Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Voted that; the Recorder receive a fee of one dollar for recording each and every Lode; the Recorder receive one dollar each and every Certificate.

Voted that this meeting adjourn to 2nd Tuesday of next April unless sooner convened by the Secretary. Attest:

E. W. KEYES Secty


At a Meeting of the Miners of the Chalk Creek and Helena Mining Districts made the 12th day of May 1873, the following rules were adopted.

Resolved that a committee of three retire and report a dividing line between the Helena and Chalk Creek, Districts.

Josiah Weston, J. G. Ehrhart, and J. A. Merriam are thereby appointed to view and fix said line.
Said Committee report as follows-

That the north line between said districts shall commence at the lower Hot Springs on Chalk Creek, thence in a northerly direction to the lower Hot Spring on Cottonwood Creek, thence in a westerly direction along the left hand branch of in south fork of the Cottonwood Creek to the summit of the Snowy range


JAS. D. DOWNING Recorder of Helena Mining District E. W. KEYES

Recorder of Chalk Creek Mining District.



At a miner's meeting held at the mouth of Eureka Gulch Animas Park, on the 16" day of August 1873. Due and timely notice having been given of such meeting for two weeks previous and a Majority of the miners of the District being present the following business was transacted.

The meeting being called to order and its object being stated by Mr. R. J. McNutt; on motion Mr. A. P. Simpson was elected chairman and Mr. T. H. Taylor Secretary.

It was resolved to form a Mining District to be known as the Eureka Mining District with the following boundaries, to wit;

Commencing at a stake one mile north of the mouth of Cunningham on the East side of the trail running up the valley of the Ammas. Thence Westerly to the summit of the divide between the Eureka Gulch and the water South, following the same Westerly and Southerly to the point of intersection with the divide, between the Uncompahgre and Rio Las Animas waters. Thence Northerly and Easterly along the divede to its Junction with the main or Snowy Range. Thence southerly following the summit of the range to the point of intersection with the divide, between Maggie Gulch and Cunningham Gulch. Thence Westerly along the Divide to the point of commencement. The same to include all the water shed whose waters empty into the Rio Las Animas above the starting point.

On motion the chair appointed a committee to draft a cole of District mining laws, consisting of R. J McNutt, James Beaton and J. L. Ufford.

The committee submitted their draft to the meeting and the following code was adopted article by article ARTICLE 1st The officers of this District shall consist of a President, Vice Presedent, Secretary and Recorder. The duties of the President shall be to call special and preside at all meetings of the District.

Of the Vice Presedent to act in the same capacity in the absence of the President

Of the secretary and Recorder to act as Secretary of all miner's meeting, to hold possession of and be responsible for the safe keeping of all books, papers and records, belonging to the District & to make such entries upon the District records, indexing both mines and locators, as may be offered to him, accompanied by a fee of one dollar for each record made.

ARTICLE 2nt The officers of the District shall be elected at each annual meeting of the District, and shall hold their term of office for OLE year. But in case of unavoidable absence or inability to perform their duties, deputies to each and all may be appointed by themselves or the District. And in case of their wilfully absenting themselves or neglecting to perform duties, each and any of them may be impeached and their place filled for the unexpired term by a two thirds vote of any meeting, where there is a quorum of the votes present.

ARTICLE 3rd A quorum shall consist of thirty voters, who hold property in the District and no impeachment of officers or change of these laws shall be made except by a two thirds vote

ARTICLE 4th=All papers, books & records belonging to the District shall be open to public inspection at all reasonable times under the supervision of the Recorder, but in no case shall they be taken from his possession, except by the District officers in case of impeachment.

ARTICLE 5th=All mining claims shall be recorded after such a general rule and upon such blank forms as may be adopted by the District and shall be numbered together with date and hour, in the order of their filing for record. And each locator of a claim upon presenting his notice for record accompanied by the Recorder's fee, shall be entitled to an exact copy of the record certified to and recorded by the Recorder.

ARTICLE 6th A ledge or Lode claim shall consist of 1500 feet in length and 300 feet in width and shall include all lodes, ledges, deposits of ore, mineral bearing rock, that may have their apex within the limits of the claim, but shall not in any case extend beyond the side or end lines of this parallelogram, or surface claim, except what may be necessary in following down in a direct line, the dip of any lode or ledge, or part of such, as may have its apex within the limits of the claim.

