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study to retain their superiority, I would suggest that the teachers' meetings be converted into teachers' study classes, and that there be four of them-primary, intermediate, grammar and high school. In these classes systematic courses of professional reading could be carried on. The philosophy and the history of education should be learned thoroughly. Familiarity with the methods of most successful teachers should be acquired. A prolonged study of

mental science should be made."


The advanced law relative to the examination of teachers, passed by the legislature February, 1887, evoked considerable criticism on the part of all non-progressive teachers, who, for years had been teaching on "renewal certificates," and, as a consequence, they had become almost altogether indifferent and reckless as to personal improvement and advancement. Being suddenly and sharply awakened from this state of apathy, it is not surprising that they tell to censuring the new law with greater vigor and earnestness than they had ever shown before, and which, had they previously expended an equal amount of energy and interest in preparing themselves for more efficient work in their profession, would have added much more to their personal credit and benefit. Since the "nactment of the new law, there has been much unreasonable faultfinding with the examinations required of teachers to obtain certifirates. The lists of questions are uniform and are prepared quarterly by members of the State Board of Examiners. The printed lists of questions used in the public examination of teachers during the past two years are given herein. It will be seen from these lists that the questions are not specially difficult or complex, but, on the contrary, are much less intricate than those in use in many other States. Another point should be noted in this connection, and that is, that the State examiners have taken, for the most Dart, the uniform series of text-books adopted, as a basis in the preparation of questions. Especially has this been the case with questions in arithmetic.






1. Applicants should write answers to correspond with the questions, and give due atter to capitals and punctuation. Answers to questions should be written only.


No communication or reference to books or memoranda permi ted during the examina 3. An applicant who is a stranger to the county superintendent must present satisfactory « ten testimony of good moral character from two or more persons of respectable standing. 4. The county board of examiners shall hold regular public quarterly examination of en cants for teachers' certificates, beginning at noon on the last Wednesday of February, May, Au and November.

0. All questions for the quarterly public examinations will be forwarded to each e unty st intendent, who shall have exclusive charge of said questions until the examination is menced, and the questions shall not be opened except in the presence of the board of exam at the time of beginning each public quarterly examination.

6. Two members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business

7. Applicants shall not be admitted to the examination who were absent at its opening. 8. No applicant shall be allowed to leave the room or communicate with any person du the examination except by special permission of the chairman.


All applicants shall begin in a given subject at the same time, and no reces shall be ta until that subject is finished 10. Applicants are required to answer in complete sentences as far as practicable. credits will be given only when answers are correct in fact and form.

11. No applicant shall be permi ted to have a text-book in his possession during the hour the examination.


All applicants must endorse their papers with their number and the name of the sub ad date of examination, and all entries on the record book kept by the county superinten for this purpose shall be made on these numbers only. The names of the applicants shal, no. entered upon the register until the close of the examination; but shall, with the number and name, be entered at the beginning of the examination on bank cards, which shall be ke;t sealed envelope till the close of the examination.

13. No member of the board shall communicate to anyone the standing of any applicant any study during the examination.

14. Every applicant receiving his certificate must subscribe to the following:

I do hereby certify that prior to this examination I had no knowledge of the questions i posed, and have neither given nor received any aid during the progress of the same.

15. Three grades of certificates may be issued by county boards of examiners. To obta: certificate of the first grade the applicant must answer at least 90 per cent. of all the quest asked him, and shall not fall below 70 per cent, in any one branch. For second grade cert t the applicant must answer 80 per cent. of all the questions asked, and shall not fall below fo cent. in any one branch. For third grade certificates the applicant must answer 70 per cent of questions asked, and shall not fall below 40 per cent. in any one branch. A fee of $1 is chan for all certificates received at public examinations, which is paid to the county school supti tendent, and must be credited to the county institute fund.

16. If, in any case, the county superintendent has not been supplied with a sufficient nur of lists of quarterly examination questions, he may write the questions upon the black-boar give them orally to the class. The several topics may be taken up in such order as may be de mined by the board of examiners. Orthography is generally the first subject given.

17. In spelling recognize both Webster's and Worcester's dictionaries as authorities, a where there are two or more ways of spelling a word, accept either.

1. If an oral examination be given in reading, English grammar or theory of and pract of teaching, make due allowance for differences of opinion. The oral examination in gran should be principally devoted to methods of teaching language lessons in primary and my

schools. The oral examination in reading should be exclusively on those methods of teaching" the art of reading best adapted to the grades in which the applicants intend to teach. The oral examination in theory and practice of teaching should be wholly confined to methods of teaching. All oral examinations on the above branches must be supplementary to the printed lists of questons herewith submitted. It is expected that applicants will furnish written answers to the printed questions given on the said topics. If the members of the board of examiners are greatly pressed for time, and deem the same necessary, they may give an oral examination in mental arithin tie, using the printed questions given in the current list.

19. If but fire printed questions be given in penmanship, 50 per cent, of the credits may be determined from the composition and general execution of the papers.

