And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Dailey, House Bill No. 335, a bill for "An Act to amend section 1 of an Act entitled, 'An Act providing for the regulation of the embalming and disposal of dead bodies,' for a system of examination, registration and licensing of embalmers, and imposing penalties for the violation of any of its provisions,' approved May 13, 1905, in force July 1, 1905,” Was taken up and read at large a second time. Amend House Bill 335 by inserting after the word "embalmer" in line 15 the following: "or who has received a diploma from a recognized school of embalming according to standards established by the State Board of Health." On motion of Mr. Dailey, the amendment was laid on the table, And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Dailey, House Bill No. 38, a bill for "An Act to amend an Act entitled, 'An Act for the relief of the blind,' approved May 11, 1903, in force July 1, 1903, and all Acts amendatory thereto, by amending sections 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8 thereof," Was taken up and read at large a second time, And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Landee, House Bill No. 812, a bill for "An Act to legalize the annexation of any incorporated city, village or town, and the territory comprising such city, village or town, annexed to another incorporated city, village or town, under section 2 of an Act entitled, 'An Act to provide for annexing and excluding territory to and from any village, city or town, and to unite cities, towns and villages,' approved April 10, 1872, in force July 1, 1872," Was taken up and read at large a second time, And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Canaday, House Bill No. 927, a bill for "An Act to amend an Act entitled, 'An Act for the assessment of property and for the levy and collection of taxes,' approved March 30, 1872, in force July 1, 1872, as subsequently amended by amending section two (2) thereof," Was taken up and read at large a second time, And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Swanson, House Bill No. 317, a bill for "An Act to define and punish the crime of contributing to the delinquency of children," Was taken up and read at large a second time, And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Cliffe, House Bill No. 886, a bill for "An Act to amend section 6 of an Act entitled, 'An Act to provide for the certification of teachers,' approved June 28, 1913, in force July 1, 1914," Was taken up and read at large a second time. Mr. Landee moved that the bill be ordered to a third reading. On motion of Mr. Manny, Mr. Landee's motion was laid on the table. Further consideration of the bill was postponed and the bill retained its place on the calendar. A message from the House by Mr. Vogel, Assistant Clerk: Mr. President-I am directed to inform the Senate that the House has concurred with the Senate in the passage of a bill of the following title, to wit: SENATE BILL No. 109. A bill for "An Act to amend an Act entitled, 'An Act to provide for the regulation of public utilities,' approved June 30, 1913, in force January 1, 1914, by amending section thirty-nine (39) thereof. Together with the following amendment (which amendment has been printed by the House), in the adoption of which I am instructed to ask the concurrence of the Senate, to wit: AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend Senate Bill No. 109, by adding in line 17 of the printed bill after the word "corporation" the words "or by any railroad or railway corporation," and by eliminating the period after the word "departments" in line 17 and substituting therefor a comma and adding the following words "and members of the General Assembly." Passed the House, as amended, June 16, 1915. B. H. MCCANN, Clerk of the House. The foregoing message from the House of Representatives was taken up for consideration. On motion of Mr. Canaday, the Senate refused to concur with the House of Representatives in the adoption of their amendments to the bill. Mr. Landee, from the Committee on Education, to whom was referred a bill, House Bill No. 357, for "An Act to provide for the payment of high school tuition and to provide free high school privileges for graduates of the eighth grade, and to repeal an Act entitled, 'An Act to provide high school privileges for graduates of the eighth grade, approved June 26, 1913, in force July 1, 1913," Reported the same back without recommendation. On motion of Mr. Bailey, the bill was ordered to a second reading. On motion of Mr. McNay, House Bill No. 254, a bill for "An Act to amend section 2 of an Act entitled, 'An Act to enable associations of persons to become a body corporate to raise funds to be loaned only among the members of such association, in force July 1, 1879," Was taken up and read at large a second time. 200 in line 6 of printed bill to be made 100. 500 in line 8 of printed bill to be made 250. 1000 in line 9 of printed bill to be made 500. 2000 in line 11 of printed bill to be made 1000. On motion of Mr. Cliffe, the further consideration of the bill was postponed. Mr. Landee, from the Committee on Education, to which was referred a bill, House Bill No. 516, for "An Act to amend an Act entitled, 'An Act to authorize the organization of high school districts,' approved May 12, 1905, in force July 1, 1905, by adding thereto a new section to follow the 8th and last section, to be known as section nine (9)," Reported the same back with the recommendation that the bill do not pass. The report of the committee was concurred in, and the bill, on motion of Mr. Dailey, was ordered to lie on the table. On motion of Mr. Harding, House Bill No. 492, a bill for an Act entitled, "An Act to prohibit the taking of pictures for 'Rogues' Galleries' before conviction of crime, and providing for a penalty for the violation thereof," Was taken up and read at large a second time, And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Abt, House Bill No. 828, a bill for "An Act to amend an Act entitled, 'An Act to enable cities and villages to establish and maintain public tuberculosis sanitariums,' approved March 7, 1908, in force July 1, 1908, as subsequently. amended, by adding to said Act four (4) new sections to be numbered 12, 13, 14 and 15, respectively," Was taken up and read at large a second time, And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Ettelson, House Bill No. 43, a bill for "An Act to authorize townships to erect monuments or memorials in honor of their soldiers and sailors," Was taken up and read at large a second time, And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Dailey, House Bill No. 57, a bill for "An Act to amend section 1 of 'An Act