Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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Expedition of Darius against Scythia-its pretext (1). Previous history of the Scyth-

ians their war with their slaves (2-4). Traditions of their origin-1. Their own

account (5-7). 2. Greek version of the same (8-10). 3. Account preferred by the

author (11-12). Story of Aristeas (18-16). Description of Scythia (17-20). Neigh-

bouring nations, Sauromatæ, Budini, Argippæi, Issedones, and Arimaspi (21-27).

Climate of Scythia (28-81). Stories of the Hyperboreans (32-36). Universal geo-

graphy-1. Description of Asia (37-41). 2. Circumnavigation of Libya (42-3).

3. Voyage of Scylax (44). Origin of the names, Europe, Asia, Libya (45). Rc-

markable features of Scythia-the people (46-47). The rivers-the Ister and its

affluents (48-50). The Tyras (51). The Hypanis (52). The Borysthenes (53). The

Panticapes, Hypacyris, Gerrhus, Tanais, &c. (54-58). Religion of the Scyths-

gods (59). Sacrifices (60-61). Worship of Mars, &c. (62-63). War-customs (64-

66). Soothsayers (67-69.) Oaths (70). Burial of the kings, &c. (71-73). Use of

hemp (74-75). Hatred of foreign customs-stories of Anacharsis and Scylas

(76-80). Population (81). Marvels (82). Preparations of Darius (83-85). Size of

the Euxine, Propontis, &c. (86). March of Darius to the Ister (87-92). Customs of

the Thracians (98-96). Darius at the Ister (97-98). Size and shape of Scythia

(99-101). Description of the surrounding nations, Tauri, &c. (102–117). Consulta-

tion of the kings (118-119). Plans of the Scyths (120). March of Darius through

Scythia and return to the Ister (121-140). Passage of the Ister and return to the

Hellespont (141-142). Saying of Megabazus (144). Libyan expedition of Aryandes

-Founding of Thera (145-149). Theræans required by the oracle to colonise Libya

-two accounts (150-155). Occupation of Platea (156). Settlement at Aziris (157).

Colonisation of Cyrene (158). History of Cyrene from its foundation to the death

of Arcesilaus III. (159-164). Application of Pheretima to Aryandes (165). Fate of

Aryandes (166). Expedition against Barca (167). Account of the Libyan tribes

from Egypt to Lake Tritonis (168-181). The three regions of Northern Libya (182–

185). Customs of the Libyans (186-190). Contrast of eastern and western Libya

(191-192). Account of the western tribes (193-196). Four nations of Libya (197).

Productiveness of Libya (198-199). Account of the expedition against Barca (200-

203). Fate of the Barceans (204). Death of Pheretima (205) .
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Thracian conquests of Megabazus (1-2). Customs of the Thracians (3-8). Region
north of Thrace (9-10). Coes and Histiæus rewarded (11). Story of Pigres and
Mantyes (12-14). Megabazus reduces the Pæonians (15).. Customs of the Pæonians
(16). Submission of Macedonia-story of the ambassadors (17-21). Hellenism of
the royal family of Macedon (22). Recall of Histiæus (23-24). Appointment of Ar-


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Histiæus comes down to the coast (1-3). Conspiracy discovered at Sardis (4). Histiæus
sails to the Hellespont (5). Miletus threatened by the Persians-the two fleets-
battle of Ladé (6-15). Misfortunes of the Chians (16). Dionysius the Phocæan
commander (17). Fall of Miletus (18). Punishment of the Milesians (19-20).
Sorrow of Athens (21). Fate of the Samians-seizure of Zancle (22-25). Fate of
Histiæus (26-30). Punishment of the rebels (31-32). Phoenician fleet ravages the
Chersonese (33). Chersonesite kingdom of the Cimonida (34-40). Flight of Mil-
tiades to Athens (41). New settlement of Ionia by the Persians (42). Expedition
of Mardonius fails (43-45). Suspected revolt of Thasos (46-47). Envoys of Da-
rius demand earth and water-submission of Egina and the islands generally (48-
49). Cleomenes attempts to punish the Eginetans (50). Cleomenes' feud with De-
maratus (51). The double royalty at Sparta-descent-privileges of the kings
(52-59). Spartan customs (60). Story of Ariston (61-63). Demaratus, deprived
of his crown, flies to Persia, (64-70). Leotychides made king (71). Fate of Leoty-
chides (72). Eginetans forced to give hostages (73). Fate of Cleomenes (74-75).
Various causes assigned for his insanity (76-84). Eginetans demand back their
hostages-story of Glaucus (85-86). War between Egina and Athens (87-93). Ex-
pedition of Datis and Artaphernes (94). Course of the expedition (95-99). Prepa-
rations of the Eretrians-siege and surrender of Eretria (100-101). Persians land
at Marathon (102). Account of Miltiades (103-104). Pheidippides sent to Sparta-
appearance of Pan (105-106). Dream of Hippias (107). Platæans join the Athenians
-previous connexion of the two nations (108). Division among the Athenian geu-
erals-Miltiades and Callimachus (109-110). Preparations for battle (111). Battle
of Marathon (112-114). Attempt to surprise Athens (115-116). Story of Epizelus
(117). Return of the expedition to Asia (118-119). Spartans visit Marathon (120).

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