Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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report of committee...

Contest for State office, when salary paid, S. B. 368.
Corrupt practices, act to prevent, S. B. 503.

County Superintendent of Schools, S. B. 162 (a law).

Drainage commissioners, S. B. 397.

Flags displayed at polling places, S. B. 147.

For the organization of certain park districts legalized, S. B. 353 (a law).
General Assembly, contest for seats, appropriation for expenses, S. B. 550.

Governor's message

Highway commissioners and district clerk, S. B. 497.

Initiative and referendum, amendments.

submission of public question, S. B. 533.

Joint commission on laws, appropriation, S. B. 553.

Judges, Municipal Court of Chicago, S. B. 31.

Justices of the peace and constables, S. B. 499.
Legislation, joint commission to investigate...

Organization of high school districts, certain legalized, S. B. 105.

Revision of laws, Š. B. 500.

School trustees, date and term, S. B.'s 455, 520.

Senatorial apportionment, S. B. 528.

Separate judicial ticket, Act of 1901 amended, S. B. 460.

State Board of Election Commissioners, S. B. 485.

State Canvassing Board, convass of returns, S. B. 79.

Town and district road officers, term, S. B. 521.

Town officers, S. B. 456.

date and term, S. B.'s 496, 519.

Vacancies in county office, how filled, S. B. 223 (a law).
Woman's suffrage, Act of 1913 repealed, S. B. 44.

additional rights granted, S. B. 294.


Act of 1910 amended, S. B.'s 243, 552.

Laws not to apply to schools, townships and cities of less than 2,000, S. B. 18,

Nonpartisan judicial, S. B. 21.

Soliciting or giving a bribe, S. B. 193.

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Investigation of unemployment of State..
Labor disputes, practice of extortion, S. B. 203.
Miners' certificates of qualification, S. B. 478.
Minimum Wage Commission, act creating, S. B. 163.
Minors under age of 18, regulation, S. Β. 379.
Occupational diseases, Act of 1911 amended, S. B. 268.
Old age pensions, for federal employees,

Private employment agencies, chief inspector, appointment.
Protection for railway mechanics and laborers, S. B. 428.
Railroad trainmen, hours limited, S. B. 471.

Railway agents, operators and signalmen, day of rest, S. B. 429.
State civil service, soldiers and sailors given preference, S. B. 80.
State employees, retirement on annuity, S. B. 206.
State factory inspector, Act of 1907 amended, S. B. 372.
Wages, action in assignment, S. B. 72 (a law).

State employees, semimonthly payment, S. B. 152.
weekly payment by corporations, S. B. 396.





158, 1139

100, 150, 210,699,717, 1330

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Opinion asked on construction of rule 41.

Resolutions offered..


88, 113, 179, 181, 196, 224, 228, 664, 671, 679, 755, 782, 1024, 1070, 1139, 1670

Bills introduced-Appropriations, 334, 543; courts, 77; public utilities, 423; roads and bridges, 380



Testimony, husband or wife, S. B. 209.


Consideration of appointments.



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......193, 250, 1069, 1138, 1423





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Aldermen and trustees, S. B. 467.


Attorneys, in contest for seats in General Assembly, S. B. 181.
Civil service commissioners.

Clerks, Appellate Courts, S. B. 335.

County clerks, registration of farm names, S. B. 142 (a law).
County Treasurer, Cook County, S. B. 184 (a law).

Fees for certificate of incorporation, S. B. 347.

Jurors, serving on drainage district cases, S. B. 78.
Lieutenant Governor, salary, S. B. 554.

Masters in Chancery, S. B. 37.

Probation officers, Act of 1899 amended, S. B. 329.
Public Utilities Commission, S. B.'s 175, 251 (a law).

bond issues, S. B. 108.

Secretary to judge Supreme Court, S. B. 536.
Secretary to members of General Assembly, S. B. 117.
State employees, semimonthly payment

State Fire Marshal and assistants, Act of 1909 amended, S. B. 140.

State officers, when paid in case of contest, S. B. 368.
Supervisor of assessments and deputies, S. B. 7.

Town officers, Act of 1872 amended, S. B. 39.
Treasurer's commission, collection of inheritance tax, S. B. 542.

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Display at polling places, S. B. 147.

Eighteenth Confederate Regiment of Tennessee, return, S. B. 420 (a law).
Return of banner to Historical Societies of New Orleans..

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State banner, use of Great Seal of State, S. B. 416 (a law).

State, commission to select, S. B. 53.




Mississippi River, Memorial to Congress.


Manufacture or sale of poisonous, S. B. 153.



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Request for detailed statement from Board of Live Stock Commissioners

See, also, "Appropriations."


Member Negro Emancipation Celebration Commission.

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Acting President pro tempore..


Committees, standing-

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Chairman Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills.

Agriculture, Live Stock and Dairying..


Banks, Building and Loan Associations
Charitable, Penal and Reformatory Institutions.
County and Township Organization.



Public Efficiency and Civil Service.

Public Utilities..


Revenue and Finance.

Roads, Highways and Bridges.

To visit Penal and Reformatory Insitutions.

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Commission, joint.

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Committees, conference.

1288, 1349

Committees, special.

168, 1676

Death of mother...


Resolutions offered.


Bills introduced-Appropriations, 127, 283, 284, 285, 323, 324; schools, 162 (a law), 250.

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