Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

catholic peers and commoners from sitting in par liament: VII. And conclude the chapter with a summary review given by a protestant writer of the religious persecutions in England from the reformation till the end of the reign of Charles thè second ;—and some general reflections upon them.

LXV. 1.

Addresses presented by the English Catholics on the
Restoration of Charles the second.

On the restoration of Charles the second, the expectations of his catholic subjects were very great, and were certainly very reasonable. In every stage of the civil conflict, his father and himself had found the lives and fortunes of the catholics at their command: there was scarcely a catholic family, some members of which had not perished in the field; or from whom a large proportion of their property had not been confiscated, in consequence of their loyalty. They presented three addresses to his majesty.

The first was signed by the dean and chapter."We hold," they say, "that the pope hath no power, directly or indirectly, to lay commands "on the king's catholic subjects in any thing be"longing to civil and temporal matters; and con

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trarywise, that the aforesayd supreame dominion " and power of majestie extends over all his subjects, as well ecclesiasticke as layicke, and in all cases, "not only temporall but also spirituall, as far forth as they may have respect to the civil and politick

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government. And that therefore we hold our"selves bound never to suffer or permit, as far as lyes in our power, that any person or persons, "ecclesiastick or layick, exercise at any time, any




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jurisdiction, power, or authoritie in this kingdom,

or in any other part of his majesty's dominions, "over his majesty's subjects, in thinges appertaining to or reflectinge upon his civill government, "without the knowledge and leave of his sayd majestie; much less, without violence to the "sacred principle aforesaid, can or doe wee hold "that the pope either hath, by himselfe, or by any "authoritie derived from his see, any rightful power of deposinge kings, whether catholicke or "not catholicke, disposinge of their dominions and kingdoms, or of authorizinge any externe prince, or other person or persons whatsoever, to invade "or endammage either his majestie's sacred person, or any part of his dominions.


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"But most of all wee detest from our harts that impious, damnable, and most unchristian position, "that kings or absolute princes, of what belief soever, who are excommunicated by the pope, may "be deposed, killed, or murthered by their sub"jects, as clearly contrary to the word of God."


A second address was presented by the English Benedictines and other regular clergy.-They cite several sentences of foreign universities, condemning the claim of the pope to temporal power by divine right-the principal of these are mentioned in the opinions of the foreign universities transcribed in the Appendix to these Memoirs.

The addressers conclude their protestation in these words.

"This protestation we make in the presence of "God and his holy angels, without any equivoca❝tion or mental reservation whatsoever. The which "doctrine of mental reservation wee doe deteste "and abhorre as most unchristian and execrable: especially in professions of this nature; as also in "all promises and contracts made with any, or "when wee are convened before any legall magis"strate, of what religion soever.

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"And now, our hope is, that this our profes"sion will be esteemed sufficient to satisfy the state "and kingdome, that the catholick religion does not "deserve such imputations, as upon occasion of the "writings or crimes of a few unhappy persons, have "been undeservedly cast upon it. As likewise to "demonstrate, that both for an acknowledgment "of his majestie's just supremacy in all temporall power, as a civil governour, and likewise our rea"diness to perform all due allegiance to him and "his successours, according to the lawes of these kingdomes, wee his distressed roman-catholick

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subjects, are by our religion as much obliged, and "God willing, shall never come short of any other "subjects, of what persuasion in matters of religion "soever they be. However, in case that which is "here written and protested shall not be esteemed "sufficient for this purpose, our most humble suit "is, that wee may be permitted further to explain "ourselves, and against all exceptions to justify

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3. Another address, composed by sir John Arundell, afterwards created baron Arundell of Wardour, was presented by him in the name of himself and the general body of the English catholics :-a noble appeal to justice and humanity! It is expressed in the following terms:

"Most mighty Soveraigne,

"Your roman-catholique subjects,-considering "in how miraculous a manner God hath preserved "and now sent your majestie to this desolate na❝tion, to redresse the aggrievances of your people, "and repaire the breaches made by the late unhappy distempers both in the state and lawes,-have

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thought this a convenient and seasonable tyme to "cast themselves at the feete of your mercy for a re"peale of those penal statutes, under which they and "their forefathers have long groaned ;-in order to


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obteyning which signal favour from your most "bounteous hand, wee here present you some "equitable motives, nor are we diffident of your acceptance thereof, especially at a tyme, when you are pleased to afford a gratious hearing to many sects and professors of new opinions under "a notion of tender consciences, promising a free "and full pardon of all such,-(some few excepted, "whose hands were deepest in your royal father's " innocent blood),-as should submit themselves "to your clemencie, which we here doe in a most "humble manner, and therefore want not cause to

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hope that the effects of your mercie and goodness "will not be shortened or denied to us alone.

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"Our first motive,-is, by proving to your ma"jestie, that all the causes of your predecessor's penal lawes are now ceased, and therefore in rea"son, mercie, and justice, the lawes themselves ought likewise to cease.-We come to the par"ticulars.

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Henry the eighth's penall statutes were made "to remove the pope's authoritie, which stood in "his way, an insuperable impediment, to the enjoy66 ment of his beloved mistris Anne of Bullen, till "such time as he had removed it, by changing the religion of his ancestors, and assuming to himself "the head-shipp of the church, that so, he might dispence with himselfe in the case,—(a thing the pope declared he could not doe),-and make all "lawful to himselfe which hee listed. Hence he "enacted a lawe, that, whoever would not acknow"ledge him supreame head of the church and

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renounce the pope's authoritie,-(which was " acknowledged by all his royal ancestors from England's conversion to that tyme) should loose his "estate and be putt to death for an heretick. This "reason reacheth not at all to your majestie, who are no way concerned in any such abominable

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case, nor swayed by sinfull passion as he was; "but of just and equall christian temper, and there"fore neede not the defence or cloake of such a "law.

“Queen Elizabeth's penall statutes were made "to strengthen and secure her title to the crowne,

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