to authorize the employment of convicts and prisoners in the penal and reformatory institutions of the State of Illinois in the preparation of road building materials and in working on the public roads,' approved June 28, 1913, in force July 1, 1913," Was taken up and read at large a second time, And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Denvir, House Bill No. 72, a bill for "An Act to amend an Act to regulate the assignment of notes secured by chattel mortgage and to regulate the sale of property under the power of sale contained in chattel mortgages, approved June 21, 1895, in force July 1, 1895, by amending section 2 of said Act which section as amended shall read as follows:" Was taken up and read at large a second time, And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative. House Bill No. 168, a bill for "An Act to amend an Act entitled, 'An Act to provide for the incorporation of cities and villages,' approved April 10, 1872, in force July 1, 1872, and all Acts amendatory thereto by adding thereto Article XV,” Was taken up and read at large a second time," And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Ettelson, House Bill No. 188, a bill for "An Act to provide for disconnecting territory from park districts organized under and by virtue of 'An Act to provide for the organization of park districts and the transfer of submerged lands to those bordering on navigable bodies of water,' approved June 24, 1895, in force July 1, 1895," Was taken up and read at large a second time, And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Denvir, House Bill No. 398, a bill for "An Act making an appropriation for the relief of Nathan E. Gray," Was taken up and read at large a second time, And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Ettelson, House Bill No. 425, a bill for "An Act to provide for the making of a record of the burial places of soldiers and sailors," Was taken up and read at large a second time, And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Swanson, House Bill No. 525, a bill for "An Act to prevent the evasion of laws prohibiting marriage," Was taken up and read at large a second time, And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Ettelson, House Bill No. 713, a bill for "An Act to provide for the health, safety and comfort of employees in factories, mercantile establishments, mills and workshops in this State, and to provide for the enforcement thereof," Was taken up and read at large a second time. Mr. Ettelson offered the following amendments to the bill, which were adopted: AMENDMENT No. 1. Amend House Bill No. 713 in the Senate by amending the title thereof, by striking out the period in the third line after the word "thereof" and by adding the following: "and to repeal an Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the health, safety and comfort of employees in factories, mercantile establishments, mills and workshops in this State, and to provide for the enforcement thereof," (approved June 4, 1909, in force January 1, 1910.) Amend said bill by adding the following section: Section 32. "An Act to provide for the health, safety and comfort of employees in factories, mercantile establishments, mills and workshops in this State, and to provide for the enforcement thereof," approved June 4, 1909, in force January 1, 1910, be and the same is hereby repealed. And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading, and the amendments printed?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Coleman, House Bill No. 772, a bill for "An Act to amend an Act entitled, 'An Act to revise the law in relation to jails and jailors,' approved March 9, 1874, in force July 1, 1874, as subsequently amended by amending section 1 thereof," Was taken up and read at large a second time. Mr. Coleman offered the following amendments to the bill, which were adopted: AMENDMENT NO. 1. Amend House Bill No. 772 in Senate, as printed, by striking out in section 1, line 9, the word "five" before the word "hundred" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "two." AMENDMENT NO. 2. Amend House Bill No. 772 in Senate by striking out in section 1, line 9, the words "religious' or." Mr. Landee offered the following amendment to the bill: AMENDMENT NO. 3. In section 1, line 10, after the word "attendance," insert the following words: "Provided, that nothing herein contained shall apply to or affect the construction or reconstruction or building of any county jail on any lot, block or tract of land on which there are buildings now used or occupied as a county jail, and providing said jail was constructed and used as a jail prior to the erection of buildings used for school purposes." On motion of Mr. Coleman, the foregoing amendment was laid on the table, And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading, and the amendments printed?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Denvir, House Bill No. 724, a bill for "An Act for the licensing, inspection and regulation of maternity hospitals, lying-in homes, or other places, public or private, for the confinement of women, and to provide a penalty for violation thereof," Was taken up and read at large a second time, And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Swanson, House Bill No. 827, a bill for "An Act to amend an Act entitled, 'An Act to enable school directors and boards of education to establish and maintain classes and schools for delinquent children committed by courts of competent jurisdiction and providing for the payment from the State treasury of the excess cost of maintaining and operating the said classes and schools over the cost of maintaining and operating elementary schools for normal children,' approved June 2, 1911, in force July 1, 1911, by amending section one (1) thereof," وو Was taken up and read at large a second time, And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Dailey, House Bill No. 887, a bill for "An Act to amend section 61, subdivision 3 of Article VI of the law in relation to roads and bridges, as approved June 27, 1913," Was taken up and read at large a second time, And the question being, "Shall the bill be ordered to a third reading?" it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Dailey, House Bill No. 947, a bill for "An Act to amend section 3 of an Act entitled, 'An Act to enable any board of school inspectors, or any body or board of officials, which governs or has charge of the affairs of any school district having a population of not fewer than 10,000 and not more than 100,000 inhabitants, and governed by special Acts of the General Assembly of this State and in such other districts as may hereafter be ascertained by any special or general census |