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Amend Senate Bill No. 295 in House by striking out all of line 17 on page 3 of the printed bill after the word "years" and strike out all of lines 18, 19, 20 and the first nine words of line 21 all on said page three of said printed bill.


Amend Senate Bill No. 295, in House, by striking out the "period" appearing at the end of line 28 on page 3 of the printed bill and insert in lieu thereof a "comma" and add thereto after said comma the following words: "and that the restrictions in section 3 contained, with respect to leasing of the capacity of any utility shall apply to leasing of such lands."

Passed the House, as amended, June 19, 1915.

B. H. MCCANN, Clerk of the House.

The foregoing message from the House of Representatives was taken up for consideration.

The question being, "Shall the Senate concur with the House of Representatives in the adoption of the amendment to the bill?" and the yeas and nays being called, it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas, 35; nays, 0.

The following voted in the affirmative: Messrs.

[blocks in formation]

A message from the House by Mr. Vogel, Assistant Clerk: Mr. President-I am directed to inform the Senate that the House has concurred with the Senate in the passage of a bill of the following title, to wit:


A bill for "An Act to amend section 36 of an Act entitled, 'An Act concerning fees and salaries, and to classify the several counties of this State with reference thereto,' approved March 29, 1872, in force July 1, 1872."

Together with the following amendment (which amendment has been printed by the House), in the adoption of which I am instructed to ask the concurrence of the Senate, to wit:


Amend Senate Bill No. 39, in the House, by striking out all after the word "require," in line 58 of section 36, and preceding the word "Provided," in line 61 of the same section, and insert in lieu thereof the following:

"And, provided, further. that the town board of auditors may allow such additional amounts as may be necessary for the payment of office rent, clerk hire, postage and incidental expenses, which said amounts shall be paid out of commissions and fees accruing during the year in which said collections are made: And, provided, further, that all excess of commissions and fees over fifteen hundred dollars in counties of the first and second class, and over three thousand dollars in counties of the third class, together with any such office rent, clerk hire, postage and incidental expenses so paid, shall be paid into the town or district treasury, and in no case shall the compensation paid to a town or district collector, together with the amount allowed for office rent, clerk hire, postage and incidental expenses, exceed the total amount of such commissions or fees"

Passed the House, as amended, June 18, 1915.

B. H. MCCANN, Clerk of the House.

The foregoing message was taken up for consideration.
The question being, "Shall the Senate concur with the House of

Representatives in the adoption of the amendments to the bill?" and the yeas and nays being called, it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas, 30; nays, 0.

The following voted in the affirmative: Messrs.

[blocks in formation]

A message from the House by Mr. Vogel, Assistant Clerk : Mr. President-I am directed to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has concurred with the Senate in the adoption of their amendment to a bill of the following title, to wit:


"An Act in relation to employments creating poisonous fumes or dust in harmful quantities, and to provide for the enforcement thereof."

Which amendment is as follows:

Amend House Bill No. 787 in Senate, as printed, by striking out of section 1, all of said section after the word "Assembly," in line 2, and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

"That every employer of labor in this State, engaged in the manufacture, repairing or altering of any metals, wares or merchandise which may produce or generate poisonous or noxious fumes or dusts in harmful quantities, such as metal polishing, grinding, plating and dipping of metals in acid solutions or dips, are hereby declared to be especially dangerous to the health of the employees so engaged.

"Such manufacture, repairing or altering of any metals or merchandise in such processes and places of employment shall be conducted in rooms lying wholly above the surface of the ground."

Concurred in by the House, June 18, 1915.

B. H. MCCANN, Clerk of the House.

A message from the House by Mr. Vogel, Assistant Clerk :

Mr. President-I am directed to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has concurred with the Senate in the adoption of their amendment to a bill of the following title, to wit:


A bill for "An Act to amend section 3 of an Act entitled, 'An Act to enable any board of school inspectors, or any body or board of officials, which governs or has charge of the affairs of any school district having a population of not fewer than 10,000 and not more than 100,000 inhabitants, and governed by special Acts of the General Assembly of this State and in such other districts as may hereafter be ascertained by any special or general census to have such population and which school districts are also governed by like special Acts, to establish and maintain a teachers' pension and retirement fund,' approved June 27, 1913, in force July 1, 1913."

