![[blocks in formation]](https://books.google.gr/books/content?id=sbT7FCPevH0C&hl=el&output=html_text&pg=PA1765&img=1&zoom=3&q=editions:LCCN50023134&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U1yvBD7hrtHypwRO-RqSjKzByTZVg&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=171,214,334,799)
proved June 11, 1897, in force July 1, 1897; as amended by an Act of the General Assembly, approved April 7, 1905, in force July 1, 1905; as amended by an Act of the General Assembly, approved June 10, 1909, in force July 1, 1909..... 189 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to pro- vide for the incorporation of cities and villages," approved April 10, 1872, in force July 1, 1872, and subsequent Acts amendatory thereto, by adding a new section to article VIII of said Act to be known as section 115a...
190 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to regu- late and fix the time of killing fur-bearing ani- mals," approved June 4, 1907, in force July 1, 1907, by amending section one (1) thereof..
191 An Act to provide for the creation by popular vote of anti-saloon residence district within which the sale of intoxicating liquor and the licensing of such sale shall be prohibited and for the abolition by like means of such district so created...... 192 An Act providing for the removal from office of certain public officers for misfeasance, malfeas- ance or nonfeasance in office
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193 An Act to amend section 67 of an Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the holding of primary elections by political parties," approved March 9, 1910, in force July 1, 1910; as amended by an Act approved May 27, 1912, in force July 1, 1912; as amended by an Act approved and in force March 30, 1912; as amended by an Act approved June 30, 1913, and in force July 1, 1913..
194 An Act making an appropriation for the erection of an armory in the city of Monmouth... 195 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to pro- vide for the setting apart, formation and disburse- ment of a house of correction employees' pension fund in cities having a population exceeding 150,000 inhabitants," approved and in force July 1, 1911..
196 An Act to amend section one (1) of "An Act to re- vise the law in relation to fences," approved March 21, 1874, in force July 1, 1874.....
197 An Act to amend an Actentitled, "An Act defining motor vehicles and providing for the registration of the same and of motor bicycles, and uniform rules regulating the use and speed thereof; pro- hibiting the use of motor vehicles without the consent of the owner and the offer or acceptance of any bonus or discount or other consideration for the purchase of supplies or parts for any such motor vehicle or for work or repairs done thereon by others, and defining chauffeurs and providing for the examination and licensing thereof, and to repeal certain Acts therein named," approved June 10, 1911, in force July 1, 1911, by amending section two (2) thereof...
198 An Act to amend section 3 of article IV of an Act entitled, "An Act to revise the law in relation to township organization," approved and in force March 4, 1874.
199 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to pro- vide for the regulation of public utilities," ap- proved June 30, 1913, in force January 1, 1914, by adding two (2) new sections thereto to be known as sections 10a and 10b...
200 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to con- solidate the offices of county treasurer and county assessor in counties not under township organi- zation," approved May 2, 1873, in force July 1, 1873, as amended by an Act approved May 10, 1881, in force July 1, 1881; by amending section one (1) thereof; by adding one new section there- to to be known as section two (2) and by amend-! ing the title of said Act
201 An Act to provide for the creation of anti-saloon territory by popular vote of an entire county within which territory the sale of intoxicating liquor and the licensing of such sale shall be pro- hibited and for the abolition by like means of territory so created...
202 An Act to regulate the shipment, transportation and delivery of intoxicating liquor 203 An Act relating to the extortion or attempted ex- tortion of money or property for the purpose of avoiding, settling or terminating disputes or con-l
troversies between associations or classes of work- men or workwomen and employees or property
204 An Act to amend section 54 of an Act entitled, "An Act to enable cities and villages to establish and regulate cemeteries," approved March 24, 1874, amended by an Act approved May 25, 1877, in force July 1, 1877, amended by an Act approved and in force June 14, 1883; as amended by an Act approved and in force March 3, 1905...
205 An Act making an appropriation for the mainte- nance, repairs and beautification of a monument to the memory of Elijah P. Lovejoy in the city of Alton.
206 An Act to provide for the retirement of employees of the State of Illinois, classified or unclassified service of the State....
207 An Act to amend section 94 of the Act entitled, "An Act concerning local improvements," ap- proved June 14, 1897, in force July 1, 1897, as amended by an Act approved and in force May 9, 1901.
208 An Act for the appropriation of five thousand (5,000) dollars to the commissioners appointed under an Act entitled, "An Act for the appoint- ment of ommissioners and making an appropria- tion for the construction and erection of a monu- ment in memory of a former Governor, Thomas Carlin, at Carrollton, Illinois," approved June 26, 1913, to complete such monument.
