Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

(7) 8)2768096 (8) 9)6768094

(10) 12)276484

(9) 10)2762764

Case 2. When the Divisor consists of many Places or Figures.


1. If the Divisor be a less Number than so many Figures taken in the Dividend, see how often the first Figure of the Divisor is contained in the first Figure of the Dividend, and the Figure which expresses it is the first of the Quotient; by which multiply the Divisor, and place the Product under the said Figures of the Dividend, and draw a line underneath it: subtract it therefrom, and to the remainder annex the following Figure of the Dividend, then proceed as before.

2. But if it happen that the Divisor be a greater Number than so many Figures of the Dividend; you must take a Number of places in the Dividend greater by one, and see how often the first Figure in the Divisor is contained in the first two of the Dividend, allowance being made for what you carry from the Figure on the right.

3. If in any Case the Remainder be so small, that when the Figure of the Dividend, joined with it, makes a Sum less than the Divisor, then a Cipher is to be placed in the Quotient, and another Figure brought down, and then proceed as before; this is called Long Division.

[blocks in formation]

(15) 3065)63463902247( (20) 476085)98839054780(

(21) 4728395)27750950255(

Case 3. When the Divisor has Ciphers on the right-hand.


Strike them off, and so many of the last Figures in the Dividend: divide by those Figures of the Divisor that are left when the Ciphers are omitted. But when the Division is ended, those Ciphers so omitted in the Divisor, and the Figures cut off in the Dividend, are both to be restored to their own places.

(22) 2800)11928248(




Note-When the Dividend has the same Number of O's on the right-hand as the Divisor, strike them off from each, and the Remainder will be so many of what you divide by, without annexing the O's that were struck off.


(25) 6970000)599430000(

(24) 473000)351858000(

Case 4. When the Divisor is such a Number, that any two Figures in the Multiplication Table, being multiplied together, will produce the said Divisor.


Divide the given Number by one of those Figures, and that Quotient again by the other, which will give the Quotient required.

Note. Observe, that if there be a Remainder in the last Division, it will be so many times the first Divisor; which, added to the first Remainder, if any, will give the true one.

[blocks in formation]

Case 5. When the learner is pretty well versed in Division, he may subtract each Figure of the Product, as he produces it, and so only write the Remainder, which will shorten the Work, and be much the best way, when the Divisor is small.


(34) 17)690489(

(35) 86)5343698(

(36) 467)2148686(
(37) 6074)24939844(

[blocks in formation]

The WEIGHT and VALUE of such GOLD and SILVER

COINS as are most commonly used in ENGLAND.

[blocks in formation]

We also have had Portugal Money in use here, the Value and

Weight of which are as follow:

[blocks in formation]

A Pound of Copper Avoirdupois is coined into twenty-three Pence; consequently a Halfpenny is one third of an Ounce

nearly, and a Farthing one sixth.

[blocks in formation]

TEACHETH to reduce all great Numbers into small, by multiplying the given Number by so many of the next lower Name as make one of the higher; still keeping them equivalent in Value, and is called Reduction descending: on the contrary, all small Names are brought into great, by dividing the given number by so many of the lesser Name as make one of the next greater; this is the reverse of the last, and is termed Reduction ascending.


(1) In 27l. how many Shillings and Pence?

(2) Reduce 6480 Pence to Shillings and Pounds.

(3) How many Shillings, Pence, and Farthings, are there

in 40l. 10s.?

(4) In 38880 Farthings how many Pounds?

(5) Reduce 1041. 17s. 6d. to Farthings.

(6) How many Pounds in 100683 Farthings?


(7) In 21 Guineas, how many Shillings, Pence, and Far


(8) Reduce 21168 Farthings to Guineas.

(9) In 42 Moidores how many Farthings?

(10) How many Moidores in 54432 Farthings?

[blocks in formation]

By this Weight are weighed Gold, Silver, Jewels, Amber,

and all Liquors.

N. B. 14oz. 11dwts. 15-grs. Troy, are equal to 1 Pound Avoirdupois.


(1) In 24lb. of Silver, how many Ounces, Penny-weights, and Grains?

(2) Reduce 138240 grs. to dwts. oz. and lb.

(3) In an Ingot of Silver, weighing 12lb. 10oz. 22grs. how

many Grains?

(4) Reduce 73942 grs. to Pounds.


[blocks in formation]

Apothecaries, in making up their medicines, use this Weight, but they buy and sell their drugs by the Avoirdupois Weight.


(5) In 14lb. how many Ounces, Drams, Scruples, and


(6) Reduce 80640 grs. to 9, 3, 3, and 15.

(7) How many Grains in 4 15, 11 3,2 9, 17 grs.?

(8) In 28377 grs. how many Pounds?


[blocks in formation]


28 Pounds

Quarter of Cwt.

make one


4 Quarters or 112lb.



20 Hundred


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