Which amendment is as follows:

Amend House Bill No. 947, as printed, by adding after the word "Act," in line 9, of section 3, the following:

"Provided, the above amount shall be taken only from that part of the common school fund which under the law would otherwise be distributed to Peoria County."

Concurred in by the House, June 18, 1915.

B. H. MCCANN, Clerk of the House.

A message from the House by Mr. Vogel, Assistant Clerk : Mr. President-I am directed to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has concurred with the Senate in the adoption of their amendments to a bill of the following title, to wit:


A bill for "An Act entitled, 'An Act to amend sections two (2) and eight (8) of an Act entitled, an Act to revise the law in relation to the suppression and prevention of the spread of contagious and infectious diseases among domestic animals,' approved June 14, 1909, in force July 1, 1909.”

Which amendments are as follows:


Amend section 8, by striking out after the word "prescribe," in line 3, all matter down to and including the word "animals," in line 16 of said section, and insert in lieu thereof the following: "and it shall be the duty of said board to determine the amount which shall be paid in each case on account of the animals so slaughtered."


Amend section 2, by striking out after the word 'disease," in line 44, all matter down to and including the word "destroyed," in lines 46 and 47 of said section, and insert in lieu thereof the following: "the board or any member thereof or any of its duly authorized agents, may agree with the owner upon the value of such animal or of any property that it may be found necessary to destroy, and in case such an agreement cannot be made, said animals or property shall be appraised by three competent and disinterested appraisers, one to be selected by the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners, one by the claimant and one by the two appraisers thus selected. Such appraisers shall subscribe to an oath in writing to fairly value such animals or property in accordance with the requirements of this Act, which oath, together with the valuation fixed by such appraisers, shall be filed with the board and be preserved by them."

Concurred in by the House, June 18, 1915.

B. H. MCCANN, Clerk of the House.

Mr. Olson made the following report:

We, the undersigned Committee of Conference appointed to consider the difference between the two Houses in relation to the Senate amendments to House Bill No. 663 in Senate, being a bill for "An Act to amend sections 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 17, 21, 39, 39a, 40, and 40a of an Act entitled, 'An Act to prevent fraud in the sale of dairy products, their imitation or substitutes, to prohibit and prevent the manufacture and sale of unhealthy, adulterated or misbranded foods, liquors or dairy products, to provide for the appointment of a State Food Commissioner and his assistants, to define their powers and duties and to repeal all Acts relating to the production, manufacture and sale of dairy and food products and liquors in conflict herewith,' approved May 14, 1907, and in force July 1, 1907, as amended by subsequent Acts," beg leave to report that we recommend the following as the action to be taken by the Senate and the House of Representatives, respectively:

First-We recommend that the House concur with the Senate in Senate Amendments Nos. 1, 2, 3.

Second-We recommend that the Senate recede from Senate Amendment number four.

All of which is respectfully submitted,






Committee on behalf of the





Committee on behalf of the


Mr. Olson stated that the report had been printed.

The question then being, "Shall the report of the committee be adopted (which report has been printed) ?" and the yeas and nays being called, it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas, 34; nays, 0.

The following voted in the affirmative: Messrs.

[blocks in formation]

A message from the House by Mr. Vogel, Assistant Clerk:
Mr. President-I am directed to inform the Senate that the House of

Representatives has concurred with the Senate in the passage of a bill of the following title, to wit:


A bill for "An Act to amend an Act entitled, 'An Act to authorize cities having a population of less than 50,000 to establish and maintain by taxation public parks,' approved May 13, 1907, in force July 1, 1907, as subsequently amended by Act approved June 26, 1913, by amending the title thereto and section one (1) thereof, and adding two sections."

Passed the House June 19, 1915, by a two-thirds vote.

