Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

If we suppose AB = DC, and AD = BC, and draw the diagonal BD, we shall have the three sides of the triangle ABD respectively equal to the three sides of




the triangle CDB, consequently they are equal, (T. XXV.), and the angle ABD = CDB, which are alternate interior angles in reference to the sides AB and DC, hence AB and DC are parallel (T. XVII., C.).

The equality of the two triangles also gives the angle ADB = CBD, which are alternate interior angles in reference to the sides AD and BC, hence these sides are parallel. Consequently the figure is a parallelogram (D. XXV.).


If two opposite sides of a quadrilateral are equal and parallel, the figure is a parallelogram.





In the quadrilateral ABCD, suppose AB equal and parallel to DC, then will the figure be a parallelogram. For, drawing BD, the two triangles ABD, CDB, have the common side BD, and AB of the first equal to CD of the second; also, the included angles ABD, CDB, equal, being alternate angles with reference to the parallels AB, DC. Hence these triangles are equal (T. XX.), and the angle ADB is equal to CBD, but these are alternate angles with reference to AD and BC, consequently AD and BC are parallel, and the figure is a parallelogram.


The opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal; so also are the opposite sides equal.



Since the figure is a parallelogram, we have AB and DC parallel, also AD and BC parallel; hence, if we draw the diagonal BD, we shall have the angle ABD = CDB, being alternate interior angles in reference to the parallels AB and DC (T. XVIII., C.). For a similar reason


the angle ADB = CBD. Therefore, the two triangles ABD and CDB have a common side BD, and the adjacent angles of the one equal respectively to the adjacent angles of the other, consequently they are equal (T. XXII.). Hence the angle

A C, and ABD + CBD = CDB + ADB, or ABC = CDA. That is, the opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal.


The equality of the triangles also gives AB = DC, and AD BC; that is, the opposite sides of a parallelogram are also equal. Cor. I. The diagonal of a parallelogram divides it into two equal parts.

Cor. II. Two parallels included between two other parallels are equal.

Cor. III. If one angle of a parallelogram is right, the other three will be right also.


The diagonals of a parallelogram mutually bisect each other, that is, they divide each other into halves.





In the two triangles EAB and ECD, we have the angle EAB of the first equal to ECD of the second, being alternate angles in reference to the parallels AB and DC. For a like reason the angle EBA is equal to EDC. We also have the interjacent sides AB and DC equal, consequently these triangles are equal (T. XXII.), and AE = EC, BE = ED.

Cor. If the four sides of the parallelogram are equal, as in the case of a rhombus, we have AB = AD, and the two triangles AEB and AED will have the three sides of the one equal to the three sides of the other respectively, consequently they will be equal (T. XXV.), and the angle AEB = AED, that is, in a rhombus the diagonals bisect each other at right angles.

Scholium. The point E, where the diagonals intersect, is called the centre of the parallelogram.


The straight line joining the middle points of the oblique sides of a trapezoid, will be parallel to the other sides, and equal to half their sum.









Suppose EF to join the middle points E and F, of the oblique sides AD and BC of the trapezoid ABCD. Through F draw GH parallel to AD, and meeting DC produced. In the two triangles, FBH and FCG, we have the side FB = FC, the angle FBH equal to its alternate angle FCG, and the angle BFH equal its opposite angle CFG, hence these triangles have two angles and the interjacent side of the one, respectively equal to the two angles and the interjacent sides of the other, and are therefore equal (T. XXII.). Consequently, FG = FH; that is, FG equals half of HG. But HG is equal to AD, since the figure AHGD is a parallelogram. Therefore, FG is half of AD, but ED is also half of AD, hence FG and ED are equal and parallel, and the figure EFGD is a parallelogram, and EF is parallel to DC, and also to AB, since DC and AB are parallel.

Again, since EF=DG=AH; and CG=HB, by reason of the equality of the two triangles FGC and FHB, we have EF as much greater than DC as it is less than AB. Hence, EF is one half of the sum of DC and AB.

Cor. If we suppose the side DC of the trapezoid to be reduced to a point, the trapezoid will then change to a triangle. Hence, the straight line joining the middle points of any two sides of a triangle, will be parallel to the third side, and equal to half of it.


The four lines joining the middle points of the adjacent sides of a quadrilateral form a parallelogram.




If we draw the diagonals of the quadrilateral, we shall have EF and HG, each parallel to AC, and equal to half of it (T. XXXIII., C.); consequently they are equal and parallel. For the same reason EH and FG are each parallel to BD, and equal to half of it. Therefore the figure EFGH is a parallelogram.




Cor. The two lines joining the middle points of the opposite sides of a quadrilateral mutually bisect each other, since they are the diagonals of a parallelogram.



In any triangle if a line be drawn from either angle to the middle of the opposite side:

I. When this line is equal to the half side, the angle will be a right angle.

II. When this line is greater than the half side, the angle will be acute.

III. When this line is less than the half side, the angle will be obtuse.

In the triangle ABC, suppose the line CD to be drawn from the angle C to the middle of the side AB.




First. When CD=AD=DB, we have, angle A = DCA, angle B = DCB (T. XXIII.), hence A+B=DCA+DCB; that is, the angle ACB is one half the sum of the three angles of the triangle, and is therefore a right angle (T. V., C. I.).

Secondly. When CD > AD or DB, we have angle A > DCA, angle B> DCB (T. XXVII.), hence A+B > DCA+DCB; that is, the angle ACB is less than half the sum of the three angles of the triangle, and it is therefore an acute angle.

Thirdly. When CD < AD or DB, we have angle A <DCA, angle BDCB (T. XXVII.); hence, A+B <DCA+DCB; that is, the angle ACB is greater than half the sum of the three angles of the triangle, and it is therefore an obtuse angle.

Scholium. This Theorem affords a very simple method of determining the kind of angle in any given triangle.


The three lines bisecting the three angles of a triangle, inter sect each other in the same point.

Every point in the bisecting line AD is equally distant from AB and AC (T. XIV.). For the same reason every point of the bisecting line BE is equally distant from AB and BC. Hence, the point G, where these two lines intersect, is equally A






distant from AC and BC; consequently, it is in the line CF which bisects the angle ACB (T. XIV., C. I.). That is, this point is common to the three bisecting lines.

Cor. If the sides AB and AC are produced, and the exterior angles are bisected by the lines BF and CF, the point F, where they intersect, will be on the line AF, which bisects the angle at A.





Scholium. This common point, equidistant from the three sides of a triangle, is always within the triangle.


The three perpendiculars bisecting the three sides of a triangle intersect each other in the same point.

Every point in the perpendicular DG is equidistant from A and B (T. XIII.). For the same reason every point in the perpendicular EG is equidistant from A and C. Hence, the point G, where











these perpendiculars intersect, is equidistant from B and C; consequently, it is in the perpendicular which bisects the side BC (T. XIII., C. I.). That is, this point is common to the three perpendiculars.

Scholium. This common point, equidistant from the three angles of a triangle, may be either within or without the triangle; or, in the case of a right-angled triangle, it will evidently be at the middle point of the hypotenuse.


The three lines passing through the three angles of a triangle, and bisecting the opposite sides, will intersect each other in the same point.

We will first consider the two lines CD, BE, which intersect at G. Draw HK joining the middle points of GB, GC, and it will be parallel to BC and equal to half of it (T. XXXIII., C.). For the






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