| 1815 - 706 σελίδες
...broke in pieces. They then bound Mr. Lawrehce and his man, and made them sit by the boy ; and Tnrpin searching the gentleman, took from him a guinea, a...satisfied with this booty, they forced him to conduct them up stairs, where they broke open a closet, and stole some money and plate : but that not being sufficient... | |
 | James Caulfield - 1820 - 350 σελίδες
...demanded what fire-arms were in the house ; he replied, only an old gun, which they discovered and broke in pieces. They then bound Mr. Lawrence and...to conduct them up-stairs, where they broke open a closet, and stole some money and plate. This was not sufficient to satisfy them, and they threatened... | |
 | Andrew Knapp, William Baldwin (Attorney at law) - 1824 - 528 σελίδες
...the boy into another room, demanded what firearms were in the house ; to which he replied, only an old gun, which they broke in pieces. They then bound Mr. Lawrence and his man, and made them sit by thu boy ; and Turpin, searching the gentleman, took from him a guinea, a Portng.il piece, and some... | |
 | Andrew Knapp, William Baldwin (Attorney at law) - 1824 - 612 σελίδες
...the boy into another room, demanded what firearms were in the house ; to which he replied, only an old gun, which they broke in pieces. They then bound Mr. Lawrence and his man, piece, and some slirer ; but, not being satisfied with this booty, they forced him to conduct them... | |
 | William Knipe - 1867 - 284 σελίδες
...boy into another room, demanded what firearms were within the house ; to which he replied, only an old gun, which they broke in pieces. They then bound...made them sit by the boy, and Turpin, searching the old gentleman, took from him ti guinea, a Portugal piece, and some silver ; but not being satisfied... | |
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