THE MONTHLY CHRISTIAN SPECTATOR. M DCCC LII. JANUARY-DECEMBER. "IP GOD REVEAL ANY THING TO YOU BY ANY OTHER INSTRUMENT OF HIS, BE AS READY TO RECEIVE IT AS EVER YOU WERE TO RECEIVE ANY TRUTH BY MY MINISTRY; FOR I AM VERILY PERSUADED-I AM VERY CONFIDENT THE LORD HATH MORE TRUTH YET TO BREAK FORTH OUT OF HIS HOLY WORD. FOR MY PART I CANNOT SUFFICIENTLY BEWAIL THE CONDITION OF THE REFORMED CHURCHES, WHO ARE COME TO A PERIOD IN RELIGION, AND WILL GO AT PRESENT NO FURTHER THAN THE INSTRUMENTS OF THEIR FIRST REFORMATION. THE LUTHERANS CANNOT BE DRAWN TO GO BEYOND WHAT LUTHER SAW; WHATEVER PART OF HIS WILL OUR GOOD GOD HAS IMPARTED AND REVEALED UNTO CALVIN, THEY WILL RATHER DIE THAN EMBRACE IT. AND THE CALVINISTS YOU SEE STICK FAST WHERE THEY WERE LEFT BY THAT GREAT MAN OF GOD; WHO YET SAW NOT ALL THINGS! THIS IS A MISERY MUCH TO BE LAMENTED,' "-- Robinson's Advice to the Pilgrim Fathers. VOL. II. LONDON: ARTHUR HALL, VIRTUE, AND CO., PATERNOSTER ROW; EDINBURGH: ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK. ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. Aberdeen Mission, history of the, Botta's, M., excavations at Nineveh, 413 Baptist Chapel Building Society, for- Bennett, Rev. J. W., vicar of Frome, Bible Illustrations, 181, 245. the, a historical book, 201, 522. its structure, 642; its tone, Bibles, distribution of by the Bible BIBLICAL COMPARED WITH OTHER I. Biblical and Egyptian History, 200. II. Chronology specifically con- III. Indirect History specifically IV. Egypt; general culture and 355. Our Will and God's Oversight, 165. Bright, John, M.P., on the Irish Britain, Primeval Period of, 482. Bunsen, Chevalier, on Egyptian His- Buxton, T. F., Life, Character, and Canon of the New Testament, on the, 330. 468. Old Testament, on the, ✓ Carlyle's, Thomas, Life of Sterling, Chapels, new, 64, 128, 256, 320, 384, 511. Dissenting, Registration of, Chapter on the Indians of British Child's, the, Last Year; a Family Chisholm, Caroline, life and labours Characters, Biblical, their reality, 523. Christianity, supreme claims of, 13. 521. Bishop, the first, 137. Christian, real office of, 588. Bonomi, Joseph, on Nineveh, 354. its economic character, 16; its degeneration, 73. Christianization of Literature, 8. its internal evidence, 641. Chronology of the Bible, 206; its early constitution of, 587. Churches and Chapels in England and Civilization, ancient growth of, 525. Clarke, Dr. Adam, on the Miracles of Clergy and Laity, first distinction Cockburn's, Lord, Life of Jeffrey, 363. Colleges, the Dissenting Anniversaries Coleridge's influence on Sterling, 24; Congregational Union, meetings of, Death-bed Scenes, lessons from, 114. Deluge, traditions regarding the, 398. Deputies, Protestant Dissenting, the, Dissent-what it involves, 2; is behind its capabilities, 3; general defects Dissent in Scotland, I., 209; II., 350; Druidical remains now existing, 484. Early Church and its Ministry, the, Eclipse of Faith, the, 593. "Edinburgh Review," establisment of religion, 81. Evangelical Alliance, unity of, 72; meeting of, 639. Ewald, H., his estimate of Biblical history, 273. Example, power of, 260. Experience, on the evidence of, 88. Fiction, objections to, 9; uses of, 696. Fisheries question, agitation of, 572. FOR THE YOUNG:- A Tale of Slavery, 233. Child's, the, Last Year; a Family Sketch, 40. Jessie Hampton, 624. "Strive to Enter In," 104. Holyoake, G. J., Life and Character Homerton Training School, opening Human Race, common origin of, 17, 407. Huther on the Ecclesiastical Polity of the New Testament, 516. Increase of Places of Worship in Eng- land and Wales, 162. Indians, Red, of British Guiana, 96; Infidelity, popular teachers of, 617, Modern, character and 125, 189, 191, 253, 256, 316, 381. Manetho's Dynasties of Egypt, 276. Mary, Queen of Scots, Life and Cha- Memory, the, its office in religion, 156. Meteorological phenomena of the Miall, Edward, M.P., Life and Cha- Militia Bill, Lord John Russell's, 189. Mimpriss's, R., System of Sunday Ministry of the Early Church, 586. the Christian, hostility of the world to, 145; importance of, ib. Students, 299. Nineveh, the buried Palaces of, 354. Adey, Rev. J., Convert from Archer, Dr., the Divine Testi- Adshead, J., the Progress of Reli- Barmby, G., the Poetry of Child- Barrett, W. G., Sermon on Emigra- Barth, Dr., the Weaver of Quell- Bassett, M., Bible Gleanings, 569. Bentley, R., Gilbert Arnold, 444. Best, Mrs., the History of a Family Bible, the, our Stumbling Block Book of Common Prayer Revised, British Controversialist, 250. Bryce, Dr., Practical Suggestions, Buckley, T. A., Calmet's Dictionary Cartwright, T., the Age and the Congregational Year-book, the, for Cox, Dr., Biblical Antiquities, 245. Fernie, Rev. John, the Fraternal Memorial, 569. Fletcher, Joseph, Life of Constan- Geldart, Mrs. T., Stories of Scot- 312. Love, a Reality, Hall, N., Wellington and War, 762. |