House of Commons Debates, Official Report, Τόμος 136,Τεύχη 38-43E. Cloutier, Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, 1999 |
Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο
Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 από τα 91.
Σελίδα 2915
... Bill C - 9 . Third reading Mr. Bigras Ms. Davies Mr. Marceau . Mr. Benoit Mr. Cardin .. Mr. Scott ( Skeena ) Mr. Bachand ( Richmond - Arthabaska ) Ms. Davies Mrs. Debien Mrs. Barnes Mr. Tremblay . Ms. Davies Mrs. Lalonde Mr. Bernier ...
... Bill C - 9 . Third reading Mr. Bigras Ms. Davies Mr. Marceau . Mr. Benoit Mr. Cardin .. Mr. Scott ( Skeena ) Mr. Bachand ( Richmond - Arthabaska ) Ms. Davies Mrs. Debien Mrs. Barnes Mr. Tremblay . Ms. Davies Mrs. Lalonde Mr. Bernier ...
Σελίδα 3007
... bill read the first time and printed ) * * * NUCLEAR AMENDMENT ACT , 1998 Mr. David Chatters ( Athabasca , Ref . ) : moved for leave to introduce Bill C - 403 , an act to amend the Nuclear Energy Act and the Nuclear Safety and Control ...
... bill read the first time and printed ) * * * NUCLEAR AMENDMENT ACT , 1998 Mr. David Chatters ( Athabasca , Ref . ) : moved for leave to introduce Bill C - 403 , an act to amend the Nuclear Energy Act and the Nuclear Safety and Control ...
Σελίδα 3111
... bill was not deemed votable . There are several criteria to determine whether a bill is votable . Bills and motions if they are to be votable should be drafted in a clear , complete and effective way . This 18 page bill has gone through ...
... bill was not deemed votable . There are several criteria to determine whether a bill is votable . Bills and motions if they are to be votable should be drafted in a clear , complete and effective way . This 18 page bill has gone through ...
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
Bachand Saint-Jean Bakopanos Bélair Bergeron Bernier Bonaventure-Gaspé Bigras bill Blondin-Andrew Boudria Breitkreuz Yorkton-Melville Brunswick Southwest Canada Canadians Canucl Châteauguay Chatham-Kent Chrétien Frontenac-Mégantic Chrétien Saint-Maurice CONCURRENCE IN VOTE Dalphond-Guiral Deputy Speaker Dhaliwal Dion Dromisky Duhamel Edmonton North Edmonton Southeast Edmonton West federal Godfrey Graham Godin Acadic-Bathurst Godin Châteauguay Gray Windsor West Grey Edmonton North Guimond Hill Macleod Hill Prince Hill Prince George-Peace Hilstrom House Iftody Keddy South Shore Kilger Kilgour Edmonton Kraft Sloan Lac-Saint-Jean LaSalle-Émard Lucienne Robillard Lucienne Robillard President MacKay Pictou-Antigonish-Guysborough Mark Martin Marlcau Martin LaSalle-Émard Martin Winnipeg Centre McGuire McLellan Edmonton McKay Scarborough East McLellan Edmonton West Ménard Minister of Intergovernmental Muisc Nisga'a Pankiw Picard Drummond Plamondon Prime Minister Prince George-Peace River Quebec referendum Saada Scarborough East Southcast St-Julien Stewart Northumberland Stéphane Dion Stewart Brant Thompson New Brunswick Tobique-Mactaquac Treasury Board Tremblay Lac-Saint-Jean Turp unanimous consent Wasylycia-Leis White Langley-Abbotsford Windsor West Winnipeg Centre