Journal of the SenateGeneral Assembly, 1988 |
Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο
Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 από τα 91.
Σελίδα 3832
... Schuneman Dunn , R. Jones Marovitz Smith Dunn , T. Joyce , Jerome Newhouse Vadalabene Etheredge Karpiel O'Daniel Watson Fawell Kelly Philip Weaver Davidson DeAngelis Degnan del Valle Demuzio Friedland Geo - Karis Hall Holmberg Hudson ...
... Schuneman Dunn , R. Jones Marovitz Smith Dunn , T. Joyce , Jerome Newhouse Vadalabene Etheredge Karpiel O'Daniel Watson Fawell Kelly Philip Weaver Davidson DeAngelis Degnan del Valle Demuzio Friedland Geo - Karis Hall Holmberg Hudson ...
Σελίδα 4203
... Schuneman This bill , having received the votes of a constitutional majority of the members elected , was declared passed . Ordered that the Secretary inform the House of Representatives thereof and ask their concurrence in the Senate ...
... Schuneman This bill , having received the votes of a constitutional majority of the members elected , was declared passed . Ordered that the Secretary inform the House of Representatives thereof and ask their concurrence in the Senate ...
Σελίδα 4349
... Schuneman Donahue Hawkinson Macdonald Raica Severns Dudycz Holmberg Madigan Rigney Watson Dunn , T. Hudson Mahar Savickas Woodyard Fawell Jacobs O'Daniel Schaffer Mr. President The following voted present : Geo - Karis Luft Demuzio lost ...
... Schuneman Donahue Hawkinson Macdonald Raica Severns Dudycz Holmberg Madigan Rigney Watson Dunn , T. Hudson Mahar Savickas Woodyard Fawell Jacobs O'Daniel Schaffer Mr. President The following voted present : Geo - Karis Luft Demuzio lost ...
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
adopted Agency alcoholic liquors amount annuity application appropriated approved attendance center Authority Board bonds certified Clark County Clerk committee of conference Conference Committee Conference Committee Report consider the differences contract corporation deleting Demuzio Department of Revenue directed to inform Dunn Education effective date election employee Etheredge facility feet filed following voted Fund hazardous waste House Amendments House Bill House of Representa House of Representatives houses in relation Illinois inform the Senate inserting in lieu interest John Cullerton Joyce June June 30 Kenneth Hall landfill license lieu thereof local school council Medicare Michael Tate municipality O'BRIEN O'Daniel officer operation ordinance payment person President Principal Meridian purposes pursuant redevelopment project area retail s/Rep s/Sen Savickas school district Schuneman Senate Amendment Senate Bill submitted this 30th Tax Increment thence South tives township trustees undersigned committee Vadalabene Williamson County