ARTICLE 7th Any persons or persons, locating a lode or ledge claim shall place, or have upon the claim a monument at least two feet in height, and on the same a written notice on paper and within five days thereafter place upon it a stake of at least two feet in highth, with a face upon it at least four inches in width, upon which shall be legibly written, the name of the Lode, the name of the individual locating, a definition of limits and date of location and cause a notice of same to be recorded in the District records within twenty days thereafter.

ARTICLE 8"=Any Miner possessing a mine, or any mill, or furnace owner may claim and hold a mill site of five acres in accordance with the United States Mining laws, with right to use all the water that passes through it, in case he or they return the same to its natural channel upon leaving his premises, without injury to his neighbor, by posting notice on such claim in a conspicious place, defining limits, with name of locator and date of location and recording the same within twenty days from such location

ARTICLE 9th Any miner may claim and hold, not to exceed one tunnel claim in the District, by posting notice at the face of such Tunnel with date of location and name of locator or lacortors, recording and working assessments under the same provisions as are necessary to hold a ledge or lode, claim.

ARTICLE 10th Any person who shall remove, alter or deface any legal notice of location not his own discovery shall be considered guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be punished by such fine or forfeiture of rights as may be deemed just and right by a two thirds vote of a quorum of miners of the District.

ARTICLE 11th=In estimating assessments the excavation of one cubic yard of blasting rock, or three cubic yards of pick and shovel work, or three hundred yards of trail made for the use of a mine shall be considered equivolent to thirty dollars worth of labor, and in the same proportion for any greater or less amount Other labor for the benefit of a mine, or whereby greater inconvenience, the oxpense is greater the amount may be substantiated by voucher and affidavit at the rate of ten dollars for each ordinary days labor, and twelve dollars for cach days labor in blasting.

ARTICLE 12th Where so desired any miners holding property recorded in the records of Los Aminas District may record such property in Eureka District records, with change of name and such further description of such property, together with its surroundings, as may the better accord with the laws of the United States and Eureka District, without injury to former claim or title, providing no adverso rights exist at the time of re recording

Recorded Aug. 17′′ 1873

T. H. TAYLOR Sect. V.

JAS BEATON Dist Recorder



Meeting called to order by Wm P. Pollock

On motion John D. Roby was elected president and Win P. Pollock Secretary.
The following resolution was offered by Fredk Wilke to wit;

Resolved that owing to the scarcity of water in Soda, Right Hand and Wilko gulches in said mining District and the ditch carrying water to said gulches being still unfinished; the owners of said property shall have until next July viz;—July A. D 1875 to complete said ditch, and that said mining property to-wit; Soda, Right Hand and Wilke gulches, together with 4000 feet on Bluo River adjoining shall be held as represented until the time aforesaid viz; July A. D. 1975 and not subject to relocation ;-carried

On motion meeting adjourned sine die


JOHN D. ROBY President.


MARCH 26th 1875

At a meeting of the miners of the (so called) Long Island and Union or Uniou Consolidated Mining Districts situated at or near the confluence of the Blue and Swan rivers, in the Territory of Colorado and county of Summit J. T. Clark having been called to the chair and A. R. Emmett elected secretary the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted viz;

Whereas The mineral resources of this district are of great value and the development of the same is of vast importance to the miners and to the public generally

And, Whereas The organization of numerous mining districts by persons of limited experience heretofore has had a tendency to encourage speculation to retard development, discourago immigration, complicate titles, promote law suits and render difficult, uncertain tedious and expensive the manner of proceeding to obtain U. S. Patents, as the experience of the last fifteen years has abundantly proven Wherefore be it resolved 1st That Union and Long Island Mining Districts heretofore indefinitely bounded as follows viz; on the East by Pleasant Park district; on the South by Spaulding Mining District; on the West by unknown district and Ten Mile range and on the North by Unknown district, including the valley of the Blue River and the Swan river at the confluence of the Blue and Swan rivers and extending two (2) miles more or less up the Blue river from its confluence with the Swan river and four (4) miles northerly down and along the Blue river, from the aforesaid confluence of the Blue and Swan rivers, including the valley of the Blue river and any and all parts of mining districts included within the boundaries of the so called mining district is hereby declared abandoned and the laws thercof Null and l'oid

2d Resolved that all mining claims situated within the boundaries of said districts or either of them, whether Creek, Gulch Bar or Bank claims are hereby declared forfeited and abandoned together with all and singular the rights of any claimant which may have been heretofore.

