Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Indexed by the large numbers.

Jos. C., motion on currency bill, 588.

CORBETT, HENRY W., motion on funding bill

HON of Virginia, Mississippi, and Texas, 572-579. Cox, JACOB D., Secretary of the Interior, 507
AN, AMOS T., Attorney General, 507.
A, vote on XVth amendment, 557.

, WM. B., motion on currency bill, 594.
MENT, XIVth, text of, 548; XVth, ratifying votes,
clamation, bills enforcing and votes thereon,
5-572; votes of States on, 557-562.

MENTS, bill to regulate mode of ratifying consti-
tional, C21.

TY, general, 582.

TIONMENT, 5>3-585.


NATHANIEL P., reports Cuban resolution, 619.

, right of the United States to tax State, 523-530;
ght of States to tax National, 530-532.

D, THOS. F., funding motion, 601; motion to tax
nds, 607.

JAMES B., substitute for Mississippi bill, 577; for
exas bill, 579; motion to tax interest on bonds,

[ocr errors]

AP, WILLIAM W., Secretary of War, 507.

AM, JOHN A., reports enforcing bill, 550; substi-
te for Virginia bill, 574; proviso to Georgia bill.
1; motion on Cuban resolution, 620; substitute
same, 621; reports bill to regulate mode of rati-
ing constitutional amendments, 621.

JAMES G., Speaker House of Representatives,

AUSTIN, funding motion, 602.
purchasing, 680.

AN, ARTHUR 1., funding motion, 601.

ELL, GEORGE S, Secretary of the Treasury, 507.
EY, Justice, 523.

NGHAM, WILLIAM A., motions on funding bill, 600.
ARD, HORATIO C., motion on currency bill, 594.
3, BENJ. F., reports Texas bill with conditions,
3; motion on funding bill, 603; reports bill for
storation of Georgia; reports Senate amendment
Georgia bill, 614.


RNIA, vote on XVth amendment, 557.

ON, SIMON, proviso to Northern Pacific Railroad
1, 56s; funding motion, 01.

ELL, JAMES H., reports Union Pacific Railroad bill,

NTER, MATTHEW C., motion on enforcing bill, 556.
LY, EUGENE, motion on enforcing bill, 556; on
rthern Pacific Railroad bill, 568; on currency

, JOHN, motion on amnesty, 582.

LER, ZACHARIAH, motion on currency bill, 589.
Chief Justice, 523; opinion of United States Su-
eme Court on validity of contracts in Confeder-
e money, 509-511; on constitutionality of legal-
ader clause as to prior contracts, 512-519; on
ght of United States Government to tax State
nks, 523-28.

SE NATURALIZATION, direct vote in the Senate on, 619.

SYDNEY, motion on Northern Pacific Railroad
1, 570.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

NG, ROSCOE, motion on currency bill, 588, 589; to
ike out income tax, 607, 6us; reports naturaliza-
m bill substitute, 618.


TUTIONAL AMENDMENT, text XVth, 545, 546; text
Vth, 548; votes of States on XVth. 557-562.
TUTIONAL AMENDMENTS, bill to regulate mode of
tifying, 621.

contracts made prior to its adoption, 511-523.

UTS IN CONFEDERATE MONEY, on the validity of. 509-

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[ocr errors]

COX, SAMUEL S.. general amnesty resolution, 582; niodon
on income tax 605.

CRESWELL, JOHN A. J., Postmaster General, 307.
CUBA, message as to, 542-514.

CURRENCY, increasing the, 580, 581; backing &Là, US-


DAVIS, GARRETT, motion on enforcing bili, 555; currency
bill, 589; financial bill, 599; incori: tax, 608.
DAVIS, NOAH, funding bill motions, 603, 604; introduces
naturalization bill, 618.

[blocks in formation]

EDMUNDS, GEORGE F.. proviso to Virginia admission bill,
675; motion as to apporticnant, 584; income tax,
608; gross receipts, 605; Cc gia bill, 614.

ELA, JACOB II., motion on Noitnern Pacific Railroad bill,
FLDRIDGE. CHAS. A, motion ou Cuban resolution, 620.
ENFORCING ACT, text of and action upon, 546–550.
FARNSWORTH, JOHN F., reports Virginia bill, 573; motion
on Georgia bill, 615.

FENIAN INVASION, proclamation against. 544.
FERRISS. ORANGE, resolution; as to validity of XIVth and
XVth amendinents, 533.
FIELD, Justice, 523.

FISH, HAMILTON, Secretary of State. 507; certificate rati-
fication XVth amendment, 545, 546.
FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT, Votes of States on. 557-562; proc-
lamation of ratification. 545, 546; bills to enforce,
and votes thereon, 546-550; House vote on validity
of, 583.

FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT act enforcing XVth and, 546-
550; House vote on validity of, 553.

GARFIELD, JAMES A., resolution condemning repudiation,
579; substitute for currency bill, 591; motion on,

[blocks in formation]

GRISWOLD, JOHN A., funding motion, 603.

HAMLIN, HANNIBAL, motion on enforcing bill, 555; on
funding, 600: on Georgia bill, 613; naturalization
bill, 619.

IIAMILTON, WM. T., motion to tax interest on public debt,

HARLAN, JAMES, motion on Northern Pacific Railroad
bill, 567.

IIAWLEY, JOHN B., motion on Northern Pacific Railroad
bill, 568; as to income tax. 605.

HENDRICKS, WILLIAM, reports Wabash and Erie Canal
bill, 563.

HOAR, E ROCKWOOD, Attorney General, 507.
HOLMAN, WILLIAM S, resolution as to land-grant policy,
572; funding motions, 602, 603; as to taxation of
bonds, €05.

IIOWARD, JACOB M, motion on enforcing bill, 556; on
funding bill, 600.

How, TIMOTHY O, motion on currency bill, 591; on nat-
uralization, 619; motions on funding, 601.
HOWELL, JAMES B., proviso on Northern Pacific Railroad
bill, 568.




ILLINOIS, new constitution of, 621; Central Railroad bill, | RESTORATION OF GEORGIA, act


[blocks in formation]

INGERSOLL, EBON C., substitute for currency bill, 593, 594; introduces currency bill, 596; funding motions, 602, 603, 604.


IOWA, vote on XVth amendment. 558.

JONES, ALEXANDER II. introduces apportionment bill, 583. JUDD, NORMAN B.. motion on apportionment, 585; on cur

rency. 594; on funding, 603.


KELLOGG, WM. P.. motion on currency bill. 589.

KELSEY, WILLIAM H., motion on tariff, 581; on apportionment bill, 584.

LANDS, 625.

[blocks in formation]

LOGAN, JOHN A., motion on Cuban resolution, 620, LOUGHRIDGE, WILLIAM, resolution on increasing currency, 580.

LYNCH, JOHN, substitute to currency bill, 594.

MARSHALL, SAMUEL S., resolutions on tariff, 581, 582; on apportionment, 555; on funding bill, 602. MARYLAND, Vote on XVth amendment, 558. MAYHAM, STEPHEN L., funding motion, 60-. MAYNARD, HORACE, funding motion. 604. MCCARTHY, DENNIS, motion to abolish income tax, 606. MCNEELY, THOMPSON W., resolution as to purchase of bonds, 580: as to issue of greenbacks, 596 MCPHERSON, EDWARD, Clerk House of Representatives, 507. MESSAGE

OF PRESIDENT GRANT, first annual, 533-540: on commerce, 540, 541; San Domingo treaty, 541, 542: Cuban affairs, 542-544; ratification of XVth amendment, 545; European war and American shipping, 616. MILLER, Justice, dissenting opinion in Hepburn vs. Griswold, 519-523; opinion of United States Supreme Court on the right of States to tax National Banks, 530-532.

MINNESOTA, vote on XVth amendment, 558.
MISSISSIPPI, vote on XVth amendment, 558-559; text
and votes on act to admit, 576-577; under civil au-
thority, 579.

MISSOURI, Vote on XVth amendment, 559.
MORGAN, GEORGE W., substitute to currency bill, 593.
MORRILL JUSTIN S., Inotion on currency bill, 591; on
funding bill, 600.

MORTON, OLIVER P.. motion on enforcing bill, 555; amendment to Virginia bill, 576; motions on currency. 588-590; on funding bill, 600, 601; on Georgia bill, 611, 612.

MUNGEN, WILLIAM, funding motion, 603.
NATIONAL BANK NOTES, increase of, &c., 586,

NATIONAL DEBT, act to authorize the refunding of the, 597: statements, 627-630.

NATURALIZATION LAWS, act to amend and punish crimes against. 61.

NEBRASKA, Vote on XVth amendment, 559.

NELSON, Justice. 523; dissenting opinion in the Veazie
Bank vs. Jeremiah Fenno, 528-530.

NEW HAMPSHIRE, vote on XVth amendment, 559.
NEW YORK, vote on XVth amendment, 560.
NOTES. increase of National Bank, &c., 586,

OHIO, vote on XVth amendment, 560; Democratic platform, 624.

PLATFORMS, 622-624.

POMEROY, SAMUEL C., motions on Georgia bill, 612-614. POOL, JOHN, motions on enforcing bill, 555, 550. POTTER, CLARKSON N., motion as to income tax, 605. PRIOR CONTRACTS in coin. 511-523.

