Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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507 An At to amend section 9 of "An Act to create
sanitary districts and to provide for sewage dis-
posal," approved June 5, 1911...

514 An Act for an appropriation to pay and reimburse
Henry C. Allen for the use and value of a motor
boat used and destroyed by fire in the service of
the State Fish and Game Commission

516 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to
authorize the organization of high school dis-
tricts," approved May 12, 1905, in force July 1,
1905, by adding thereto a new section to follow
the 8th and las section, to be known as section
nine (9)..

523 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to re-
vise the law in relation to roads and bridges," ap-
proved June 27, 1913, in force July 1, 1913, by
amending sections thirty-four (34) and thirty-five
(35) and adding three (3) new sections to be
known as sections 152a, 152b and 1520......

525 An Act to prevent the evasion of laws prohibi

528 An Act making an appropriation to meet the de-
ficiencies in the appropriations to the board of
commissioners of State contracts for the pur-
chase of printing paper and stationery, for public
printing, and for public binding under contract
by the State of Illinois.

529 An Act to amend section one hundred and eighty-
two of an Act entitled, "An Act for the assess-
ment of property and for the levy and collection
of taxes," approved March 20, 1872, in force July
1, 1872, with Acts amendatory thereof......

530 An Act to amend section twenty-nine of an Act
entitled, "An Act for the assessment of property
and providing the means therefor, and to repeal
a certain Act therein named," approved Febru-
ary 25, 1898, and in force July 1, 1898, with Acts
amendatory thereof.....

534 An Act to amend section 420 of an Act entitled,
"An Act to enable cities, towns, villages, organ-
ized under any general or special law, to levy and
collect a tax or license fee from foreign insurance
companies for the benefit of organized fire depart-
ments," which Act become a law May 31, 1895,
in force July 1, 1895, and as amended by an Act
approved June 19, 1909, in force July 1, 1909..

536 An Act entitled, "An Act making an appropriation
for the payment of the amounts awarded by the
court of claims to certain persons and companies
named therein..

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Title of bill.

537 An Act to provide for the election of supervisors in
the county of Cook, and to fix their term of office
538 An Act to amend section 7 of an Act entitled, "An
Act to provide for and regulate the administra-
tion of trusts by trust companies," approved
June 15, 1887, and in force July 1, 1887, as amended
539 An Act to amend section 6 of the Act entitled, "An
Act to provide for the organization, management
and regulation of surety companies," approved
and in force April 17, 1899

541 An Act to provide for a deficiency in the office of
the chief inspector of private employment agen-
cies for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1915.

545 An Act to amend section 3 of an Act entitled, "An
Act relating to fire-escapes in hotels, inns and
public lodging houses, and providing that such
buildings shall be equipped with appliances for
the safety of guests in case of fire and providing
penalties for the violation of the provisions there-
of, and repealing all Acts and parts of Acts in
conflict therewith," approved June 26, 1913, in
force July 1, 1913...








554 An Act making an appropriation of the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000) for the payment of damages for injuries suffered by and as compensation for injury to Thresa Guppy and providing for the payment of said amount out of the State









sale of goods.

557 An Act to make uniform the law relating to the 558 An Act making an appropriation to compensate Charles Alling, formerly attorney for the Illinois State Board of Health, for the loss of his right eye 559 An Act giving to the trustees of schools, board of school inspectors, board of education or other corporate authority managing and controlling the public schools of any school district existing by virtue of any special charter and governed by any or all such special charters or special or general school laws of this State, and having a population of fewer than 500, 000 inhabitants, the power to acquire property, and to have the com

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pensation to be paid therefor determined by the
exercise of the right of eminent domain..


561 An Act to amend section 5 of an Act entitled, "An
Act to establish and maintain a system of free
schools," approved and in force June 12, 1909.
562 An Act to amend section eight (8) of an Act entitled,
"An Act to revise the law in relation to the sup-
pression and prevention of the spread of con-
tagious and infectious diseases among domestic
animals," approved June 14, 1909, in force July
1, 1909..

565 An Act to regulate the profession of public account-
574 An Act making an appropriation to meet a de-
ficiency in the office and other expenses of the
Legislative Reference Bureau...

575 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to revise
the law in relation to roads and bridges," ap-
proved June 27, 1913, in force July 1, 1913, by
amending sections 9 and 32 thereof..

582 An Act entitled, "An Act for the prevention of
blindness from ophthalmia neonatorum; defining
ophthalmia neonatorum; designating certain
powers and duties and otherwise providing for
the enforcement of this Act.....

