GLOSSARY. ABATE, to depress, sink, subdue. Approof, proof, approbation ABC-book, a catechism. Abjects, servile persons. Able, to qualify or uphold. Abortive, issuing before its time. Absolute, highly accomplished, Abused, deceived. Aby, to pay dear for. Abysm, abyss. Accuse, accusation. Achieve, to obtain. Acquittance, requital. [perfect. Approve, to justify, to make good, to establish, to recommend to approbation. Approved, felt, experienced, con victed by proof Approvers, persons who try Aqua-vitæ, strong waters [galleons Action, direction by mute signs, Argosies, ships of great burthen, charge or accusation. Action-taking, litigious. Additions, titles or descriptions. Address, to make ready. Addressed, or addrest, ready. Advance, to prefer, to raise to ho Adversity, contrariety. Advertisement, admonition. [nour. Advertising, attentive. Advice, consideration, discretion, thought. Advise, to consider, recollect. Argument, subject for conversation, evidence, proof Arm, to take up in the arms Aroint, avaunt, begone (another Articulate, to enter into articles Aspect, countenance Advised, not precipitant, cool, Aspersion, sprinkling Afeard, afraid. Affect, love. [cautious. Assay, test Assinego, a he-ass Affection, affectation, imagina- Assurance, conveyance or deed tion, disposition, quality. Affectioned, affected. Affections, passions, inordinate de Affeered, confirmed. Affied, betrothed. Affined, joined by affinity. [sires. Affy, to betroth in marriage. Aglet-baby, a diminutive being. Agnize, ackowledge, confess. A-good, in good earnest. Aiery, the nest of an f an eagle or hawk Aim, guess, encouragement, sus picion Assured, affianced cites bloodshed Atomies, minute particles discernible in a stream of sunshine that breaks into a dark ened room, atoms Atone, to reconcile Base, a rustic game, called pri- knights on horseback Basilisks, a species of cannon Basta, Spanish, 'tis enough Bastard, raisin wine Bat, a club or staff Bate, strife, contention Bate, to flutter as a hawk washers of clothes Batten, to grow fat Battle, army Bavin, brush wood Bawcock, a jolly cock Bay, the space between the main Bay-window, bow window, one Beat, in falconry, to flutter Attasked, reprehended, corrected Becomed, becoming Attended, waited for Attent, attentive Attorney, deputation Alder-liefest, beloved above all Attorneyship, the discretional Ale, a merry meeting Allowance, approbation [things agency of another Attornied, supplied by substitution of embassies [or gives Attributive, that which attributes Amaze, to perplex or confuse Blank, the white mark at which Bush, the sign of a public-house | Ceremonies, honorary ornaments, Blast, burst [an arrow is shot Blear, to deceive Blent, blended, mixed Blind-worm, the slow-worm sities Blood-Soltered, daubed with blood Blows, swells Blunt, stupid, insensible Board, to accost, to address Bobb, to trick, to make a fool of Bodged, boggled, made bungling Bodkin, a small dagger [work Bold, confident, to embolden Boited, sifted, refined Busky, woody. See Bosky tokens of respect Ceremonious, superstitious Certes, certainty, in truth [command Cess, measure butts with Caddis, a narrow worsted gal- Cadent, falling Cage, a prison Bolting-hutch, the receptacle in Callet, a lewd woman which the meal is bolted Bombard, or bumbard, a barrel Bombast, the stuffing of clothes Bona-robas, strumpets Bond, bounden duty [looking Bony, or bonny, handsome, good- Boot, profit, advantage, some- Bore, demeaned Calling, appellation Calm, qualm [don Chace, a term at tennis Changeling, a child changed [loon Channel, a kennel [writing Canary, a sprightly nimble dance Canker, the dog-rose Cantel, or Cantle, a corner or piece Cantons, cantos Bore, the caliber of a gun, the ca- Canvas-climber, pacity of the barrel Bores, stabs or wounds Bosky, woody Bosom, wish, heart's desire Bots, worms in the stomach of a Brace, armour for the arm, state Brake, a thicket, furze-bush Brave, to make fine or splendid Bravery, showy dress Brawl, a kind of dance Breach, of the sea, breaking of the Breast, voice, surface Breath, breathing, voice Breathe, to utter [of any thing a sailor climbs to adjust the sails who Cap, the top, the principal [cap Capitulate, to make head. Captious, capacious or recipient Carbonadoed, scotched like meat Card, perhaps a sea-chart [care Careires, the motion of a horse [outside-garb Case, contemptuously for skin, Cassock, a horseman's great-coat Charitable, dear, endearing Charneco, a sort of sweet wine vil, grave or solemn mm Civil, human creature, any thing Clack-dish, a beggar's-dish Claw, to flatter Clear, pure, blameless, innocent, quite, fully, perfectly