3rd Resolved That sections one and two shall not be so construed as to impair the just rights of any person or persons who may have been engaged in mining within the last twelve-months or in actual development of his or their mining property within the above abandoned district.

4th Resolved That the laws of the United States and of the Territory of Colorado relative to water rights, size of claims, dump privileges, locations, manner of recording and amount of work necessary to hold possession of a claim, in so far as the same is applicable to placer mining claims is now and shall be hereafter the only recognized authority in the abandoned (so called) Union and Long Island or Union Consolidated Mining District

5th Resolved That the written proceedings of this meeting shall be filed with the Recorder in and for the county of Summit and territory of Colorado, within ten days or less from the date above written JAMES T. CLARK, Pres

D. R. EMMETT, Secy.


At at meeting of the miners called and held in McNulty Gulch July 24th 1875 J. H. Follett was called to the chair and Frank Brandon was chosen secretary.

The object of the meeting was to change the laws of the Old District or district located in early days in and about the head of Ten Mile creek and to locate a new Mining District; the following resolutions or laws were passed

S 1st That this district shall be called Consolidated Ten Mile District, and bounded as follows; commencing at a stake at the corner of Park and Lake Co; thence running along the tip of the range between Blue river and Ten Mile and thence on the top of the range between Eagle river & Ten Mile and thence south to the top of the main range, and northerly bound by West Ten Milo creek

SECTION 2d. That the old mining laws embraced in the boundaries of Sec 1 are hereby declared null and void That hereafter all placer mining claims shall be taken and held under the territorial and United States laws concerning the same

Sɛe 4 That all claims now held under the old District laws and not represented on or before the first day of August 1875, shall be considered forfeited.

SEC 5th That all claims located and held under the old laws and represented according to the same are lawful

SEC 6th All claims not represented on or before the first of July annually are considered forfeited after August the first 1875; the amount of representation being one hundred dollars.

SEC 7th That those laws be duly recorded at the County Recorder's office within ten days of date.
July 24th 1875




At a miner's meeting called and held at Clinton City Consolidated Ten Mile District, Summit Co. Colo July 19–1877; the following local laws and resolutions were passed

Mooved that the leagle rates of miner's wages in working assessments on lodes in Consolidated Ten Mile Mining District be fixed at ten dollars (10.00) per day with pick and shove and twelve and one half ($12.50) blasting. Mooved that we stand by each other in the support and legitimate rights of each.

Mooved that proceedings be recorded at Breckenridge and published in the Colorado Springs Gazette and Fairplay Sentinel

JULY 19-1877

At a meeting of the miners of the Consolidated Ten Mile District, held at the home of Benjamin F. Brandon in McNulty Gulch on the evening of the 3d day of October A. D) 1878, and which was attended by a majority of the miners of said district; Benjamin F. Brandon was elected to act as President of said meeting and Leonard S. Butler as Vice President, Alvah Lake as Secretary and Newton B. Low as assistant secretary, and the following preamble and resolutions were adopted


Whereas certain incidents have arisen in this mining district during this day, which would lead if not connected by local mining regulations pertaining thereto, to litigation and destruction of the best interests of the district, therefore

No. 1 Resolved that this district will be governed in all matters pertaining to Lode mines by the Revised Statutes of the United States and the statutes of the state of Colorado, and the regulations adopted by this meeting

No. 2 Resolved that any one person or a number of parties together, may locate in this district, one or more lode mines provided ho or they shall have complied with the regulations herein after provided, in relation to the location and work thereon

No, 3. Resolved that any locator or locators of lode mines in this district, who before the first day of July A. D 1879 shall have bunk a shaft ten feet deep four feet wide and six feet long, shall be entitled to hold said claim or lode until that date whether he or they thall have struck mineral or paying ore or not

