Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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59 An Act to amend section 2 of an Act entitled, "An
Act concerning the levy and extension of taxes,"
approved May 9, 1901, in force July 1, 1901; as
amended by an Act approved March 29, 1905, in
force July 1, 1905; as amended by an Act approved
June 14, 1909, in force July 1, 1909; as amended by
an Act approved May 20, 1913, in force July 1, 1913
60 An Act to amend sections 8 and 9 of chapter 95 of
the Revised Statutes of Illinois of 1913....
61 An Act to enable county boards of supervisors in
counties under township organization and county
commissioners in counties not under township
organization to appropriate county funds for use
for county poultry exhibitions by societies or-
ganized for that purpose.

62 An Act in relation to county uniformity of school
63 An Act relative to untrue and misleading adver-



Title of bill.



64 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to pro-
vide for the incorporation of cities and villages,"
approved April 10, 1872, in force July 1, 1872, and
all Acts amendatory thereto, by adding thereto
article XIV....

65 An Act to amend an Act entitled, An Act to pro-
vide for the incorporation of cities and villages,"
approved April 10, 1872, in force July 1, 1872, and
all Acts amendatory thereto, by adding thereto
article XV...

66 An Act to amend section 3, section 7, section 8,
section 9, section 12, section 13, section 14, section
15, section 19, section 21 and section 26 of an Act
entitled, "An Act to promote the general welfare
of the people of this State by providing compen-
sation for accidental injuries or death suffered in
the course of employment within this State; pro-
viding for the enforcement and administering
thereof, and a penalty for its violation, and re-
pealing an Act entitled, "An Act to promote the
general welfare of the people of this State by pro-
viding compensation for accidental injuries or
death suffered in the course of employment,"
approved June 10, 1911, in force May 1, 1912,"

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approved June 28, 1913, in force July 1, 1913, and adding thereto a new section 33.....

67 An Act making the use of profanity under certain
conditions, a misdemeanor, and fixing the pen-
alty therefor...

68 An Act to amend section three (3) of an Act en-
titled, "An Act to provide for the licensing of
mason contractors and employing masons and to
regulate the safe and properconstruction of build-
ings," approved June 30, 1913, in force July 1, 1913
69 An Act in relation to the institution and mainte-
nance of criminalproceedings for malicious pur-
poses and providing a penalty therefor....

70 An Act to consolidate in the government of the
city of Chicago the powers and functions now
vested in localgovernments and authorities with-
in the territory of said city and to make provi-
sions concerning the same..

71 An Act to amend section 3 of an Act entitled, "An
Act to provide for the incorporation, manage-
ment and regulation of pawners' societies and
limiting the rate of compensation to be paid for
advances, storage and insurance on pawns and
pledges and to allow the loaning of money upon
personal property," approved March 29, 1889, in
force July 1, 1889.

72 An Act to amend section 18 of an Act entitled, "An
Act in relation to practice and procedure in courts
of record," approved June 3, 1907, in force July 1,

73 An Act in relation to practice and procedure in
courts of record.

74 An Act to amend section 166b of an Act entitled,
"An Act to revise the law in relation to criminal
jurisprudence," approved March 27, 1874, in force
July 1, 1874.

75 An Act to amend section 142, Division I, and to re-
peal sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Division 14 of an
Act entitled, "An Act to revise the law in re-
lation to criminal jurisprudence," approved
March 27, 1874, in force July 1, 1874..

76 An Act to amend section 264, Division I, of an
Act entitled, "An Act to revise the law in re-
lation to criminal jurisprudence," approved
March 27, 1874, in force July 1, 1874....

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77 An Act to provide for an increase in the number of judges of the Circuit Court of Cook County.




221,234,767,801, 1319

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78 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act con-
cerning fees and salaries and to classify the
several counties of this State with reference

79 An Act to amend section 78 of an Act entitled, "An
Act in regard to elections, and to provide for fill-
ing vacancies in elective offices," approved April
3, 1872, in force July 1, 1872, and as subsequently
amended, and to further amend said Act by add-
ing thereto an additional section to be designated
as section 78a..

80 An Act to amend section ten (10) of an Act entitled,
"An Act to regulate the civil service of the State
of Illinois," approved May 11, 1905, in force July
1, 1905, as amended by Act approved June 10,
1911, in force July 1, 1911.

81 An Act to amend section 97 of "An Act to revise
the law in relation to criminal jurisprudence,"
approved March 27, 1874, in force July 1, 1874; as
amended by an Act approved June 8, 1909, in
force July 1, 1909, and to further amend said Act
as amended by adding thereto one additional
section to be known as section 97a.....

