Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


1. My factor remits to me $2910, the proceeds of a consignment of wheat, after deducting his commission of 3%. For what did he sell the wheat? Ans. $3000.

2. I sent $5000 to a real estate broker in Chicago, to invest in lands, with instructions to deduct his commission at 4%. What sum did he invest ? Ans. $4807.69.

3. A collector in Dubuque remitted to me $525, as due from a debt he had collected, after deducting 5% for collecting. What was the debt ? Ans. $552.63.

4. A broker having intrusted to him $10000 to invest in stocks, performed the duty, charging 1% for his services. How much of the $10000 did he invest? Ans. $9913.26.

5. A commission merchant sold goods to the amount of $7560, charging 3% commission. After paying $36.50 charges, he invested the balance in coffee, and charged 24% for the investment. If he paid 20 per lb. for the coffee, how many lb. did he purchase? Ans. 35593.65 lb. +

6. A commission merchant sold goods to amount of $6000, charging 14% for his commission and $16 for freight. How much did he remit ? Ans. $5894.

7. A broker having invested $3600 in stocks for me, sent me a bill for commission at 14% and $3 for telegraphing, &c. I sent him a draft for $1000, with instructions to take out his former bill, and invest the balance in bank stock. How much did he invest, after deducting a commission of 1% on last transaction? Ans. $933.66+.

8. I sent an agent $5922, with which to buy stocks, after deducting a commission of 5%. What was his commission, and how much did he invest?

Ans. Com. $282; invested, $5640.



345. Interest is a compensation for the use of money.

Interest has Five Cases; and the operations do not differ from those in Percentage, except in respect to the new element, Time.

In Interest, however, only money can be the base; while in Percentage the base may be anything.

346. The Principal is the sum of money for the use of which compensation is made.

347. The Amount is the sum of the Principal and its Interest.

If I pay $6 for the use of $100 for 1 year, $6 is the interest; $100 the principal; and $100 + $6, the amount.

Interest as to methods of reckoning, is of two kinds, Simple and Compound.

348. Simple Interest is reckoned on the Principal alone at a certain % for some fixed period, generally 1 year.

349. Compound Interest is reckoned on the Principal for the first period, and after that on the Principal and Interest.

Interest as to rate charged is of two kinds, Legal and Illegal. 350. Legal Interest is that established by law. 351. Illegal Interest, called Usury, is that which exceeds Legal Interest, and is not allowed by law.

The taking of Usury is a violation of law, and usually has attached to it some penalty.

351'. The Rate Per Cent of Interest is the number denoting how many hundredths of the Principal equals the Interest.

The laws regulating the rate per cent, and the forfeitures and penalties for usury are different in different States and Countries; in the United States the most common legal rate per cent is 6%.

The following table will afford the pupil a general idea of the

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352. The Principal, Rate %, and Time given,

to find the Interest and Amount.

Oral Exercises

EXAMPLE 1.-At 6% per annum, what is the interest of $12 for 1 year?

SOLUTION. If the interest of $1 for 1 yr. is 6%, it is 64; and of $12, it is 12 times as much, or 12 times 6 = 724. Or,

Since 6% is TT = 88 of the principal, the interest of $12 for 1 year, at 6%, is of $12, or $.72.

EXAMPLE 2.- What is the interest of $25 for 1 year, at 5%? For 2 yr.? For 3 yr.? For 7 yr.?


SOLUTION.-At 5% the interest = ToT, or 2 of the principal; $25 is $14, or $1.25. For 2 yr. it is 2 times $1.25, or $2.50; for 3 yr., 3 times $1.25, or $3.75; &c.


1. What is the interest of $50 for 3 yr., at 6%?

2. What is the interest of $75 for 10 yr., at 5%? At 6%? At 7%? At 8%? At 9%?

3. What is the interest of $150 for 5 yr., at 5% ? At 6%? At 7%? At 8%? At 101%? At 12%?

EXAMPLE 3.--What is the interest of $100 for 1 yr. 3 mo., at 6%? At 8%? At 9%? At 10%?

At 12% ?

SOLUTION.-1 yr. 3 mo. = 11, or 14, or yr. The interest of $100 for 1 yr. at 6% is $6; therefore, the interest for yr. at 6% = of $6, or $71. If the interest at 6% = $7, at 8% it will be, or of $7 = $10; at 9%, &, or of $71 = $111 ; &c., &c.

4. What is the interest of $200 for 2 yr. 9 mo., at 6% ? At 8%? At 9%? At 10%? At 12%?

5. What is the interest of $500 for 1 yr. 3 mo., at 6%? At 7%? At 10%? At 15%?

EXAMPLE 4.- What is the amount of $20 for 2 yr. 6 mo., at 6%? At 9%? At 12%? At 15%?

1ST SOLUTION. - At 6% for 24, or yr., the interest of $20 is $3; and $20 + $3 = $23, the amount.

2D SOLUTION. -The interest of $1 for 21 or yr., at 6%, is 154; and $1 + 15 = $1.15, the amount. If $1 amounts to $1.15, $20 will amount to 20 times $1.15 = $23.

The interest of $1 for yr. at 9% is 224; and the amount, $1.22]; hence the amount of $20 is 20 times $1.22 = $24.50; &c., &c.

6. What is the amount of $30 for 3 yr. 3 mo. at 8%? At 12%? At 16% ?

7. To what does $50 amount in 5 yr. 6 mo., at 6%? At 10%? At 20% ?

+ Written Exercises

EXAMPLE 1.-What is the interest of $250 for 4 yr. at 6%?

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