Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


[From the Legal Observer, for Feb. 18, 1837.]

It is well known that our great luminary of common law, chiefjustice Holt, was in his youth much addicted, Shakspeare like, to low company, and fond of all those vagrant scenes and poetical adventures, which it was the delight of that great master of the human mind, the bard of Avon, to encounter. It was one of these adventurous frolics, with a few more of the same stamp, that furnished the subject of a tale respecting his charm for the ague, which was inserted in the Legal Observer some time ago. It will be remembered, however, by those who have read the life of Holt, that shortly after this event-having, as it is somewhat quaintly expressed, "sown his wild oats"-reflection came, and with it conviction, followed by an immediate resolution to forsake the sorry companions of his scape-grace adventures with all their follies, to lead a new life, and betake himself with determined application to his studies. The result of all this, our country has witnessed. Would that his sage example had been followed by the like repentance and reformation on the part of his quondam associates! But alas! the following anecdote fully justifies our conviction to the contrary. Holt, some time after his elevation to the bench, was one day at an assize town, sitting in his judicial capacity, trying criminal causes and misdemeanors. Among the number of prisoners called to take their trial, there was one who particularly struck the judge's attention, whether from his outward man or his name-or both-and no wonder, for, who should the culprit be but one of Holt's quondam associates! "Ah, Gilbert! Gilbert!" exclaimed the kind-hearted judge." Sorry I am, and much it grieveth me, to behold you, after so many years, in this situation. Pray tell me, man, what has become of all our old companions in sin and iniquity-those graceless associates of our former days of riot, and chambering, and wantonness?" "Lord bless your honor's reverence," answered the culprit, with a somewhat whimsical, though crest-fallen manner.-" Long life to your lordship's worship! they are all of them hanged or transported, except your lordship and myself!"





The Law of Nations, &c. From the French of M. de Vattel. Fifth American Edition, from a new edition, by Joseph Chitty, Esq., Barrister at Law. Philadelphia: T. & J. W. Johnson, 1839.

A Treatise on the Law of Injunctions. By the Hon. Robert Henley Eden, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister at Law. Second American from the last London edition: to which is [?] added copious notes, and references to all the decisions of the courts of the United States, and of the different states on this subject: By Jacob D. Wheeler, Esq., Counsellor at Law. New York: Published by Gould, Banks & Co., and by Wm. & A. Gould & Co., Albany, 1839.

An Analytical Abridgment of Kent's Commentaries on American Law, with a full series of questions for examination, adapted both to the analysis, and to the original commentaries. By J. Eastman Johnson, Counsellor at Law. New York: Halsted & Voorhies. 1839.

Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence, as administered in England and America. By Joseph Story, L.L.D., Dane Professor of Law in Harvard University. Second edition. Revised, corrected, and enlarged. In two volumes. Boston: Charles C. Little & James Brown, 1839.

Commentaries on the Law of Agency, as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence, with occasional illustrations from the civil and foreign law. By Joseph Story, L.L.D. Dane, Professor of Law in Harvard University. Boston: Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1839.

A Treatise upon the Practice of the Court of Chancery, with an appendix of forms. By Murray Hoffman, Esq. In two volumes. Vol. II. New York: Halsted & Voorhies, 1839.

Reports of Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in the Eastern District. By Thomas J, Wharton. Vol. IV.

Containing the cases decided at December Term, 1838, and March Term, 1839. Philadelphia: T. & J. W. Johnson, 1839.

Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature and in the court for the correction of errors of the state of New York. By John L. Wendell, Counsellor at Law. Vol. XIX. Albany, &c. 1839.

Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, January term, 1839. By Richard Peters, Counsellor at Law. Vol. XIII. Philadelphia: Thomas, Cowperth

wait & Co. 1839.

The Jurist or Law and Equity Reporter, containing full Reports of all the cases argued and determined in the several courts of Law and Equity, in England, during the year 1839. Nos. 1 and 2. New York: Halsted & Voorhies, 1839.

Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of Maryland. By Richard W. Gill, clerk of the court of Appeals, and John Johnson, Attorney at Law. Vol. VIII. Containing cases in 1836-7. Baltimore: 1839.


Agrar-Gesetze, die, des Preussischen Staats [The Land-Laws of Prussia], nebst Ergänzungen und Erläuterungen zusammengestellt von J. Koch. Breslau, Aderholz.

Bayer, Theorie des Civilprocesses. [Theory of Civil Procedure.] 6e Aufl. München, Bayer.

Boor, Dr. C. de, Ueber das Attische Intestat-Erbrecht und einige andere Gegenstände des Att. Rechte und Processes. [On the Attic law of intestate succession, and some other objects of Attic law and process.] Hamburg, Perthes-Besser & Mauke.

Bruns, Dr. G., quid conferant Vaticana fragmenta ad melius cognoscendum jus Romanum. Tubingæ, Laupp.

Civilgesetzbuch, das französische, und Handelsrecht, erläutert aus Urtheilen der französischen Gerichtshöfe, &c. [The French civil code and commercial law, explained by the decisions of the courts, &c.] Nach Code Civil etc. par J. B. Sirey et L. M. de Villeneuve. Für das Gr. Herzogthum Baden, bearbeitet von W. Thilo. Carlsruhe, Müller.

Entscheidungen des K. Geh. Ober-Tribunals. [Decisions of the royal privy upper tribunal], herausgeg. von Dr. A. H. Simon und H. L. v. Strampff. 3r Bd. Berlin, Dümmler.

