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the process. What is meant by similar fractions? Dissimilar fractions? When have similar fractions their least common denominator? Give the principles relating to the common and least common denominator of fractions. What is the rule for finding the least common denominator of several fractions?

What kind of fractions only can be added? Why? What must be done with dissimilar fractions before they can be added? How should mixed numbers be added? What kind of fractions only can he subtracted? What must be done to dissimilar fractions before they can be subtracted? How could mixed numbers be subtracted?

What is Case I in multiplication of fractions? What principle underlies the process? Demonstrate the truth of the principle. What is Case II? What is the principle? What is Case III? What is the general rule for multiplication of fractions? Solve and explain the following: Multiply by .

What is Case I in division of fractions? What principle underlies the process? Show by an example that the principle is true. What is Case II? Give the rule for dividing an integer by a fraction. What is Case III? Solve the following: What is the value of ÷? Give an analysis and explanation of the process. Give the general rule for division of fractions. Describe what are included among fractional forms. How are they simplified? What is Case I in fractional relation of numbers? What is the principle upon which relation of numbers is based? What is Case II? Illustrate each case by an example.

What is a decimal fraction? From what is the word decimal derived? How are decimal fractions expressed? How are decimals distinguished from integers? State the principles of decimal fractions. Show each to be true. What is the decimal point? What other name has it? What is a pure decimal? What is a mixed deci mal? What is a complex decimal? Name the orders of decimals as far as ten-millionths. How does the place occupied by any order of decimals compare with that occupied by integers of the corresponding name?

How are decimals reduced to a common denominator? Explain the process. How are common fractions reduced to decimals? Analyze the process. If a common fraction can not be exactly reduced to a decimal, what is done? How do addition and subtraction of decimals compare with the same processes in integers?

What is the principle upon which multiplication of decimals is based? Show that it is true. How may a decimal be multiplied by 1 with any number of ciphers annexed? What is the principle upon which the process of division of decimals is based? How may a decimal be divided by 1 with any number of ciphers annexed?

How may we multiply by a number that is a little less than a unit of the next higher order? How may we multiply when one part of the multiplier is a factor of another part? How may we multiply by

a number that is a part of some higher unit? What is an aliquot part of a number? What are the common aliquot parts of 10? What of 100? How is the cost found when the quantity and price per 100 or 1000 are given?

What is a debt? Define what is meant by a credit; a debtor; a creditor; an account; the balance of an account; a bill; the footing of a bill. State some of the more common abbreviations used in business correspondence.

Tell what a concrete number is; an abstract number; a denominate number; a simple denominate number; a compound denominate number; a standard unit; a scale. Illustrate each of the preceding by an appropriate example. How many kinds of numerical scales are there?

What is money? Of how many kinds is it? What is coin, or specie? What is paper money? Give the table and denominations of the currency of the United States. What are the ordinary coins? What are the denominations and coins of Canada? Give the table of English money and the coins in common use. What are the currency and coins of France?

What is meant by reduction of denominate numbers? What is reduction descending? Give the rule. What is reduction ascending? Give the rule.

Define and illustrate what is meant by space, a line, a surface, a solid. For what are linear measures used? Repeat the table of Linear Measure, and of Surveyor's Linear Measure. What is an angle? A square? A square inch? A rectangle? What is the area of a surface? How is the area of a rectangular surface computed? Repeat the table of Square Measure, and of Surveyors' Square Measure. What is a solid? A cube? A cubic inch? A cubic foot? The volume or solid contents? How is the volume of a rectangular solid computed? Repeat the tables of Cubic Measure, and Wood and Stone Measure.

What are the measures of capacity? Recite the table of Liquid Measure. In estimating the capacity of cisterns, etc., how many gallons are considered a barrel? How many a hogshead? How many cubic inches are there in a gallon? Repeat the table of Apothecaries'. Fluid Measure. For what is Dry Measure used? Repeat the table. How many cubic inches are there in a bushel?

What is weight? For what is Avoirdupois Weight used? Repeat the table. How many pounds are there in the long ton? How many grains are there in an avoirdupois pound? For what is Troy Weight used? Repeat the table. How many grains are there in a Troy pound? For what is Apothecaries' Weight used? Repeat the table. How many grains are there in a pound Apothecaries' Weight?

