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secret, how to apply it in the cure of that dreadful disease called Hydrophobia, which is caused by the bite of a mad dog. The remedy has been found infallible in all its trials, both upon man and beast, that had the misfortune to be bit by that animal. The Author is bold to affirm, that this New American Family Herbal, will be of more real benefit and use to the gentlemen of the faculty, and the community at large, than any book that has ever been made public to these United States of America, much more than Dr. Woodvill's Botany itself.

The reader will find here an account of the natural history, soil and place of growth, medical virtues, and method how to find the plant: also, how to use it in the cure of their disease, with a beautiful engraving of each species of plant. For the benefit and convenience of subscribers, the work is comprised into the compass of one octavo volume. In order that this work may be understood, by every individual who reads it, it is written in an easy, plain, and familiar style, adapted to the understanding of every capacity.

The Author therefore presents the Masters and Mistresses of Families of our United States, this New Complete American Medical Family Herbal; and that it may be the means in every family of promoting and preserving their health and happiness, is the prayer of THE AUTHOR.


The Author avails himself of this opportunity, to publish the subjoined testimonials of the estimation in which this work is held, by some of the most distinguished gentlemen of Medical Science, in this country.


From the Hon. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, M. D. &c. &c. New-York, March 17, 1813. "SAMUEL L. MITCHELL rejoices to find that Dr. Henry is about to publish his American Herbal, with observations on the virtues of the indigenous plants of the United States. He is fully persuad. ed, that the healing qualities of many of them deserve further investigation And in the hope of encouraging a meritorious and practical work, he requests Dr. Henry to consider him a subscriber."

From JAMES TILLARY, M. D. President of the Medical

( SIR,

Society of New York, &c.

"By your request, I have taken a cursory view of the American Herbal, which you propose to publish, and have found in it many indigenous, and I have no doubt, many useful plants, with which I had little or no acquaintance.

"Their character and qualities are so plainly indicated, that I hope it may find its way into the hands of every family who prefer the simplicity of nature, to the show and extravagance of Quackery. I also hope that this work of meritorious labour may invite to fur. ther investigation respecting the Medical properties, and practical application, of the plants of our country.

With pleasure I offer you my name as a subscriber, and my good wishes for its publication and success.


"Having looked over Dr. S. Henry's new American Family Medical Herbal, I rejoice that such a book is to be published, which gives a true and genuine investigation of the Medical virtues of the plants indigenous to the United States of America. Wherein I find he has made many valuable new discoveries on their Medical virtues, &c. I therefore request Dr. S. Henry to consider me as a subscriber.

SAMUEL THOMPSON, Professor of Botany, in Cheshire county, New-Hampshire."





This plant is perennial, and grows plentifully in marshy wet places and ponds: the root is full of joints and crooked, somewhat flatted on the sides, internally of a white colour, loose spungy texture, and has a strong smell; the taste warm, acrid, bitterish, and aromatic; both the smell and taste are improved by drying or exsiccation


This root is an excellent carminative and sto machic medicine, and an agreeable aromatic.


Cut the root small; take one ounce of the cut root, and half an ounce of Masterwort root, cut small, infuse them in a quart of brandy for one week. A table-spoonful or more, taken on an empty stomach, quickly relieves the wind colic. A wine glass twice a day, promotes the menses.

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