, then a stake or stone at the out side corners shall be sufficient.

5th. All claims shall be recorded by the Recorder of this Mining District on the first day of June and December of each year, providing that after the first Record a renewal of the same shall be sufficient, and all claims not so recorded or renewed within ten days after the said first days of June and December of each year, the same shall be considered abandoned.

6th. There shall be a Recorder elected by the miners of this District who shall hold his office until removed by the miners of the District.

7th. It shall be the duty of the Recorder to keep a book in which he shall (1) Transcribe a correct copy of these rules and regulations.

(2) Correctly record all claims presented for record and renew the same when requested; for which he shall receive the following compensation, for all notices, containing not more than five claims one dollar and for each additional claim twenty cents-cach, a renewal being the same as a record.

8th. Nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to impair any rights heretofore acquired, and all Rules & Regulations heretofore adopted shall stand repealed on the taking effect of these.

9th. These rule and regulations shall take effect and be in force on the first day of December 1861.

We certify that the above rules and regulations are those adopted at an adjourned meeting of the miners of Cherokee District, held on the evening of the 19th of November A. D. 1861, at Weavers Saloon.

[blocks in formation]

Mr. R. C. Pulliam offered the following Resolutions which were adopted unanimously : (1) Resolved, That the Fourth and Fifth rules of Mining Rules and Regulations of Cherokee Flat District are hereby repealed. (2) Resolved, That the following rule be adopted as the Fifth Rule: All claims shall be recorded by the Recorder of this District from the first to the tenth days of June, each inclusive of each year, providing that after the first record a renewal of the same shall be sufficient and all claims not so recorded or renewed within said time of each year, the same shall be considered vacant and subject to be located or pre-empted by any person or persons. B. P. HUTCHINSON, President.




Adopted about Ap'l. 1862.

We the Quartz Miners of the above mention District to meet to enact laws relative to the Quartz mines of said district- Mr. Isaac N. Hitchcock Chairman― John Kearns secretary.

Resl. That this law includes all the Quartz of said District.

2 Resolved, that cach miner claim 200 feet for his claim and a miner making Discovery of said ledge has the privelege of claiming 200 feet for said discovery or otherwise shard his 200 feet with those prospecting said claim.

3 Resolved that no miner can claim but one claim on said Ledge with exception of miner or company of miners that makes the first discovery as is mentioned above.

A Resolved. that there is to be expended on each claim to the amount of $100 in each year of 365 days unless in case of sickness and said miner must notify the Recorder of said District that he is unable to work his claim.


Resol that each miner has 30 days from the time of placing his notice on his claim before Recording said claim if not he forfeit his

Resol that Mr. W. E. Reibson be Recorder of said Quartz claims in the Spanish Camp District

The above resolutions all unanimously adopted by this meeting held at Spanish Camp on the above mentioned day and date.

1st Location April 23rd 1862.

Changed to "Agra District" June 14th 1866.


UNION RANCH, January 22, 1863.

A Miners Meeting was called to order and George Moore esq was elected President, M Hatch as Secretary and R. J. Muray as Recorder.

ARTICLE 1st. It was Resolved that the District be known as the Empire Copper Mining District Commencing at Hutchings Ranch thence to Bear River one mile below the Flouring Mill thence to the North West corner of the Zinc House Copper Mining District Thence along the line to the North east corner to a Point Two Miles above Landers Bar thence down the Yuba River to the Pace or Point of beginning.

ARTICLE 2nd. There shall be a Recorder Elected who shall hold the office for the term of Twelve Months who shall be qualified before entering upon the duties of his office who shall take an oath to faithfully perform the duties of the Recorder then of which he shall record all claims brought to him in this order of presentation keep the Records in a suitable Book or Books for that purpose who shall Receive for each claim Recorded Twenty-Five cents and shall give to every person or persons a certificate naming in the certificate the Page in the Records of which it is recorded

ARTICLE 3d. All examinations of the Records must be made in the presence of the Recorder or his deputy

ARTICLE 4th. Notice of a claim or Location of Mining ground by any individual or by a Company on file in the Recorders office shall be deemed equivalent to a record of the same

ARTICLE 5th. Each claimant shall be entitled to hold by Location (200) two Hundred feet on any lode in the district with all its dips angles spurs offshoots out crops depths widths variations and all Minerals and other valuables contained Therein The discoveror of any or locator on, a new Lead being entitled to one claim Extra for discovery