Clearest, purest, freest from evil Cast, cast up, reckoned contempt Cataian, some kind of sharper Clerkly, like a scholar Cling, to shrink or shrivel up Clip, to embrace, to infold Cavaleroes, airy, gay fellows Cautelous, insidious, cautious Censured, sentenced, estimated [milies Clout, the white mark at which Coasting, conciliatory, inviting Control, to confute Convent, to serve or agree Convented, cited, summoned familiar inter course, conduct, behaviour Cope, to encounter, to engage Copped, rising to a cop, or head Corky, dry, withered, husky Costard, the head Coster-monger, meanly, Curiosity, finical delicacy, scru- Cursed, under the influence of a malediction Curst, petulant, crabbed, shrewdish or mischievous, severe, harsh, vehemently angry Curstness, ill-humour Curtail, a cur of little value Curtal, a docked horse Curtle-ax, or cutlace, a broadsword [tard or pie Custard-coffin, the crust of a cus Customer, a common woman Cut, a horse Cyprus, a transparent stuff D. Daff or doff, to do off, to put Dally, to play or trifle Damn, condemn [nary Danger, reach or control merce- Dank, wet, rotten [aside [garded Danskers, natives of Denmark Coted, quoted, observed, Covered, hollow Count, to make account, to rec- Darkling, in the dark Commence, to give a beginning Commended, committed Commodity, interest, profit Commonty, a comedy [shire by discontent Compact, made up of Companion, fellow [man Darraign, to arrange, put in or Company, companion Count Confect, a specious noble- Daub, to disguise [der Comparative, a dealer in compa- Countenance, false appearance, Daubery, falsehood and imposi Compare, comparison Compassed, round Compassionate, plaintive [ciates Counterpoints, counterpanes Complements, accomplishments Cower, to sink by bending the Complexion, humour Comply, to compliment [tion Compose, to come to a composi- Comptible, submissive hams [large tub Cowl-staff, a staff for carrying a Death-tokens, spots appearing on those infected by the plague D boshed, debauched Decay, misfortunes Deceivable, deceptious Decline, to run through from first [post Cozier, a tailor or botcher [thought Crab, a wild apple Conceit, fanciful conception, Crack, dissolution Concent, connected harmony in Crack, a boy or child, a boy-child Defcat, destruction general [lution Cranks, windings Conclusion, determination, reso- Crants, chants Condition, temper, character, Crare, a small trading vessel Craven, a degenerate, dispirited qualities, vocations or inclina- Craven, mean, cowardly, to make Condolement, sorrow Conduct, conductor [tions Coney-catched, deceived, cheated Coney-catcher, a cheat, or sharper Confession, profession Conject, conjecture Conjecture, suspicion [to consume Confound, to destroy, to expend, Confounded, worn or wasted Consent, to agree Consent, conspiracy, will, assent, sort, to keep company with Constancy, consistency, stability Constant, firm, determined Constantly, certainly, without fluctuation Contemptible, contemptuous Continent, the thing which conContinents, banks of rivers [tains Continuate, uninterrupted Contraction, marriage contract Contrarious, different Contrive, to spend and wear out Create, compounded, or made up Credent, creditable, credible Credit, account, information, cre dulity [beacon Credit, a great light set upon a Cressive, increasing Crest, the top, the height Crestless, those who have no right to arms [bent, hollow Crisp, curling, winding, curled, Critic, cynie Crone, an old worn-out woman [cross Crowned, dignified, adorned Deem, opinion, surmise [to last Diet, to oblige to fast Diffused, extravagant, irregular Digress, to deviate from the right Digression, transgression Dint, impression Direction, judgment, skill Disappointed, unprepared Discontenting, discontented Disdained, disdainful Disease, uneasiness, discontent Diseases, sayings sayings Disgrace, hardship, injury Dislimns, unpaints, obliterates Dispark, to destroy a park Disponge, discharge as a sponge Dispose, to make terms, to settle matters the ancles Drab, whoring Draught, the jakes Drawn, embowelled, exonerated Dread, epithet applied to kings Drew, assembled Dribbling, a term of contempt Drive, to fly with impetuosity Drollery, a show performed by Ecstasy, alienation of mind, madEffects, affects, or affections, actions, deeds effected Eftest, deftest, readiest Eld, old time, or persons practice previous Embossed, inclosed, swollen, puffy Embowelled, exhausted Empery, dominion, sovereign Fading, the burthen of a song command [contention Fain, fond Emulation, rivalry, envy, factious Fair, beauty, complexion, fairness Emulous, jealous of higher