B. H. MCCANN, Clerk of the House.

A message from the House by Mr. Vogel, Assistant Clerk: Mr. President-I am directed to inform the Senate that the House has concurred with the Senate in the passage of a bill of the following title, to wit:


A bill for "An Act to amend section nine of an Act entitled, 'An Act to prevent fraud in the sale of dairy products, their 'imitation or substitutes, to prohibit and prevent the manufacture or sale of unhealthful, adulterated or misbranded food, liquors or dairy products, to provide for the appointment of a State Food Commissioner and his assistants, to define their powers and duties and to repeal all Acts relating to the production, manufacture and sale of dairy and food products and liquors in conflict herewith.' (Approved May 14, 1907, in force July 1, 1907; as amended by Act approved June 6, 1911, in force July 1, 1911.)”

Together with the following amendment (which amendment has been printed by the House), in the adoption of which I am instructed to ask the concurrence of the Senate, to wit:


Amend Senate Bill No. 383 as printed in the House by striking out in line 15 all after the semi-colon (;) all of lines 16, 17 and 18 up to the semicolon (;) and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "or which is so labeled or branded as to indicate on the receptacle, vessel or container the name of any firm or corporation other than the firms or corporations actually manufacturing, packing or dealing in the article or product so sold or offered for sale."

Passed the House, as amended, June 19, 1915.

B. H. MCCANN, Clerk of the House.

The foregoing message was taken up for consideration.

The question being, "Shall the Senate concur in the adoption of the amendment to the bill?" and the yeas and nays being called, it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas, 30; nays, 1.

[blocks in formation]


Mr. Hull, from the Committee on Public Efficiency and Civil Service, to whom was referred a bill, House Bill No. 157, for "An Act to amend section 6 of an Act entitled, 'An Act to regulate the civil service of the State of Illinois, approved May 11, 1905, in force November 1, 1905, as said section 6 was amended by an Act entitled, 'An Act to amend sections 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 18, 19 and 35 of an Act entitled, 'An Act to regulate the civil service of the State of Illinois,' approved May 11, 1905, in force July 1, 1905,' approved May 25, 1907, in force July 1, 1907, and as the said section was further amended by an Act entitled, 'An Act to amend sections 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 14 of an Act entitled, 'An Act to regulate the civil service of the State of Illinois,' approved May 11, 1905, in force July 1, 1905; as amended by an Act approved April 19, 1907, in force July 1, 1907; as amended by an Act approved May 25, 1907, in force July 1, 1907, and by adding two new sections to be known as sections 3a and 3b,' approved June 10, 1911, in force July 1, 1911,"

Reported the same back with the recommendation that the bill do not pass and that it be ordered to lie on the table. So ordered. A message from the House by Mr. Vogel, Assistant Clerk:

Mr. President-I am directed to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has concurred with the Senate in the adoption of the following preamble and joint resolution, to wit:


WHEREAS, Heretofore a commission was appointed to codify the building laws of the State of Illinois; and,

WHEREAS, Said commission completed its labor and made its report; and, WHEREAS, Result of such labor is embraced in a bill known as Senate

Bill No. 371; and,

WHEREAS, Numerous objections have been raised to many of the provisions of said bill making it desirable that said bill be revised so as to make it possible that it may meet all reasonable demands before being enacted into law; therefore, be it

Resolved, That a committee of three Senators and three members of the House of Representatives be forthwith appointed by the Executive Committee of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representativs, respectively, to revise said Senate Bill No. 371, so as to obviate all reasonable objeсtions to the same, or to prepare and submit a new bill covering the same subject matter to the next General Assembly; and that the expenses of said committee not to exceed three thousand dollars be paid out of the contingent funds of the Senate and House of Representatives, or out of any appropriation made therefor on vouchers properly signed and approved by the chairman of said committee and the President of the Senate or the Speaker of the House of Representatives and filed with the Auditor of Public Accounts.

Concurred in by the House, June 18, 1915.

B. H. MCCANN, Clerk of the House.

A message from the House by Mr. Vogel, Assistant Clerk :

Mr. President-I am directed to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has concurred with the Senate in the adoption of the following preamble and joint resolution, to wit:

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