507 An At to amend section 9 of "An Act to create 514 An Act for an appropriation to pay and reimburse 516 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to 523 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to re- 525 An Act to prevent the evasion of laws prohibi 528 An Act making an appropriation to meet the de- 529 An Act to amend section one hundred and eighty- 530 An Act to amend section twenty-nine of an Act 534 An Act to amend section 420 of an Act entitled, 536 An Act entitled, "An Act making an appropriation RECORD OF HOUSE BILLS IN THE SENATE-Continued. No. Title of bill. 537 An Act to provide for the election of supervisors in 541 An Act to provide for a deficiency in the office of 545 An Act to amend section 3 of an Act entitled, "An 1434 1464 1435 1383 1308 1311 1311 554 An Act making an appropriation of the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000) for the payment of damages for injuries suffered by and as compensation for injury to Thresa Guppy and providing for the payment of said amount out of the State treasury.. 1371 1371 1387 1371 1432 1508 1508 sale of goods. 557 An Act to make uniform the law relating to the 558 An Act making an appropriation to compensate Charles Alling, formerly attorney for the Illinois State Board of Health, for the loss of his right eye 559 An Act giving to the trustees of schools, board of school inspectors, board of education or other corporate authority managing and controlling the public schools of any school district existing by virtue of any special charter and governed by any or all such special charters or special or general school laws of this State, and having a population of fewer than 500, 000 inhabitants, the power to acquire property, and to have the com pensation to be paid therefor determined by the ... 561 An Act to amend section 5 of an Act entitled, "An 565 An Act to regulate the profession of public account- 575 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to revise 582 An Act entitled, "An Act for the prevention of 586 An Act making an appropriation to meet a de- ... 605 An Act making an appropriation for county fairs or 620 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Acttorevise 1407 1269 1423 807 812 867 812 898 985 985 1010 1010 1068 1010 1079, 1123 1152 1079, 1123, 1123 1152 1012 1434 1438 1499 1576 1487 ..... .. 1576 RECORD OF HOUSE BILLS IN THE SENATE-Continued. No. Title of bill. 626 An Act to re-appropriate the unexpended balance 633 An Act to provide for the ordinary and contingent 639 An Act concerning real estate agency corporations 647 An Act making an appropriation of the sum of 648 An Act making an appropriation of the sum of 653 An Act in relation to procuring of site and erection 1146 1374 1146 1428 1505 1505 1142 1143 1178 1143 1301 1414 1414 1145 1164 National Guard, and Illinois Naval Reserve, and 654 An Act to amend "An Act to revise the laws relat- 655 An Act to better provide for the care and detention 1141 663 An Act to amend sections 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 17, 21, 39, 677 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act con- 687 An Act to amend section 2 of an Act entitled, “An 695 An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act in re- 1382 1009 806 ..... 1409 1484 1555 1555 .. ...... |