GAS AND ELECTRICITY: Electric lines, acts relating to telegraph and telephone to apply, S. B. 433. GAULT, JOHN S.: Proof reader. 180 GENERAL ASSEMBLY: Amendments to Constitution. Contest for office of representative, expenses and attorney's fees, S. B. 181. Contests for seats, committee to make report. ... Governor's message, concerning lobbyists. ... efficiency and economy. .. Legislative Reference Bureau. Investigation, unemployment of State. Invitation to smoker at Sangamo Club. ... Joint session, see "Joint Sessions." Lobbying, registration of lobbyists, S. B.'s 34, 54. Members of the Senate to file statement of business or profession ... Mileage of members. Secretary to each member, salary, S. B. 117. Sessions, term limited to ninety days, S. В. 12. University of Illinois, visit. ..811,832,895, 870,884 ..262,264,782 See, also, "Appropriations." Bills introduced-Appropriations, 27; cities and villages, 25 (a law), 215, 394 (a law), 424, 458, 545; .......... ..... GERKE, HENRY C.: GIBBONS, PETER, J.: Deputy Factory Inspector GIBLIN, ROBERT: Bill distributer. Page...... GILBRIDE, BARTLEY: .. ... .. Assistant superintendent, South Side Free Employment Office, Chicago. PAGE. 165, 256 24,30 Opinion asked on construction of rule 41 Resolutions offered..... Bills introduced-Appropriations, 425 (a law); civil service, 367; dramshops, 253, 286, 287; elec- GORMAN, THERESA: Stenographer. GOVERNOR: Address, thanks extended. MESSAGES AND COMMUNICATIONS- Appointments.... Biennial message.. Capital punishment. ... 1 767 -157,446,663,664,765, 785, 1013, 1069, 1138, 1155, 1172, 1257, 1353, 1423, 1424 Co-operative agricultural extension work Foot and mouth epidemic. Lobbyists, registration of. Report of Building Laws committee ..... Report of Mining Investigation Commission. Street railway strike in Chicago. Unemployment of State..... Withdrawal of appointment. Veto, S. B. 515 (in part), appropriation... 551 (in part), appropriation. 347, fees... 39, fees and salaries. 108, public utilities.. 274, parks. 139, revenue.... 7, revenue.... .... 339, roads and bridges. ............. .... ............. -- ..... .... ..... ... Resolution offered.. 355 Bills introduced-Appropriations, 306, 395; criminal code, 239 (a law); parks, 93. Resolution offered. .. .. ........... ........ • ....... ... 180, 228, 234, 671 .....164,255 .....165, 255 2 ..... 139 ... • 138 138 ..... .... 139 139 Bills introduced-Contracts, 255, 289; civil service, 94; dram shops, 29, 343; employment, 163, 268, 277; medicine and surgery, 30; mines and mining, 276; parks, 342. HARTIGAN, WILLIAM W.: Assistant Súperintendant Free Employment Office. HARTMAN, WILLIAM: ... ......158,669 ..163,253 Resolutions offered. 1070, 1163 Bills introduced-Appropriations, 269, 270, 344, 352; banks and banking, 290; buildings, 371; civil See "Appointments," "Appropriations" and "Roads and Bridges." |