Iva Kildare: A Matrimonial ProblemLongmans, Green, and Company, 1897 - 364 σελίδες |
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Αποτελέσματα 1 - 5 από τα 45.
Σελίδα 11
... mind , Iva , only to me , your mother ; don't be so free in your language " " My dear thing ! Free in my language ! I wish you heard other girls " I wish nothing of the kind , " said Lady Tilbury , with her severest air . " It's ...
... mind , Iva , only to me , your mother ; don't be so free in your language " " My dear thing ! Free in my language ! I wish you heard other girls " I wish nothing of the kind , " said Lady Tilbury , with her severest air . " It's ...
Σελίδα 14
... Mind you don't . It would be such an opening for a grievance - and that is the very thing we want to avoid . And , mother , if you could keep up the polite and serious attitude ! The longer you can do that the better . " “ Of course , I ...
... Mind you don't . It would be such an opening for a grievance - and that is the very thing we want to avoid . And , mother , if you could keep up the polite and serious attitude ! The longer you can do that the better . " “ Of course , I ...
Σελίδα 20
... mind . " It was now Mabel's turn . “ They never minded in the least ; mamma used to say : ' Bother Reggie ! Take him away , some of you , I want to get my letters written , ' when he came in the mornings . And Iva wouldn't come down if ...
... mind . " It was now Mabel's turn . “ They never minded in the least ; mamma used to say : ' Bother Reggie ! Take him away , some of you , I want to get my letters written , ' when he came in the mornings . And Iva wouldn't come down if ...
Σελίδα 52
... mind a list of débutantes , “ their mothers thought the same of them as I did of Iva . Oh , I'm not a fool ! " ( Lady Tilbury was right . She was by no means a fool . ) " Sure enough , I think no one can touch my Iva - my pretty Iva ...
... mind a list of débutantes , “ their mothers thought the same of them as I did of Iva . Oh , I'm not a fool ! " ( Lady Tilbury was right . She was by no means a fool . ) " Sure enough , I think no one can touch my Iva - my pretty Iva ...
Σελίδα 66
... mind , " she had at any rate " a kind heart " . Lady Tilbury , it may just be mentioned , chanced after a time to have it in her power to render Mrs. Chancellor a service , what she herself deemed only a trifling service , but which ...
... mind , " she had at any rate " a kind heart " . Lady Tilbury , it may just be mentioned , chanced after a time to have it in her power to render Mrs. Chancellor a service , what she herself deemed only a trifling service , but which ...
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Iva Kildare: A Matrimonial Problem (Classic Reprint) L. B. Walford Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη προεπισκόπηση - 2018 |
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
ÆNEID Amos Druitt ANCIENT ROME ANDREW LANG better brother C. J. LONGMAN Cabinet Edition CHAPTER course cried daughter dear dinner door ESSAYS eyes face feel felt GEORGE JOHN ROMANES girl Grindle Haggard's H. R. hand head heart HISTORY hunting Illus Illustrations Iva Kildare Iva's mother Jabez Druitt knew Lady Tilbury laugh live look M.A. Crown 8vo Mabel mamma Maps Maud Max Müller mean mind Miss Kildare Miss Lossett Miss Tilbury never night Old Cary Hall once paused Plates POEMS poor Popular Edition Portrait Puddington R. A. PROCTOR Reggie Goffe round seemed Sir Philip Sir Thomas Sir Thomas's smile Sophia sort speaker Story suppose sure talk tell Text thing thought Tilbury Court Tilbury's tions told took trations turned uncle voice vols wait WALTER BAGEHOT WILLIAM wonder word young دو