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dustries"; of treason, by alliance with "England and Canada"; canonized Thoreau and lay under contribution the rhetorical figure of Echo, to intensify the knell of destiny.

"What humiliating contrast, gentlemen of the majority, does your plan and purpose to wreck the industries of this country present to that patriotic utterance of Thoreau which made him immortal

"There is no hope for him who does not think that the bit of mold under his feet is the sweetest spot on earth."

You propose to sacrifice this industry, destroy this new field for agriculture, and place this necessity of the American farmer under the control of foreign manufacturers.

You propose to give preference and priority to foreign lands and foreign productions. In this you have succeeded in securing the support and indorsement of the Canadian and English press.

Sirs, pass this bill and you will lock the vaults of American resources.

Pass this bill and you sign the death-warrant for American industries.

Pass this bill and you issue a proclamation for the enslavement of American labor. [Applause.]

Pass this bill and you will declare for the destruction of our home market; the depletion of the national treasury; the placing of labor on a plane with ryots, coolies, and kanakas, and the transfer of American manufactures to foreign shores. [Prolonged applause on the Republican side.]


In the last hours of the 53rd Congress, second session, after hundreds of speeches had been delivered upon the subject of a tariff for revenue or protection, Mr. Meiklejohn, under leave to print, wrote and filed a speech, as a political attack upon the Democratic party.

In the first sentence he charged "a lowering of the flag of tariff reform"-"a surrender without terms." To stigmatize the Senate amendments to the House bill (634 in number), he published the celebrated letter of President Cleveland to Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee of the House, in which the Senate bill was characterized as meaning "party perfidy and party dishonor," involving "outrageous discriminations and violation of principle."

Inasmuch as Democrats had to conciliate the coal states, the iron ore states, and those having cotton, silk, tin, glass and sugar interests he found it convenient to put on record Senator Vest, of Missouri, and Senator Mills, of Texas:

No wonder the Senator from Missouri, in turning the calcium light on this tariff bill and exposing the tribulations of the Democracy in framing it, was led to say:

"Sir, were it not for this tariff I could now indulge in the ecstacy of that well-known hymn

"There shall I bathe my wearied soul

In seas of endless rest,
And not a wave of trouble roll
Across my peaceful breast."

No wonder Mr. Mills, one of the present Democratic lead-
ers in the Senate and the author of the famous Mills bill,
speaking of this Gorman compromise bill in a speech deliv-
ered in the Senate on the 15th of August, 1894, was led to

"Mr. President, I have not risen either to attack or defend the bill which has recently passed Congress and is now awaiting the signature of the President. I think perhaps the least that we can say about that measure the better it will be. It is the most remarkable measure that has ever found itself upon the pages of the statute books of any country. It is a phenomenon in political science; and especially is it so when we consider that this is a popular government and that legislation in a popular government is the crystallization of the public will. I make bold to say here to-day that that bill does not reflect the sentiment of one thousand people of the United States.

"I do not think I will be far from the truth when I say there is not a Republican in the United States who favors it. I do not think I will be far amiss when I say there is not a Populist in the United States who favors it, judging by the votes of their representatives in this chamber. I do not believe I will be far from the truth when I say that the great masses of the Democratic people of the United States condemn it. It is the product, as we all know, of five or six, or at best seven, members on this floor."

In adjusting rates some had been lowered, some removed, and some increased, while of those increased, a list was given of fifty articles.

The sugar schedule was very thoroughly examined, and the repeal of bounties denounced, while certain Missouri members were warned of the indignation of their sugar-eating constituents.

In conclusion, he invoked the muse of History and called on the House to join in the refrain:

TUNE-"The Old Oaken Bucket."

"How dear to our hearts is our Democratic Congress
As hopeless inaction presents it to view;
The bill of poor Wilson, the deep-tangled tariff,
And every mad pledge that their lunacy knew;
The widespread depression, the mills that closed by it,
The rock of free silver where great Grover fell,

They've busted our country, no use to deny it,
And darn the old party, it's busted as well.
This G. Cleveland's Congress,
This Queen Lilly Congress,
This wild free-trade Congress
We all love so well.

"Their moss-covered pledges we no longer treasure,
For often at noon when out hunting a job,
We find that instead of the corn they had promised,
They've given us nothing-not even a cob.
How ardent we've cussed 'em with lips overflowing

With sulphurous blessings as great swear words fell,
The emblems of hunger, free trade and free silver,
Are sounding in sorrow the workingman's knell.

This bank-breaking Congress,

This mill-closing Congress,

This starvation Congress

We all love so well.

"How sweet from their eloquet lips to receive it,
Cursed tariff protection no longer uphold.
We listened and voted our dinner pails empty,
The factories silent, the furnaces cold.
And now far removed from our lost situations,
The tear of regret doth intrusively swell,

We yearn for Republican administration
And sigh for the Congress that served us so well.

This Fifty-third Congress,
This Democratic Congress,
This sugar-cured Congress
We wish was in ."




Abbott, Birdie, 539.

Acting governor: Furnas, 118-19;

Morton, 23-4.

Adams Co., Ill., 538.

Address, J Sterling Morton, 1859, 25-


Adjutant-General, 199.

Admission of Nebraska, 48, 59, 71, 72,

Antietam, D. T., 123.

Antitoxine, 500.
Antrim, County, Ireland, 333.
Appointments, territorial, 21.
Appropriations: U. S. military, 438;

high, 202; for expositions, 506-8.
Arbor day, 38-42, 122.
Arid region, 526-7.
Arkansas, 545; post,269; territory, 75.

105-7, 192; status of inhabitants, Arlington, 274.


