135. When the divisor is an integer, the quotient will be of the same orders of units as the dividend. EXAMPLE. Divide .4375 by 35. 136. The quotient contains as many decimal figures as the number of those in the dividend exceeds those in the divisor. EXAMPLE. Divide 4.6875 by 3.125. quotient figure, 1, and completing the division, the quotient obtained is 1.5, which contains one decimal place (136). The dotted vertical line in the solution shows what figures of the dividend are used to obtain the integral part of the quotient. When decimal ciphers are annexed to form partial dividends, they are counted as decimal figures of the dividend. 137. The right-hand figure of any remainder after division is always of the same order of units as the last figure of the dividend used to obtain it. 1. Into how many building lots, each containing .48 of an acre, can 8 acres of land be divided? Ans. 16 lots, and .32 of an acre left. 2. How many ice-pitchers, each weighing 2.13 pounds, can a manufacturer make from 15 pounds of silver? Ans. 7 pitchers, with .09 of a pound left. 138. RULE. Divide as in whole numbers, and point off from the right of the quotient as many places for decimals as the number of decimal places in the dividend exceed the number in the divisor. If there are not so many places in the quotient, supply the deficiency by prefixing ciphers. If in the course of division ciphers have been annexed to the dividend, regard each cipher annexed as a decimal place. PROBLEMS. 1. Divide .7 by 10. Ans. .07. Ans. .00875. NOTE. The sign + after the answer to Problem 14 indicates that the division is not exact. 15. Divide 63.75 by 100; by 1000; by 10000. Moving the decimal point of 63.75 two places to the left is the same as moving each figure two places to the right, and consequently divides each by 100, giving .6375. Moving the point three places to the left, divides by 1000, &c., &c. 16. Divide 5386.5 by 1000 18. Divide 8.75 by 100000 17. Divide 8382.55 by 10000 | 19. Divide 10.075 by 1000000 20. A merchant buys 10000 yards of calico for $645. What does it cost him per yard? 21. Divide 5 tenths by 1 trillion. Ans. .0000000000005. price per pound? 26. If 2.75 pounds of butter cost $1.03125, what is the Ans. $.375. 27. If $8264.50 pay $37.19025 tax, what is the tax on one Ans. $.0045. dollar? 28. Gave $23.4375 for 75 pounds of coffee. What was Ans. $.3125. the price per pound? 29. The mail train runs from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh, a distance of 355.2 miles, in 17.3 hours. What is the rate per hour? Ans. 20.53+ miles. 30. The "limited mail" runs the same distance in 10.3 hours; what is the rate per hour? Ans. 34.48+- miles. 31. The fast mail runs from Pittsburgh to Chicago, a distance of 469 miles, in 13.084 hours. What is the rate per hour? Ans. 35.845+ miles. 32. If 2.3 yards of cloth make 1 coat, how many coats will 150 yards make ? Ans. 65 coats, .5 yards left. 33. How much muslin at $.165 a yard can be bought for $732.60? Ans. 4440 yards. 34. At $18.75 each, how many washstands can be bought Ans. 27 washstands. for $506.25? 35. A man walks 65.625 miles in 17.5 hours. How many miles, on an average, does he walk each hour ? Ans. 3.75 miles. |