ARTICLE 6th. The Locator of any load or Ledge in this district shall be entitled, to, hold on each side of the Ledge load or Lead Located by him or them two Hundred and fifty feet any lateral veins Loads or Ledges Bearing Minerals therein the space of said two Hundred and fifty feet on each side of the main lead shall be considered as claimed by and entirely belonging to the Locator or Locators of a Ledge and his or their assigns and parcel of the same mine

ARTICLE 7th. It shall be the Privilidge of any Person or Persons or company when the vein ledge or lode of Mineral is not distinctly traceable on the surface to take up the ground they deem to-Prospect Stating on their notice the manner they intend to prospect the same

ARTICLE 8th. Every claim whether by individual or company shall be recorded within ten days after the date of Location ARTICLE. 9th. It shall be required of each company holding ground in this district to put fifty dollars worth of work on said ground in three months from the date of Recording

ARTICLE 10th. That when any company shall have done honest work to the amount of one Hundred dollars upon their claims and shall cause an entry-To be made upon the Records of this district said company shall be considered as Having acquired a vested right in said Ledge which shall have all the force an effect in Law an Equity as other real estate and property The Recorder shall have fifty cents for such entries

ARTICLE 11th. The Recorder shall go upon the ground with any one or Parties desiring to locate claims and shall be entitled to receive for such service say for a company Locating ten or more names five dollars for each Location numbering less than ten names fifty cents each. Amendment to said article 11th requiring the Recorder when requested to go with parties Locating ground for which he shall receive (50 cts) a mile from his office to the Ledge

ARTICLE 12th. It shall be the duty of all Recorders elected after the time of the adoption of the Laws to post or cause to be posted a notice of an Election of his Successor in three Public places within two months of the expiration of his term of office The Election to be held within two weeks of the Expiration of his term of office Amendment to said article That whenever any ten miners owning claims shall request the Election of another Recorder said Recorder shall put up notices of an election to be held within ten days of the Petition

ARTICLE 13th. No Person shall be allowed to vote after the adoption of these Laws and the election of officers at any Subsequent election except such voters be an actual owner of a claim or claims in the district

ARTICLE 14th. Nothing in these Laws shall be so construed as to restrict any citizen of the United States from holding all the claims he may purchase

ARTICLE 15th. Any person or persons holding claims on one lead or ledge shall be entitled to hold claims by location on other ledges that may be or shall have been discovered

ARTICLE 16th. This constitution Rules or Mining laws may be altered or amended by a two third vote of those attending a legally called meeting of the miners of this district

Amendment to said article Providing that the two thirds vote consist of fourteen or more

ARTICLE 17th. It shall be the duty of the Recorder at any time (10) that ten claim holders shall Petition to him in writing for the call of a miners meeting to change the Laws To post or cause to be posted in at least three conspicuous places notices of such meeting stating the time and place and object of such meeting

ARTICLE 18th. That when any company has put work to the amount of fifty dollars said work shall hold said claim for one year



Proceedings of the first meeting of a Committee of Five held in Jackson, Amador County, State of California. Feb'y. 7th 1863-for the purpose of drawing up and defining the boundaries of a mining district in and for said Jackson and vicinity and drafting Laws for said district which committee of Five was appointed by the first Miners meeting which was held in the Court House in said Jackson Feb'y. 5th 1863 for the purpose of forming as above stated and organizing a Quartz, Copper and all other veins of metal Mining District. The above Committee to draw up Laws &c met for the first time Feb'y, 7th 1863 and organized by electing J. G. White their chairman and Arthur Chambers their Secretary

ARTICLE I. This District shall be known as the "Jackson Quartz and all other veins of Metal District," and is bounded as follows:On the West by the East lines of the Mt. Echo and Newton Mining District on the South by the Mokelumne River; on the east by the east line of Township No. 1. of Amador Co. California to near the New York Ranch at a point where the same crosses the Volcano and Ione City Road which is known as the Ridge Road, north by said road to the place of beginning.

ARTICLE II. A Recorder for said District shall be clected by the voters of the District.

ARTICLE III. The Recorder of the District shall before he enters on the duties of his office, take an oath that he will keep a correct record of all meetings in and for this District and so enter them upon the Records of the District which he shall keep for that purpose. He shall also keep a true and correct record of all claims or records of claims in said district in the usual manner of making and keeping such records of claims in said District noting the day hour and minute of filing such records and at whose request upon such filings as well as in said records-such recording shall date from the filing of the same. The Recorder shall receive twenty-five cents for each claim so filed and recorded. Such recorder shall hold his office for one year and until his successor is elected and qualified.

