House of Commons Debates, Official Report, Τόμος 136,Τεύχη 38-43E. Cloutier, Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, 1999 |
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Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 από τα 33.
Σελίδα 2732
... Nisga'a final agreement , be read the third time and passed . He said : Mr. Speaker , it gives me great pleasure to speak to Bill C - 9 , legislation giving effect to the Nisga'a final agreement . We are nearing the end of a lengthy ...
... Nisga'a final agreement , be read the third time and passed . He said : Mr. Speaker , it gives me great pleasure to speak to Bill C - 9 , legislation giving effect to the Nisga'a final agreement . We are nearing the end of a lengthy ...
Σελίδα 2733
... Nisga'a will put Nisga'a women on an equal footing with other women in British Columbia with respect to the division of matri- monial property in cases of marital breakdown . The reason for this is that all provincial laws , including ...
... Nisga'a will put Nisga'a women on an equal footing with other women in British Columbia with respect to the division of matri- monial property in cases of marital breakdown . The reason for this is that all provincial laws , including ...
Σελίδα 2734
... Nisga'a people , I have heard Nisga'a tribal council president Joe Gosnell speak about his pride in Canada and in being a Canadian . The Nisga'a people never wanted an agreement that would make them less Canadian . By framing the ...
... Nisga'a people , I have heard Nisga'a tribal council president Joe Gosnell speak about his pride in Canada and in being a Canadian . The Nisga'a people never wanted an agreement that would make them less Canadian . By framing the ...
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