209 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act in re- gard to evidence and depositions in civil cases,"! approved March 29, 1872, in force July 1, 1872, as subsequently amended by amending sections (5), (24), (26), (28), and (29) thereof...
210 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act in re- gard to attachments in courts of record," ap- proved December 23, 1871, in force July 1, 1872, จิร subsequently amended by amending sections one (1) and four (4) thereof..
211 An Act for the preservation of community ceme-
212 An Act entitled, "An Act to cure defective titles
213 An Act to provide for the registration of all births, still births, and deaths in the State of Illinois, and to repeal an Act entitled, "An Actrequiring reports of births and deaths, and the recording of the same and prescribing a penalty for non- compliance with the provisions thereof, and re- pealing certain Acts therein named," approved May 6, 1903, in force July 1, 1903
![[blocks in formation]](https://books.google.gr/books/content?id=sbT7FCPevH0C&hl=el&output=html_text&pg=PA1768&img=1&zoom=3&q=editions:LCCN50023134&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U3iaA3PIdOS7JtPYDea_vhTp51pjg&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=345,120,269,892)
214 An Act to amend sections 4 and 9 of an Act en- titled, "An Act to revise the law inrelation to the sentence and commitment of persons convicted of crime, and providing for a system of parole, and to provide compensation for the officers of said system of parole," approved April 21, 1899, in force July 1, 1899; as amended by an Act ap- proved May 10, 1901, in force July 1, 1901; ās amended by an Act approved June 5, 1911, in force July 1, 1911.
215 An Act denying to municipal corporations and quasi-municipal corporations the right to pre- vent funerals from passing along any public street, boulevard or driveway
216 An Act to amend sections 1, 3 and 4 of an Act to provide for the formation and disbursement of a pension fund in cities, villages and incorporated towns having a population exceeding 100,000 inhabitants for municipal employees appointed to their positions under and by virtue of an Act entitled, "An Act to regulate the civil service of cities, approved and in force March 20, 1895, and for those who were appointed prior to the passage of said Act and who are now in theservice of such city, village or town," (approved May 31, 1911, in force July 1, 1911...
217 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to re- vise the law in relation to marriages," approved February 27, 1874, in force July 1, 1874, as sub- sequently amended by amending section fifteen (15) thereof.......
218 An Act to amend section two (2) of division eight (8) of an Act entitled, "An Act to revise the laws in relation to criminal jurisprudence," approved
March 27, 1874, in force July 1, 1874, as amended by subsequent Acts....
219 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act for the conservation of game, wild fowl, birds and fish in the State of Illinois, for the appointment of a commission and staff for the enforcement thereof, and to repeal certain Acts relating thereto,” approved June 23, 1913, in force July 1, 1913, by adding a new section thereto, to be known as section twenty-five-a (25a).....
220 An Act to amend section seventeen (17) of an Act entitled, "An Act to revise the law in relation to promissory notes, bonds, due bills, and other in- struments in writing," approved March 18, 1874 in force July 1, 1874, as amended by Act approved May 10, 1909, in force July 1, 1909....
221 An Act to amend section 115 of an Act entitled, "An Act to establish and maintain a system of free schools," approved and in force June 12, 1909. 222 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to pro- vide for the incorporation of cities and villages," approved April 10, 1872, in force July 1, 1872, as amended by subsequent Acts, by amending sec- tion one (1) of article four (4) and section thirteen (13) of article eleven (11) thereof.....
223 An Act to amend section 133 of an Act entitled, "An Act in regard to elections and to provide for filling vacancies in elective offices," approved April 3, 1872, in force July 1,
1,1872- 224 An Act to amend section 32 of "An Act to revise the law in relation to roads and bridges," approved June 27, 1913, in force July 1, 1913..
225 An Act to amend section 6 of the Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the organization, management and regulation of surety companies," approved and in force April 17, 1899.
226 An Act to amend section 7 of an Act entitled, "An Act to provide for and regulate the administra- tion of trusts by trust companies," approved June 15, 1887, and in force July 1, 1887
227 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to amend 'An Act concerning circuit courts and to fix the time for holding the same in the several counties in the judicial circuits of the State of Illinois, exclusive of the county of Cook," ap- proved May 24, 1879, in force July 1, 1879, ар- proved June 11, 1897, in force July 1, 1897, as amended by subsequent Acts, by amending sec- tion 6 thereof..
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