PROCLAMATION against Fenian invasion of Canada, 544. PUBLIC LANDS statistics as to. 625.

RAMSEY, ALEXANDER, introduces Northern Pacific Railroad resolution, 567.

RANDALL, SAMUEL J., motion on Northern Pacific Railroad bill, 570; substitute for currency bill, 592. RECONSTRUCTION of Virginia, Mississippi, and Texas, 57-579; of Georgia, act to promote and votes thereon, 609-615.

RELVES, HENRY A., resolution abolishing tariff on salt, 582.
REPRESENTATION, apportionment, 583-585.
REPUDIATION, 579, 580.

RESOLUTIONS On repudiation, 579; purchasing bonds, 580; increasing currency, 580; tariff, 581; general amnesty, 582; apportionment, 583-585.

4,734,044 35

the close of business on the last day of


Secretary of the Treasury.

REVENUE, receipts and reduc RHODE ISLAND, vote on XVth ROBES N, GEORGE M., Secretary Ross, EDMUND G., motion on eu SAN DOMINGO TREATY, message: SARGENT, AARON A., motion on N bill, 569. SAULSBURY, WILLARD, motion on e SCHENCK, ROBERT C., reports subst ing bill, 6 1; funding motion. reduce internal taxes. G05; tax statement of reductions undel SCOFIELD, GLENNI W., motions on on currency bill, 596. SCOTT. Jous, motion on enforcing bill Pacific Railroad bill, 568. SHERMAN, JOHN, motion on Texas bill. rency bill, 587; motions to strike, 5SS; on currency bill, 589, 599; 1 bill. 598; motions thereon, 600; ceipts, 607; on Georgia bill, 613. SHIELDS, JAMES, reports Illinois Central SHIPPING, message of President Grant


war and American shipping, 616. SMITH, JOSEPH S., motion on currency bill, SPINK. S. L., resolution on tarii, 551. STATE BANKS, right of United States Govel tax, 523-530.


STATE TAXATION of national banks, 530-532. STATISTICAL TABLE-Publie lands, revenue, and debt statements, 625-630.

STEWART, WILLIAM M., moves substitute to e
bill, 552; funding motion, 601
STOKES, WILLIAM B., motion as to disability bill.
STRONG, Justice, 523.
SUBSIDIES, land, 563-572.

SUMNER, CHARLES, motion on currency bill. 589; from naturalization laws the word "wh 619.

SUPREME COURT, United States, 523.
SWAYNE, Justice, 523.

TAIFF, 581; internal tax and, 605.
TAX AND TARIFF, internal, 605.
TAXATION, of national banks by State gov

530-582; of State banks by United State ment, 523-530; receipts from and reductic TENNESSEE, Vote on XVth amendment. 560. TEXAS, text of and votes on act to admit, 577, 57 civil authority, 579; vote on XVth ame


THURMAN, ALLEN G., amendments to Northern Railroad bill, 567, 568; motion on curre 590; to tax interest on bonds, 607. TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, funding motion, 603. TREATY, message as to San Domingo, 541, 542. TRUMBULL, LYMAN, reports apportionment I

moves to amend, 584; moves direct vote on Chinese naturalization, 619. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD bill, 564, 505. VALIDITY, of Contracts in Confederate money of XIVth and XVth amendments, 583. VERMONT, Vote on XVth amendment, 560. VICKERS, GEORGE, motion on enforcing bill, 55 rency bill, 559.

VIRGINIA, act of admission and votes on, 57 to amend said act, 576; under civil auth vote on XVth amendment, 560. WABASH AND ERIE CANAL bill, 563. WARD, HAMILTON, motion on currency resolut resolution abolishing tariff on coal, 582. WARNER, WILLARD, motion on currency bill, 588 amendment to naturalization bill, 619. WAYNE, Justice, 523.

WELKER, MARTIN, motion on Northern Pacific bill, 569.

WHITTEMORE, B. FRANK, motion as to perjury, WILLEY, WAITMAN T., motion on enforcing bil Mississippi bill, 577.

WILLIAMS, GEORGE H., motion on enforcing bil Georgia bill, 612; as to naturalization of


WILLIAMS, WILLIAM, motion on Northern Pac

road bill. 572; resolution as to currency, WILSON, HENRY, amendment to Virginia bill, tion on Northern Pacific Railroad bill, 567 rency bill. 590; funding, 600, 601; income Georgia bill, 612.

WOOD, FERNANDO, moves to admit Texas witho tions, 578; motion on tariff, 581; on fun 603.

WOODWARD, GEORGE W., motion to tax bonds,

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