2. In addition to the rule made in No. 5, it is suggested that the questions be opened in presence of the class to be examined. This course has been followed by several boards of examiners, who report most excellent results from the practice. It should be remembered that the Chest of these examinations is not the instruction of the teachers applying, but to afford every applicant a fair and equal opportunity to demonstrate his or her fitness to teach a public school; so, that the highest literary and scientific accomplishments are not sufficient in themselves less supplemented by sound judgment and skill in imparting knowledge, and good common sease applied in the daily management of children in the school-room.

21. A fee of $1 shall be charged for each certificate obtained at the public examinations, which fees shall form a fund to defray the expenses of teachers' county institutes. All fees received for certifica es at public examinations shall be receipted for by the county superintendent to each teacher paying the same. All fees received from this source are paid to the county treasurer and credited to the county institute fund.


1. Write your name, age and post office address, and the date.

2 How many months have you taught?

3. Did you attend the last teachers' institute held in the county in which you reside? If Bot, why not?


What books have you read on the subject of teaching?

5. Do you take a school journal?

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Do you make prompt and correct reports to the district clerk and county superintendent at the close of each term?

7. Number your answers to correspond with the questions, and give due attention to capitals and punctuation. Write answers only to questions.

No communication or reference to books or memoranda permitted during the examinaLot. Write carefully. Spell correctly, and write full analysis of all examples in arithmetic. An applicant who is a stranger to the county superintendent must present satisfactory written testimony of good moral character from two or more persons of respectable standing.


1. Define a letter, a word, a syllable.

22 What is a diphthong? Write a word containing a diphthong.

Name and define the two general classes of letters.

1. Write a word containing the semi-vowels and mark the semi-vowels.

5. Write a word containing two liquids and mark the liquids.

6. Write three rules for the use of capital letters.

7. Write two primitive words, three derivative words.

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Name a letter which has no sound of its own.

Write one rule for spelling.

10. The examiner will pronounce the following words (to be written by the applicant) : Ratable, eying, pitying, awful, shoeless, outrageous, dying, turkeys, separate, rescind, seizes, Norge, incisor, hiccough, asthma, cretaceous, paralysis, erysipelas, strychume, bailiff. NOTE.—In addition to the above list the examiners may add such additional words as they may deem necessary,

1. What is reading?

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Explain why emotion is an essential to good reading.

Detine the two general divisions of elocution.

What are oral elements? Name the three classes of oral elements. Tell of which class

h of the following letters represents an element, and why it represents an element of that Las: a, b, f.

5. The falling inflection should sometimes be given at a comma. When?

When a declarative question is repeated, what inflection does it properly receive?

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How correct the fault of rapid reading? What other faults attend it?
What is the use of slur?

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1. What system have you adopted?

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Give the elements of the small letters; of the capitals. Name them.
How do you classify them?

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Name the requisites of good writing in the order of their importance.
How do you secure legibility? How does it rank in importance?
How do you conduct a recitation in writing?


1. What are the divisions of geography? Of what do they treat? What is the distin between geography and geology?

2. Define the following: Meridian, archipelago, plateau, delta and sound.

3. What causes produce the change of seasons?

4. What are the principal ocean currents affecting the climate of the Pacific coast? Atlantic coast? of the western coast of Europe?

5. What are the four principal islands of the West Indies, and to what government do belong?

6. How mady States now in the Union? Name the territories and give the capital of e 7. Bound your native State or county and give its capital, chief commercial city, la


8. Name five conditions upon which climate depends.

9. Mention three principal commercial cities of Europe, two of South America and 5 the United States.

10. (a) Give the boundaries of Oregon.

(b) Bound the county in which you live.

(c) Name the principal rivers in Oregon, and tell what rivers form part of its bounda:


1. Give an event in the early history of America connected with each of the follow names: Cabot, De Soto, Cartier, De Leon, Frobisher, Raleigh, Winthrop, Melendez, La Salle 2. What colonies were settled by reason of religious persecutions? What was the religio the first settlers of each ?

3. What were the provisions of the "Missouri Compromise"?. During whose administra was it adopted? Give an account of the campaign ending in the capture of Richmond. Define history and state how you teach it.



6. When and by whom was the Columbia river discovered?

7. When did Lewis and Clark descend the Columbia?

8. When was Oregon admitted into the Union as a State?

9. What is the form of government under which we live? Into what branches or de ments is it divided? Of what does each branch consist?

10. Give one prominent battie in each year of our last civil war, naming officers in comm of each army, and results of the engagement.


1. What cost 8 lbs. meat at the rate of 41⁄2 lbs. for 3% dimes?


Mrs. Smith exchanged 20 lbs. butter at 15 cents a pound, for calico worth 1211⁄2 cents a y how many yards did she receive?

3. A thief stole 3-5 of Harry's money, and before he was caught, spent 2 of it; the rem der, which was $20 less than he stole, was given back; how much money had Harry?

