Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Roll call being demanded by Mr. Ettelson, Mr. Harris, Mr. Latham and Mr. Barr, the Secretary called the roll, which disclosed that the motion to adjourn was defeated: Yeas, 21; nays, 26.

The following voted in the affirmative: Messrs.

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Canaday moved to discharge the present Committee on Rules. Mr. Ettelson arose to a point of order, stating that the committee could not be discharged for the reason that they have transacted no business.

Mr. Cleary addressed the Chair. He waived to Mr. Canaday, who explained to the Senate that inasmuch as one of the members on the other side of the House was ill, he would withdraw his motion in order that the session might be brought to a speedy termination.


Mr. Herlihy introduced Senate Bill No. 80, for "An Act to amend section ten (10) of an Act entitled, 'An Act to regulate the civil service of the State of Illinois,' approved May 11, 1905, in force July 1, 1905, as amended by Act approved June 10, 1911, in force July 1, 1911.”

Mr. Herlihy asked unanimous consent to advance the bill to second reading without reference. Mr. Curtis and Mr. Keller joined in the request.

Mr. Hull objected. The question being put by the Chair, permission was granted, Mr. Hull alone voting in the negative. The bill was then read at large the first time, ordered printed and placed on order of second reading.

Mr. Piercy introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 81, for "An Act to amend section 97 of 'An Act to revise the law in relation to criminal jurisprudence,' approved March 27, 1874, in force July 1, 1874; as amended by an Act approved June 8, 1909, in force July 1, 1909, and to further amend said Act as amended by adding thereto one additional section to be known as section 97a,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Piercy introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 82, for "An Act to establish and promote vocational education and to provide State aid therefor,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Boehm introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 83, for "An Act to amend sections 4 and 5 of an Act entitled, 'An Act to regulate the practice of pharmacy in the State of Illinois, to make an appropriation therefor, and to repeal certain Acts therein named,' approved May 11, 1901, in force July 1, 1901; as amended by an Act approved May 13, 1903, in force July 1, 1903; as amended by Act approved June 3, 1907, in force July 1, 1907; as amended by Act approved and in force January

17, 1908; as amended by Act approved June 10, 1911, in force July 1, 1911,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Boehm introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 84, for "An Act in relation to the distribution of samples or poisonous substances, drugs or medicines, and sales thereof,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Cleary introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 85, for "An Act concerning dram-shop licenses,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table.
Mr. Cliffe introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 86, for "An Act making

appropriation for the Northern Illinois State Normal School,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Coleman introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 87, for "An Act to provide for the construction of a deep waterway or canal to be known as the Illinois Waterway, from the water power plant of the Sanitary District of Chicago, at or near Lockport, in Will County, Illinois, to a point in the Illinois River at or near Utica, in LaSalle County, Illinois, to provide for the issuance of bonds to pay for said deep waterway, to provide for the development and utilization of the water power that may be generated from the water flowing through said waterway, and to create a commission to be known as the Illinois Waterway Commission to carry out the provisions of this Act,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Coleman introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 88, for "An Act making an appropriation for the purpose of providing for the construction of a deep waterway or canal, running from the water power plant of the Sanitary District of Chicago at or near Lockport, Will County, Illinois, to a point in the Illinois River at or near Utica, LaSalle County, Illinois, and for the development of the water power which may be generated from the water flowing through said waterway, the erection of a power plant and the payment of salaries and administration expenses of a commission created to have charge of the construction of said waterway, in accordance with an Act of this General Assembly for that purpose,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Coleman introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 89, for "An Act to amend section 1 of an Act entitled, 'An Act to revise the law in relation to marriage,' approved February 27, 1874, in force July 1, 1874,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Coleman introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 90, for "An Act to establish a State Athletic Commission and to define the powers and duties thereof,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Dailey introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 91, for "An Act to amend an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois entitled, 'An Act to revise the law in relation to criminal jurisprudence,' approved March 27, 1874, in force July 1, 1874, by adding a new section thereto numbered 97a,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table.