82 An Act to establish and promote vocational edu-
cation and to provide State aid therefor.....

83 An Act to amend sections 4 and 5 of an Actentitled,
"An Act to regulate the practice of pharmacy in
the State of Illinois, to make an appropriation
therefor, and to repeal certain Acts therein
named," approved May 11, 1901, in force July 1,
1901; as amended by an Act approved May 13,
1903, in force July 1, 1903; as amended by Act
approved June 3, 1907, in force July 1, 1907; as
amended by Act approved and in force January
17, 1908; as amended by Act approved June 10,
1911, in force July 1, 1911.


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886,908,946 1294














84 An Act in relation to the distribution of samples
or poisonous substances, drugs or medicines, and
sales thereof..



85 An Act concerning dramshop licenses



86 An Act making appropriation for the Northern

Illinois State Normal School....





87 An Act to provide for the construction of a deep
waterway or canal to be known as the Illinois
Waterway, from the water power plant of the
Sanitary District of Chicago, at or near Lock-
port, in Will County, Ill., to a point in the Illi-
nois River at or near Utica, in LaSalle County,
Ill., to provide for the issuance of bonds to pay
for said deep waterway, to provide for the de-
velopment and utilization of the water power
that may be generated from the water flowing
through said waterway, and to create a commis-
sion to be known as the Illinois Waterway Com-
mission to carry out the provisions of this Act..

88 An Act making an appropriation for the purpose of
providing for the construction of a deep water-
way or canal, running from the water power plant
of the Sanitary District of Chicago at or near
Lockport, Will County, Ill., to a point in the
Illinois River at or near Utica, LaSalle County,
Ill.. and for the development of the water power
which may be generated from the water flowing
through said waterway, the erection of a power
plant and the payment of salaries and adminis-
tration expenses of a commission created to have
charge of the construction of said waterway, in
accordance with an Act of this General Assembly
for that purpose.....

89 An Act to amend section 1 of an Act entitled, "An
Act to revise the law in relation to marriage,"
approved February 27, 1874, in force July 1, 1874
90 An Act to establish a State Athletic Commission
and to define the powers and duties thereof.....
91 An Act to amend an Act of the General Assembly
of the State of Illinois entitled, "An Act to revise
the law in relation to criminal jurisprudence,"
approved March 27, 1874, in force July 1, 1874, by
adding an new section thereto numbered 97a...

92 An Act to amend section 40 of an Act of the General
Assembly of the State of Illinois entitled, "An Act
for the conservation of game, wild fowls, birds
and fish of the State of Illinois; for the appoint-
ment of a commission and staff for the enforce-
ment thereof, and to repeal certain Actsrelating
thereto, approved June 23, 1913, in force July 1,

93 An Act to amend section eight (8) of "An Act to
establish and maintain parks and parkways in
towns and townships," approved May 29, 1911,
in force July 1, 1911.

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94 An Act to regulate the civil service in counties of
150,000 or more inhabitant


95 An Act to abolish the office of town or district tax

96 An Act to amend sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of an Act
entitled, "An Act to regulate and limit the hours
of employment of females in any mechanical or
mercantile establishment, or factory, or laundry,
hotel or restaurant, or telegraph or telephone es-
tablishment or office thereof, or in any place of
amusement, or by any express or transportation
or public utility business, or by any common
carrier, or in any public institution incorporated
or unincorporated, in this State, in order to safe-
guard the health of such employees; to provide
for its enforcement and a penalty for its viola-
tion," approved June 15, 1909, in force July 1,
1909, as amended by an Act approved June 10,
1911, 1, in force July 1, 1911, and to add additional
sections thereto be known as sections 6 and 7 and
to amend the title of said Act...

97 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act for the
conservation of game, wild fowl, birds and fish in
the State of Illinois, for the appointment of a com-
mission and the staff for the enforcement thereof
and to repeal certain Acts relating thereto," ap-
proved June 23, 1913, in force July 1, 1913, by
amending section four (4) thereof...

98 An Act to amend "An Act to provide for the con-
struction, reparation and protection of drains,
ditches and levees across the lands of others for
agricultural, sanitary and mining purposes, and
to provide for the organization of drainage dis-
tricts," approved and in force May 29, 1879; as
amended by an Act approved June 30, 1885, in
force July 1, 1885; as amended by an Act ap-
proved June 4, 1889, in force July 1, 1889; as
amended by an Act approved June 24, 1895, in
force July 1, 1895; as amended by an Act approved
May 10, 1901, in force July 1, 1901: as amended by
an Act approved May 14, 1903, in force July 1,
1903; as amended by an Act approved and in force
May 20, 1907; as amended by an Act approved

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