ART. IV. The books of said Recorder shall be open at all times to the inspection of the claim-holders of said District as well also to all other persons.

ART. V. Persons can locate but one claim on any one lead in this District. All claims in this District shall be two hundred feet on and along said leads and five hundred feet wide-That is-two hundred and fifty feet on each side of the centre of the lead. All claims located shall be for residents of the State of California.

ART. VI. Any person locating a claim in this District (or cause it to be done) shall post up a notice at both ends of such claim stating the metes and bounds thereof the date of its location &c. When several claims are jointly located a notice put up at each end of such claims or company shall in like manner be posted and is sufficient for all such claims.

ARTICLE VII. (Repealed May 22nd 1863.) All persons or parties so locating shall within eight days after locating such claim file with the Recorder a description of all such claims or company stating the metes and bounds, date &c of the same.

ART. VII (as amended). A notice upon a claim shall hold the same for ten days only recording a claim shall hold the claim thirty days, after which time labor to the amount of two dollars per month for each two hundred feet runst be expeuded upon the claims by the company excepting the months of December January, February aud March, during which time such labor shall not be required. Provided however when the sum of $20.00 shall have been expended by any company for each share of 201 feet such claims shall not be considered abandoned for the term of one year. Parties wishing to avail themselves of this provision must post a notice upon the claims claiming the exemption and have the same recorded in the book of the Recorder of. the District. Non-compliance with the provisions of this article shall be construed as an abandonment by them-of their claims. And for each succeeding year thereafter the same amount of labor and other requirements shall be performed as for said first year.

ART. VIII. All meetings in this District for the regulation of alteration, amendments &e of the laws in this District shall be called by the Recorder giving public notice of ten days preceding all such meetings or by ten persons having mining interests in this District giving such notice by putting up three notices in public places in the District-one of which shall be at the Post office door or room in Jackson Cala.

All claims located held and recorded in this district as per the foregoing Laws shall hold good for three months or ninety days in this district from the date of such Record. All laws in this District shall take effect from and after the election and qualification of the Recorder of said District.



At a regular meeting of the Copper and Quartz miners of Puckerville (Plymouth now) District, County of Amador and State of California, held at Puckerville February 11th 1863.


AUSTIN HART. Chairman.

It was resolved that we the miners of this district do ordain and establish the following Rules By-laws and Regulations and ware adopted.

ARTICLE 1st This District shal be known as the Puckerville Copper Mining Destrict and shal include all the Copper mines within the following named boundaries Commencing one-half mile above Hooper's Quartz Mill on Dry Creek thence in a Westerly direction to Doman's Ranch thence in a northerly Direction to Musick Dale, thence up the Cosumnes River to Bomans and Hurenimes Bridge on Side River thence on Air Line to Wheeler's Flowering Mill on Indian Creak thence on Air Line to the place of Begining.

ART. 2nd Any Person who is a Resudent of the State of California may take up or Preempt one claim on Each Ledge of 200 feet in length and Five hundred feet in Width and shal be entitled to folow the ledge through all its dips spures, and angles-Including all its minerals thare in contained

ART. 3rd All Persons competent and who shall claim in this Destrict shall within Ten days from the time of location file with the Recorder of said Destrict a Description of their claims individule or in Company as the case may be.

ART. 4th Location sal be considered valed by placing Notices at the end of his or their claims Posted couspiciously baring the names of the Claimants and Date.

ART. 5th It shall be required of each respected Company to perform one day's work in each month or equivalent to be expended on the claim for each shareholder and in case none performed of said requirements said Companies claims shall be considered abandoned and liabled to be located by other parties as if said claims had not been located.

ART. 6th It shall be the duty of the Recorder of the destuck to keep a book of Records for the purposes of recording individules or companys' claims a cording to description thire of for fileing each description or companys the Recorder shall receive Twenty-five cents and for recording the same he shal recive Twenty-five cents for each claim the date of filing shall be evadence of priority of claimes in all cases the recorder shall alow one full extry claim for the discoverer of every new Lode in this destrict he being entitled to the same for his discovery.

ART. 7th Every transfer of Claims to be valid aganst third parties shall be plast upon record in the Recorders office of the Destrict and the recorder shall be entitled to the sum of fifty cents for recording such transfer and giving a certificate of the same.

