Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

4. Determine the electro-chemical equivalent of copper.

5. Find the value of Young's modulus for glass by Kundt's dust figures.

6. Determine the Magnetic Dip by Barrow's circle.


Professor Elkington.


Answer fully and clearly TEN, and only Ten, of the following questions.

1. What, among Aryan races, were the principal rules as to a man's choice of a wife?

the effect of those rules?

What was

2. Exemplify and account for the difficulty of cooperation among clans.

3. By what means was the harmonious working of the Roman Comitia and Senate practically ensured in matters of legislation?

4. Shew fully the significance of the reception given by the Roman Senate to the request of the Mamertine envoys.

5. What fundamental principles appear to have determined Hannibal's method of operations in Italy? Why was he led to adopt them?

6. Specify the results achieved by Tiberius Gracchus in Spain (a) by his arms, and (b) by his policy.

7. What is meant by the fall of the Roman Republic? What limit in time would you assign to that event, and for what reasons?

8. Sketch briefly the position of parties at Rome after the return of Pompeius from the East.

9. What, if any, are the grounds for supposing Cæsar to have been implicated in the Catiline conspiracy?

10. What is the true criterion of the military state? Did Cæsar conform to it?

11. Write a short biography of the Emperor Theodosius the Great.

12. "Grecian antiquity cannot be at all understood except in connection with Grecian religion."(GROTE, ch. 16.) Consider this proposition.

13. Trace the principal consequences, direct and indirect, which are said to be due to the event known as the Return of the Herakleids.

14. What appear to be the principal steps in the transition from the Confederacy of Delos to the Empire of Athens?

15. Give some account of "the Seven Wise Men."


Professor Elkington.


Answer fully and clearly TEN, and only Ten, of the following questions.

1. Trace as well as you can the steps of the descent of Henry the Second from Egbert.

2. Consider briefly, Alfred as (a) a warrior, (b) a statesman, (c) a man.

3. What is the meaning of the word Conqueror as applied to William the First? Consider his relations (a) with the Barons, and (b) with the Рарасу.

4. What was the Saladin tithe ?

By whom and for what purpose was it first exacted, and why is it important?

5. Give some account of the Statute of Mortmain and of the Statute Quia Emptores. What was the object of the legislation in each case, and how far, if at all, was the object accomplished?

6. Trace the origin of the strife which was concluded by the Wars of the Roses.

7. Give some account of the legislation of Edward the Third.

8. Shew how the continental danger to England caused by the weakness of John was revived by the strength of Henry the Fifth.

9. Consider briefly the Reformation in so far as it


(a) The separation of the Church of England from the Church of Rome.

(b) The reform of abuses in the English Church.

(c) The changes in doctrine which ultimately distinguished the two Churches.

10. Give some account of the career of Sir Walter Raleigh.

11. Consider the principal matters of difference between James the First and his several Parliaments, and shew how they were eventually settled.

12. Trace briefly the history of the so-called Bishops' Wars in the reign of Charles the First.

13. Shew that the party which executed Charles the First was not identical with the party which originally made war upon him.

14. Contrast the objects of the Corporation Act of Charles the Second with those of the Test Act passed in the same reign.

15. What were the circumstances which led to the issue of quo warranto writs by Charles the Second, and what was his object in issuing them?


Answer fully and clearly TEN, and only Ten, of the following questions.

1. Demonstrate (a) the justice and (b) the necessity of the Revolution of 1688.

2. Give the occasions upon which William the Third exercised the Royal veto upon legislation, and the reasons assigned by him in each case. Why is the veto no longer resorted to?

3. Discuss the circumstances of the attainder of Sir John Fenwick, and the questions to which it gave rise.

4. Give an analysis of the Whig party as it existed in the earlier part of the 18th century.

5. Distinguish between Whig and Tory, and explain the causes which led to the Tory reaction at the outset of the reign of George the Third.

6. What were the causes of the industrial revolution, 1760-85?


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