SURVEYING, LEVELLING, MENSURATION, AND DRAWING. SECOND PAPER. The Board of Examiners. 1. In latitude 38° 22′ south Achernar is observed on the eastern portion of its orbit, and found to bear 45° 12′ south of a referring lamp when its observed altitude is 47° 13'. Assuming its RA and south polar distance to be 1 hour 34 minutes and 33° 14′ respectively, determine the true bearing of the referring lamp and the sidereal time of the observation. 2. What is the difference between the apparent and mean places of stars? Which should be used for the purpose of computing azimuths and latitude from observations, and how is the one obtained from the other? 3. Describe fully the duties of a surveyor under the Transfer of Land Act. SURVEYING, LEVELLING, MENSURATION, AND DRAWING. THIRD PAPER. The Board of Examiners. 1. Show that where r is the radius of the sphere, and h the height of the segment, that Th2 h2 Volume of segment = 3 3 (3r – h). 2. Allowing 20 per cent. for lap and rivets, angle irons, &c., what is the weight and capacity of a wrought-iron tank 16 feet in diameter and 10 feet deep at the sides, made of wrought iron inch thick? The bottom may be assumed to be the segment of a sphere, the value of h being 2 feet. 3. What is the weight of a wrought-iron sphere 4 feet in diameter constructed of -inch wrought-iron plates? At what depths would it float in fresh water and salt water respectively? 4. An earthen tank is 20 yards square at the bottom and 8 yards deep. On three sides the slopes are 1 to 1, and on the fourth 4 to 1. What is the volume of earth excavated? ADVANCED SURVEYING. SECOND PAPER. The Board of Examiners. 1. Describe fully the method you would adopt in effecting a detailed hydrographic survey of the entrance to Port Phillip Bay. 2. What is the hydraulic grade line of a pipe track, and how do variations in the sizes of the pipes affect it? The water level in a reservoir is RL 100.00, and a pipe 12 inches in diameter leaves it at RL 80.00, discharging at a point three miles distant at RL 40-00. What is the discharge (a) When the pipe is on a uniform grade through out? (b) When it rises to RL 85·00 at 11⁄2 miles from the reservoir? 3. Describe fully the effects on broad and narrow gauge railways of (a) Steep gradients. (b) Sharp curves. 4. How would you gauge the discharge of a river like the Murray ? 5. Describe in detail the requirements of a harbour for an important seaport. DRAWING AND QUANTITY SURVEYING. The Board of Examiners. 1. Plot the surface and formation levels given below to a suitable scale, fill in the depths of cuttings and heights of banks, and compute the quantities of earthwork in cutting and embankment, the formation width being 20 feet and side slopes 1 to 1 in cutting and 1 to 1 in bank. 2. Prepare a list giving quantities and sizes of timber you would require to make the table and drawing board, &c., at which you are working. MECHANICAL DRAWING AND DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. The Board of Examiners. 1. Describe fully the following projections of the globe : (a) The polyconic. (b) The cylindrical. 2. Draw an archimedean spiral of 11⁄2 convolutions, the greatest radius being 3 inches. 3. Draw the projections of the interpenetration of two cylinders whose axes intersect at right angles, the diameters being 6 inches and 4 inches, and give the development of their contact surfaces. 4. Draw an epicycloid, the diameters of the directing and generating circles being 6 inches and 2 inches respectively. APPLIED MECHANICS. SECOND PAPER. Professor Kernot. 1. State the theorem of the Three Moments, and apply it to determine the bending moments upon a continuous girder of three equal spans, the central span carrying twice the load per unit length that the side spans carry. |