Monograph on the Fossil Reptilia of the Wealden and Purbeck Formations, Τόμος 1Palaeontographical Society, 1864 |
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
alveolar anchylosed angle antero-posterior diameter articular end articular surface articulation base bone border breadth British Museum caudal vertebræ cavity centrum cervical cervical vertebræ Cetiosaurus character convex coracoid Crocodiles Crocodilian crown Cuvier dentary diapophysis Dinosaurian distal end dorsal vertebræ Echinodon expanded extent femur fore fossil FOSSIL REPTILIA genus groove hind hinder humerus Hylæosaurus Iguana Iguanodon Iguanodon Mantelli inch 3 lines inner side interspace Isle of Wight Lacertian Lizards longitudinal lower jaw mandibular Mantell margin maxillary Megalosaurus metacarpal metapodial middle Monograph neural arch neurapophysis obliquely Oolitic Palæontographical Pelorosaurus phalanx plate portion posterior present proportion proximal end Purbeck ramus reptile resembles ridge sacral vertebræ sacrum Saurian scapula scutes serrations shaft skeleton slightly concave sockets species specimen spine Stonesfield Streptospondylus Sussex suture teeth Teleosaurus terminal thick tooth transverse diameter transverse process ungual phalanx upper vertical diameter Wealden WEALDEN AND PURBECK Wealden of Tilgate young Iguanodon