autho- Fair-betrothed, fairly contracted, Encave, to hide [rity Enfeoff, to invest with possession Engine, instrument of war, mili tary machine, the rack Engross, to fatten, to pamper Enmen, to coop up Ensconce, to protect as with a Entertain, to retain in service Entertainment, the pay of army, admission to office honourably affianced Fall, to let fall, to drop False, to make false fort Falsely, dishonestly, treacherous an Entreatments, the objects of en- Equipage, stolen goods Esperance, the motto of the Percy Espials, spies Essential, existent, real Estimate, price Estimation, conjecture Eterne, eternal [family [equal, fellow Even, calm, equitable, temperate, Even, to act up to Examined, questioned, doubted Excrements, the hair, nails, fea. thers of birds, &c. Execute, to employ, to put to use Execution, employment or exerExecutors, executioners [cise Exempt, excluded [confession Exercise, exhortation, lecture, or Exhale, hale or lug out [spirits Exorcist, a person who can raise Expect, expectation Expiate, fully completed falsif Falsing, falsifying Fancy, love [ly [power of love Fancy-free, exempt from the Fanged, possessed of fangs Fantastical, creatures of fancy Fap, drunk Far, extensively Fashions, farcens or farcy [fate Fate, an action predetermined by Favour, countenance, features, indulgence, pardon, appearance Fear, the object of fear, danger Feat, an exploit Feated, formed, made neat Fell, skin [husband Fell-feats, savage practices [puppets Expostulate, to inquire or discuss Festinately, hastily Exposture, exposure [to me Express, to reveal Ducdame, duc ad me, bring him Dudgeon, the handle of a dagger Due, to endue, to deck, to grace Dull, melancholy, gentle, sooth ing Expulsed, expelled [minable Extend, to seize [ble Extern, outward Dull, to render callous, insensi- Extirped, rooted out Dump, a mournful elegy Dup, to do up, to lift up away from every thing but its own objectει Extravagant, wandering فني جيد [of a hound Flewed, having the flews or chaps Flush, mature, ripe Folly, depravity of mind Fond, foolish, or prized by folly Fonder, more weak or foolish Fondly, foolishly [head of a fool Focls zanies, baubles with the Foot-cloth, a housing covering the body of the horse, and almost reaching to the ground For, for that, since, because Force, power Force, to enforce, to urge Forced, false Fordid, destroyed Fordo, to undo, to destroy Forfended, prohibited, forbidden employed in foreign em Forepast, already had [bassies Fore-slow, to be dilatory, to loiter Forestall, to prevent by anticipa tion Forgetive, inventive, imaginative Forked, horned Formal, not out of form, regular, sensible, in form, in shape Former, foremost Forspent, wasted, exhausted Forspoke, contradicted, spoken Forthesming, in custody [against Forwearied, worn out Foul, homely, not fair [fect Green, unripe, not fully formed [dict [a wanton Gainsay, to unsay, deny, contra. Gait, way or steps Galliard, an ancient dance Galliasses, a species of galleys Gallowglasses, heavy armed foot Gallow, to scare or frighten Gallymamfry, a medley Game, sport, jest Gamester, a frolicksome person, Gaping, shouting or roaring Garboils, commotion, stir Garish, gaudy, showy Garner, to treasure up Gasted, frightened Gandy, a festival day Gands, baubles, toys Gaze, attention [or matters Gear, a general word for things Greenly, awkwardly, unskilfully. Greets, pleases Grief, pain, grievances Grief's, grievances, wrongs Grievances, sorrows, sorrowful af Grieve, to lament for Grise, a step [fections Grossly, palpably Growing, accruing Guards, badges of dignity Guinea-hen, a prostitute Gules, red, a term in heraldry Gulf, the swallow, the the throat Gun-stones, cannon-balls Gurnet, a fish resembling a piper Gust, taste, rashness Gyve, to catch, to Gyves, shackles H shackle Gentle, noble, high-minded, be- Hair, complexion or character longing to gentry Gentry, complaisance German, akin Germins, seeds begun to sprout Gest, a stage or journey Gifts, endowments Gird, a sarcasm or gibe, emotion [upon Gloze, to expound, to comment Good-deed, indeed, in very deed Good-life, of a moral or jovial turn For, a cant word for a sword Forship, mean, cunning Frampold, peevish, fretful, or Frank, a sty Franklin, a little gentleman or [nerous freeholder Free, artless, free from art, gePret, the stop of a musical instrument, which regulates the vibration of the string tend lyings-in Gossomer, the the white cobweb-like exhalations that fly about in hot sunny weather Government, evenness of temper, decency of manners Happily, accidentally, fortunately Happy, accomplished Hardiment, bravery, stoutness Harlot, a cheat |