4. The sum of two numbers is 50, and the first is to the second as 1⁄2 is to ; what are numbers?

5. Martha sold a painting so that 2% of what she received for it equalled 1-5 of the cost: she gain or lose, and how much per cent.?

6. A man received 25 per cent. for purchasing goods; how many dollars' worth did he chase with $200, retaining his commission?

7. What is the interest of $300 for 5 years, 3 months and 18 days, at 10 per cent. ?

8. A and B engage to reap a field of wheat for $51; A sent 3 men 5 days, and B 6 boys 4 di how much should each receive, if one man does as much work as two boys?

9. A can do a piece of work in three days, B in 4 days and C in 6 days; in what time they do it together?

10. A horse and cow eat a quantity of hay in three weeks; how long will it last each, provi the horse eats only as much as the cow?


1. Define arithmetic, unit, number, analysis, rule fraction, per centage, interest, discou banking, commission, involution, evolution, mensuration?


A haymow is 24 ft. long by 18 ft. wide and 16 ft. high. What is the value of the hay w it is filled, valued at $12 a ton?

3. A certain sum or money on interest amounts at 4 per cent. for a certain time, to $1,216 at 10 per cent. for the same time, to $1,000. Required the rincipal and time.

4. If 0 men can build 50 rods of wall in 75 days, how many men will be required to build 80 ads of wall 3-2 as thick and 4-5 as high in 40 days?

5. A. B and C in partnership, gain $480; A owns 4 of the stock, plus $500; B's gain is $120 and $10. Required the stock of each.

In what time will $4,080, at 5 per cent., give $668.10 interest?

7. Mrs. Smith receives $300, payable in stock, as her share of a 4 per cent. dividend. How ny shares, at $30 each, would she then own?

A broker bought for me 45 shares of stock ($50) at 4834. What did it cost me, brokerage 1⁄4


A and B agree to do a piece of work for $310: A sends 20 men for 12 days, and B sends 25 for 15 days. What shall each receive, if 3 men do as much as five boys?

Two men, A and B. gain 12 per cent, on their stock, and then 20 per cent. of A's gain quals $520, and %% of B's stock equals 3/4 of A's. What is the stock of each?

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What is the object of studying grammar? What is language, strictly speaking?

What is gender? Distinguish between gender and sex.

(a) How many classes of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs?

b Give the plural of pailful, cherub, axis, court-yard, spoonful, toothbrush, basis, canto, ado, ly, Miss Smith.

1. What parts of speech admit of variation?

5. Write a simple, complex and compound sentence.

Write six rules for the use of capital letters,

7. How many methods of distinguishing gender?

* Classify verbs and define each class.

(a) What is the usual position of the adjectives with respect to the word which it modifies? three exceptions

3. How do most nouns form their plural? Give three exceptions.

Write what you know about the possessive case of nouns and noun phrases.

Day Give the principal parts of slay, see, take, lay, lie (to recline).

(b) Correct and give reasons: Can you remember the book where you saw the passage? Fa's easier said than done. Have you ate your dinuer? The hen sets, or the hen sits, which is Take the balance of the lesson. Every person should try to improve their mind and art. Neither beauty, wealth nor talents, was injurious to his modesty. Not his wealth, but his ent, deserves praise. Our teacher told us that the air had weight. Either of us can do our


1. In a primary school on what would you base promotions?

In a graded school would you recominend written examinations as often as once a month? Ita pupil is indifferent about failures, how would you arouse his ambition?

4. In assigning a lesson to a class, is it well to consult the class about the length of the lesson? State your method of conducting a recitation in reading.



In teaching tactions, percentage, etc., would you require general or special rules?

Would you give primary scholars a text-book in arithmetic?

Would you have a code of rules and regulations in any school? Why?

2. What would guide you in assigning lessons to a class?

What are the teacher's duties, if any, at recess and at dismissal?

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1. What is physiology, and how is it divided?


a) What can you say in regard to teachers requiring their young pupils to remain in one tion for a long time?

b) How should benches and chairs be constructed in the school room?

Why should compression of the chest be avoided?

(d) What should be the position of the pupils in the school-room?

7. What is a muscle?

b) What effect has exercise upon the muscles?

Why should not severe labor be imposed on small children?

(d) Why have so many pupils failed in acquiring good penmanship?

4. (a) What can you say of the teeth?

(b) Why is smoking injurious to the teeth?


(a) Explain the office of the stomach.

(b) Name results of eating too fast.

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(a) Describe what takes place in the stomach when food enters it.

What effects may alcohol and tobacco have on the stomach?

Ja Describe the heart and its office.

The What effects have alcohol and narcotics upon the heart, the breath?

a) How is the purity of the air affected by respiration?

(b) Why should school-rooms be well ventilated?

How can the chest be diminished?

by Give your opinion about the present style of dress.

Name some of the effects of alcohol upon the voice, the respiratory organs, the circulatory raas, the skin, the nervous system.

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