Adrian College, Mich., 440.

Advertising, U. S., for bids, 539.

Agricultural college, 113, 126, 227;
lands, 129, 130.

Agricultural experiment stations, 185.
Agricultural Soc., State, 120.

Agriculture, 141, 418; Congress of,
1893, 42; 1894, 207-8; fair, 1859, 24;
statistics, 359.

Agriculture, Sec. of, J. S. Morton, 39-

Agriculture, State Board, 154, 164-5.
Agriculture, U. S. Dept. of, Estab-
lishment, 418, 434; bureau of sta-
tistics, 139.

Ainsworth, L. L., 362.
Alabama, government in, 384.
Allegheny Coll., Pa., 216.

Allegheny Mts., 539.

Allen, W. V., elected to Senate, 1893,
202; sketch of, 362-85; long speech,
370; 304.

Alley, S. S., 529.
Alliance party, 177.

Amendments: to Const. of 1866, 71;

to Const. of 1875, for investment of
school fund, 1983; suffrage, 145; to
U. S. Const., 71-2, 109, 388.

American character, 297, 530-31.
Anderson, Peter, 154.
Anglo-Saxon race, 34.
Animal diseases, 419.

Animal Industry, bureau, 297-8.
Ann Arbor, 538, 550.

Annexation, Texas, 191.
Anthony, Henry B., 214, 342.
Anthony, Susan B., 145.

Army: at elections, 248-51; effi-

ciency, 294; supplies, 455-6.

Army of the Shenandoah, 449.
Asiatic cholera, 155.

Asylum, first, 113.
Athens, Ohio, 386.

Atkinson, H. M., 123.

Attorney general, Nebr., 1855, 86.
Aurora, Nebr., 529.

Australian ballot law, 165, 184, 201.


Balance of trade, 366, 376.
Ball, first gubernatorial, 9, 10.
Ballot system, 165, 184, 201, 209-10,

Baltimore & Potomac R. R., 446.
Bank clearings, 1880, 1890, 359.
Banking, territorial, 15, 20, 27.
Bankruptcies of 1857, 30-32.
Bank: N. Y., and government
finances, 327-8; U. S., 381.

Banks, 368; of 1857, 29-30; legisla-
tion, 168; Omaha, 542; So. Omaha,
542; state, 537.

Banks, N. P., Mass., 101.
Barbour, John S., U. S. Sen., Va.,


Barnes, Dr., Surg.-Gen., 324.
Bartine, Horace F., Nevada, 445.
Bastiat, 471.

Batesville, Ark., convention of 1864,

Battery K, 1st Reg. N. Y. Light Ar-
tillery, 395.

Bayard, T. F., 39.

Bay State Live Stock Co., 455.
Beatty, Samuel, 333, 334.

[blocks in formation]

Beer, foreign, in relation to corn, 45. Bureau Animal Industry, 297-8.

[blocks in formation]

Burrows, Julius C., 465.

Burt Family genealogy, 1, note.

Burt, Francis, 1, 2, 4.

Bushnell, Allen R., Wisc., 477.

Business failures, 359.

Butler, Gen. B. F., 231, 235, 264, 396.

Butler, David, 22, 23, 71, 72, 177, 387,

410, note; sketch, 107-17.

Blackburn, J. C. S., U. S. Sen., Ky., Bridge lands, 129.
348, 417

Black Hills Territory, 286.

Black, Gov. S. W., 24, 90, 91, 92, 93,

94, 305; sketch, 48-55.

Black vote, South, 534.

Blackfeet, 57.

Blaine County, 158.

Blaine, J. G., Me., 101, 388, 545.

Bridge tax, U. P. R. R., 409.

Briggs, Clinton, 115.

Broken Bow, 206, 517.

Broker, Geo. H., 39.

Bronson's Letter, New York poli-

tics, 315.

Brooklyn Navy Yard, 86.

Brooks, Mr., of N. Y., 101.

Blind, institute, 137; 1883, 143; 1885, Brown, Aaron V., 87.


Bloomer, Amelia, 1856, 145.

Bloomington, Ind., 104.

Bloomington, Nebr., 217.

Board of Agriculture, 164-5, 449;

territorial, 24.

Board of Assoc. Charities, Women's,

Board of Pardons, 170.

Board of Pharmacy, 170.

Board of R. R. Commis., 209.

Board of Transportation, 184.

Bonds, gold, 498; Nebraska State,

1866, 109; R. R., 399-400; relief, 203;
state, 1875, 128; U. S., 364.

Books, free text, 184.
Boundaries, Louisiana purchase, 75.
Boundary line, Nebraska-Dakota,

straightening of, 312.
Bounties, 381, 551-3; sugar, 168-9,
204, 535-6.

Bounty lands for Nebr. Volunteers,


Bouleware, John, 81.

Bourbon County, Ky., 61.

Boston High School, 410.

Boston Journal, 270.

Bowling Green, civ. war, 341.

Boyd, James E., 174, 539; sketch,


Boyd, Joseph, 194.

Boyd Opera House, 176.

Brown, James D., 333.

[blocks in formation]

Calhoun County, 87.

Calhoun, John C., 345.

California, admission, 75.

California Pacific R. R., 269.

Cameron, Simon, 242.

Campaign of 1840, 48; 1860, 22; 1864,

100; 1866, 22; 1890, 177, 462; 1892,
23, 462-4; 1894, 464.

Candidate, congress, 1859, 89; 1860,
89; election, 1882, 149.

Cannon, Geo. Q., 402.
Canton, O., 333, 336; Zouaves, 333.
Canvass of votes: terr. delegates.

1860, 91; election, 1890, 177.

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