Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

5. Did Shakspeare write the whole of Timon?

6. Discuss Shakspeare's politics as inferred from Coriolanus.

7. Expand and explain


Nay, mother,
Where is your ancient courage? you were us'd
To say extremity was the trier of spirits;
That common chances common men could bear;
That when the sea was calm, all boats alike
Shew'd mastership in floating;. fortune's blows,
When most struck home, being gentle wounded,


A noble cunning.— Cor., iv. i.

(b) What! are men mad? Hath nature given them eyes

To see this vaulted arch, and the rich crop

Of sea and land, which can distinguish 'twixt
The fiery orbs above, and the twinn'd stones
Upon the unnumber'd beach, and can we not
Partition make, with spectacles so precious,
'Twixt fair and foul?

8. Marks of a late play as shewn in Cymbeline.
9. The special characteristics of Bacon's Essays.

10. Briefly contrast Ben Jonson and Shakspeare.

11. Describe Burton's Anatomy.

12. What are the marks of Sir Thomas Browne's style?



Professor Morris.

1. Whom do you place first amongst English Essayists ?

2. What do you know of the following:- -The Honourable Robert Boyle, Henry Mackenzie, the Ettrick Shepherd?

3. The characteristics of Carlyle's style.

4. Write a short estimate of the poetry of Wordsworth or of Keats.

5. Explain the allegory and lesson of "the Holy Grail."

6. Set out the structure of "In Memoriam."

7. Can there be more meaning in a poem than the poet intended? Illustrate from a poem by

Tennyson and a poem by Browning.

8. Paracelsus-a quack or a benefactor of his kind ?

9. Charles I.-fairly painted or maligned in Strafford?

10. Does Matthew Arnold adequately discuss the value of an Academy?



Professor Morris.

Write an Essay on one of the following subjects:(a) In literature, as in life, it is true that one increasing purpose runs."


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The influence of the French Revolution on Literature.



Professor Morris.

1. Translate into French

There were hills which garnished their proud heights with stately trees; humble valleys, whose base estate seemed comforted with the refreshing of silver rivers; meadows enamelled with all sorts of eye-pleasing flowers; thickets, which being lined with most pleasant shade, were witnessed so too by the cheerful disposition of many well-tuned birds; each pasture stored with sheep, feeding with sober security, while the pretty lambs with bleating outcry craved the dam's comfort; here a shepherd's boy piping as though

he should never be old; there a young shepherdess knitting, and withal singing; and it seemed that her voice comforted her hands to work, and her hands kept time to her voicemusic.-Sidney.

2. Write a short

66 in French on essay

Les Croisades."

3. Translate-





Bons fut li siecles al tens ancienor,
quer feit i ert e justise et amor,

si ert credance, dont or n'i at nul prot;
toz est mudez, perdude at sa color:
ja mais n'iert tels com fut als ancessors.
Bauchans ne fu ne poins ne galopes.
En contreval pent ses elmes gemes;
Li las son rout, si les a ranoues.
Ses escus est en .xxx. lieus traues,
De toutes pars frais et esquarteles,
Ses blans haubers derous et depanes.
En .xv. lieus fu ens el cors navres;
Desous l'auberc li est li sans betes.

Li reis esteit entre en sa chambre demeine Quant le message vint; suffert ot mult grant peine,

Il n'ot beu ne mangie treis jorz de la semeine,
Ne sumeillie del oil pur la novele certeine;
Mes de jorz e de nuiz d'errer se peine :

Il ad fait mult que sage, il aurad bone estreine.

Molt a de bien en feme, mes il est mult repus, Qu'a paines percevoir le puet ou porroit nus; Lor fienche resamble la meson Dedalus :

Puis c'om est enz entrez, si n'en puet issir nus.

Sor tote riens, est feme de muable talent;
Par nature velt faire cho c'om plus li deffent;
Un pensë, autre dit; or velt, or se repent;
En son propos est ferme, com est fumee a


(e) Li termes vint si con devisez fu; et li chevalier furent es vissiers tuit avec lor destriers ; et furent tuit arme, les helmes laciez et li cheval covert et ensele. Et les autres genz qui n'avoient mie si grant mestier en bataile, furent es granz nes tuit; et les galees furent armees et atornees


(f) Li Beduyn ne demeurent en villes, ne en cites, n'en chastiaus, mais gisent ades aus chans; et lour mesnies, lour femmes, lour enfans fichent le soir de nuit, ou de jour quant il fait mal tens, en unes manieres de herberges que il font de cercles de tonniaus loies a perches, aussi comme li cher a ces dames sont; et sur ces cercles gietent piaus de moutons que l'on appelle piaus de Damas, conrees en alun.


Ruez, faulcons, ruez, bonbardes,
Serpentines et gros canons;

Et montez sus chevaulx et bardes,
Sonnez, trompettes et clairons;
Affin que bon butin gaingnons,
Et que puissons bon bruit acquerre,
Entre nous, gentilz compaignons,
Suyvons la guerre.

4. Annotate fully—

Tu es d'amours mondains Dieux en Albie : Et de la Rose, en la terre Angelique,

Qui d'Angela saxonne, est puis flourie

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