Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
[blocks in formation]

Appointment.1,27,34, 38, 39, 50, 73, 99, 127, 154, 195, 233, 259, 673, 710, 805,881, 982, 1074, 1167, 1328, 1668


Public Administrator, Jackson County.

165, 255


Children, dependent or delinquent, fees of probation officers, S. B. 329.
Commitment and detention of lunatics, Act of 1903 amended, S. B. 145.

Governor's message..

Home-finding institutions, investigation.

Hospitals, insane, re-imbursement for support of inmates, S. B. 522.

for treatment of venereal diseases, S. B. 231.

Relief of blind, Act of 1903 amended, S. B. 254.

to indigent war veterans, S. B. 265.

Report of visiting committee...

State commission, appointment.
Visitors State Charitable Institutions, appointment.


[blocks in formation]

Abandonment of commission form of government, S. B. 40.



Alderman and trustees, compensation, S. B. 467 (a law).
Annexation of whole city, jurisdiction enclosed territory, S. B. 176.
Art Commission, creation, Act of 1899 amended, S. B. 131 (a law).

Cemeteries, board of managers, S. B. 204.

Chicago, consolidation of local town and park governments, S. B. 70.

regulation of public utilities, S. B. 128.

City council, powers enlarged, S. B. 458.

Civil service, adoption or discontinuance, cities less than 30,000, S. B. 351.

City tax, vote for additional, S. B. 189.

Collection of special assessments, sale of property, S. B. 424.

Conveyance of land on public waters to park boards, S. B. 363.

Elections, aldermen, term, S. B. 498.

board of registry, Act of 1885 amended, S. B. 2.

registration, Act of 1885 amended, S. B. 49.

city officers, Act of 1872 amended, S. B. 222.

primary, Act of 1910 amended, S. B. 243.

when not to apply, S. B. 18.

Funeralstraversing streets, S. B. 215.

Harbor structures, etc., additional power, S. B. 295.

Hospital for treatment of venereal diseases, S. B. 231.

Jacksonville, Article XI of Act to incorporate repealed, S. B. 450 (a law).
Lands granted to cities by park boards for harbor purposes, S. B. 327 (a law).

in drainage districts not subject to assessment, S. B. 272.

Local improvements, Act of 1897 amended, S. B. 111.

assessments, S. B. 137.

where property is damaged or taken, S. B. 319.

contracts, S. B. 229.

effect of judgment of court, S. B. 394 (a law).
payment of expensesfrom general fund, S. B. 207.
use of patented article, S. B. 370.

Local ordinances, concerning motor vehicles, S. B. 380 (a law).
Managerial form of government, Act of 1872 amended, S. B. 64.

Maximum fare on electric or steam railroads, S. B. 146.

Parks in cities of less than 50,000, S. B. 452 (a law).

[blocks in formation]



Pensions, employees in cities over 100,000, Act of 1895 amended, S. B. 216.

firemen in cities over 5,000, S. B. 48.

police in cities exceeding 200,000, S. B. 129.

for veterans of 1861-65, employed under civil service, S. B. 408.

Play-grounds, cities of less than 150,000, S. B. 434.

Printing for municipalities, let by contract, S. B. 289.
Public utilities, regulation in cities of over 5,000 inhabitants, S. B.'s 538. 539.

term defined, S. B. 349 (a law).

Railroads, additional powers governing by city council, S. B. 488.

Special funds, use by city council, S. B. 25 (a law).

State aid roads in cities of less than 5,000, S. B. 360.

Street railways, ownership and operation, Act of 1903 anended, S. B.'s 531, 545.
Tax levy, for sewerand drainage purposes, S. B. 508.

to establish and maintain public libraries, S. B. 114 (a law).

on foreign insurance companies for benefit of fire departments, S. B.'s 125, 298.
Union of incorporated contiguous cities, S. B. 65.

[blocks in formation]


Bills introduced-Dramshops, 95, 191; elections, primary, 193; insurance, 510; officers, 192; public

utilities, 349 (a law).

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bills introduced-Appropriations, 86, 350, 414, 415, 416, 489; attachments, 210; cemeteries, 211; em-
ployment, 379; evidence, 209; schools, 337; titles, 212.

[blocks in formation]

Resolution offered.


Bills introduced-Animals and birds, 417; appropriations, 88, 233, 234; canals, lakes and rivers, 87;
cities and villages, 467 (a law); courts, 536; criminal code, 90; marriages, 89; roads and bridges, 527
(a law).


Member of commission, to arrange for designing and erecting bronze tablet to memory of Illinois
soldiers in Memorial Hall.

162, 252

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Appropriations-Armories, 551 (a law); elections, 552; general assembly, 517 (a law); national

guard, 515 (a law); University of Illinois, 541.

Elections-Townships, 496; roads and bridges, 497; elections, 498, 500; justices and constables, 499.
Fish and Game-Game and fish, 439 (a law).

Insurance-Insurance, 407 (a law).

Judiciary and Judicial Practice-Criminal code, 362 (a law); courts, 526; justices and constables,

509 (a law); parks, 363; practice, 525.

Labor, Mines and Mining-Mines and mining, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 504.

License and Miscellany-State banner, 446 (a law).

Public Utilities-Public utilities, 516, 538, 539, 548; corporations, 347.

Revenue-Revenue, 313; criminal code, 402.

Waterways-Appropriations, 483.


S. B. 201-Anti-saloon territory

S. B. 191-Anti-saloon territory

S. B. 35-Banks and banking

S. B. 218-Criminal code

S. B. 44-Elections

S. B. 202-Shipment of liquor





[blocks in formation]

Consideration of business.

Consideration of bills.





Consideration of S. B. 15.


See "Messages and Communications."

COMPTON, WILLIAM A., McDonough County, 32d district:



Acting President pro tempore....




-26,37,194,672,880, 1166

[blocks in formation]

Resolutions offered.








[blocks in formation]

79,87,347,809, 1163

Billsintroduced-Appropriations, 119, 194, 419; primary elections, 18; roads and bridges, 16, 17, 339;

schools, 118.



Amendments, how proposed.

General Assembly.

Initiative and referendum


140, 227, 259, 264, 352, 686,718,797,883,982
173, 227, 261

Power of legislature to enact laws for protection of employees not limited.


Constitutional convention.

Governor's message..

[blocks in formation]


-348,665, 673, 746, 789, 797,884, 1016



[blocks in formation]
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Bills introduced-Appropriations, 340; cities and villages, 70, 319, 531; criminal code, 19, 418; cor-
porations, 161, 530; courts, 22, 449; health, 213 (a law); insurance, 20, 235, 236, 320; parks, 490;
primary elections, 21.

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