Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Make eight dots, thus::::

Draw a square around one-half of them. Draw a line

around the other half.

One-half of eight dots is

Show me one-half of six dots.


How many squares are there here?

What part of them is black?

Four squares are one-half of


How much of this circle is black?

A dollar is worth how many half-dollars?

Find by trial to-night how many quarts in a half-gallon.

35. How many fours in

How many twos?

Show me eight shoes. How many pairs are there?

Draw four rings above a line, and four below it. How many times did you draw four rings?

Draw a line around one-half of the rings. How many rings are inside of the line?

Make pictures of eight tents, four in a row. Cross out one-half of them. How many are left?

Make pictures of eight stars, two in a row. How many rows have you?

Make pictures of one-half of eight squares.

Tell all you can about these figures.

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

37. Seven bugs and one bug are how many bugs?

One bean and seven beans are


A man has six white sheep and two black sheep. How many sheep has he?

There are five eggs in a dish. We need eight for dinner. How many more must we find?

Mr. Jones has eight horses in two fields.

There are

four in one field. How many are in the other field?

Eight birds were sitting on a fence. A bad boy shot

one. How many were left?

A boy had two fingers cut off.

How many were left on? We have two gallons of milk. How many quarts have

we? Find by trial.

Draw a figure four squares long and two squares wide. This figure contains


The Number Nine.

38. Make two squares with splints. How many splints have you used?

Try to make three triangles with the splints. How many more splints do you need?

How many more than eight dots are on the card to the right?

Eight dots and one dot are how many dots?

Take nine blocks and lay them in a row.
Push one away. How many are left?

One block and eight blocks are how many blocks?
One block from nine blocks leaves how many blocks?
If you push three blocks away, how many will be left?
Take away all but two. How many have you taken?
Lay the nine blocks in three rows, three in a row.

Now tell me how many threes make nine.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Add enough dots to make each card have nine.

Name two numbers that together make nine. Two other


How many splints will make three triangles?

Draw a square like this:

How many of the nine small

squares are white?

Make another black. Two black squares and

white squares are nine squares.

Cut out a paper triangle three inches on a side. How long are all the sides?

Copy these squares, and put in each square the number of dots indicated by the word written under it:






39. There are eight pigs in the pen and one on the road. How many pigs?

The white hen has seven chicks, the black hen has two. How many chicks?

There are six eggs in one nest and three in another. How many eggs in both nests?

Five boys and four girls are how many children?

Dan has three pennies, Nell has three, and Kate has three. How many have they all?

Nine sheep were in a field, but one jumped out. How many were left in?

Here are nine tents,




If the wind blows two down, how many will remain


If I take three of them away, how many will be left? How many times can you take three tents away?

If a book costs nine cents, it will take a nickel andpennies to pay for it.

This line on the blackboard is nine feet long. Find how many yards long it is.

The Number Ten.

40. How many fingers and thumbs have you? How many more than nine?

Make a pile of ten blocks.

How many cents is this dime worth?



Copy, and add dots enough to make ten dots on each



Make eight tents and two tents. How many have made?

Make seven stars and three stars. How many?


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