Göschen J. F. L., Vorlesungen über das gemeine Civilrecht. [Lectures on the common civil law.] Aus dessen hinterlassenen Papieren. Herausgeg. von Dr. Alb. Errleben. Ir Bd. Göttingen, Vandenhöck und Ruprecht.

Gründler, Prof., Polemik des Germanischen Rechts, Land-und Lehnrechts (jus controversum german. privatum et feudale.) Nach Mittermaier's und Böhmer's Systemen bearb. 4r. Thl. Leipzig, Reimann.

Hasse J. Ch., die Culpa des Römischen Rechts. [The culpa of the Roman law]. Eine civilist. Abhandlung. 2e Ausg. von Prof. Dr. A. Bethman Hollweg. Bonn, Marcus.

[Under this title, the German jurists treat of what we denominate the law of bailments.]

Henke, Ed., Handbuch des Criminalrechts und der Criminalpolitik. [Manual of criminal law and politics.] Berlin, Nicolai. Hepp, Prof. Dr. Fd. C. Th., die Zurechnung auf dem Gebiete des Civilrechts, insbesondere die Lehre von den Unglücksfällen. [Imputability in the department of civil law, and in particular the doctrine of accident.]

Hesse, Chr. A., die Cautio damni infecti, nach Römischen Prinzipien, und in ihrer heutigen Anwendung und Anwendbarkeit dargestellt. [The cautio damni infecti, according to the principles of the Roman law, and as applied and applicable at the present day.] 2e Aufl. Leipzig, Göthe.

Hoffmann, Dr. E., die Lehre von den Servituten, nach Röm. Rechte. [The doctrine of servitudes according to the Roman law.] lr Bd. Darmstadt, Heil.

Kappler, Fr., Handbuch der Literatur des Criminal-rechts und dessen philosoph. und medizin. Hülfswissenschaften.

[Manual of the literature of criminal law and its kindred philosophical and medical sciences.]

Kattenhorn, L. D., über freiwillige Erstreckung der Gerichtsbarkeit. [On the voluntary extension of jurisdiction.] Luneburg, Herold und Wahlstab.

Köstlin, Chr. R., die Lehre von Mord und Todtschlag, einer histor-philosoph. Kritik unterworfen. [The doctrine of murder and homicide subjected to a historical and philosophical criticism.] 1r. Thl. Ideen des Romischen Recht. Stuttgard, Metzler. Luden, Dr. K., das Retentionsrecht. [The right of retention.] Leipzig, Voss.

[The right of retention is equivalent to the lien of the English common law.] Mittermaier, Prof. Dr. C. J. A., der gemeine deutsche bürgerliche Prozess im Vergleich mit dem Preuss. und französisch. Civilverfahren. 1r Beitrag. 3e Aufl. Bonn, Marcus.

See page 388.

Möhl, Dr. Arn., Ueber das Geschwornengericht. [On the jury court.] Heidelberg, Groos.

Ordolff, Dr. H. L., Bemerkungen zur Lehre vom animus possidendi. [Remarks on the doctrine of the animus possidendi.] München, Lindauer.


Rosshirt, K. Fz., Geschichte und System des deutschen Strafrechts. [History and system of the German criminal law.] 1r Thl. Allgemeine Rechtsgeschichte. Stuttgart, Schweizerbart,

Saminlung interessanter Aufsätze aus dem Gebiete des gemeinen Rechts. [Collection of interesting articles in the department of the common law.] Ir Band. Braunschweig, Leibrock.

Savigny, F. C. v., der 10 Mai 1788, Beitrag zur Geschichte der Rechtswissenschaft. [Contribution to the history of jurisprudence]. Berlin, Nicolai.

Scheurl, Dr. Ch. G. Ad. v., vom Nexum. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Römischen Rechts [On the Nexus. A contribution to the history of Roman law.] Erlangen, Bläsing.

Schmidt, Dr. Th. A. Lud., Ueber das possessorische Klagerecht des jurist. Besitzers gegen seinen Repräsentanten. [On the possessory action of the legal possessor against his representative]. Giessen, Ferder.

Schneider, Dr. Rob., Index omnium rerum et sententiorum quæ in corpore juris Justinianei continentur, verborum ordine observato. Vol. I. fasc. 2. Lipsia, Focke.

Schröter, L., Handbuch des gesammten materiallen und formellen gemeinen Rechtes, mit den wichtigsten Gegensatzen der Preuss. Gesetzgebung. [Manual of common German law, compared with the Prussian.] Berlin, Jonas.

Tigerström, Prof. Dr. F. W. v., die innere Geschichte des Römischen Rechts. [The internal history of the Roman law]. Berlin, Reimer.

Zeitschrift für geschichtliche Rechtswissenschaft [Journal of historical jurisprudence] herausgeg. von F. C. v. Savigny, C. F. Eichhorn, u. Cl. A. C. Klenze. Bd. IX. Heft. 3. Berlin, Nicolai.

Vangerow, Prof. Dr. K. Ad. v., Leitfaden zu Pandecten-vorlesungen. [Outlines to lectures on the Pandects.] Ir Band. Marburg, Elwert.


Sur l'application du système pénitentiare aux maisons d'arrêt [On the application of the penitentiary system to houses of detention] par M. Mallay. Clermont, Ferrand.

Traité d'expropriation pour cause d'utilité publique, suivi de la législation complète, d'un formulaire et du tarif des actes en cette matiere [Treatise on expropriation for the public convenience and necessity], par M. M. de Caudeveine et Thery. Paris, Guyot et Scribe.

Le droit des gens, ou principes de la loi naturelle appliquées a la conduite et aux affaires des nations et des souverains [The law

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