Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

47. Account for the defeat of General Leslie at Dunbar.

48. Assign events to the following dates: 1215, 1298, 1314, 1400, 1485, 1532, 1603, 1620, 1628, 1679, 1707, 1714, 1715, 1745, 1837.



(Optional-to be worked in 15 minutes-three questions.)

1. What is meant by major? what by minor? and how does a major differ from a minor scale?

2. What is a minor triad? Write in a, b, and c, severally, the minor triads of C (do), F (fa), and G (sol) :




3. What is a scale? Describe the difference between a diatonic and a chromatic scale.

4. What is a bar? What are the chief uses of the bar in music?

5. Write in a, b, and c, severally, the major triads of F (fe), C (do), and F (fa). What is a triad?




6. How many tones, and how many semitones, are found in the ascending unaltered minor scale; and what are the places in it of the latter?

7. How many tones, and how many semitones, are found in the ascending major scale; and what are the places therein?

8. Write under each of the following intervals its name (major third, minor third, perfect fourth, and so on):

9. Write under each of the following rests the valuename of the note to which it corresponds:

10. Add the proper signatures to the following:




11. Write out the perfect fourths (or major fourths, as they are sometimes called) found between the notes of the scale of C (do):

12. Write the following one octave higher:

13. Complete the following bars by adding rests:



14. Write (1) above each of the following notes its scalename (C or do, D or re, &c.), and (2) below each of the notes its value-name (semibreve, minim, &c.):

[blocks in formation]

15. Write below each of the following intervals its name (major third, &c.):






16. Add the proper time-signature to each of the following:


17. What is the interval (1) between me and lah, and (2) between ray and fah?

18. Write the pulse signs for three-pulse measure.

19. Write (using two-pulse measure) one note continued through four pulses.


20. Write below each of the following intervals its name (minor third, &c.):


21. Write the key-signatures of each of the following keys: (1) A; (2) B flat; (3) G; (4) E flat; (5) D. 22. Add time-signatures to each of the following:


23. What is the interval (major third, &c.) (a) between ray and fah, (b) between soh and doh1, (c) between doh and fah, (d) between doh and lah, (e) between doh and


24. (a) Which are the strong tones of the scale, and (b) which are the leading tones?

25. Write (a) a four-pulse measure, (b) a six-pulse measure, and (c) a nine-pulse measure, all in primary form.


26. Write above each of the following notes its pitchname (C, D, or do, re, &c.), and below write the signs for rests corresponding in value to the notes:






27. Add proper time-signatures to the following:




28. Write below each of the following intervals its name (major fourth, &c.) :

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29. Write (using three-pulse measure) one note continued through six pulses.

30. Write the ascending scale from doh to doh1.

31. Write the names of the following intervals: (1) fah to lah; (2) soh to te; (3) soh to ray1; (4) fah to te.


32. Write above each of the following notes its pitchname (C, D, &c.), and below write the signs for rests corresponding in value to the notes:





33. Add the proper time-signatures to the following:




34. Write below each of the following intervals its name (major fourth, &c.) :

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