The Complete ArithmeticH.I. Gourley, Agt., 1876 - 452 σελίδες |
Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο
Αποτελέσματα 1 - 5 από τα 7.
Σελίδα 111
... FRACTIONS . 164. REDUCTION . NUMERATION AND NOTATION . CASES . 175. I. Integers or Mixed Num- bers to Improper Fractions . 176. II . Improper to Integers or Mixed Numbers . 177. III . Integers to Higher or Lower Terms . 178. IV . Τo ...
... FRACTIONS . 164. REDUCTION . NUMERATION AND NOTATION . CASES . 175. I. Integers or Mixed Num- bers to Improper Fractions . 176. II . Improper to Integers or Mixed Numbers . 177. III . Integers to Higher or Lower Terms . 178. IV . Τo ...
Σελίδα 114
... fractions are of two kinds , namely : Proper and Improper . 154. A Proper Fraction is one whose numerator is less than its denominator ; as , है , . Such a fraction is called proper because its value is less than a unit , and is ...
... fractions are of two kinds , namely : Proper and Improper . 154. A Proper Fraction is one whose numerator is less than its denominator ; as , है , . Such a fraction is called proper because its value is less than a unit , and is ...
Σελίδα 127
Milton Browning Goff. Reduction of Fractions is changing their form without alter- ing their value ( 164 ) . + ... Improper Fractions , 11. 378 . 16. 17571§. 5. 132 to 75ths . 10 . 111 to 40 - firsts . 96 ÷ 4 24 by 4 , in order that ...
Milton Browning Goff. Reduction of Fractions is changing their form without alter- ing their value ( 164 ) . + ... Improper Fractions , 11. 378 . 16. 17571§. 5. 132 to 75ths . 10 . 111 to 40 - firsts . 96 ÷ 4 24 by 4 , in order that ...
Σελίδα 128
Milton Browning Goff. Reduce to Improper Fractions , 11. 378 . 16. 17571§ . 12. 341 . 17. 13562 목욕 . 13. 542 . 18. 26753 . 14. 742 . 15. 2147 . 100 19. 367218 . 20. 7187 총용 . 6748 CASE II . 176. Improper Fractions to Integers or ...
Milton Browning Goff. Reduce to Improper Fractions , 11. 378 . 16. 17571§ . 12. 341 . 17. 13562 목욕 . 13. 542 . 18. 26753 . 14. 742 . 15. 2147 . 100 19. 367218 . 20. 7187 총용 . 6748 CASE II . 176. Improper Fractions to Integers or ...
Σελίδα 144
... fractions to a common denominator , subtracting them as in Ex . 1 ; then subtract the integers , and prefix the ... improper fractions and proceed by Rule I. PROBLEMS . From From 1 . take . Ans .. 12 . take . Ans . 2 . take Ans ...
... fractions to a common denominator , subtracting them as in Ex . 1 ; then subtract the integers , and prefix the ... improper fractions and proceed by Rule I. PROBLEMS . From From 1 . take . Ans .. 12 . take . Ans . 2 . take Ans ...
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Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
1ST SOLUTION 2D SOLUTION acres amount angle bank barrel bought bricks bushels ciphers common Compound compound interest contained cost cube cube root cubic decimal point denominate number diameter discount Divide dividend dollars equal EXPLANATION face factors feet figure Find the sum fractional unit frustum gain gallons greatest common divisor Hence hundred hundredths Improper Fractions inches insured integers interest of $1 least common multiple measure miles mills minuend mixed numbers Multiply Oral Exercises EXAMPLE paid par value payment Percentage Pittsburgh pounds premium Present Worth principal PROBLEMS quires quotient rate per cent ratio Reduce remainder rods RULE selling slant height sold square root subtract subtrahend ten-thousandths tenths thick thousand thousandths Troy Troy Weight weight whole number Write yards
Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα
Σελίδα 200 - TIME 60 seconds (sec.) = 1 minute (min.) 60 minutes =1 hour (hr.) 24...
Σελίδα 197 - A circle is a plane figure bounded by a curved line, every point of which is equally distant from a point within called the center.
Σελίδα 121 - The Least Common Multiple of two or more numbers is the least number that...
Σελίδα 420 - A sphere is a solid bounded by a curved surface, every point of which is equally distant from a point within called the center.
Σελίδα 398 - Multiply the divisor, thus increased, by the last figure of the root; subtract the product from the dividend, and to the remainder bring down the next period for a new dividend. 5. Double the whole root already found for a new divisor, and continue the operation as before, until all the periods are brought down. NOTE.
Σελίδα 195 - Dry Measure 2 pints (pt.) =1 quart (qt.) 8 quarts = 1 peck (pk.) 4 pecks = 1 bushel (bu.) 2150.42 cu.
Σελίδα 389 - ... by the last figure of the root, and subtract the product from the dividend ; to the remainder bring down the next period for a new dividend.
Σελίδα 426 - WEIGHTS. 10 milligrammes = 1 centigramme. 10 centigrammes = 1 decigramme. 10 decigrammes = 1 gramme. 10 grammes = 1 decagramme. 10 decagrammes = 1 hectogramme. 10 hectogrammes = 1 kilogramme. 10 kilogrammes = 1 myriagramme.
Σελίδα 197 - An ACUTE ANGLE is one which is less than a right angle ; as the angle DEF.
Σελίδα 72 - Place the sum down as in the last example, then mark off from the right of the dividend as many figures as there are ciphers in the divisor...