Repeat the table of Measures of Time. Explain how often leap year occurs. What is a circle? What is the circumference of a circle? An arc of a circle? A degree of the circumference? What is the measure of an angle? Repeat the table of Circular Measure. What a quadrant? A sextant? Give the Stationers' Table and the table of Counting. Give the cases in Reduction of Denominate Fractions. Solve an example illustrative of each case and explain the process. How do the fundamental processes in Compound Denominate Numbers compare with the same processes in Simple Numbers? How does the number of degrees apparently passed over by the sun compare with the number of hours occupied in passing that distance? The number of minutes of space with the number of minutes of time? The seconds of space with the seconds of time? showing the relation between longitude and time. ian? What is longitude? Give the rule for finding the difference in time when the difference in longitude of two places is given. Give the rule for finding the difference in longitude of two places when their difference in time is given.

Repeat the table What is a merid

What is the unit of length in the Metric System of measures? To what is it nearly equal? What is the metric unit of area? What the unit of solidity? What the unit of capacity? What the unit of weight?

Define per cent. What is the commercial sign of per cent.? Of what does Percentage treat? How may per cent. be expressed? What elements are involved in problems in Percentage? What is meant by the base? The rate? The percentage? The amount? The difference? What are the five fundamental problems or cases in

Percentage? Solve an example illustrating each, and give a rule for each case.

What is interest? Define the terms principal; amount; rate of interest; legal interest; usury; a note or promissory note. Give three methods for computing interest. What is compound interest? Give the rule for computing compound interest. How is the compound interest table formed? What is meant by annual interest? Give the rule for computing annual interest. In what respect does compound interest differ from annual interest?

What are partial payments? What is an indorsement? What is the Mercantile Rule for computing the amount due when partial payments have been made? When is the Mercantile Rule used? What is the principle upon which the United States Rule is based? Give the United States Rule. When the principal, rate, and interest are given, how is the time found? When the principal, time, and interest are given, how is the rate found? When the rate, time, and interest are given, how is the principal found?

What is a promissory note? Who is the maker or drawer? Who is the payee? Who is the holder? Who is the indorser? In how many ways may he indorse? What is the face of a note? When is a note negotiable? When is a note not negotiable? What are days of grace? Write a negotiable note and transfer it by indorsement.

What is discount? What is commercial discount? What is net price? What is the cash value of a bill? In cases where there is a discount of some per cent., as 20% off and 5% off for cash, upon what sum is the 5% computed? What is true discount? Define present 'worth. Give the rule for solving problems in true discount. What is a bank? A check? Bank discount? The proceeds or avails of a note? The maturity of a note? The term of discount? How is the bank discount computed? Is it right or wrong in principle? How can we find how large to make a note that we may have a certain sum left after paying the discount at a bank?

What elements in Profit and Loss correspond to the base, rate, per centage, amount, and difference? What is the principle upon which computations in Profit and Loss are based?

Define the terms commission merchant or agent; commission; a consignment; consignor; consignee; the net proceeds. What elements in commission correspond to base, rate, percentage, amount, and difference? Upon what principle is commission based?

What is a tax? What is real estate? What is personal property? What is a property tax? What is a personal tax? Who is an assessor? What is an assessment roll? Explain how taxes are levied and the individual taxes computed. Explain the formation of the assessor's table. What are duties or customs? What is meant by specific duty? Ad valorem duty? Tare? Leakage and breakage? Custom-houses?

What is meant by the terms, a company; a corporate company or corporation; a charter; capital stock; a share of stock; a certificate of stock; par value; above par; below par; market value? What is an installment? What is an assessment? What is a dividend? Describe a bond and coupons. How are Government securities designated? Name the various classes of Government securities, and state the rate of interest they bear. In what are all Government bonds payable? In what is the interest of all Government bonds payable? What are stocks? Who is a stock-broker? What is brokerage? What elements in the subject of stocks correspond to base, percentage, amount, and difference? What is meant by the expressions, stock is selling at 831, 112, etc.? If the market value and rate of premium or discount are giver, how can the par value be found?

What is insurance? Of how many kinds is it? What is property insurance? What is a policy? What is the premium? Of how many kinds are insurance companies with regard to the parties who participate in the profits? What is a mutual insurance company? What is a stock company? What is a mixed company? What are the elements involved in insurance that correspond to base, rate, and percentage? What is personal insurance? What is a life policy? What an endowment policy? What an accident or health policy?

What is exchange? Explain the method. What is a draft or bill of exchange? Write a draft. How many parties are there connected with a draft primarily? Who is the drawer? The drawee? The payee? What is a sight draft? A time draft? What is meant by accepting a draft? Of how many kinds is exchange? What is domestic exchange? State and solve examples illustrating the rules. What is foreign exchange? What is a set of exchange? Upon what cities in Europe are drafts more commonly drawn? What is the value in United States gold coin of a sovereign? What is the value of a franc? Solve an example illustrating the principles of foreign exchange.

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