Journal of the SenateGeneral Assembly, 1988 |
Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο
49 σελίδες που ταιριάζουν με τον όρο inform the House σε αυτό το βιβλίο
Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 από τα 49.
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
affirmative Agency Amend House Bill Amend Senate Bill Amendments adopted thereto appropriations heretofore approved ask their concurrence Barkhausen Brookins Build Illinois Bond Carroll Chicago Park District community college constitutional majority corporation D'Arco DeAngelis declared passed Degnan Developmental Disabilities district Dudycz Dunn employee Etheredge facility following amendment following named sum following voted foregoing amendment Geo-Karis Hawkinson Holmberg House Amendment House of Representatives Illinois Bond Fund inform the House inserting in lieu Jacobs Jones Jeremiah Joyce Joyce June 30 Karpiel Kustra license lieu thereof Maitland motion of Senator motion prevailed necessary and remains Newhouse O'Daniel offered the following person printed as received Public Act purposes in Section pursuant read by title reappropriated received the votes remains unexpended Representatives thereof Revenue Fund Schaffer Secretary inform Senate Amendments adopted thereof the following third reading title a third to-wit Topinka Vadalabene unexpended on June Valle