Petitions presented.. 2 139 ... ...... 138 138 139 .... 139 ..... 139 .... ... .... ... ...... ,139 139 1546 1598 117 85,234 Bills introduced-Canadian thistles, 410; criminal code, 411; revenue, 7; schools, 8,9. ANGSTEN, PETER: Member of Industrial Board. ...160,669 ANIMALS AND BIRDS: Affected with contagious disease, appraisment and disposition, claims, S. B. 403. request for detailed statement from Board of Live Stock Commissioners Fur-bearing, when unlawful to kill, S. B. 190, 257. Live stock health officers, S. B. 244. Payment of losses, percentage by State, S. B. 23. Poultry exhibition, county funds, S. B. 61. Stallion or jack, lien for service, S. B. 139. registration of service, S. B. 138. State Biological Laboratory, Act 1909 amended, S. B. 417. Racing Commission, act creating, S. B's. 341, 402. Suppression of contagious diseases, appropriation, S. B. 537. ANKEBRANT, J. H.: West Side Chicago Park Commissioner. ANNIVERSARIES: Illinois Centennial... APIARIES: Inspection under Department of Agriculture, S. B. 312. State Mining Board. 162, 253 Hall..... State Reformatory To investigate operation of State pension law. Trustees, Eastern Normal School.. 158,669, 1069, 1155, 1173 162, 252 236 ........ 160, 257 Northern Normal School. 159, 251 .. ...... ... 159, 251, 1155, 1173 164, 254 159,669, 1155, 1173 Chief Inspector of Private Employment Agencies 161,670 .. 157, 1423 ... ..... 161,669 166,256 ........ 446, 1139 162, 252 159, 1069 787 162,253 162,670 162 Centennial Building, for Memorial Building, S. B. 540. • APPROPRIATIONS-Continued. BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS-Concluded. Public Utilities, deficiency, S. B. 159 (a law). School Text-Book Commission, S. B. 178. State Art, securing design for statue of U. S. Grant, S. B. 406. Stallion Registration, S. Β. 395. To investigate pension legislation heretofore enacted, S. B. 271 (a law). Unemployment, expenses, S. B. 154 (a law). EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS- Eastern Normal, ordinary and special, S. B. 306. Southern Normal, ordinary and special, S. B's. 168, 169. paving, S. B. 167. Western Normal, ordinary and special, S. B. 119. State Normal University, ordinary and special, S. B. 127. University of Illinois, for maintenance and equipment, S. B.'s 308, 541. proceeds, sale of public lands, S. B. 357. GENERAL ASSEMBLY- Committee expenses, Forty-ninth, S. B. 438 (a law). Contests for seats, expenses, S. B. 550. Employees, Forty-ninth, S. B.'s 4 (a law), 517 (a law). expenses to be incurred by Secretary of State, S. B. 5 (alaw). Salary of secretary to each member, S. B. 117. MISCELLANEOUS- Ackerman, Ida, relief, injuries, S. B. 233. Alling, Charles, relief, S. B. 269. Anderson, Mons, relief, injuries, S. B. 233. Biological Laboratory, deficiency, S. B. 464 (a law). Bowman, Pearl D., relief, injuries, S. B. 233. Brown, William M., expenses in election contest, S. B. 340. Bruce, Hannah A., medical expenses, S. B. 425 (a law). Cahokia Mound, purchase, S. B. 544. Clerk of Supreme Court, deficiency, S. Β. 238. Construction of Sheep and Swine pavilions, unpaid bills, S. B. 495 (a law). Culver, Kathryn, relief, claim, S. B. 45 (a law). Destitute miners at Royalton, S. B. 481. Drennan, Roscoe L., injuries, S. B. 99. Electric elevators, Capitol building, S. B. 321. Extension of light and power plant, Capitol building, S. B. 322. Fireproof vault, Second district, Appellate Court, S. B. 487. Flag, return to 18th Tennessee Regiment, Confederate, S. B. 420 (a law). Garrison Hill Cemetery, S. B. 477. Goodwin, Inez, relief, death, S. B. 234. Grain Inspector at Decatur, S. B. 293. Hanson, George, relief, injuries, S. B. 233. Holterman, Frank, relief, injuries, S. B. 400 (a law). Illinois Corn Growers' Association, S. B. 232. Dairymen's Association, S. B. 313. Farmers' Institute, S. B. 248 (a law). Jorgensen, Berthrol C. B., re-appropriation, S. B. 462. Kelly, Verne, relief, death, S. B. 234. Kelly, Vivian, relief, injuries, S. B. 233. Levees at Cairo and Mound City, S. B. 364 (a law). Live Stock, payment of claims for slaughtered animals, S. B.'s 1, 385. McGuire and White, detective services, S. B. 543. Morrissey, Catherine, relief, injuries, S. B. 233. Munson, Nels, relief, injuries, S. B. 233. National Celebration and Peace Jubilee, at Vicksburg, S. B. 546. Payne, Catherine, relief, injuries, S. B. 233. Payne, Norma, relief, injuries, S. B. 233. Ramonofsky, Mollie, relief, injuries, S. B. 233. Schwaba, Peter H., relief, S. B. 270. Simpson, S. E., expenses in election contest, S. B. 461. State Academy of Science, S. B. 237. State Beekeepers' Association, S. B. 419. State Horticultural Society, S. B. 120. State Inspector of Masonry, Public Buildings and Works, S. B. 311. State Poultry Association and County Societies, S. B.'s 297, 375. Steele, Ethel, relief, injuries, S. B. 233. Steele, Nettie, relief, injuries, S. B. 233. Suffering and destitute people of Italy, S. B. 27. Sumberg, Lillie, relief, injuries, S. B. 233. Taylor, Lewis E., injuries, S. B. 115. Voris, William, relief, injuries, S. B.'s 344, 352. Young, Edwin G., expenses in election contest, S. B. 461. 1 PAGE. APPROPRIATIONS-Concluded. MONUMENTS AND MEMORIALS- Carlin, Thomas, at Carrollton, S. B. 208 (a law). Centennial Memorial Building, S. B. 345 (a law). Trumbull, Lyman, S. B. 282. NATIONAL GUARD AND NAVAL RESERVE- Armories and building sites, S. B. 285. Jacksonville, S. B. 387. Kankakee, S. B. 515 (a law). Moline, S. B. 136. Monmouth, S. B. 194. Oak Park, S. B. 468. Pekin, S. B. 534. Sterling, S. B. 489. Completion, Eighth Infantry, at Chicago, S. B. 334. Second Regiment, S. B. 551 (a law). Woodstock, S. B. 333. under construction, S. B. 283. Ordinary and contingent expenses, S. B. 284. PENAL AND REFORMATORY INSTITUTIONS- Joliet Penitentiary, deficiency and rehabilitation, S. B. 316 (a law). Southern Illinois Penitentiary, deficiency, S. B. 263. ordinary, S. B. 264. septic tank, S. B. 549. ' ARBITRATION: Industrial Commission to serve as board, S. B. 277. ARCHITECTS: State Board of Examiners, appointment. ARCHITECTURE: State building code, laws revised, S. B. 371. ARMORIES: See "Appropriations" and "National Guard." ART: Commissions in cities, Act of 1899 amended, S. B. 131 (a law). ............... ......... ... .... 168 181 181 .. 181 ... 181 ..... ..... 181 181 ..... 181 .... 181 Presents credentials. Bills introduced-Appropriations, 468; banks and banking, 440; conveyances, 484; counties, 185 (a |