Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση



Professor Marshall-Hall.


1. Give instances shewing that sensations and emotions, pleasurable and painful, are muscular stimuli.

2. "Mental excitement of all kinds ends in excitement of the muscles." Shew how the origin of music lies in this fact, and that vocal sounds correspond to states of feeling.

3. "To become conscious of the feeling which another is experiencing, is to have that feeling awakened in our own consciousness."

Comment on this statement with regard to its relation to music.

4. Schopenhauer says that music depicts to the minutest detail the efforts of the intellectuallyenlightened "Will." Compare this utterance with that of Herbert Spencer:-"This same passionate enthusiastic temperament leads

the musical composer to express the feelings possessed by others as well as himself ... also to give musical utterance to feelings which they either do not experience, or experience but in slight degrees. În virtue of this general susceptibility which distinguishes him, he regards with emotion events, conduct, scenes, character, which produce on most men no appreciable effect." Explain shortly Schopenhauer's theory of the "Will," and its connection with the art of music.

Additional for Honours.

5. Explain briefly Schopenhauer's view of the "Platonic idea as the object of Art"; and his reasons for considering the effect of music more direct than that of other arts.



Professor Marshall-Hall.

1. Write a short history of the evolution of the musical-dramatic art, from the opera of the time of Lulli down to Wagner. In the course of your remarks touch on the influence of the dramatic and epic element on the symphony, song, and oratorio forms, in which include the Mass.

2. Give a short summary of Schopenhauer's theory of Life and Art, especially as regards music, and shew how it has been expanded and confirmed by Spencer.


The Board of Examiners.

Candidates must not answer more than EIGHT

1. What are the principal sources of law in a modern community?

2. What are the marks of Ownership?

In what

ways is Possession opposed to Ownership?

3. What are the essential features of Contract in the mature Roman and English Law respectively?

4. On what does Austin consider that liability for wrongdoing depends? Criticize his doctrine.

5. What is the distinction between Civil Injury and Crime?

6. Distinguish between Express Contracts, Implied Contracts, and Quasi Contracts.

7. Define the term Right. What are Absolute and Relative Rights?

8. Describe the various ways in which rights are affected by lapse of time.

9. State Austin's theory of Sovereignty. criticisms have been made upon it?


10. Distinguish between Substantive and Adjective



The Board of Examiners.

Candidates should not answer more than EIGHT questions.

1. Describe the various modes of manumission from slavery. What was the liability of the dominus or the servus in respect of wrongs done by the latter?

2. What were the principal titles to ownership ex jure civili and ex jure gentium? Titius having hired a slave from Gaius, sells him to Seius, who sells him to Mævius. Two years afterwards Titius brings vindicatio against Mævius; can he recover?

3. What were the contracts of suretyship, and to what cases were they respectively applicable?

4. What is negotiorum gestio, and to what department of the law is it to be referred ?

5. What is succession per stirpes, and to what cases was it applicable? What is meant by saying that there is no succession among agnates?

6. Give a short history of Interdictum.

7. Explain the following terms:-Exceptio, præscriptio, formula in jus concepta, formula in factum concepta, actio in factum præscriptis verbis.

8. What were the principal sources of law during the Republic?

9. Mention the changes in the law associated with the following names :-Aquilius Gallus, Hadrian, Caracalla.

10. Give an account of the provisions of the Lex Aquilia. What extensions of its principles were made, and how were they made?


The Board of Examiners.

Candidates must not answer more than SEVEN questions. Honour candidates and Articled Clerks candidates for the Supreme Court Prize must include questions 9 and 10.

1. What are the principal sources of the English and Victorian Constitutions?

2. What is meant by Political and Civil Liberty? Can we with propriety speak of Constitutional Guarantees in our system?

3. Mention the principal provisions of the Act of Settlement (12 & 13 Will. III.); the Bill of Rights (1 Will. & M.); the Act for the Union of Great Britain and Ireland (39 & 40 Geo. III., c. 67).

Have any of these Acts been amended?

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