586 An Act making an appropriation to meet a de-
ficiency in the appropriation for the ordinary ex-
penses of the Southern Illinois Penitentiary for
the two years ending July 1, 1915, and declaring
an emergency


605 An Act making an appropriation for county fairs or
other agricultural societies of the State of Illinois
616 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Acttorevise
the law in relation to attorneys and counsellors,"
approved March 28, 1874, in force July 1, 1874, as
subsequently amended by amending section 8

620 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Acttorevise
the law in relation to criminal jurisprudence,"
approved March 27, 1874, in force July 1, 1874, as
subsequently amended, commonly known as the
Criminal Code, by amending section 204, as the
same is numbered in said Criminal Code....


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1010 1079, 1123


1079, 1123, 1123














Title of bill.

626 An Act to re-appropriate the unexpended balance
of appropriations made by an Act entitled, "An
Act in relation to procuring of sites and for the
erection of armory buildings for the use of the
Illinois National Guard and Illinois Naval Re-
serve and making an appropriation therefor,"
approved June 9, 1911, in force July 1, 1911, and a
further Act entitled, "An Act in relation to pro-
curing of sites and for the erection of armory
buildings for the use of the Illinois National
Guard and making appropriation therefor, and
for the purchase of sites and armory buildings at
Kewanee and Morrison, Illinois," approved June
28, 1913, and in force July 1, 1913, and a further
Act entitled, "An Act making an appropriation
of additional sums for the completion of armories
now under construction," approved June 25,
1913, in force July 1, 1913, and a further Act en-
titled, "An Act making an appropriation of the
proceeds of the sale of the building and lands now
owned by the State of Illinois and used for an
armory by the 2d Regiment, Illinois National
Guard," approved June 21, 1813, in force July 1,

633 An Act to provide for the ordinary and contingent
expenses of the Illinois National Guard and Illi-
nois Naval Reserve.

639 An Act concerning real estate agency corporations
641 An Act making appropriation of additional sums
for the completion of armories now under con-

647 An Act making an appropriation of the sum of
seven hundred and fifty dollars for the payment
of damages for injuries suffered by, and as com-
pensation for the injury to Bertha Stilley

648 An Act making an appropriation of the sum of
seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500)
for the payment of damages and as compensation
to Sadie Jasper, administratrix of the estate of
John Jasper, deceased, on account of the death of
the said John Jasper

653 An Act in relation to procuring of site and erection
of armory building for the use of the Illinois

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National Guard, and Illinois Naval Reserve, and
making appropriation therefor.

654 An Act to amend "An Act to revise the laws relat-
ing to charities," approved June 11, 1912, in force
July 1, 1912, by adding thereto a new provision
to be known as section 4k.....

655 An Act to better provide for the care and detention
of feeble-minded persons..


663 An Act to amend sections 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 17, 21, 39,
39a, 40, and 40a of an Act entitled, "An Act to
prevent fraud in the sale of dairy products, their
Imitation or substitutes, to prohibit and prevent
the manufacture and sale of unhealthful, adul-
terated or misbranded foods, liquors or dairy
products, to provide for the appointment of a
State food commissioner and his assistants, to de-
fine their powers and duties and to repeal all Acts
relating to the production, manufacture and sale
of dairy and food products and liquors in conflict
herewith," approved May 14, 1907, and in force
July 1, 1907, as amended by subsequent Acts....
667 An Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the organ-
ization and management of mutual insurance
corporations, other than life; and repealing
certain Acts and parts of Acts therein referred to

677 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act con-
cerning local improvements," approved June 14,
1897, and in force July 1, 1897, as amended...

687 An Act to amend section 2 of an Act entitled, “An
Act concerning the levy and extension of taxes,"
approved May 9, 1901, in force July 1, 1901; as
amended by an Act approved March 29, 1905, in
force July 1, 1905; as amended by an Act approved
June 14, 1909, in force July 1, 1909; as amended by
an Act approved May 20, 1913, in force July 1, 1913
693 An Act making an appropriation for completing
the installation of two (2) electric passenger
elevators in the Capitol Building at Springfield
694 An Act to provide for the installation and extension
of equipment in the light, heat and power plant
and in the Capitol Building at Springfield, Illi-
nois, and making an appropriation therefor.

695 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act in re-
gard to limitations," approved April 14, 1872, in
force July 1, 1872, as amended by subsequent Acts
by adding an additional section thereto to be
known as section 111⁄2..




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