No. 4 Resolved That any locator or locators of any lode claim who shall have run an adit or drift or tunnel or incline four feet wide, six feet high aud ten feet in depth from a point on the bottom of the same where the adit or drift or tuunel or incline, shall havo reached at or near its entrance a depth of five feet he or they shall have possession of the same until the first of July 1×79, whether he or they shall have struck mineral or paying ore or not

No. 5 Resolved that any locator or locators of lode mines in this district who may have performed that portion of the work heretofore required under these regulations, to hold possession of his or their claim until July 1st 1879 in order to maintain free possession of such claim or claims after the 15th day of July 1879, shall be required to push forward the work on the development of the same, to a point where mineral or paying ore shall have been obtained or the party or parties who shall have located such claim or claims shall Lave become impressed with the desire to abandon the same and shall apply the labor of two men each day at least and the work by

whom shall be faithfully performed until mineral or paying ore shall be struck or the claim abandoned and any neglect on the part of said locator to perform such work for any consecutive ten days after the said 15th day of July 1879 shall work a forfeiture of said claim and such claim shall be subject to relocation according to the statutes of Colorado.

No 6 Resolved That it shall be sufficient before filing a claim for record to retain possession of a lode claim in this district, unless forfeited by failure to work the same, as herein before provided to set a stake 750 feet from each end and 75 feet from each side of said claim, upon which said stake distances shall be described, together with the course of said vein, giving the name of the lode, ledge or deposit and the date of the location of the same and the name of the locator or locators and and no claim so located shall be disturbed by anybody nor subject to forfeiture until the 15th day of July 1879 provided all the conditions in regard to holding possession of the same shall have been fulfilled as herein before provided

No. 7 Resolved, That should any mineral be discovered upon any located lode claim in this district which shall have such a dip or angle or be of such a character as that lately called carbonates at Leadville in Lake Co., the mining for the same and the right to the possession of the same on a regularly located claim shall be confined to the space between the side and end lines of the same but should said lode have a nearly vertical dip of from 4° to 9° the party having located said claim, shall have all the rights to dips spurs and angles, as provided in the statutes of Colorado

No. 8. Resolved That the name of this camp shall be designated as Carbonateville, and that on the opening of work in the camp on or after the first day of June 1879, the governor of the state and the United States Senator, shall by the officers of this meeting be requested to use their influence to furnish a tri-weekly,mail to this district

No 9 Resolved-That the boundaries of this district be the same as those heretofore recorded

No 10. Resolved; that Carbonateville shall be located at or near the confluence of McNulty gulch with Ten Mile River and near the head waters of Eagle river.

No. 11 Resolved;-that we the miners and locators of claims in this district agree to stand faithfully by each other in enforcing the lawe of the United States, of the state of Colorado and the foregoing laws, adopted for the government locally of this district (in consequence of the failure of the United States government and of the state of Colorado to supply the wants of this district locally therein) and under all circumstances to combine together and work with each other to resist jumping of claims, except under these regulations and to maintain good order and decent and proper individual conduct in this district

No. 12 Resolved;-that this meeting shall resolve itself into an association and that the term of office of its officers shall be for one year from the 15th day of July of each year, on which day an election for President Vice-President, Secretary and Assistant Secretary shall be held at a meeting to be had for the purpose, and that the officers heretofore elected shall hold office until their successors are elected on July 15th 1879

No. 13 Resolved;-that no person having located in this district shall have a voice in this meeting or association except he shall by location or purchase be possessed of a mining claim.

No. 14 Resolved that the work required to be done on a lode claim, in order to hold the same may be done on any part of said claim.

No. 15 Resolved;-that the Representative of Summit county be requested by the officers of this association to present to the Legislature of the state at its coming session these regulations in the event of a movement in said legislature in the direction of remodeling the present statutes of Colorado in regard to lode mining with the request that the same may be endorsed as the law of this district in regard thereto, and to further request said representative to prepare a bill and present the same to the Legislature for its adoption as a law giving to Summit County a width of three hundred feet to lode claims.

No. 16. That the proceedings of this meeting shall be published in the papers at Leadville and Denver and that the same shall be recorded in the recorder's office of Summit County and that the same shall be left in the hands of the President of this association (for the examination by any member of the association or by new locators at any time) and ultimately to be turned over by him to his successor in office.