ART. 8th. All meetings of this Destrict shall be caled by the Recorder or by Twenty Persons whose names shall be placed upon the Notices calling the meeting their shall be at least five notices at different Public Plases throughout Said District and one week at least shall elapse before the meeting shall be held.

ART. 9th. The turme of the recorder shall be six months from his election and he shall hold his office untill his successor is Elected. After a companny shall have expended the sum of One hundred and Fifty Dollars to a full share on claims of 200 feet they shall have a good and valid title for the same for the Turme of two years.

ART. 11th It shall be the duty of the Recorder of this District to enter said laws upon his books and Keep the same open to Public inspection at all reasonable business hours.

ART. 12th No persons within the Boundrys of this Destrick shall hold more than one claim on every one lead except by Purchase but this articnl shall not include the first discoverer of any New Lode.

By a vote at said meeting E. S. Potter was duly ellected Recorder for this Destrick.



At a meeting of the Miners of Puckerville (Plymouth) and vicinity held pursuant to notice at the store of F. Sheaver on Saturday evening May 23rd 1863, for the purpose of enacting laws to govern the different mining interests within the District-Austin Hart was called to the chair-and Jno. Jones appointed secretary

A committee of five was appointed by the chair to draft laws for the government of the District.

The following were submitted to the meeting and were unanimously adopted.

ARTICLE 1 This District shall be known as the Puckerville Quartz, Gold, Silver, and Copper Mining District.

ART. 2nd Said District shall be bounded as follows: Commencing at a point on the South Fork of the "Cosumnes River" one mile above the Forks and thence running on an air line until it strikes the Forks of Dry Creek thence ou an air line to the Forks of Dry Creek, thence on an air line to the Central House thence to Southwest corner of Doman's Ranch thence on an air line to the Eastern boundry of opossum Bar District following said lines to the Cosumnes River thence up said River following its South Bank to the forks thence up the South Fork of said river one mile to the place of beginning.

ART. 3rd Any person being a resident of this state may preempt one claim on each of the Lodes named in Art. 1st. of 200 feet on said lode by 500 feet in width including all dips, Spurs, angles, cross and parallel leads within the aforenamed boundaries.

ART. 4th No person shall be allowed to claim locate more than one claim on the same lode in this District except the discoverer of a lode who shall be entitled to one claim extra for such discovery.

ART, 5th The boundaries of claims shall be established and defined by maintaining good and sufficient boundary marks at either end or in the centre of each companie's claims and by recording a description of them in the District Recorder's Books, and by posting at either end or in the centre of said claims a notice specifying each individual forming said Company.

ART. 6th A notice upon a claim shall hold the same for ten days. The recording of a claim shall hold the same for thirty days after which an equivalent of three Dollars per month for each two hundred feet must expended by the company excepting the months of December, January, February March during which time such labor shall not be required. Provided however that when the sum of seventy five Dollars in money or its equivalent shall have been expended by any company for each share of two hundred feet. Such claims shall not be considered abandoned for one year-Parties wishing to avail themselves of this provision must post a notice upon their claims, claiming the excemption and have the same recorded in the Books of the Recorder of the District.

A non-compliance with the provisions of this article shall be construed as an abandonment by them of their claims. ART. 7th Lodes of Minerals that cannot be traced by croppings or other outward indications-such as gold-bearing Ochre's shall be considered abandoned until five days after water can be obtained to work the soil from off the ledge.

ART. 8th Placer claims shall be two hundred feet in length by one hundred feet in width to each claimant.

Hill claims shall be one hundred feet front and running into the hill across and including the lead or channel.

All Placer diggings shall be considered abandoned unless worked within ten days after water can be obtained.

ART. 9th A recorder shall be elected in this district shall hold his office for the term of six months his residence shall be within the boundaries of this district and he shall be required to give at least one week's notice prior to the expiration of his term of office by posting at least three notices in three of the most public places within the District to fill said vacancy. Said Recorder shall be elected by ballot and a majority shall elect.

ART. 10th It shall be the duty of the Recorder of this district to keep a Record of all meetings and their proceedings and truly Record all claims in the order they are presented noting the day hour and minute of filing the same and his Books shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by all claimants in the District who may wish to examine the same free of charge.

The Recorder shall receive the sum of twelve and one-half cents for each claim for recording and all transfers of claims shall be recorded by the Recorder of the District, and shall receive for the same Fifty cents.

These Laws shall be in force from and after their adoption.

J. A Robinson was elected Recorder.


A. HART, Pres't.

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