Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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At 12:50 o'clock p. m., on motion of Mr. Roos, the Executive

Session arose and the Senate resumed the consideration of business.


A message from the Governor by William L. Sullivan, Secretary to the Governor:

Mr. President-I am directed by the Governor to lay before the Senate the following communication:

To the Honorable, the Senate:


Pursuant to the resolution passed by your Honorable Body on June 15, 1915, requesting me to direct the Public Utilities Commission to examine into the condition and management of the difficulties pending in the city of Chicago respecting the street railway strike, and requesting said commission to make a report to the Governor in writing, with its opinion as to the reason for the pending difficulties, I beg leave to state that upon receipt of your resolution, I communicated with the State Public Utilities Commission and requested them to proceed to Chicago and take immediate action upon the subject-matter of your resolution.

The chairman of the commission, Mr. O'Connell, left by the early train this morning for Chicago, to make arrangements for the hearing, and the other members of the commission were to follow some time today.

I am pleased to report, however, that I am reliably informed that the parties to the controversy have adjusted their difficulties, temporarily at least, and that the operation of the street cars in Chicago is resumed. In view of this situation, I do not believe that it will be necessary for the State Public Utilities Commission or myself to take any further action upon the subject-matter of your resolution.

Respectfully submitted,

E. F. DUNNE, Governor.

The consideration of the foregoing message was postponed until 3:00 o'clock p. m.

At 12:55 o'clock p. m., on motion of Mr. Swanson, the Senate took a recess until 3:00 o'clock p. m.

Senate reconvened.

3:00 O'CLOCK P. M.

On motion of Mr. Roos, House Bill No. 667, for an Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the organization and management of mutual insurance corporations, other than life, and repealing certain Acts and parts of Acts therein referred to,"

Having been printed as received from the House of Representatives, was taken up and read at large a third time, And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas, 31; nays, 0.

The following voted in the affirmative: Messrs.







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Ordered that the title be as aforesaid, and that the Secretary inform the House of Representatives thereof. Mr. Curtis, from the Committee on Appropriations, to whom was referred a bill, House Bill No. 344, for "An Act for an appropriation for the relief of Dorothea Schaefer,"

Reported the same back with the recommendation that the bill do pass and that it be ordered to a second reading.

Under the rules, the bill was ordered to a second reading.

On motion of Mr. Landee, House Bill No. 40, a bill for "An Act to amend sections twenty-six (26) and thirty-seven (37) of, and to add a section numbered forty-four-a (44a) to, an Act entitled, 'An Act to provide for the construction, reparation, and protection of drains, ditches and levees across the lands of others for agricultural, sanitary and mining purposes, and to provide for the organization of drainage districts, approved and in force May 29, 1879; as amended by an Act approved June 30, 1885, in force July 1, 1885; as amended by an Act approved June 4, 1889, in force July 1, 1889; as amended by an Act approved June 24, 1895, in force July 1, 1895; as amended by an Act approved May 10, 1901, in force July 1, 1901; as amended by an Act approved May 14, 1903, in force July 1, 1903; as amended by an Act approved and in force May 20, 1907; as amended by an Act approved and in force May 29, 1909; as amended by an Act approved and in force June 27,


Having been printed as received from the House of Representatives, was taken up and read at large a third time,

And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in

the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas, 35; nays, 0.

The following voted in the affirmative: Messrs.

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Ordered that the title be as aforesaid, and that the Secretary inform

the House of Representatives thereof.

On motion of Mr. Canaday, House Bill No. 639, for "An Act concerning real estate agency corporations,"

Having been printed as received from the House of Representatives, was taken up and read at large a third time,

And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in

the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas, 31; nays, 1.
The following voted in the affirmative: Messrs.

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The following voted in the negative: Mr.


Ordered that the title be as aforesaid, and that the Secretary inform the House of Representatives thereof.

On motion of Mr. Curtis, House Bill No. 964, for "An Act for the reappropriation of the unexpended balance of an appropriation for the construction and erection of a monument in memory of John P. Altgeld in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois,"

Having been printed as received from the House of Representatives, was taken up and read at large a third time,

And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in

the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas, 34; nays, 0. The following voted in the affirmative: Messrs.

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Ordered that the title be as aforesaid, and that the Secretary inform

the House of Representatives thereof.

On motion of Mr. Curtis, House Bill No. 730, for "An Act for an emergency appropriation to meet a deficiency in the office expenses of the Clerk of the Supreme Court,"

Having been printed as received from the House of Representatives, was taken up and read at large a third time,

And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in

the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas, 41; nays, 0.