MEMORANDUM;-these proceedings were adopted by the unanimous vote of all present at the meeting who formed a large majority of the miners of this district

[blocks in formation]


Aug. 14, 1875—

At a meeting held by the miners of Pollard District, L. M. Hill appointed chairinan, Tom Wallace secretary, for the purpose of making by-laws for said District

Be it resolved that the Boundaries of Pollard District be as follows, Beginning at the north east corner of Campbell District & running north five (5) miles, thence west to a point due north of the north west corner Campbell District, thence south to the northwest corner of Campbell District, thence east along the summit of the Rocky mountains to place of beginning.

Resolved that we adopt sixty days for developing, after staking, before recording.
ARTICLE second-Resolved, disputes shall be settled by a miners' meeting.
ARTICLE third, In all other respects to be governed by U. S. and territorial laws.

Motion made and carried that we adopt said laws as read & also that the secretary present a copy of said laws to the county Recorder for recording. TOM WALLACE Sec.


Copy from File in the County Court of Hinsdale County at Lake City Colorado.

Pursuant to notice, the Miners in Burrows' Park, Colorado, met in Convention at Tellurium, August 21, 1875 at 4 o'clock p. m. An organization was effected by electing A Hargrave President and Benton Fraley Secretary. The Chair stated the object of the meeting to be the organization of a new mining district-it appearing that the records of the Adams district have not been recorded on any county records and can not now be found—and further to fix the legal rates of miners' wages in working assessments in the proposed district.

On motion, a committee consisting of Messrs Niles, Howland, Kiser, Winsby and Bradshaw was appointed to define the boundaries of the proposed district.

After some time spent in consultation the committee reported as follows:

"Boundaries of a mining district to include Burrows Park. All the tributaries of the Lake Fork of the Gunnison river and slopes of the mountains from the summit at the head of said Lake Fork to Cottonwood Junction," which report was adopted, and, on motion, the District was named "Park District."

On motion, the legal rates of miners' wages in working assessments in this district was fixed at $12oo per day, with pick and shovel and $16oo per day with steel and powder.

It being considered probable that a portion of this district lies in Hinsdale County and a portion in La Platta county, (the county lines having never been run out), it is on motion ordered that our district records shall be recorded in both Hinsdale and La Platta counties, and Frank Barnes and Thomas Logan were appointed a committee to see that the record is completed in the Recorders office at Lake City and at Silverton.

John F Dowling was elected President and Benton Fraley Secretary of the Miners association in this district, for the ensuing year.

A motion prevailed instructing the secretary to send copies of the proceedings of this meeting to the "Silver World" and La Platta Miner," with the request that the same be published; and the meeting adjourned sine die. A HARGRAVE, President BENTON FRALEY, Secretary.


At a meeting held at the town of Galena, on the 11th day of May, the following boundaries of Galena Mining District were established: The eastern boundary line commencing at the head of Crystal Lake, following Crystal Creek to Henson, thence up Alpine Creek to the line of Park Mining district. The Southern boundary line running westerly from the head of Alpine along Park district, to the San Juan County line. Thence northerly ten miles along the line of San Juan County for a western boundary line, thence easterly to Crystal Lake, or place of beginning

JOHN B SEARCH, Secretary

GALENA Hinsdale County, May 11, 1876.

H YOUMANS, President

At a meeting of citizens of Galena District, called for the purpose of organizing as a mineral district; May 17, 1877, the following action was taken

1st-That this district is known as "Galena Mining District"

21-That the officers of this district shall consist of a President, Vice President and Secretary and shall hold office for one year.


Miners' wages shall be eight dollars, thirty-three and one third cents per day, for powder and fuse. [NOTE-this means, if they work with powder and fuse] Other Labor Five dollars per day.

That this is a lode running district and there are at prescut no Placer mines known to exist in its limits.

That all locations made by fencing and placer claims for the purpose of speculation are hereby denounced.

Resolved, That the boundary of Galena mining district shall commence at the mouth of Alpine Creek, running south to the North boundary of Park district; thence west to the county line, thence east to a point north of the Mouth of Alpine creek; thence south to the place of beginning

B. K. JOHNSTON, Secretary.

G GREGGORY, President

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