Mr. Dailey introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 92, for "An Act to amend section 40 of an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois entitled, 'An Act for the conservation of game, wild fowl, birds and fish of the State of Illinois; for the appointment of a commission and staff for the enforcement thereof, and to repeal certain Acts relating thereto,' approved June 23, 1913, in force July 1, 1913,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Hamilton introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 93, for "An Act to amend section eight (8) of 'An Act to establish and maintain parks and parkways in towns and townships,' approved May 29, 1911, in force July 1, 1911,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Harris introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 94, for "An Act to regulate the civil service in counties of 150,000 or more inhabitants," Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Jewell introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 95, for "An Act to abolish the office of town or district tax collector,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Keller introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 96, for "An Act to amend sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of an Act entitled, 'An Act to regulate a limit of the hours of employment of females in any mechanical or mercantile establishment, or factory, or laundry, hotel or restaurant, or telegraph or telephone establishment or office thereof, or in any place of amusement, or by any express or transportation or public utility business, or by any common carrier, or in any public institution incorporated or unincorporated, in this State, in order to safeguard the health of such employees; to provide for its enforcement and a penalty for its violation,' approved June 15, 1909, in force July 1, 1909, as amended by an Act approved June 10, 1911, in force July 1, 1911, and to add additional sections thereto to be known as sections 6 and 7 and to amend the title of said Act,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Latham introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 97, for "An Act to amend an Act entitled, 'An Act for the conservation of game, wild fowl, birds and fish in the State of Illinois, for the appointment of a commission and the staff for the enforcement thereof and to repeal certain Acts relating thereto,' approved June 23, 1913, in force July 1, 1913, by amending section four (4) thereof,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Latham introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 98, for "An Act to amend 'An Act to provide for the construction, reparation and protection of drains, ditches and levees across the lands of others for agricultural, sanitary and mining purposes, and to provide for the organization of drainage districts,' approved and in force May 29, 1879; as amended by an Act approved June 30, 1885, in force July 1, 1885; as amended by an Act approved June 4, 1889, in force July 1, 1889; as amended by an Act approved June 24, 1895, in force July 1, 1895; as amended by an Act approved, May 10, 1901, in force July 1, 1901; as amended by an Act approved May 14, 1903, in force July 1, 1903; as amended by an Act approved and in force May 20, 1907; as amended by an Act approved and in force May 29, 1909; as amended by an Act approved and in force June 27, 1913, by adding a section to be known as section 58a,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Meeker introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 99, for "An Act for an appropriation for the relief of Roscoe L. Drennan,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Pervier introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 100, for "An Act to amend an Act entitled, 'An Act for the assessment of property and providing for the means therefor and repeal a certain Act therein named,' approved February 25, 1898, in force July 1, 1898, and subsequent Acts amendatory thereof, by adding six (6) sections thereto,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Pervier introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 101, for "An Act to amend section 189 of an Act entitled, 'An Act to establish and maintain a system of free schools,' approved and in force June 12, 1909, as thereafter amended,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Pervier introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 102, for "An Act to amend section 107 of an 'Act to revise the law in relation to roads and bridges,' approved June 27, 1913, in force July 1, 1913,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Smith introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 103, for "An Act to amend section 9 of an Act entitled, 'An Act to regulate the practice of pharmacy in the State of Illinois, to make an appropriation therefor, and to repeal certain Acts therein named,' approved May 11, 1901, as amended by Act approved June 10, 1911,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. Mr. Smith introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 104, for "An Act to repeal an Act entitled, 'An Act to regulate the civil service of the State of Illinois,' approved May 11, 1905, and amendments thereto,"

Which was read, ordered printed and to lie on the Secretary's table. At the request of Mr. Swanson, Senate Bill No. 49 was referred to the Election Committee.

On motion of Mr. Latham, Senate Resolution No. 16 was made a special order for Wednesday, March 17, immediately after the reading of the Journal.

Under suspension of the rules and by unanimous consent, on motion of Mr. Meeker, House Bill No. 42, for "An Act to amend an Act entitled, 'An Act to amend an Act concerning circuit courts and to fix the time for holding the same in the several counties in the judicial circuits of the State of Illinois, exclusive of the county of Cook,' approved May 24, 1879, in force July 1, 1879, approved June 11, 1897, in force July 1, 1897; as amended by an Act entitled, 'An Act to amend section seven (7) of chapter thirty-seven (37) of an Act, fixing the time of holding court in the several judicial circuits of the State of Illinois, exclusive of Cook County,' approved June 11, 1897, and in force July 1, 1897, approved May 11, 1903, in force July 1, 1903, by amending section seven (7) thereof,"

And Senate Bill No. 36, for "An Act to amend section seven (7) of an Act entitled, 'An Act to amend an Act concerning circuit courts and to fix the time for holding the same in the several counties in the judicial circuits of the State of Illinois, exclusive of the county of Cook,

approved May 24, 1879, in force July 1, 1879,' approved June 11, 1897, in force July 1, 1897, and amended by an Act entitled, "An Act to amend section seven (7) of chapter thirty-seven (XXXVII) of an Act fixing the terms of holding court in the several judicial circuits of the State of Illinois, exclusive of Cook County, approved June 11, 1897, and in force July 1, 1897, approved May 11, 1903, in force July 1, 1903,"

Were taken from the Secretary's table, and advanced to second reading without reference.

By unanimous consent, on motion of Mr. Canaday, Senate Bill No. 14, for "An Act to provide for the deficiency in office and other expenses of the Industrial Board for the period beginning January 1, and ending June 30, 1915,"

Was recalled from third reading to the order of second reading for amendment. Mr. Canaday offered the following amendment to the bill, which was adopted:


By striking out of the title of the bill the word "June" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "September."

Mr. Bardill offered the following resolution:


WHEREAS, There has passed from the scenes of this life the Honorable Nathaniel S. Dresser, a member of this Senate from the Thirty-eighth Senatorial District, in the Fortieth and Forty-first General Assembly. And who at the time of his death had been a resident of Bond County, Illinois, for seventy-eight years;

WHEREAS, During the four years of his service in this body from 1896 to 1900 he devoted himself to the interests of his constituents both in the district and the entire State; and,

WHEREAS, In his death the State has lost a valuable public servant; therefore, be it

Resolved, by the Senate of the Forty-ninth General Assembly, That we hereby express our deep regret at the death of our distinguished fellow citizen and our sincere sympathy for his bereaved family; and,

Resolved further. That these resolutions be spread upon the Journal of the Senate and that an engrossed copy thereof be sent to his family by the Secretary of the Senate, and that as a further mark of respect this Senate do now adjourn.

On motion of Mr. Bardill, the rules were suspended, and the resolution unanimously adopted.

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