The following voted in the affirmative: Messrs.

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This bill, expressing an emergency in the body of the Act, rendered it necessary that it should go into effect immediately, and having received the votes of two-thirds of the members elected, was declared passed.

Ordered that the title be as aforesaid, and that the Secretary inform the House of Representatives thereof.

On motion of Mr. Curtis, House Bill No. 493, for "An Act making an appropriation of the sum of $1,000.00 to reimburse Louis B. Anderson for money expended for the care and treatment of himself and damages as a result of injuries sustained while in line of duty with the 8th Regiment, Illinois National Guard, August 1, 1914,"

Having been printed as received from the House of Representatives, was taken up and read at large a third time,

And the question being. "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas, 38; nays, 0.

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Ordered that the title be as aforesaid, and that the Secretary inform

the House of Representatives thereof.

On motion of Mr. Curtis, House Bill No. 514, for "An Act for an appropriation to pay and reimburse Henry C. Allen for the use and value of a motor boat used and destroyed by fire in the service of the State Fish and Game Commission,"

Having been printed as received from the House of Representatives, was taken up and read at large a third time,

And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas, 32; nays, 0.

The following voted in the affirmative: Messrs.








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Ordered that the title be as aforesaid, and that the Secretary inform the House of Representatives thereof.

On motion of Mr. Curtis, House Bill No. 836, a bill for "An Act making an appropriaton for the building and maintaining of State aid roads in the several counties of the State,"

Was taken up and read at large a second time,

And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative.

House Bill No. 838, a bill for "An Act making an appropriation from the road fund for the building and maintaining of State aid roads in the several counties of the State,"

Was taken up and read at large a second time,

And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third read

ing?" it was decided in the affirmative.

On motion of Mr. Curtis, House Bill No. 963, a bill for "An Act making appropriation for the University of Illinois," Was taken up and read at large a second time,

And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative.

On motion of Mr. Curtis, House Bill No. 973, a bill for "An Act making an appropriation of the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to pay interest upon bonds issued for the construction of the Illinois Waterway,"

Was taken up and read at large a second time,

And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative.

On motion of Mr. Curtis, House Bill No. 653, a bill for "An Act in relation to procuring of site and erection of armory building for the use of the Illinois National Guard and Illinois Naval Reserve and making appropriation therefor,"

Was taken up and read at large a second time,
And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third read-

ing?" it was decided in the affirmative.

On motion of Mr. Curtis, House Bill No. 824, a bill for "An Act making an appropriation for the building and maintaining of State aid roads in the several counties of the State,”

Was taken up and read at large a second time,

And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative.

On motion of Mr. Curtis, House Bill No. 931, a bill for "An Act making an appropriation for the payment of the officers and members of the next General Assembly, and for the salaries of certain officers and employees of the State Government,"

Was taken up and read at large a second time, together with the following amendments thereto (which have been printed), reported from the Committee on Appropriations, June 15, 1915:


Page 1, line 3 and 4 of the printed bill, strike out the words and figures "three million one hundred seventy-one thousand two hundred thirty-six and 00/100 ($3,171,236.00)" and insert in lieu thereof the words and figures: three million two hundred eleven thousand eight hundred thirty-six and 00/100 ($3,211,836.00).


Page 2, line 21, strike out the figures "1,500.00" and insert in lieu thereof the figures: 1,800.00.


Page 7, line 117, strike out the figures "10,000.00" and insert in lieu thereof the figures: 30,000.00.

The question being, "Shall the report of, and the amendments reported from, said committee be adopted?" it was decided in the affirmative.

The question then being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading and the amendments printed?" it was decided in the affirmative.

On motion of Mr. Curtis, House Bill No. 85, a bill for "An Act appropriating one thousand dollars for the relief of Walter O. Jones of Urbana, Illinois, and providing for the payment of the said amount out of the State treasury,"

Was taken up and read at large a second time,

And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative.

On motion of Mr. Curtis, House Bill No. 132, a bill for "An Act for an appropriation to the Illinois Commission for the observance of the half-century anniversary of negro freedom, as provided for by an Act approved June 27, 1913,"

Was taken up and read at large a second time.

Mr. Dailey offered the following amendment to the bill, which was adopted:

Amend by striking out in section 2 thereof the following words: "Up August 15, 1915" and insert in lieu thereof the following: "During the life of the Exposition."

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